
A Horrible Crime Was Committed IN THE MONTE VERDE REGION by the circumsAGRICULTURAL SEMMIGRANTS ATLANTIC VOICE alcovered that his adster, twenty EPIDEMIC OF TIFUS to are to FINDING SALVATIONISTS IN ROME IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK By WINIFRED EASTWOOD smile is the sunbeam of the soul. It lights up the eye and Transfigures the countenance. 1 Bought the Protestant Com Lats! One said, have the cap and frown is easier, but it gives nolight. Open the soul munity in Rome in an endeavour the trousers and the cost and do to discover Italian Salvations the Self Denial. Self Denial! We window and let in the light, and keep these winThe Directrice of a Cirts Hostelſ do not know the meaning of it. It has been reported that a horri his death, his friends became tance to the Agent of Police, the ber habit and was well experien dows open. To continue to let out these lights in wawe us the readesous and we asked them to go along to ble erime was committed in the suspicious and at the approach description gave rise to the opied in the treatment of the sick: constant smiles.
ten toe one morning we went the Club at in. They were Monte Verde Branch on Janun of night they set out with lan nion that Mr. York was shot in administering cure free of any the the back with intention to rob. monetary recompense. His death smile can scatter gloom and silver lire a expecting to receive it of a there! We had a Meeting. The ry the 17th of the year in course. terns and torches: sealed brother who came along in full The victim is said to be a man mountain where they discovered Well informed persons of that has been impressively felt dark cloud.
Upon our entering the room uniform in practically new condi bearing the name of York Camp the corpse, saturated in blood region spoke in glowing terms every person who had known It costs little, but it counts for very much.
covered with mud. The of the dead man earthly care nim. We learn the culprit has not Tears and smiles, lie near together so dry five people tone to their feet. Ition had a cadaverous counten bell. He was killed on his farm and The very unfortunate man is search party returned to Culti er; he was free of vice with so been apprehended.
recognized them immediately ance which Blowed with love for your tears and scatter your smiles.
said to had dedicated his life to vation; reported Officers children. On the Conti God and The Army. He said.
kinds of men you will find them every Many times have been about the cultivation of all grows in that were not a salvationists always to destroy this uniform because product which but intensely loyal to the Mov. of what its possession might mean region.
THE YANKEES ARE IN PANAMA ement in witch they were born to my wife and family. But We gather that after the grueIf all goes well according to taking the party which includes Carl Derose, Steve Peek, Joe passionately fond of their parents have always resisted. Then de some act was performed the asFROM OUR DESK By the Editor and their work. Mostly the yare cided once and for all that they sassin dragged the body that he plan the world famed baseball twenty five men; seven of Ne Gordon, Budy Hashett, Phil Rize doctors and lawyers or specialists could take me if they liked but had murdered into a deep ditchplayers the Yankecs of the Uni wark and Kansas City: the outo, Oscar Grimes, Steve SouWe have heard from time to time about the of some kind, they are almost all would not voluntarily destroy it and covered it with bushes and red States of America will arrive thers are Catchers: Ken Silves chock, Jose Hockman, Henry Ma soday in the neighbouring Repu tre, Ken Sears, Gus Niermos, and jewski, Jose Maggio, Tommy emigration of European foreigners to this linguists, well read and quick Alwnys have had faith that one leaves.
Mr. York sleeps in camp at blic of Panama. They areslated Charles Silvera. Pitchers: Spud Hendich, Hal Douglas, Harry witted, the girls as successful in dny should wear it in freedom Republic to occupy themselves in agricultural there each o give an exhibition match in Chandler, José Page, Floyd Be Praft and Tomy Sabol. It has their choren erreers as the boys This comrade has bound volu. Cultivation; leaves development; giving them this franchise in The eldest, a doctor, introduced mes of The War Cry hidden for porning to his farm and attends that city and probably on the vens, Emerson Roser, Rinaldo been mentioned that eight newsnew of their knowledge in the cultivation of Adiega, Herb Karpel, Tommy paper representatives are along himself and the others. He was all these years The outstanding to his cultivation; not returning Conal Zone. Do the soil and the raising of crops.
the mom of Ms. Butts, who was act is the faith of these people. Int the usual hour on the day of Manager José Mc Carthy is Byrnes. Frank Shea and the pla with the sportsmen.
yers Charles Stanceu, Jake WaWe believe, in this universe of unsettled the raitor of the War Cry. The We are sorry that Costa Rica minds, there are many important study points te was with him his sister, also a de, Marvin Breuer, Frank Miller, is not included in the itineraJohn Maldovan, William Wright, ry of the Yankees.
which should not be over looked in treating medical student and at present a with colonization schemes; to land on the taff nurse in a Home hospital, peaceful shores of our beloved Republic. The his younger brother, student alghteen years of age and their period for the universal brotherhood of man AMERICA cousin Cornelius, son of Maj and the Fatherhood of God is yet hidden in Michelin Salomon. All were reEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 (The Black Pilot)
the womb of time.
cently released from JM. Corne YEAR XI Limon, 9th. February 1946 Nº 500 Fellowmen and Women on, sically and financially, to the There is no difficiency of labour in our Hlus was in great distress of mind the Negro Race, Greetings: because upon hik release he had winnig of the war. There are country; and we can lift our hearts with grate One hundred and sixty odd those who shout from the fulness and tune our harps and sing our THE BALL STARTS ROLLING years ago, through blood, bouse tops the inferiority of hymns of praise that the Educational Advanyears of age, had been taken to Germany The Minister of Public Health THE BALL STATRTS replace the Complimentary sweat and tears of unity, a De Negro and at the same cement of Costa Rica in almost all the present The parents of all these splen has informed the general public It was hinted a week that our School of the past two years in new nation was born, born time seek to circumvent his day sciences is on par or perhaps excels the did young people had been in all of this country that the epidemighly regarded Secretary of order to take care of First, sealto a world of imperialism offort. This is fear of survileading countries of the world; our present or in concentration camps for mic of Typhus has appeared at Public Education the Hondura cond and Third year students. The result of suppression val and lack of conviction in need is to get rid of speculative attitude and Pours yeurs They themselves had several places in the Republic ole Zamora Elizondo starts the Everything is said to be shaping om without and a determi his own theory of Black, inhuman re adjustment competence.
become operative; then be more co operative.
wuffered greatly because of thel: and it is strictly directed that all rolling in conjunction with up splendidly in order that the ned The world is indebted With greater co operation between all the forbirth and asociations. They have every precautionary measure be, the appointment of the Director college wil start its functioning from within. This new na ces; working with one aim for the welfare of had adventures proving the qua taken in order to surpress this and professors for the Limon in line with the new school year, ton was America, destined the Blace Race for a civiliza to become the fountain headtion and organized governlity of their fibre, College; the institution that is to 1946.
the Republic we can draw from our crystal dangerous sickness From the doctor we have now The Minister instructs that of a new peace, a Championnent. As long as men live wells. the cause of human rights a this earth this fact will received a brief of the last owners of factories, work shops, It would be well to let our people put up and the four freedoms. become more and more illu known situation of every SA of lodgings, hotels, theatres, and Who then, can tell what niinated; Yet the Negro does truely said that if we want gold we must dig.
a stronger fight in the battle of life; as it is feer. He, too, has supplied, as far all other public places YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE he can call to mind, the details have them disinfected daily with another twenty. five, fifty net lay claim to any supe or a hundred years can bring, rior right but he doeslay deeply for it is not secured at the top. The of property and possessions of a solution of obtainable The Management of this indispensible news organ has in the life of man. claim to every thing and all grains for the hen are thrown in thick litter The Army in Italy in our general commerce. been under a heavy financial strain during the years of others in order that she will be exercised in securinWe were introduced to (milith war, due to the very high cost exacted by our San Jose Who can tell the children things common to y Leutenant Lombardo, son of It is further ruled that dwel printers. Hope was centered that with the termination of that may be tomorrow as a with a goal of national sove her food. The grains could be easily placed in the conflict the burden of printing would have been light result of suppression? Who reignity.
the leader in Italy He has now lings. yards and all surroundings the hen nest, but the poultry man knows his ened, but instead its weight has been almost doubled; a can say that a civilization of been attached to the British army are to be kept clean and be disSuppression, the citing of condition which has forced us to appeal to our esteemed Alrica will not arise tomo. nots, the promotion of natscience and, so we should realize that if a as liaison officer. Accompnined by infected daily with a solution advertisers and readers to help us to carry the load by an row? Who can say that the freds will only destroy one line of human activities be strewn wit him we later thoroughly inspect of kerosene mixed with powde the increase in the advertising rates as well as an increase in ed the People Palace, which was red D This is for roses; quite naturally every easy go looki the subscription rate from seventy five cents to one colon hatreds, the spirits of evil promoter for in spite of the sequestered. The dining hall and health and all must co operate per month with the understanding that a single copy of the that seek to resign men, na lower of Britain, barefoot prson will cling tenaciously to that and the ATLANTIC VOICE will now be sold at twenty five cents. tions and races indefinitely. ed. ragged colonists other lines will be left to perish; then developone dormitory were destroyed by Inletter and spirit.
The new rates will in no way be adequate to balance the poverty will not be the their independence and re ment becomes entirely neglected. Life chec bombing but the rest, approsi cost of production, but we dare not ask you to pay higher very means through which pardless of suppression fromered pavement needs scattering endeavours.
mately eighty separate cubicles, and we dare not deny you the valuable service of the news cetermination for human be without or within the star Is in food condition and could paper.
THANKSGIVING refit may not catapult these destiny will guide Africa the arts and crafts, in the classrooms and Our strength is to be given in the office in without much effort be put to use The Management will have to device further ways and very people into positions of and Africans toward that Go te quickly. Already the necesmeans to manufacture bricks from straws.
SERVICE control. The mills of We sincerely solicit your continuous co operation and Gods grind slowly, yet they pendence.
the aintended freedom and inde most deserving of all is mother earth for while sary machinery has been in motion there is time and season she will not fail to for the restoration of the Army support.
THE MANAGEMENT grind exceedingly fine.
In keeping to a constitutional give her increase.
Let us not slumber, let us rights and property.
The day of conquest has not while away our time.
The need is to induce our young generaOn Sunday morning three men requirement the members of the rer ended. In America there. ct us labor night and day, tion to agricultural life then assign experts ran after us. They were Salvation Port Limon Branch Nº 134 of are those wicked souls who not to infringe upon the go on the farm and instruct; asking for sper the Jamaica Burial Scheme Sofeel that the Negro should rights of others but to posIMPORTANT NOTICE iety will celebrate the year mens of soil and sending instructions by be put in their place. The sess ourselves of those vir The time limit for the Reno Thanksgiving Service in the city re are many in public life tues which justice demands means of correspondence is not believed to vation of Residential Cedulas in Wesleyan Methodist Church on who seek to belittle the con hiust be common to al men the way at sea; the better way is to have the from the month of January to Sunday the 17th of the month tribution of the Negro. phy of this earth regardless o experts to direct the preparing of the land Manch each year and it must be OFFICE FURNITURE their continental existenee.
the ploughing the harrowing the sowing This medium will serve to nohornemind that ench posues As sure as there is a Godl planting the plant best suitable for the diffe sor of this document is to comply ify all members of the Branch in heaven, the so called su rent soils and the proper reaping of the crop with the requirements of the Wesleyen Methodist Church on oublie to get in readiness to asperior peoples must ultima: AN APPROVAL In concluding this lecture we re iterate American law failure will result in a very tely learn that their success, that something should be done to curb the idembarrassing position for the emble at six o clock in We featn, according to a press epends upon the complete leness that is so vividly seen on every hand aliek nesiding in the territories evening of the above mentioned release that the Secretary of La emancipation of all peoples this must be exchanged for brain and brawnr of the Republic Hate in the St. Mark Parish LIMON bour in San Jose has given ap everywhere.
We take this opportunity to Hall and from there proceed to proval to the TACA to bring Again addressing you and this done and the general economic condition corrett Floating misrepresenta the sacred editice for the worshinto the territory of the Republic xtending my very best of the country will be improved. Let us encoution ven at some of the small 27 expert mechanics to effect the wishes, rage colonization sheme for the daughters and district in this one that the conversion of war type planes sons of the soil.
presence of the official photogra NEW HARLEM CANTINA LA IBERIA into passenger service. It is said have the honor to be.
pher at the Limon Governor that after the necessary consent office is in connection with the of the National Union, the re James Stewart AND RESTAURANT emision of new Indentification commendation of admission by President General DENOTICIA Cedula; that is not true; the preU. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE contract has been submitted to sent photopraph taking is for OFFERS: the Minister of Foreign Rela Universal Negro Improvewuch men who had not taken out The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
ment Ass Decretado el divorcio de John Rogers the 1937 Cedula and the then C6 SALOMON CHIN NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN boys who have now arrived at Wright y Rowena da Costa Biene por AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
the age of manhood.
ESTRADA REDUCTION OF FORCES IN THE ABACA fallo del Juzgado Civil de Limón de las siete Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back DISTRICTS horas del ocho le Enero corriente; juicio inide los primeros 10 dias de cada ines of receipt which reads: Quite a number of workers secure a fibre with the neces This bill must be paid at our office before ciado por el primero; disuelta esa unión se are said to have been dissary strength.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitamos pena the 10th of the month charged from their labours We are indeed sorry tha crdenó cancelar e nel Registro Civil. la partide tener que certar su servicio in the abaca districts of Ba the conditions has arisen si Be so good is to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which taan and Manila, due to un Nos permite lama su atención a la nota al dorss that an increase is effected to da respectiva, que ella no tiene derecho a would be ret te te voidable circumstanoss; one de recibo que dice: the rank of unemployment Wat is due to bature as we But let us be hopeful that pension por ser culpable; no hay condenato ELECTRICA il IMON umer es propiedad de la Bibliot Miguel Obregón Libanonael sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultuda yanpoald Costa Rica.
is required for the age incre ind the dark cloud, ria en costas.
our won FOR SALE in course Consulate the tions.


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