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BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN FUEL CONSUMPTION SUCESSFULLY CUT Yughly vo per cent. of its poto turn an ordinary propel GREAT ACHIEVEMENT s new ave VOZ ATLANTICA Limón, Saturday, 16th. February 1946 THE WORLD BEST PILOTS to lift a single passenger until Le has 750 hours flying 100 of By Charles Gardner which are at night, and 400 of The of the theadbare subjects that he will test him in all the which are on the type being in these engines the turbine uses of discussion, whenever Britain testberm approach Hind flown. He must also ha re Leen THE STORY OF DAMAGE BY flying men meet, is the relative approaches and radar controlled captain for 200 hours dx and merit of Service and commer By Crarles Gardner.
50 hours night flying. His navi ROCKETS il pilots It has even been Only where he is satisfied that gator must have 400 hours and The cal aviation industry of kids the world in sero turbine, and the other 20 per cent, For the first time it is possible known to lead to quite vigorous the candidate is really foul on his wireless operator 300 with in can, in a few years time, development and research power goes into jet thrust.
Particulars have only just been to tell the story of one of the Each German rocket which discussion these things will the ticket 150 on the type of set used The the most virile in the world she keeps that lead, the world spectacular released of the Bristol Theseus most production landed on London damaged be In the past, however, and cer be granted. If he fails. then Flight Engineer must have 300 is alreraft the most sought of aviation will come to her The tween 600 and 700 houses, while taintly before World War I, the will only be allowet an hours and 200 on the type of air. can, without undue option for its engines, and, pro. prop which has a fuel behievements of the war.
consumption comparable to scene is the Gold Coast, one of each flying bomb damaged 400 was inescapable that the civih nearer than 000 yard to craft.
visualise the time when tably, its air frames.
at the four territories which connwellings, the Ministry of an pilot, who made his living cloud in a horizontalistin SCIENTIST PILOTS in the United States, at pre Experiments with that of a piston engine various 3c0 per hours at 20. 000 Ftitute British West Africa and Health disclosed in its annual by flying or goods in commer ornearer than 500 feet in a ver it holding almost a monopolyms of the reaction propulsion cie! aircraft, was better trau: teal direction. In sharth Even these fairly high dem the building of air liners, mainly turbines have gone on fcetIt has a total horse power the theme is bauxite, a mineral report The weapons sent nearly more experienced and we lerens that, in Britain, he will ands fall below those of be buying British Britain for eight years. The 2. 500 and weighs (dry) 310 essential in the construction of oli but wooden aireraft. Before as many to shelters as at the liable than the average fighter te lucky to fly a week a year. Transport Command. which The reason for this rony view Comans, too, were experimen. Usually, of course, jet enA or bomber pilot of any Air Force The white instrument reg will now not even accept a pilot to be found in one word jetat top but were dividing their at unes do not weigh as much as the war the Gold Coast export Bright of the 1940 41 blitz.
In Britain, recently the Royal tieket, will, therefore, needed for thaining unless he has 000 The futur, of world commertention between turbines and roc. pound per horse power (the principally cocoa, gold, dia crunt on June 30, 1944, showed Derwent gives 000 for mands and manganese. Bauxite 2, 000 people using shelters, Air Force took the first steps by every pilot. whe hours. Before World War II a inviation lies in the use of kris, The result was that, in co0 lbs, weight) but in the The diposits had been located buty 000 fewer than sheltered to redress this differenre and suther of Fighter, Bombes, Transman with 000 hours was a turbines every nation is lid parcticable achievement, from Nazi bombers.
blished their minimum require port or Coastal Commands veteran. today he just an ed upon that. The long haul Train pulled, ahead. The first sưu the extra weight is in con remained undeveloped.
In 1942, following the defeats Nearly 1, 250, 000 London res rients from their peaceti a di advanced pupil.
liners of the near future win Whittle jet flew in the early ssion to airscrew drive. One the Far East and Europe, the idents left the danger area be. Icts. These requirements will en But after the white. co The is confident that, 40. 000 feet, at fighter wars of World War II and by me is that it is at its best and eds of 400 to 500 and the end of it, had grown into the of the big advantaoges of this en Gold Coast received an urgent tween July and September, 1944 re that all Britain Ser. comes the green. The run the from this beginning, will spring rapid including 285, 000 mothers and pilots are fully qualifie1 to ay ket, which will now be de aarded great things. The nosi economical when running call for its bauxite.
the enormous payloads. They Rolls Roys, Derwent motors powers that et full speed. Piston engines, of survey of the deposits showed children and 101, 000 unaccom the sort of weather waich Brio senior pilots in many bran be have decided that the prell! ll use variants of the tur which, in a Standard Royal Air nejet the one engine is effi Force Meteur IV, recently set up curse, are only crusied al hall that of the two most suitable tried children moved in organ tain endures for nine months outches of Service flying, is a real war idea of a Service pilot as a throttle full horsepower being for development one formed the ijed parties, the report disclosed the twelve.
lv rugged instrument flying dushing, hard drinking, nit wit Sent at th, heights where wea world speed record of served only for take off.
cup of a 2, 500 foot mountain, London first aid posts handher comes to trouble and all nizom.
category, and can only be ot. ited young man has got to go Big strides have also been 200 miles from the coast in den 1:3 38, 000 casualties, rest cent. White and Green rer from the Empire Centre for good. The developments of are mooth One of the first Whittle motors No road res cared for 117, 000 homeless In the first place all pilots of Flyings School. When a pilt has the war brought a new type of HALVING FLYING TIME was sent to the United States hande in pure jet engines and com soly forested country.
mercial jets are now flying Jedi to this mountain top, andana 191, 000 were placed in new the other than those that ticket he will be allowed blei into the Service. a serious The short haul nir lines, too, to iniciative American aero en a man who rapa harvest from these ineers into British progress, and which could also accomplish the the railway ran through a town homes by billeting and rehous whe only fly in Wing Conner to take of in nil visibility go. minded scientist Atlantic crossing at economical and far from the foot of the ing during the blitz.
dors Weather (ten tenths to an airfield on which croi. the bel vied in the evidence of his mpact and light power plants. the world lead held by Britain fie consumption when this fac carpinent. The first task was The report also said that be blue sky) will have to how an tirds are reported to be walking sextant, his gyro instruments, liners which now tok, two thien has since been more than toor is considered along with the to build a road from the moun fore the invasion of Normandy instrument flying rating Thus Parallel to this annouament his radar set and his wireless to do 400 mile hops will retained. Fast proof of this was ir saving in flying time which in top to the railway. It in rearly 1, 000 London doctors, rating is in two categories the at the determination of ezuiment of such men were the complish them in just over half in the Meteor speed record a and medical students white and the green. Taining Command to turn out Atlantic Ferry and the Pathfin e time. The saving may not which, prophesy, no one will mes from great speed. The rived finding a way down the nurses To get a white instrument in the wordl best pilots, ecmes der Force formed. Britain Coas cm 10 creatly impressive to all down until we do it oursel bete new buil could cruise for crested face of the mountain, were moved to south coast hos cier 000 miles at 500 frequently across almost vertical pitals.
cket the pilot has to suit to the news of the minimum tal. Command relied upon them ht. Passenger but to the opera ves next summer. But, more im or 40. 000 feet which would give slopes.
In the first week after the in a tough examination in blind, requirements of its air cray for for their 24 hour Flying Boat company it will representportant than the 606 miles an London Montreal still air time On November 27th, 1942, one vision on June 6, 10, 439 wound witm only instrumente. guide passenger carrying trips sorties and Transport Command ed cashin a big way. Quicheur of Group Captain Wilson, of about six hours.
European and a party of Afried men from Normandy and the him. The examiner will put the In coastal Command no cups relies upon them to keep e flights, quicker turn rounds is the new that Britain now has cins went into the bush to Channel far less than the num aircraft into uncomfortable and that the candidate recover on in the 1945 world record of 40 on nearly donble frequency of three different maltes of jet airs ROLLS ROYCE NENE moke the first survey. Little to expected. were treated in ur usual positions, and demard truments only, and with a mi Million passenger miles per faevice will be obtainable wit crw engines whose fuel consump more than a fortnight later, suth coast hospitals.
nimum loss of height. Aftoortoin of aircraft will be allowed taily.
Ul increasing the number of tinn has been so reduced as to The latest in military jet en. cio Africans had begun the irratt involved Maintenance make them economic proposi. pmes is the Rolls Royce Nene, work of construction In 110 all be easier, engine troubles, tions for long haul air line work. which produces over 000 lbs. cays they did the work and on wer, and reliability coulpled Ai these engines are capable of. htrust (1. 000 lbs. more than March 25th, 1943, heavy lorries CHASED BY OUR th the new radar navigation in Atlantic flight.
the Derwent) at 12. 500 revolu delivered the first loads of baux. one hundred per cent.
OWN BOMB tors per minute. The Nene waste from the mountain top to The dream of all air line opera TURBINE DRIVEN AIRSCREW designed, developed and passed the railway. Since then, scores To be chased by their own ons is about to be realised Since you are to wear dresses and other garments, then ladies frr flying all in six months. It of thousands of tons of bauxite bomb was the amazing experod safety, realiabiliti and re To overcome this, the Rolls, was experimentally flown in a you should have them well designed and properly needled and have been removed from that 1011. VI JO. tired costs Bristol and Armstrong Aero Enginekheed Shooting Star, giving mountain top and added to more. cw auring an attack on a railexquisitely fitted.
The key to all things lies in ne firms have now all produced that aircraft a much better per scores of thousands of tons from way in Siam. They brought picthe new jet motors, and Britainle turbine driven airscrew motor. formance than it had with the second site.
tures back to their base to prove It is a nice feeling to have people admiring your dress and of United States built turbojet course we know that art of dressmaking; and we know to which ormally powers it. We had just bombed the rail Acne weighs only 550 lbs. for way, said the pilot, O Dave PRETTIFY your appearance.
its 000 horsepower, and has THE WORLD TERMICIDE RAPIER RETORT Gallagher (Wairoa. when Try us today: do not hesitate.
a fuel consumtion of 06 lbs.
suddenly heard the tail gunner Call at the residence of Mrs. Albertina Smith on fourth Avenue; two doors from the residpel Ib. thrust per hour.
yell, Our bombs are following ence of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blackman!
Here is the formula to destroy the wood ants and other With all these engines now fly Sir Mark Young, Governor of us. Sure enough, there was a ing, it seems to me that the futu Hong Kong, has been liberated. Homb chasing along behind us.
MAVIS THE COMPETENT: insects in your organ. piano and furnitures ra nf the British aircraft industry He is the hero of many stories shook us all. Later we realis assured. Better engines are on alustrating a rapier. like wit ived that the tail had come off For further particulars with regard toprice their way and even better ones one of the best is that of the one of our bombs as it fell, causVicthing undone in order to cre being designed. It is unfor lady, lunching at Government re it to bounce on the track TOMORROW FRIENDS. TOMORROW heartily welcome and entertain and of application; SEE tunate that engine development Fouse, who was aggrieved to and skip up 600 feet in full forWe are viewing, anticipating res a variety of amusements the excursionists.
has so far outstripped airframe find herself on Sir Mark left wird flight. Luckily, our came. the bustle and hustle begin with a streamline of horse races This is a good opportunity to MR. JOHN ROGERS construction but that is now true instead of his right.
ras recorded the incident, as ne ning from the early morning is the principal feature of the see the friends whom you had ct all countries.
She aproached her grievance one at base would have be hours, tomorrow, Sunday the agenda teen longing to see and rememWhere, for instance, is the per obliquely. but made it fairly ed us.
15th in almost every home in Word has reached us that the her Mr. Opportunity knocks but The Vogue Tailoring Establishment in front the fctly safe pressurised airliner chvious. Finally she remarked New Zealand News.
this city as well as in those of friends at Siquirres are leaving once.
to use those trans Atlantic jet suppose it is really very dif.
Zent, Estrada, Matina, Battan, ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY OFFICE: metors which give 500 ficult for your always to Madre de Dios, Rio Hondo, Ci.
at 40. 000 feet? We may have to put your guests in their right Landly, for those who matter carrones, Monte Verde and PaLIMON wait two years for it but, after places?
con mind, and those who mind cuarito, also in those in the vici.
THE NIGHT SOCIAL FRONT that, the British air liners should Not at all, said Sir Mark don matter.
nities of the above mentioned Ise literally on top of the world.
Tonight, Saturday the 16th of who are to participate with the ain stops of the Excursion train which is to leave Limon at clock hour, the St. Mark Par Ictous celebration.
the month in course at the tight members of the Club in the le 630 for the gala day at Siqui lish Hall will ascend in high Mr. Sam Watson, chairman, NOTICE stride with the Inaugural Cer Mr. Lewis, secretary and othcmony and Dance of the VIC ers of the Management are seen Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de TORY DANCING CLUB. busily engaged with the prepaing Requirements to aleria dirijase a DEWe learn that the occasion rative features for the night will be graced with the presence Jeasure. They have given their FOR GOOD DAY OUTING IN ROIG oi most highest ranking Civil and assurance that there will not be Military Authorities as well as dull moment.
Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos ESTRADA with other distinguished guests BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319 3201. or 25 NEW TO THE CITY BUT COMPETENT ii Hello Boys and Girls. Here is your big opportunity LA IBERIA SALOMON CHIN SIQUIRRES Horse Races Picnic FOUL DEAL NOTICE ON SUNDAY FEBRUARY 17, 1946 Excursion Train leaves Limon at 30 a. leaving Siquirres at 00 An echo has reached us from very mindful of the fact that the Mac Arthur Baseball Club it was Mena pitching whico ct San José in regard to what is contributed in an overwhelming considered as a FOUL DEAL reasure to the championship on the part of Tim Mena, Ace Honours that have been bestowPitcher who was invited to the ed upon them in the baseball San José baseball diamond un series of last year, but in spite der the auspices of the General of his turning turtle, the boys McArthur Club, and after be whom he has abandoned, true ing afforded a very cordial to the name of the great Gen treatment by the Management en al which they bear and whə as well as by his team mates of tas vanquished the Japanesc colour, he has deserted them terrorists; they will play ball for the white camp: rather in this year and go over the top considerate towards present day again with the Elimination and racial affinity.
National Championship, and As we gather the McArthur perhaps, Mena too, will crumble sam is very appreciative and at their feet.
To the Shareholders of the Liquidated Cooperation of 28 Miles, You are hereby Notified to attend a Meeting of the above named Society, which will be held at the usual meeting place at Madre de Dios, 10th of March, 1946, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Liquidators, and to have a final understanding of the Property FARES ROUND TRIP: Limón 7. 00. Zent y Estrad a 5. 00 Matina, Bataan y Madre de Dios 4. 00. Rio Hondo, Cimarrones, Monte Verde y Pacuarito 2. 00 Please bring your Certificate when coming, we need all holders of Certificates in person.
Signed. Farquharson.
And Wolfe Liquidators, by orders.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    InvasionNazismTerrorismWorld War

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