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BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN DOLORES en las COYUNTURAS to cas ir many Pencionarado art decore. por des 04 Píldoras De Witt is OL te ea were id ou aft Ert ad ty се and he ATLANTIC VOICE Limón. Saturday, 9th. February 1946 Page BRITAIN AND REFUGEES Pildoras De Witt Two important statements ha ve been made by the British alivian rápidamente THE BRITISH THE LOAN TO BRITAIN HENRY BOGG. SAVER is currents, tides, its rocks and o her oars had been broken and sandbank as intimately as oth three more washed away vernment which show Britthat President Truman made a good los OF SAILORS LIVES ain anxiety to do as much a AMBASSADOR er men know their own neith Clogs gave up the struggle and she can within her own coun use for the British loan in his tourhood. In the United King hought her ashore. Te sent for try to help those who have sut Du the five difficult year je to Congress Primarithat Lord has served a Crome is an old fishing town dom there are over 2, 000 of the fresh cars. He rested his mentered ir concentration camps in this is a time saving device Erih Abdor in Washin: Europe, ith the aid of the 3, 750, 000. tuilt on top of the low cliffs of men, who earn their living Then for the fourth time it towar je ineetings bet England East Anglia, looking by catching fish and, when the wes now nearly midnight he Jo credit which Congress is The first was the announce ween the Prime Minister uut across the North Sea. There need comes, man the boats of trok her outñ There was the sked to authorize, Britain can ment that Britain will admit im President of the United St gin now, instead of several as a stiil older town there, but the lifeboat service and go out same struggle, but this time it mediately those survivors of the it was long since swallowed up to the rescue of any ships in succeeded, and the life. boat retiazi camps who have close re Los dolores en las coyuntes tended to obscure his contr ors from now, to liberalize butions to the stability and fi by the sea, which for centuries peril.
burned in triumph, ith turas y en la cintura le ineleven er foreign exchange and for latives in Britain able and wil dican que sus riñones no endline of Anglo American has been washing those cliffs It is just 51 years since Henry rescued men funcionan normalmente, in trade policies. Under the lu. to look after them, and relations to understandable away.
Bloge, at the age of 18, became In that rescued Blogs showed also other distressed persons who Estos órganos están inactiTerms that they should have, but it is accompanyng the loun The most famjliar figure in member of the lifeboat crew at liat he had in him the supreme have been in hiding from the vos y permiten que las he will abolish the sterling impurezas y venenos, al no cally undertandable that the ea dollar pool. settle her hea Cromer is Henry Blogg. He is omer and fifteen years late suality of the commander in ac Gestapo or for various reasons ser eliminados de la sangre, No solamente chiar la impothey should have, but it is equ tion. He could keep exhausted.
close on seventy now, tall, white he was elected its captain. In rezas y vendosino que tambi se alojen en los músculos sterling obligations out are especially in need of care.
entonan y fortalecen los ridones y understandable that the infeated men to their task. He Dentro de las 24 horas de haber other resources than the pro eired, a figure so command those 51 years the Cromer li There are thousands of close the oats have rescued nearly 80 Estos venenos (especialmente el nuld make them do mor than relatives of Nazi victims in BrfEuld not have been successful tomado la primera de Pidoras in that he seems to fill exceso de ácido único. si no son cred credit, refrain from any De Wittla on tants and narrow street as you watch him lives and he himself has won they therselves thought possi trin to receive them. They found rápidamente eliminados del or without the ambassador pati Esto demnestra que excelente eps discriminating against ganiscan, preden producir dolorosas antiseptico que elas PU.
the gold medal of the lifeboat sle.
inflamacions Para doras De Wiedenle un intent day. by. damerican trade and give whole. coming. He walks slowly, wit refuge there both before and efforts to overcome the combat el malo llegar de propna raba ni mali broses FSCUING THE RESCUER during the war.
Started support to the proposals his hands in his jacket. pock service (given only for conspi Up to April inmedute.
Cando enterocape problem that face two coun Twenty. four years miento de ces later 1943 alone, 150, 000 refugees en lor expansion of world trade ets, as if there had never been cucus gallantry) three times, it Las Pd. De Wielaboran en las con tries allied in conltion warfare und employment which the anything in his life to make him silver medal four times, the Bri Rlegg won the last of his nine tered Britain, and in June 1944 especulate mati cast Now the new comes from Lonvidad en duthal on May he will belted States has recently put hurry. His ruddy face is as com tish Empire Medal, and the Gredals in 1941. He had gone it was officially stated that they que o para Cade to the help of a steamer stran dolor ares, reumatismo y were still being admitted at the eliminate. torward as a basis for internatio manding as his figure, but he crge Cross. nine medals in all Ins a very gentle smile and his for gallantry.
replaced by Sir Archibald John dolores ded on a sandbank 25 algo mas que miles rate of about 800 a month. Many ral discussions by the United Kom Clark Kert, until recently Nations. Beginning in 1951, Bri Pitle, and if you ask him about TISRT DECORATION speech is as gentle. He speaks away from Cromer, and as he of these refugees will themsel.
Eritlah Arabassador in Mogand as he cautiously approach. ves be able to save others now, tain will have fitty years to reIt is now twenty eight years her a great wall of water and reunite their families.
pay, with a waiver of interest himself he will not speak at all.
The Earl of Hulifax came to since he won his first decora rose suddenly at the life boat Retina Lamber ir at any time it is found that The other statement refers to tion. It was during a stormy day side. It passed right over her naturalization. During the war Ci coltary in the days immeressare might force default FAMOUS FISHERMAN Lately following Pearl Harbor and a. umbling of international in January, 1917, when World and carried away Blogg him. raturalization was suspended to bring to Britain large num, fugees from German Europe am 1to Foreigo Secretary when Leontic relations.
He is the leading fisherman was raging. By then, an self, and four of his crew. They an dthe refugees who had set bers of the derelict and pitja cunted to 500. 000 (U Mr. Churchil made the appoint Congress approved, and thic the town. If he were that the younger fishermen of Eng. vent with it, helpless as leaves Wed in Britain were anxious bie children who were found Dol. 38. 000. 000. In adition, the carried down a stream.
ment and he had served precedit is advanced, it can be ex and no more he would not be sand had joined the Navy and, An about their future. Naturaliza there. The programme has be Government helped, not only by Vously a Viceroy of India. He preted to hasten Britain reco known beyond it. But in fact, on that day, Bloge crew were other man jumped at once to tinn is now to be resumed, and fun with 000 children from the giving every facility to the vocame on Baitain newest waruncerty and diminish the chance his name is known far and wid cu middle aged and elderly the wheel. He saw Blogs float priority is to be given to aliens creaded Theresienstadt Camps in lur tary bodies, but also by pro Mr Churchill went to the mon. two of them were nearly in a few yards away and who have served in the Forcus Czechoslovakia.
wasteful economic compe in Britain, and letters come to In 1938, The first 300viding funds in aid.
doek Lonehim off and Mr. Lition between the two countries him from all over the world. In 1917 there were few mo steered towards him. Blogs ti in science, industry and com of these children flown the Government set aside Ecosevell went out to the shij military war between the For this quiet fisherman is the life boats in use, and those was hauled aboard, and at once trece.
ever bombers by the 000. 000 (U. Dol. 20. 000. 000)
tu welcome bim Gpon his arri middle aged and elderly men resumed command. He rescued United States and Britain ha: most distinguished life. boat Britain is a very crowded and placed in a private holiday to help Czech refugees. Follohad to val. In the intervening years tong been unthinkable, and re man in the British Isles, with a drive their life boat the other men though one country with a population of camp in the English Lake Dist wing the outbreak of the war, ord Halifax has worked under mains so.
through the heavy seas by their died almost as soon as he was 500 per square mile, compared record for gallantry unequalled net the Government decided to be tving conditions. There was tra rescued.
An economic war might have since the British Lifeboat Servi own strength at the oars.
with 44 per square mile in the These are the latest illustra sidize private organizations ca sery in the family when his se escurred, with blocked currency ce was founded 121 years ago.
They had already been out Then he found that ropes had United States. Yet during the war ins of sympathy and helping for refugees. At first 50 end on we killed at El Aland trade discrimination as its Nearly all the men in that day, and after a long strug wrapped themselves round the Britain has shown the her desire which have been characteriste of the cost was given, and this mein and deep borrow when an capons. Now we can hope that Service, like Henry Blogs, are le had rescued the crew of life boat propeller. With his to help, whatever the cost, No Great Britain ever since the was later raised to 100. Over son suffered serious de dollar and the pound will fishermen, and no men in the camer which was drifting help exhausted crew, with his bout refugee who reached Britain, nazis came to power. Estimates 200. 000 Dol 800. 000) had wunds some months later. Torch side by side, and that world are more skilful in hand Dessly. Just as they returned meving very slowly and hard eten without a visa, was ever published in 1943 showed that been spent by the Government Through dark days and bright he chother steamer blew up financial and commercial poling boats. They have learnt it to steer, he could for the mo turned back. And in addition to the assistance in money or kind, if this manner by May, 1943, done hy job and done tries of great nations will rest by fishing day and night, in Baoke in two. At once. Bloge ment do no more. He made for the stream of refugees who can given by private organizations riot including the Ministry of well and scared the res on the truth that prosperity, lik all weathers, and they know trok his tired crew out again port.
me in the usual way, there weird individuals in Britain to re Tralth expenditure on refuges.
poet and affection of the Ameri their own piece of the coast but the seas flung the life boat cace, in indivisible.
When he arrived, some of his te many others who entered un CPR back on the shore. He took them men had to be listed ashore: der various British schemes or Bu me change and this shit out yet again. It was now dari tut for Blogs himself there Fanized to meet special circums GROCERY AND CANTINA BATAAN perhaps symbolizes the chanand hundreds of people standing could still be no rest. He had turces. For example, after DBe that is going on in the world on the beach watched the life the boat refuelled. He sent for Day, plans were made to accom (Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON today. The Earl of Halifax was Loet, clear in the brilliant beam fresh clothes and oilskins. He mcdate 10. 000 French refugees Ti is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks THE WORLD TERMICIDE member of Britain Conserof a searchlight, as one moment sent for another man to take som embattled Normandy. In why our friends of BATAAN. THIS CITY vative Dr. Aristocratic COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen she stood on end, climbing to the place of the one who had March, 1945, 000 Dutch chil.
usterubu was perhaps a bet.
Here is the formula to destroy the wood ants and other the crest of a huge sea, and dicd. Not till late at night could aren our ostablishment as their meeting center: were brougth over for Lo symbol of Bir Churchill the next was completely buried to rest, and he was up again in three mounth holidays in camps Lurerament than of Mr. Clement insects in your organ. piano and furniture: when another sea broke right the early morning, roused his and private homes all over the THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR CROCERY COUNTER: httie Labor government cver her.
Vreary crew, and sailed once country, to allow them to reco selecting Sit Archibald the Fo For further particulars with regard toprice Again the boat was driven more for the wreck, with the ver from the horrors of Nazi oc Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are in ce has picked a back, but it was not until five crim prospect before them of the cupation. Later, when the conTHE BEST teer diplomatist with a ready and of application; SEE same dangers which had al centration camps were liberated, Corbetta: side, a me sense of humor and ready nearly destroyed them. Tans were immediatelly made great admiration for this co MR. JOHN ROGERS try Sir Archibald has been COMERCIANTE the wind dropped; the sea went in the foreign service since 1905 DETALLISTA down, and ths time theye were except for that lous year The Vogue Tailoring Establishment in front the Licores Abarrotes. Crista. ble without difficulty to rescue 93 when he listed as a pit leria. Materiales de Ferreteria won his medals, only two were ute in the Scots Guards ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY OFFICE: y Eléctricos. Todo se encuen them through the night.
Once went to the battlefields of Fran tra en este Establecimiento again, Blogg had refused to acLIMON ce. Since he went to Moscow cept defeat.
four years ago he has become a ment throughout the Far East is his great record is that of the One most nteresting thing in familiar figure in Allied circles.
lle lautended all the great ALLIED JOB IN THE PACIFIC not genuine, or that the old or sa crews for whose rescue he confuences of the war years, In reply to the proposal at against the presence of British der can be restored unchanged. won medals, only two and he has made ivlends where London that UNO take action troops in the Netherlands East But the first step toward a chan Fritish.
The other four were Vul he went at Theran, Yalta, inutes, the Indonesian Premier. se must be the removal of the Dutch, Swedish, Italian and San Francisco and Potsdam, in inter. American affairs. His e Sutan Sjahrir, pleads for the Japanese and their collaborators Greek. It is the proud claim of years gone by Sir Archibald ser quipment for his new post is of British troops to stay. The reaand the cessation of civil strife. British life boatmen that there sed as Anbasador to China. the highest order.
son he gives is highly illuminat Only then will it be possible to is not a country in the world e knows the Far East and Fa: We welcome Sir Archibald tons of the situation throughout introduce a new order which will which does not owe to them the Lustern problemAnd before Chashington for himself and in the Far East.
take account of the interests of lives of some of its sailors, and If the British Ta he served in Central Ameri te convietion that Whitehall withdrew now. says Mr. Sjah the parties concerned as well as ro single man has done more ca and Chile, assignments which culd not have found a mandir, the Japanese might resist the peace and security of the te justify that claim than Henry Huve given him a knowledge of Itter qualified for the post.
This summarizes the situation Blogg of Cromer.
in a nutshell. And what Mr.
Sjahrir says about the British in. donesia applies with equal for HAS RECENTLY ADDED TO ITS FLEET e to the American, the French NOTICE and other Allied forces stationed OF BANANA CARRIERS NEW FAST toughout the Pacific regions.
The Civil Court of Limon has granted To Members of Cacao Cooperation They are there because they VESSEL OF 0 TO NS BURDEN (Mixta)
ve been assigned to their res divorce to Mr. John Rogers Wright and cancoctive places by the Allied Our Prices for the following Products ar.
PASSENGERS WILL BE ACCEPTED High Command to round up dicels the marriage union with his former CACAO, per quintal.
um and evacuate the surrende65. 00 Colones BETWEEN red Japanese forces and to resCOCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones wife, Mrs. Rowena Da Costa Biene.
cue war prisioners and interned civilians PORT LIMON AND TAMPA FLORIDA COCOANUTS, per hundred.
Their task hes been 28. 00 Colones The divorce is obtained by Mr. Rogers free impeded in various places by HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones civil strife and terroristic outbreaks, tanned and often led by of any claim of pension or any financial THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, Ltd All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense the Japanese, with the result of the Cacao Co operation that in Indonesia thousands of obligation in favour of the wife. the trial war prisioners are still in captiRAUL VELAZQUEZ vity and in constant danger.
Judge having found her liable in the act.
CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager This does not mean that the great upsurge of national sentiEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
anc qu In ate in the CH JOSE ACHIONG NG. But the weather grew kinder. hits On To The General Travelling ME The tior anot were Public ol th the Ye rett THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, LTD.
sen се Notice ch Es LE


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