
LIMON LIVES ATLANTIC VOICE CIONAL HOW THE FARMERS CAN HELP THEM MAC ARTHUR BASEBALL CLUB WILL AGAIN evil lies in many dwellines: at are in LETTER TO THE EDITOR: From Our Desk Port Limon, Costa Rica By The Editor: February 20th, 1946.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 My Dear Mr. Editor: WHEN one sees vivid demonstration of YEAR XI say thanks in advance for Nº 502 Limon, 23rd. February 1946 betterment, particularly economically the the space that you will assign sense of satisfaction is heavily enriched: hope may automatically drive away me to express my thought in puts on new buds and the garden of the mind señores Monkeys and other ruin conjunction with the declination of proper mannerism as is daily is enriched by some fertilizing substance.
SELVES ous animals.
practiced by an ever increasing We are attuned with the auriferous contribuIn the olden times it was the number of persons in this comThe newly installed Rural Com rel. These chaps can be shot tion of the National Bank of Costa Rica to this mittee for the betterment of tha with a reward of from fifty ets custom of the day toilers to col munity.
Province. a contribution which has deeply agricultural activities of this to a colon for every squirrel tail lectively meet at nights and disSeemingly these persons are found its ways into our cordiac being and has be cuss their different problems. placing respect into the province must be posted on the turned in, but it should scrap imprinted the words on our lips that LIMON most perplexing problems in borne in mind that this would this, we believe would be worthy basket; loosing this virtue LIVES.
their pursuits, such things which not be aquick rich scheme; the copious act on the part of the dealing with their children, are destructive to the products monetary award would only regionally cultivators in order to their women and more than al It is not by accident that our market squa and otherwise, tend to assist the purchasing of be in a position to intelligently they are showing the same dis re is now adorned, with the In the past many cultivators the ammunitions. Perhaps the present their wishes to the Rur regard to even those in authorhave thrown in the TOWEL war against Messrs. Squirrels al Committee.
ity beautifully remodelled structure. a building in defeat by the wild animals To my mind the root of the that stands majestically to the credit of the which are plagues; these ene.
Board of Directors of the National mies are well known by the farsay dwellings and not HOME Bank, and which, by a magnificent mount out mers, but scattered as they were COMPETE THIS YEAR for surely HOME is not a habor highly esteemed and eminent architect, Don without a shepherd they were The General Douglas Mac Ar for the Esso Standard Oil Cup. ing place for baseness.
almost helpless, now with the aid Oh if we would re establisl. Rogelio Pardo has won his SPUR.
of the Minister of Agriculture, thur Baseball Club, composed ex which we understand, is a very of beautiful Trophy, and which the respect of our fore parents It is obviously an underlying significance of course through the office of clusively of colored players beneath the waves of progress for Limon; the Rural Committee, the way San José and Port Limon, last should be coveted by any proud try to imitate good mannerism instead of some of the styles; a wave that will wash away any fear on the seems clear to combat, at least years outstanding Champions of organization.
good seeds would surely he threatened economical collapse.
some of the pests.
Costa Rica, are preparing their That in sipte of Tim Mena turn sown and will, without doubt aggregation to enter this years ing turtle on them, they are de bei productive of good fruits.
Let us treat first with chamiponship, and Eliminatory, termined to show Mena and the The Inaugural Ceremony of this instituCocoa Enemy No. 1; the squirThe displays of degrading con Coca Cola club, that they tion was effected imposingly and embraces duct on trains and other public the real ball players of Costa places is causing people of cul the cream of humanity from San Jose and this Rica and will win this trophy. ture to bow their heads city. Among these are Don Abel Robles, our NEW HARLEM CANTINA even with his playing against shame.
Goxernor, His Lordship, the Bishop of the Rothem his own teamoimates and Oh, if these folk. would only man Catholic Diocese, Don Julio Peña, the Di AND RESTAURANT fellowmen, for the concern that change their way am sure rector of the National Bank. the Vice Presihe has joined, with attermost that places which are closed Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE disregard, disolyalty, and ingrati against them would swing wide dent of the Board of Directors, Don Manuel OFFERS: tude, for those who did so much ly to them. It cost nothing to Escalante. Don Luis Cruz Bolaños of the The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons for him, since 1928 when hetry and act decent and there Presidencia the Hon. Robert Johnston, NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN came here, to play for the then will be lots to gain the British Vice Consul to Limon. the HonAND NATIVE LIQUORS.
Limon Reds, years champions Sincerely yours, ourable Hilton Wood, the Consul of the Uni of Limon FAITHFUL READER. tes States of America the Hon, Sara Cerda, the Consul of Nicaragua. Don José Zúñiga Chief of the Rural Committee Dublin, feb. Bernard Shaw from foreign courts: Dublin alone in Mr. Green, Manager of the Northern has accepted the invitation of the has the right to affirm that Dublin Municipal council to be spite of my incessantly controver Railway. Messrs. Munch, Assistant Ma RETURN HOME: come a freeman of Dublin but sial past and present, have rot nager of the Costa Rica Banana Company Ri because of his years he will not disgraced her.
KINGSTON, Ja. The Jama. the other West Indians who chard Roberts, the auditor of the same Compa be able to travel to Dublin for am too old to be present but cans who went overseas with made up the Regiment. At all nay. Mr. Julian Weston Chief of the Interna the ceremony.
there is so little of me it win the First Caribbean Regiment ports of call, civic authorities tional Balsa Company. Don Mariano Zuñi shall be gratefully prout hardly be missed. Be te leave returned to their home on Jan had drawn up elaborated plans ga the Manager of the Limon Branch; he who to become an honorary freeman my ancient vigor to the in agina uary 9th. aboard the Highland to give the returning soldiers a of my native city. he wrote, tion of young Ireland and the Monarch. The ship later called deserving welcome.
toiled unceasingly during the period of the rehave hitherto evaded credentials photographers of 50 years ago at Barbados and Trinidad with The Jamaica boys on landing, medelling. almost all the erchants of the marched through flag decked City and other distinguished personages from streets, lined with cheering San Jose and this city.
crowds, on to the saluting base Commanding a very important item on at Queen Victoria statue at the top of King Street. They were the programme of the Inauguration was the led by the Jamaica Military installation of the personnel of the Limon Ru Band in their Zouave uniforms, ral Committee. characters whom we are and lining tho route was an proud of. men laden with the necessary quali honor guard from the Jamaica fications; they are Mr. Edmundo Taylor, the Battalion. The march past was President and his very valuable associates 240 strong, indluding officers Messrs. Rafael de La Pena. Oscar Bloomand men, and was headed by the commanding officer, Majos field. Jose Esna. and Hernan Garron. The Moody, son of Dr. Harold announcement, bordering on a taste ful adMoody, well known Jamaican in dress was given by Don Jose Zúñiga The London.
moving spirit of the scientific as well as the Marching in the parade too instructive life of the Agriculture of this zone were 27 munition workers who had returned from England that rests with our young dstinguished Agromist, morning, and the soldiers as Don Jorge Alvarado.
well as munition workers the The oration treating with the InauguraActing Governor addressed tion was efficiently expouned by Don Mawords of welcome from the 51 nuel Escalante.
luting base, and told them of HAS RECENTLY ADDED The ceremony, of course, was not perforTO ITS FLEET plans to assist them in their re med under the 18th Amendment Law, but turn to civil life.
OF BANANA CARRIERS NEW FAST Following inspection, the solwas rather wet wet indeed.
diers dined at the Command In behalf of the entire Atlantic Zone; this School, Up Park Camp, while VESSEL OF 500 TONS BURDEN newws organ their mouth piece expresses who the munition workers were en le hearted thanks to the Board of Directors of tertained by the Government at PASSENGERS WILL BE ACCEPTED the Bank and all concerned for this gift to Bournemouth Club, where they Limon.
Address all your Engineer ing Requirements to Para todos sus trabajos de eniería dirijase a COMERCIANTE DETALLISTA CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager ROIG Licores Abarrotes Cristaleria. Materiales de Ferretería y Eléctricos. Todo se encuentra en este Establecimiento Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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