
HOTEL CALIFORNIA Notice YULE, per quintal.
NEW HARLEM CANTINA FOR SALE FOR SALE ON THE SICK 157 4TLANTIC VOICE Page Limun, Saturday, ioli. February 1946 FROM THE MAIL BOX IN FOND AND LAST NG MEMORY It was no bluff at Munich ae. European armies and the out cording to the German Pih finking of the formidable CA Cut. facing Souca Primavera Thursday, the fourteenth Instant my sorrow was renewed tu introduced in evidenc, at Nurcho Slovakin delenes? Histor 00 yards Souti Atlantie Ralway Station the death of my beloved husband San Jose emberg prove that Hitler wa inns can be thankful that the LESTER VERNAL DALEY To Members of Cacao Cooperation ct bluffing at the Munich con ornians put so much in writing FEBRUARY 14, 19:14 nveniently situated. Confortable Fooms Ho ir lence in 1938. The Munic (Mixta)
ni then lacked the time to des Asleep in Jesus how meet the scene of closing day u Cod Water Caths. Eycellent Sanitary Servis ct was signee Thiet just tw. trey their records of infaniy. Where Holy angels came to greet and bear the soul away Homelike environment. New fureiture and Our Prices for the following Products ar y before the date fixed for oth the thoroughness of prepa With grace divine and perfect love thy pilgrim days were blest Bat sweeter for thy joys above and more sorene thy rest ich und the rapidity of co?
equipment. Varies and wholessome Fond xecution of orders ten CACAQ, per quintal 65. 00 Colones Respectability and Courtesy echo Slovakia hy müita ise Yake the historian jot Elicia Williams de Daley COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones tion. If Sir Novill Chamb Witow Vashing and ironing equipment for service of guests in and Daladier did not si Enly Dorothy Russell Reasonabe Prices COCOANUTS, per hundred. 28. 00 Colones he Minich Pact in ors of age of 145. 00 Colones readiness to launch Gthe mother of nine SYDNEY COX Ivianager and and air forces against 1 Trimit recont All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense Slovakia with even Hungar 15 abby boy who tipped of the Cacao Co operation in help assured. Thus it can be Club, assisted by the Misses Bisses Veronica Glasgow Pe scales it fourteen pound llian Sateh well and Claris After the dinner. dancing pued that appeasement at Mond measures twenty four inInuilliner were responsible RAUL VELAZQUEZ Trh however dearly it cost on ches in length and eight inches for dulged in under the strain Country, assured Great Britain cross the chest. Seventeen of On Tusday evening the strout and in sequence pleutdelicacies and appetizing music furnished by Proferta nd France, as it turned out her children are said to be livstant the coronation ceremony wound her neck the Emblem berages served. Those who as Lebert Brown and his Boys ne more year of peace. It är ing: the eldest being twent ford Dinner Party in honour olours of the Pathfinder Sports at the table service were MO: azevedo plictograph forded Htler bluffing ended the years old. Tertin boys tiss Clarisa McLennon was pre Club, tliis lutter was performel Mesdams Maria Gordon de the Princess and her Cou come time between the marchere twenty one years ola, vented in the spacious Mitchells Master Bernard Isaac, cap immond and Tris Phun, the his riew and up to date tudi Choosing Miss Joyce Brown heart and vowed to join his into the Rhineland and the Mu1611 in the presence of aboutin of the Junior Cricket Club of Pocara on the Old Line as his matrimonial barqué as co pilot, conference, historians may Creat is our sympathy for the 12 juveniles and several adults. Miss Petrona Gordon, bearing charmings bride, Mr. Anthony characteristical sunbeam coun better able to appraise the pople of England who have but The honource was elected De the title of Queen Happiness of Allen Forbes formerly of Pacua tenanee bf McAllen took ahi effects of some of the later turns yesterday emciged from six Ty in the final result of the he Salvation Army performed ito joined the dignified and ex ghen climb in evidence of the hapot the war. Did the year breath tears of warfare on Saturday, whting contest and with Miss e ceremonial rites of Corona.
Tited order of Benedict ritess of having his cabin com ir spell provided by appease Week ago they have been vi. 37 Chollite with fall honourson. The Club yell followed At the six o clock evening hour aniont Vincom ment at Munich for instanec. Sed an almost devastatin Princess, but who for some with rousing welcome to the o Sunday the 10th instint, in Fariminating the religious cen the difference by tween termi: temoet that has been forseen circumstances was not irine Pines whose period the city Cathedral and with the many the bridal semble mie Trish success and failure in be forhol tihed af heir the heayiot bresent to be decked with DRESS COODS. SHIRTS, TIEs, Etc.
Feierend Fr. John officiating, sed to the residence of Mr. The Battle of Britain in 1940. the 1st forty years. render the above mentioned Do Cyts had the distinh ho the imposing couple NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO took the Taylor and ariss Irene Smith it make Titler scenes. homeless, Τι y elected was crowned, with ut have bben the designer sacred matrimonial vows in the Lere they were Dustily welcomedier in 1939 and 1910 because noticed that the water ha the honours befitting her ord maker of the royl crown.
PLEASE YOU presence of Mrs. Josefina Hila y guests in waiting.
ni elimination of one of the best ten to the height of eight feet pointment. very rich dinner was served rion and Mr. Carl Edward Neil Then followed the bounteous Mr. Ambros, Hammond acted ith arroz con pollo as the principal sponsors; additional Vidding reception which was Master of Ceremonies. In car chef dish of the menu. Font LIMON vanesses to the marriage were flcroured with approprate culoing out his important task, other drinks were the diMrs Adulin Allen, the groom es and congratulations Hammond decorated the Erstive mediums. Mrs. Annic Lis sisters, the Misses Vera Do The newlyweds left our city Fincess with the medal of hor Charles, ex lady president of well. Lamita Allen. Horten Monday morning motor tro AND RESTAURANT 00 Pasmore and Agatha Pantoning for Bonefacio, the seat of SIN The bride was very admirar. Allen livelihood under the A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE OFFERS: in her bridal attire. a fas puspices of the Cncas Co opera The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons Foble 1946 creation. Her counter nance was very pleasing: We wish our good friends Mr. NO ADULTERATION. TRE PUREST IN FOREIGN Be announce with sorrow the ting in which we wish him God A TYPEWRITER IN VERY GOOD CONDITION: ting its rays in perfect acceptand Mis. Allen a life of perpeFAND NATIVE LIQUORS. WIN illness of Mr. Claudius McPhun. care.
Ein of the man she has given tual bliss and prosperity.
the operator of the motor ca assigned to the Assistant Gen. Equally sorry we are to reeral Manager of the Costa Ricant our visitor, Mi MilRacm NO in house front of the Banana Company. Mr. McPhun, tint Cyri de Wilson is not On our visit to San Jose a payment of the Inter Americe and friend, Mes. Mária Gor in the latter days of her stay rompanied by his esteemed ferying the best of health durS Limon Roman Catholic Church: veek ago we had the very dis Highway Department.
Ruh Hammor on Monday However, we do hope tinguished honour of contactin The Atlantic Voice heart! Essenger train for the Capital: will loon come to her fita number of bur former citizens, mong these we were spremallelcomes its wery gold in Brespital for surgical treatment where the first named will enterres again and be up tind doing. E asked to make known theirs. Margaret Steele de is dial greetings to all Limon vito has returned from an enses, were Dan Alfredo Can ended vacation abroad. Sve se ne. evar onward march brought us on Thursday the the ex president of the Limon parents very robust human Iata in tant to be 1546 br. niversary in conjunction with Auxiliary Red Cross Committee picture with all the bloom of the det. of our darling Mother wad Mr. Contreras formerly ofcoth as sunbeams on her pun MRS. ADINA WATSON Commerce Avenue, Next to the British the Costa Rica Banana Comp. Mrs. Ortence Steele, the Vice Consulate and Airplane Booking Office nu and who is now in the em esteemed wife of Don Clifford Repo ing five long years in the world beyond steele of the Excelsior Tailoring We roauze there is beauty in that realm In that loney sod she has lulled to sleep Establishment is unfortunately Our lovir beeris will ever linger around the iment of a crisp and valuable under the grip of ill health and sposae lays.
ped paper.
went to the in the war juvenile man enkey regarded as Lord MaCapital in the Among the distinguished spec course of last week to secure ALFRED ROSITA mr as a means of showing es yor and the Battery boys arstors were Lic. Fonseca term and honour to the tender on the flat in the domain of Hildren, and special medical treatment. She aged son of the Honourable and Crunt Pedro Blackman.
Lic. Daniel Zeledon, was visited by her husband. We Mrs. Francisco Fonseca Chamier General Monge, Don Victor Cas wish for her complete regainn The boys from the hill trium and several other first line her former sound health.
tivo juvenile baseball teams pla phed with eight runs to their citizens.
The members of the Port Li The Reverend Holm The treat was well ved a match in honour of the ser en innings against seven for received rection with the illness of Miss Mavis Wahams of the mon Branch No. 134 of the Janister of the Church will We are passing along with at we mentioned.
Battery and were the re very good friend, Mr. Robo Siirres township is a welcomisica Burial Scheme Society Guct the divine Worship, deep sympathy the news in con Fruchanan, who visited San Jon addition to our community will swell the congregation in As a means of augmenting the veek ago to seek special incaShe is very cordially crected the city Methodist Church, to The general membership irportance of the tribute to cal attention. Mr. Buchanan to and we bespeak for her ever row, Sunday at the seven on the local Branch are to som Minster Francisco Fonseca, the very valuable member in our bod result in her dressmaki. cloek evening hour in the ob in the St. Mark Hall at curtains, Harold Berrick and ricultural, economic, religious bra general fancy work activ. rvance of the Society 19. clock sharp and from Foi mond Scott invited the teach La social life. May the fibre Ries.
Thanksgiving Service march to the Methodist Chus tts and scholars of the English life be doubly reinforced.
Language Schools to attend the ratch wich was ih evidence at the two o clock afternoon hour B! Tuesday of the week in cour During one period of months, The Cacao Farmer Friend se very pleasing response was WE ALWAYS buy Cacao some 320 messages given by the special invitees.
from aircraft by pigeo. The diamond was water soak it 307 were delivered. It is escd by the recently fallen rains, timated that between 26 and but the boys didn mind for 56 of the birds arrive at their they east away their shoes ang destination Security is one great ied the naturals. In sliding. Toint in favor of their use. wireless message is easy to in s bases were in themselves We are Agents for tu cep. but even with a machine toliesome to them.
gun, it is difficult to bring down a racing pigeon. To shoot at a The White Rock consists of pigeon in Britain was an act of the boys residing on the knoll sabotage.
CACAO PIGEON POST Limón Trading Company were sen RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT our HAPPY BIRTHDAY Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada ines Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back Here is wishing Miss Maria or receipt which reads: Esher of Puntarenas a right appy Birthday which registers This bill must be paid at our office before today, Saturday the 16th instant the 10th of the month The honouree is the daughter sur cricketer, Mr. Bicher Ben onds tn comply with this request and an en od prit 15 her taking up to blire te suspend our service, step which 29 would much reg:el to take very popular ligate smo our come people. May she the ripient of many more birth de Sistema Nacionade Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juvemua, Costa Rica.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y enviarnos la pena de tener que cortar se servicio Nos reclamar su atención a la nnte al dorso su recibo que dice: COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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