
THANKSGIVING SERVICE CACAO RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENTCORP. OF THE GOVT captioned by the words Also man, Mrs. Eva Spence delivered QUEEN HAPPINESS ADDRESS AT CORONATION OF PRINCESS CLARISA MACLENNON Page ATLANTIC VOICE Limon, Saturday 23rd. February 1946 MR LLOYD PRITCHARD IS WITH US Our very well regarded Mr. more days, and we entertain no Lloyd Pritchard who was forin doubt on his being able to furn(By Frank Owen and Atkins)
erly on the official Educational ish us with some valunble in Id is to his tanks that the enery, Man Land. And then in mo ment more the dim, huge stope Staff in this city; after an abs formation:, news that we shalluwes his success. UNDENDORFF, in a depatch, the most terrifying cnoty on ence of several months abroad gladly pass on to you, our hig.
he has arrived in our city four ly esteemed readers.
August, 1918.
this earth since man freed and days ago. As was expeted he Happy reunion is assured fr Out of the mist and breaking Lught armoured monstead the was royally greeted on every Pritchard in this community and darkness of the September dawn Prehistoric Age loomed up above hand.
elsewhere in the Republic of his the German sentries saw it first the parapets. Is was THE TANK.
We hope to place him in the birth What grey fear and he tow. ads in battle, lumbering QUESTION BOX within a few zcd the hearts of those cutthem across the desolada cf No which brought the tank back to warfare in modern form. So.
Commerce Avenue, Next to the British ine new method was needed to Vice Consulate and Airplane Booking Office bring fire power to bear on the long, deep line of entrenchments into which the opposing armies hud sunk on the Western Front in 1914 18. It was by British In a very appreciative and re saying Whom shall send and bruins that the twentieth centu presentative manner the mem who will go for us, Then said ry version of the tank was conbers of the Port Limon Branch. Here am send me. This The Cacao Farmer Friend ceived, and it was by British WE ALWAYS buy Cacao hands that it was created. It No. 134 of the Jamaica Burial text was taken from the Book Scheme Society occupied the of Isaiah; Chapter and the 8th wos by a British unit, the spe front seats in the Methodist verse. The Hebrew treats on the cally raised Tank force, that the Church in this city on Sunday way of Holiness of the pri dominating weapon of modern the 17th instant in a worship nf vileges of the Godly and the land warfare was introduced to Thanksgiving in accordance with Glory of the New Zion.
tereak the military deadlock, the fundamental ordinance. On the members return to the Who invented the tank? We The service was seasoned with the closing remarks followed We are Agents for know the origin of the Vickers impressiveness both by the honey hall, Mr. Harold Smith as gun, the Bren or the Browning extracted from the singing of cended the rostrum and spoke machine gun. The genius who the choiristers and the discourse glowingly on the excellency of OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE made the modern tank is not su given by the Reverend the sermon extended by the Rev easily identified. Forty years ago Holmes; a message which was Holmes. The Madam Chair Mr. Wells wrote an uncan may not be downcast or discou ry accurate forecast of the coI heard the voice of the Lord with Doxology.
ming clash of armoured engines.
May your leadership of this In the evolution of the tankDepartment be a never. co. be Britain secret weapon of World My esteemed Deputy Princess as token of honour and Respect forgotten one and may your Ward inventors, engineers, Elect: which for the ensuing term of trams bring you Victory after soldiers, sailors, airmen, statesIt is with great pleasure ac one sear you shall be the recos Victory in all their games. men (including the then First cept the kind invitation of the nized Mistress of the Junior DiIt is, therefore, with great Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. Wins Junior Division of the ati find vision of the Pathfinder Sport honour that I, this night of Feb tou Churchill. played their sev We Have Just Received Gavitt e Sport Club to be present Club in the full reign as th irruery the 5th in the Year of erst and vital parts. But which my Royal Capacity as Queen Princess Our Lord, One Thousand None particular person actually cons System Regulator Happiness of the Limon Salva hope you will find your tasik Itundred and Forty Six crown tructed the first working model?
tion Army Corps and to be lione very pleasant and eninyahle you as Princess. Royal Commision set up after cured with the important task orr that, if even if trying cir Long May You Live!
the victory narrowed down the to place on your head a Crown cumstances be presentati ya The Supply Is very Limited practical claimants to fewer than a dozen. The largest payment, Come And Get Yours of 15. 000, was made jointly to Sir William Tritton of the tracIn Time ter building firm of Foster Sons, Lincoln, and to Lieut. Wilson of the Royal Naval Air Service. With this award At Clifford Steele. The Excelsior Tailor.
went the credit of designing and producing in a concrete practimal shape the novel and efficient chigine of warfare known as the Tok.
So the tank was born. We have seen how it was first employed, Word has been received that Almost every land where the in penny numbers on the Somme the then existent vacancy in the kingly game of cricket is known, En 1916. Apart from the local sue Superintendency of the Panama the name of Mr. Learie Constan (Pss which the tank there achie Costa Rica Methodist Circuit is tine is a password due to the sed, its perfomances did not im now filled by the Reverend and world famed capabilities of this Darss the higher Mrs. Moon in the neigh Trinidadian. Mr. Constantine To be continued.
bouring Republe of Panama. It took up residence in England has been mentioned that they many years ago and during the SODA WATER were the recipients of a royalwar he had the assign as a Wel welcome by the Methodists and fare Officer with the Minister FACTORY friends. We hope the day is not of Labour; for his contribution very distant when we shall have to the British war effort he is the privilege of their visit to numbered among the recipients Fábrica de Hielo Costa Rica and particularly this of His Majesty special New y Refrescos city.
Year bestowal as a Member nf the British Empire.
Agencia Cerveceria Traube The distinguished honour as Justices of the Peace in the 1sLIMON land of Jamaica has been quite recently conferred respectively We learn that tomorrow, Sun resume his religious and other COSTA RICA on Mesdames Sharp of day the 24th, the services at the responsible duties for the Parish HERE IS THE HELP FOR THE SYSTEM: Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR FROM THE MAIL BOX Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices IN THE ANGLICAN CIRCLE Notice Trout Hall and Lena Harvey of St. Mark Church will be con of St. Mark where he has de FLORIDA ICF AND FARM CO Chapelton; the two mentioned ducted by the cathechist, Mr. Wmdicated his life for many long places are in the parish of Clar. Daysley who has been on the years.
andon in the Country of Middle sick list for several months and He anticipates a large congresex is now sufficiently recovered to igation on this his resumption, Fábrica de To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Our Prices for the following Products ar.
CACAO, per quintal. 65. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred 28. 00 Colones YULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada ines We beg to call you rattention to our remark at tbe back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y rnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which wo would much regret to take COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Tandale Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventus, Costa


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