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THE WORLD TERMICIDE NEW INTEREST IN THE FAMOUS MORGAN TREASURES Dining abroad a Navy ship. other necessary business orces in the Southwest Pacific the Army officer was delighted HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY As Phillip put it in his fin India and the Middle East, in with the delicious rolls served addition for dinner. One of the Navy of By Thomas Dunbabin despatch from Sydney Covet to food supplies in the general public is hereby notified that ter London and Calcutta and Lord Sydney: The clearing th ther regions British soldiers in the South ficers explained. It because of Saturday, January 26, 1946, just ahead of Montreal ground for the people and to On the shores of the harbour east Asia Command are being our system. he pointed out. PRENA TAL CONSULTATION will be Anniversay Day in Aus He ordered the First Fleu erecting storehouses was begu where Phillips landed his 75 issued with a new rifle weigh. You see, our bread maker was OI tralia round from Botany Bay as soon as the ships got aroun attered convicts and their ing five pounds, two pounds less a baker in civilian life, so we is now obtainable in conjunction with the United Medical It will be the 15th birthday of Saturday, Junuary 26, 1788, labour of which it will be har made him a baker in the Navy gloomy guards commanded by than the present issue.
Australia as a British dominion party was landed on the shor ly possible to five your Lord Major Ross. 158 years ago The Army man asked to meet It has a barrel six inches and Sanitary Department in this city.
The main event of the day of Sydney, the British flag (n nlp just ldea tands Sydney with its 1, 500, 000 shorter, and much less wood the baker, and upon being inwill be the holding on Sydney ne Union Jack which did nu It was indeed a terrible to Inhabitants, the third largest than the present model, and is troduced asked him where he The services will be given freely by Doctor Telemaco Harbour, on the shores of which ret exist) was flown, tonts we had baked before he entered the he convict labourers were lazy city south of the Equator. It is easier to handle.
British Australia was born of frunk, volleys fired and a starinskilled and in poor physics exceeded only by Buenos Aires Its eight inch flat steel bay. service. never saw an oven Espinach and Miss Hilda Allen, the Maternity Nurse.
the 100th Anniversary Tegatta nade in cutting down trees an condition Their clumsy old and Rio de Janeiro.
onet, with a cutting edge on before put on a uniform, anEstablished on January 28, 1837. clearing a place for a good larg Cashioned axes had their edge Australia, of which Philip cach quide, replaces the spike swered the baker. recorded DAYS OF SERVICE this is now the oldest continu village turned by the thought, ironhard boldly annexed half as soon as bayonet.
myself as a banker on my enously held regatts in the world The formal proclamation of old eucalypt trees. Indeed, al he set foot on it, has become an It is intended for use as a tin listment papers, but somewhere MONDAYS. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAYS to 9am.
During the war only a token the colony took place, however their tools were poor Phillipoll British continent. With its opener and for dividing the along the line they must have Anniversary fegatta has been on February Then Phillip for wrote sadly a little later: Budependencies the Common jungle.
dropped the i held with prace in the Pacific mally claimed as British territools are of no manner of use.
wealth of Australia extends hearsed in the British command, titted the news to Berlin via this year will see a partial retory the eastern half of Austra. About this time he wrote to En from the Equator. which it al er mannerisms and sent off to Sadio Subsequent evidence, said vival of the glories of the Ann lia, from Cape York to the land that if 300 iron frying most touches in the Hermit IsBRITISH POLICY IN JAVA Algiers a few days before June the London paper, proved that versary Regatta which was in South Cape of Tasmania (the expans were sent out it would lands while Nauru (partly un6, 1944. In Algiers, he drove Day took the Germans by sur its day the greatest in the world istence of Bass Straits being not mean a great saving of shovels, der Australian mandate) is only While no public announcement east Asia cannot be suppressed through streets lined with cheer prise.
In 1948, for instance, it took yet known. with the off lying The colonists fried their salt 28 miles south of the Equator. has been made, it seems obvious by force alone. The British apling people. Fascist agents trans200 men to man the rowing and islands Dor an undefined dist pork on their shovels.
to the South Pole.
that the British are urging a pear to be in agreement witi sulling boats which competed. ance eastward into the Pacific.
There were only 12 carpent With its dependencies Austra compromise solution of the re the belief of many American obWhen the First Fleet, earry. Phillip described Port Jackson ers amongst Phillip 750 convict lia includes almost a tenth of volt in Java. There have been servers, among them this newsin the earliest settlers for Arts as the finest harbour in the settlers and several of these fell the land surface of the globe and number of strong indications paper correspondent, tralia, made sail from Spithead world. It is an article of faith sick. He hired 16 carpenters more than a third of the total of British willingness to make Steele, that substantial conces.
On Monday the 21st of the month in course my heart on May 12, 1787, on its long vov which the present day inhabit from the ships and pushed his area of the British Empire. Here concessions to the natives. The sions must be made to the deage to Australla, its destination ants hold firmly. They point out storehouses.
are the figures: most recent of these was British mands of native leaders in rented anew in contemplation of that sad scene of one was Botany Bay, Sir Joseph that during the present war On July 9, 1788, the number Commonwealth proper rejection of the services of most Southeast Asia for self governBanks, who had spent a week both the Queen Mary and the of convicts actually at work was 2, 974, 000 square miles of the Dutch marines sent to ment and democracy.
year ago when death stole our darling Daughter botanizing there in 1770, had re Queen Elizabeth used Sydney only 320 while the total number Australian Antartica Java after training in America commended this rather unsuit Harbour, finding there the most of persons who had to be fed 2, 472, 000 suare miles The only marines accepted were SURPRISE able spot as the site for a settle perfect security, to quote Phil was 966. Phillip told Lord Syd New Guinea Territory used to replace troublesome Am ment Lip words ney that a regular supply of 93, 000 square policemen, apparently London paper recently re. Even before he sailed from In his Journal for January 26, provisions from England woulo Papua with the consent of Indonesian ported a British trick to deceive Along with Jesus, o, how sweet the Season England Captain Arthur Phillip. 1788, Arthur Bowes, surgeon of be absolutely necessary for four 01, 000 square the Germans about the Western Governor of the new colony, had the transport Lady Penrhyn. or five years. Yet in the midst Total 5, 630, 000 square miles Front invasion date. Lieut. ClifTo converse with Him as loving friends his doubts about Botany Bay. wrote of Sydney Cove as it then of his troubles he added: Nor Antartica has at the moment This attitude of the British is ton James, a peacetime actor He urged that he should be al was: The finest terraces, lawns do doubt but that this country no inhabitants. It is a vast emp highly significant. It seems to with a startling resemblance to Filled with His spirit and grace constantly hover lowed, if he saw fit, to estab. and grottoes, with distinct plan will prove the most valuable ac ty waste. But it has coal and indicate colonial power of the Field Marshall Sir Bernard Freo free from sin domain: affliction and wants.
lish his colony on a harbour a tations of the tallest and most quisition Britain ever made. other materials that may be theory that the revolts in South Montgomery, was carefully few leagues to the north of Bo stately trees ever saw in any On the next day, July 10 come of value in the future. In Irene Williams any Bay which had islands in nobleman grounds in England Phillip Lieutenant. Governor, Antartica and sub Antartica wa.
Adora Crawford MOTHER GRANDMOTHER it. Port Jackson on which he cannot excel in beauty those Major Ross, wrote to Under ters the world greatest whale finally fixed, is three leagues whích nature now presented Secretary Nepean: This coun fisheries were carried on before north of Botany Bay and has our view. The singing of the try will never answer to settle the war. Today British and Nornine islands all small in it. various birds amongst the trees in, for though think corn wilt wegian whalers are again work Here is the formula to destroy the wood ants and other Phillip was guessing he was and the flights of numerous par grow here yet am convinced ing in the far South, Rood guesser raquets, lorrequets, cockatoos that if it is ever to maintain the Australia has been some meminsects in your organ. piano and furniture: It has come to our know without doubt, assigned great Philip entered Botany Bay on and macaws made al around ap people here it canot be in less orable birthdays. Her only sus January 18, 1788. He soon de pear like enchantment.
ledge that new interest is be faith to such adventurous time than probably 100 years: cessful rebellion was staged cu For further particulars with regard toprice ing evinced and exploration minds.
cided to seek a better place. On There are no macaws in Aus In a letter to Nepean on No January 26, 1808. On that day permission desired to search The earth mean daily moJanuary 22 he went to Port tralia, No doubt Bowes meant vember 16, 1788, Ross urged the soldiers of the New South and of application; SEE the Coco Island, the world tion on its orbit is about Jackson. There he found Sydney some of the more gaudy parrots. that no more settlers should be Wales (Rum) Corps, directed by noised Morgan Treasure Is. 3548. 193 and with the interCove, which had deep water Descending to the practical toil sent. He wrote: There is no John Macarthur, deposed the MR. JOHN ROGERS lands. The new interest ruptions by abnormal condi close to the shore and a stream of the time Bowes wrote: one article that can ever be ne. Governor, Bounty Bligh.
comes from North American tions, such as earthquakes of about 1, 000 souls which has There was a captain com cessary to the use of man but capitalists.
fin floods storms, thunder He looked no further. Here he pany on shore all night and which must be imported into On Janpary 26, 1942, the Jap The Vogue Tailoring Establishment in front the Brushing the cob web from and lighting as well as other decided to found the settlement tents were pitched, and this this country.
anese began their attack on Ra since grown into the third larg. morning a longboat full of conour memory we recall that planetary actions, the MorPhilip stuck to his post for baul, capital of Australia New ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY OFFICE: the days of the pirate Morgan treasures must had est city in the British Common victs from the Scarborough were nearly five years. When, as a re Guinea mandate territory. Five of water faling into its head carried on shore to assist in cul sult of illhealth, he sailed for gan are not yesterday and to been chained to an earth LIMON Australian training planes went learn of a clinging desire which has never passed awealth and Empire, coming af ting down trees, making sawpis England never to return. OL up against 140 Japanese fighters that there yet exists Mor round the sun.
December 11, 1792, the colony It is little more than 150 year gan hidden treasure has, was still on the ragged edge o ago since Australia, which now to answer the purposes of civ.
hunger. When the ship Atlantic, plays a leading part in Pacific ilized man.
by which Phillip sailed, arrives ffairs, was a remote continent Today, most Australians cele from India with grain, the sett!
inhabited only by hunting and brate their country 158 birthment had only 13 day flour food gathering nomads. It had day with a confident feeling and 45 day maize in store at no cultivation, no crops and no that all that Australia has done the reduced ration then issued domestic animals. And Major in the past 158 years is but Fifty years later Australia wa Ross was one of many wha ur foreshadowing of greater things still importing wheat from Chileged that it could never be made to come.
By the time, however, she was Maternity. Physcian and Surgeon producing a super abundance of meat and was on the way to be coming the world greatest pro NOTICE UNIVERSITY OF BRUSELS ducer of food.
Today, Australia not only The Civil Court of Limon has granted Office of Consultation, Residence of feeds her own population of 400, 000 but has contrived durDoña Juanita de Esna divorce to Mr. John Rogers Wright and caning the war, in spite of shortCITY OF LIMON ages, of man power, machinery, cels the marriage union with his former fertilizers, tools and materials of HOURS. Daily, 7to A. and 2to. P.
all kinds, to supply food for wife, Mrs. Rowena Da Costa Biene.
nearly as many persons outside Australia. These included Allied The divorce is obtained by Mr. Rogers free of any claim of pension or any financial HAS RECENTLY ADDED TO ITS FLEET obligation in favour of the wife. the trial OF BANANA CARRIERS NEW FAST Por este medio aviso al comercio y público en general que no me Judge having found her liable in the act.
VESSEL OF 500 TONS BURDEN responsabilizo de ninguna clase de deudas o cualquiera otra cuen ta que mi esposa señora Beatrice Farquherson de esta ciudad que PASSE NG ERS WILL BE ACCEPTED ella contraiga.
BETWEEN The British Ministry of Supations, which covered over 3, This wlil serve to notify the com mercial business houses and the ply has set up committees of ex 250, 000 acres before the war, inPORT LIMON AND TAMPA FLORIDA public in general that due to reverse marriage life am not re perts who, with the help of the to working order again. The pur sponsible for any debt or any other accounts that may be contrac Colonial Office and the British chase of existing stocks of rubted by my wife, Mrs. Beatrice Far quharson of this city: High Command, will work in ber and the renewal of produr. Malaya on the protection and tion will begin under the dir THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, Ltd.
reconstruction of agricultural ective and control of the MinJOSIAH FARQUHARSON and industrial production in the istry of Supply. Similar commitMalayan Peninsula, now Liber tees will deal with the recon CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager Limón January 1, 1945.
ated from Japanese occupation struction of tin and copra prod Special attention will be devolution in Malaya, Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Minibee DOCTOR To The General Travelling TELEMACO ESPINACH Public THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, LTD. AL COMERCIO PUBLICO EN GENERAL RECONSTRUCTION OF MALAYA


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