
Litija, Saturday, 2uth january 1946 A. về Page TOR the agece the terSASTRERIA tinot eek real King Notice heit DARING ROBBERY HAS BEEN COMMITTED Píldoras RICES VESICA DeWitt The People House Heaven and a with an HOTEL CALIFORNIA LOS DOLORES DE CINTURA GROCERY AND CANTINA BATAAN Avenida Central. Facing otics Prima S 100 yards South Atlantie Railway Station DESAPARECEN (Corner Sia Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON San José It is the high quality of our liquors and other drake cuando los riñones vuelver T why our friends of BATAAN. THIS CITY Conveniently situste Confortable Rooms Ho a la normalidad COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen and Cud Water Baths Eycellent Sanitary Sery.
Si usted pudece frecuentes dolores EXCELSIOR de cintura, es muy probable que es our establishment as their meeting center. Homelike environment. New furniture and rinones no funcionan brew TAILOR equipment Varied and whoieseome Food Entre los órganos más atareados THE HOUSEWIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR Respectability and Courtesy del organismo, estan los rinones. Actúan como CROCERY COUNTER: 1 Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests filtros encargados de Tad eliminar de la sangre Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are Reasonable Prices Las imporezas y vene nos.
THE BEST Los riñones de SYDNEY COX Manager biles e inactivos no Corbetta: preden realizar esta tarea wil Commerce Avenue, Next to the British en debida forma. Mientras 00 seat activados usted no podrá amb Vice Consulate and Airpian Bookin Office aliviar sus dolores sordos o agudos.
ONWARD TO FINAL. turned to England rejoicing He aqui por qus Padoras SE VENDE De Witt para los Riñones y la From page their had marvenous puwers of in of Spain beard. and pray in the singeing of the King Vejiga sou elaboradas especial mente para que obren directa mente sobre los riones. Por Mar spiring his followers to face ing to the Lord of all este motivo alivian los dolores the danger and disease and, in Strength to put into Her Ma UNA MAQUINA DE ESCRIBIR de cintar desde las primeras dosis. Dentro de las 24 eart 1972 in a desperate night as jesty and her people courage horas de haber empezado a tomari, la orina se tomar sault, he seized Nombre ne and boldness not to fear any azulada. Esto demuestra que el ex un notable antiséptico libra los niñoDios, finding stacks of huge invasion of her country, but celente antiseptico que contienen las nes de las impurezas y venenos que ace EN MUY BUENAS CONDICIONES Pndors De Witt ejerce su ncción en los obstruyen Peonto los riñones silver bar s, gold, pearls and to seek God enemies and To Members of Cacao Cooperation la propia raiz del mal: en los riñones, vuelven a la normalidad. Los vojewels, far more than his nenos e imporcs son eliminados de Her Majesty where they Tan pronto como llegan a los riño(Mixta)
nes, los fingredientes mediciones de la sangre. Stis dolores en la catura hei ships coutu carry. He told his inay be found.
Entenderse con: José Thomas. o coyunturas desaparecerán.
Limón las Pildoras De Witt ejefen su acción benéfica, aliviando la inflamat Si usted padece dolores de cintura, Hou weary men that he had broOur Prices for the following Products ar ción, descongestionando y restable debe tratarlos en forma Combat her ught them to the mouth of Cuarto 8 enfrente de la Iglesia Católica History recorded that in.
ciendo el buen funcionamiento de directamente la causa verdadera del mead the Treasure of the Worla, 1588 came that night in Eng CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones dichos órganos. Al inismo tiempo, mal, con la but they saw how sorely he land unlike all others in its COCOANUT PITH, per quinta! 66. 00 Colones was wounded and forcibly history when beacons blazed ation carried film back to his ship from every hill and the Span COCOANUTS, per hundred. 28. 00 Colones We learm with deep regret by wrenching up several of Pues His brother John had been ish Armada was actually HULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones of the robbery that was the flooring boards and looth Faith killed in the fight and Joseph sighted. Drake was playing Especialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Dolores en las hich died of alfever, but forcing bowls with other Command recently taken place at the the things destined for the All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense rectory of Marks of the Au use of the servants of God mied his way through forests ers at Plymouth when the of the Cacao Co operation glican Denomination, The perpetrator of such a DO YOUR SHOPPING AT Francis is said to have look news reached him and ex of According to what we gat crime has heaped an unqueaed on the great Pacific Ocean Claimed: There is plenty o: RAUL e Mi the first Englishman to sight time to win this game and VELAZQUEZ her the thief or thieves made chable coal of fire on his eath entrance it, and he hasi besought God trash the Spaniards, too. it into the building own head; a fire that will until of His goodness to give him said the Armada which was continue alive and falt upon his third and fourth genera life and leave to sail once in blessed by the Pope and of the disabled Armada even For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele tion; for those innocena offs DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIEs, Etc.
itish an English ship in that sea bearing his curse on England more perilous and finally de The People Tailor He was cut off his ships but. the mighty fleet was seen cided the contest. The storin, prings we sympathize, but NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO Soit is divinely said and its he and four other lashed approaching proudly down according to the report is 941.
PLEASE YOU true. That the sins of the fat trunks of trees together the Channel, but its gunners mentioned to have shaken hers will visit the succeeding Bri and, on this rude craft sailed were inexperienced and the JACK ORANE, SUCS.
and Earth generations, even to the third sa in quest of his flect, falling guns were small, so that the FOR SALE the in with sit after hours of huge ships were soon riddled winds and FOR SALE and fourth LIMON waves fought This is another visible work kind dangerous navigation. Laden by the shots of their active mightily for England. Not of idle hands in this city and heir with spoil we reached Eng. oponents who fired from safe single English ship is stater insuffinency of po land in August 1573.
ied: FOOTBALL ENCOUNTER distances. Drake, who was to have been lost while many TYPEWRITER IN VERY GOOD CONDITION lice vigilance. These robbe Bri Setting forth to search for Lieutenant of the English Spanish vessels were dasheri ries are generally in order to Basing one opinion on past Entertaining a large nuntthe Scottish coast Ire.
fresh kingdoms, he coasted Fleet, in his ship Revenge on nce: sell the thing taken and ber of foot ball enthusiaste experience we had hoped to the Braziis, passed through justified his Tame by engag land coast and their crews would be purchasers would the Jupiter team, and the re witness a tightly contested the Magonali Straits reach. ing a great galleon which he perished miserably Room Nº in house front of the y descreionally detaint inforced Limon Junior took match but disappointingly the ing Shapes and Lima. boarded and took with a trea After spending five quiet secretary summon the playground on Sunday the Jupiters failed to measure anc mongst ble plunder was a sure of about 55, 000 ducats, years in Devon, the Queen the police many of the robbers afternoon the 20th of the pre up to our expectation; admis the cross di golu beset with eme Gallantly the English vessels and her Council decided that Limon Roman Catholic Church: would be trapped.
sent month ting, however, that great se raids with the figure cut out fought, but the English com defense against Spain must strides were shown and with grim determination an emerald. Finding that the manders saw too well the be succeeded by action and on the om ALL SHOULD CO OPERATE Spaniards were on his track strong position of the Span again Drake was sent to sea countenances of the Juniors, end tie daringly altered his course ish Armada to trust alone to His last expedition in comIn order to obtain the most waiting, rom start to finish to deter er and said to Java and the fighting and, in the night pany with Hawkins was tra WELCOMING MRS. HILDA FARRELL efficient service of the city We recommend that when their opponents from any ist: Celebes reaching England by eight great fireships blazed gically unsuccesful. At Port: Red Cross Ambulance and in the Ambulance is regnea honour of the day, they held We heartily and sincerely wel tional and ministerial work ers the Caps o. ood Hope. their way into the Spanish Rico on November 12th, 1595 order for the vehicle to serve to convey the sick the fort and when the final th the first Englishman to cir Tines causing such aread Hawkins died, broken over Core Mrs. Hilda Rogers de Fa the Seventh Day Adventist De the greatest number it is thing is to be in readiness whistle sounded, the Juniors rrell, the esteemed daughter of nomination. They are now an cumnavigate the globe. He that the galleon took to dis over the lack of results and quite necessary that then summon the relighted the glee fire with our good friends, Mr. and Mrs. assigned to the Republic of Pa should act with good judg this is the better way then five goals against a shut ou.
had encountered such dang orderea flight in the direc Drake, deceived and repulnt!
ers that duly one of his five tion of Gravelines. Here sed at Rio de la Hacha, Santa members of the family. She is ren are enjoying a reunion with operation, and not as we re to the greatest rumtex John Rogers other nama. Mrs. Farrell and her chil ment and give intelligent co sume a more efficient service for the Jupiters.
ships reached England, but Drake took them in hand Marta and Nombre de Dios, it brought treasures worth and closed with them till he he died from a deadly jungle teh wife of Elders Sam Farrent or parents and vetiver une cently learned that on sever ne thousands of English Pounds. was forced to desist as his fever on January 28th 1596.
who had laboured here for are being greeted on every hand Occassions the Ambulance The Golden Hind which ammunition was exahusted In the great war on which many years both in the educahas been called and on its he was the name of the vessel Three great galleons had we commenced this Article arrival the choffer has is NOTICE was visita By Her Majesty, sunk, three had drifted on to the Tame of Drake lives in wait for some half hour or queen Elizabeth of that reign the Flemish coast, but the the hearts of his countrymen more until the patient is Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de and she knigthed the com bulk of the Spanish vessels and again and again his pray AVISO! AVISO!
made tidy for transportation ing Requirements to Feria dirijase an mander. Five years after Sir still remained and to Drakeers were on the lips of those to the hospital or the Und sue Francis went forth as Admi they seemed Wonderfully engaged in the struggle Medical and Sanitary Dapat heral of the Queen Ships to great and strong On that Por no poderse atender personalmente se vende la ROIG Oh Lord God when Thou ment.
seek to stay the threatened memorable pand gallant ocgivest to Thy servants to This is not the right inte Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos invasion of England. Enter casion we recall the writings endeavour any great of march for while the seri ing the Roads of Cadiz on of Sir Francis Drake There CAFETERIA CASINO matter ice is being detained cases PO BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 April 18th, 1587, he attacked, was never anything please Grant us also to know that aver nature may be in et sank and destroyed eighty me better than seeing the it is not the Beginning Frente Almacen de los Peña Spanish vessels. At Cape St enemy flying with a south but the Continuing of mel Vincent, the battleder wonerly wind to the northward the same CIUDAD DE LIMON the forts and demolished about But when on August 2, he Until it be thoroughly fin one hundred ships. Then. was obliged to stay the purБt ished which yieldeth the Entenderse con la dueña en el mismo negocio capturing a fine ship Haden suit; a terrible tempest true Glory.
with rich merchandise he re broke rendering the position LEFT FOR SCHOOL Our young and friend His Church, hisobedience and Guillermo Sinclair Rodriquez will love to his Fathers in God are all be absent from his grand parents. of outstanding example and in Mr. and Mrs. Berbert Rodrique: the hour of his desires his pra.
yers have been heard and answetives for many years to come. red; the way made clear; his The fifteen year old Memo. has tanguid heart made glade: all completed successfully two co worked out well and the youth The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao llege years in San Jose and full with a model character has left of ambition, yea, more than teat, to study for the Priesthood in the of inspiration and with the fire training school at San Salvador it is obvious that the spirit that Not by my might, but by the RUBBER found youthful Samuel has power of Him who has called and round also Guillermo and has inspired me shall be alright talled in him command to fret not for me. after som We are Agents for take up the cross of Christ lest years shall return in the full THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT to defend and to bring others to service o! Chuset, then set. that Sacred Cross.
be proud of me such are the OFFICES: Mèdocs. added Safed de la Bibkteca Neidioreheald Sørbysh ezaasreči sverenita Pra comford Bennocuadelolins de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
memory to Eli, understood to his loved ones.
al and the an vei an Limon Trading Company pret an PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR good prid Caribbean Packing Co.
Miro his brother sister and other relaCACAO Dried ipeca Ipecac Roof Cocoa. Coconuts and Copra ribi eak isk RAICILLA. IPECACUANA the RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices we


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