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Página VOZ ATLANTICA Limon, Saturday 9th March 1946 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN FIRST JOB They even QUEEN WILHELMINA Christmas and although there is BRITAIN From Page Stage Director Some lovely decor has been be in the long run no hope o DRIFTERS HUGE EUROPE AT THE designed by Roy Hobdell, survival for what may calle PRODUCTION young man who earns his living HAULS characteristic way of li e of the CROSSROADS For a number of years the POSTSCRIPTS by commercial art and devotes English speaking people his spare time to ballet decor Government of the United King That is a strong statement, but LOWESTOFT dom and the Government By DOUGLAS JERROLD it is one which history aid enost One of Britain leading motor just for the love of the act. Some Guatemala have had in disput: herring season since 1938 the During the first East Anglia.
certainly confirm. car manufacturers is concentratime ago he designed the decor the boundary between British This is an attempt to answer What is the present position? ting on a single model to suit for the new Markova. Delin Honduras and Guatemala and cºmbined Anglo Scottish flect of 45 drifters have caught herrings have been asked in Canada and rope you have Great Britain, the kets. It will be a sturdy, roomy a few of the many questions on the Western outskirts of Eu both home and overseas mar version of Swan Lake.
some other genertl questions of to the value of 262, 000 a.
FOUR BALLETS sovereignity.
the United States during my only great power surviving in car of modern flowing lines, poOn Monday January 14th, the amount only twice exceded since first visit since 1939. The recent Europe which still practices the wered by a medium sized engi 1930. United Kingdom presented a note British Election has naturally old way of life, where freedom ne. Makers believe that this poChoreography is by Pasuka The 25 Scottish drifters to Guatemala offering to submit suggested over here that there is still compatible with order, licy, which marks a revolutiona who will also dance the leading now returning home They hate the entire matter to the new have been great changes in the where changes can be made ry departure from British prac roles, and the four ballets are International Court of Justic earned an average of over 5, British mind and ten. pes us without revolutionary violence tice of producing a wide varie De Prophet. They Came 000 for the seven weeks voy result of the war.
set up under the United Nations where the Churches are free ty of types and sizes, will be an Market Day and Aggrey.
age, the most fortunate leaving Organisation How far is this true! where the rulers are not al cve effective answer to the problem De Prophet is the story of taken over 9, 000.
Thus the British Government Well! can only give my own but subject to the law. That is of overhead costs. The scale of fanatical preacher who attempts becomes the first nation to sub The 20 Lowestoft boats, which view: there have been some im. our way of life. It is also the production planned should fix to fly to heaven by building him mit to UNO a dispute between have put in one more night, have portant changes and reactions historic European way of life. the price below 200.
self a pair of wings.
itself and another nation. The done better, the lubut not by any means those the source of the strength and Came tells the story of the exice is broken ckiest taken over 11, 000 They which the results of our Elec vigour of Western Civilization prefabricated radio station citing contact between the naare to continue fishing until tion might suggest.
over many centuries.
just shipped from Britain to the tive and European. We see the Take for instance the com In Europe today it survives Far East provided railways dense African forest, masked usually a decline in catches in monwealth. The Laucur Party only in Great Britain while on with one of their biggest pro Inatives dancing round the moDecember, one SHUNS LUXURY boat, Golden used to be what were called the marches of Eastern Europe blems. Components of the tionless figure of a zod in true Miller, to day landed 230 crans Little Englanders. Today that lies the great Empire of Russia, tion large as the biggest in primtive style. Market Duy is equivalent to about 250, 000 herr has all changed. Our British pressing East, West and South, Britain numbered 30. 000, and a light hearted, colorful affair 1110 New Park Lane, Scheve. ings, worth over 1, 000.
Commonwelath of free and equal missionaries of another way of weighed 500 tons. Contents in showing life in a gay market ningen, is a semi detached midnations, of course, has been in life where man is subordinated cluded 400 drums of cable, su. town, while Aggrey is a most dle class home one of those existence since 1926, but today to the state, and the rulers are fficient to stretch for 000 mi. unusual one act ballet, based on homes one finds in row after AUSTRIA BAN ON for the first time, in my judg above the law. But if it is not our les, 300 valves, ranging in size the life of Aggrey, great Atrican row of streets in suburban cities ment, it is, to the British of all way of life, be very sure of this from feet inches to a inch. philosopher and educationalisi.
in the Netherlands. The house HARSBURG parties, not merely a political it IS a way of life. It works. The 11. 000 stout cases are desig.
has a street number and a doo fact but a psychological reality, Between ourselves and Russia. ned for use as storage shelves WEST INDIES COSTUMES bell like all the other houses in VIENNA, British military We do not think of ourselves exponents of two different ways in the erected radio station whi.
the block authorities have dissolved the as one of a group of ecual peo of life, lies today a vacuum. Thatch will have a range of 000 The costumes, most of which It is in this unobtrusive home Hapsburg Monarchist Society in ples.
vacuum is inevitably going to miles. It is the largest of nine are being brought over from that Queen Wilhelmina is now Carinthia and handed over its But because we are common be filled.
such prefabricated stations which the West Indies, are being decarrying out her duties of State funds to the Carinthian Provin wealth minded it does not fcl. Either the free way of life, have been assembled and dispat signed by Ernest Berk. Berk and The royal palace at the Noor cial Government for welfare low that we are less interested, freedom under the law, winched overseas in the last two his wife Lotte have been in Engdeinde in The Hague stands purposes This action follows the less vitally concerned, with Eu flow back Eastward across Eu years.
land since 1934. They had an empty. All its furniture, liners latest drive against the monar ropean affairs rope, and Europe will succeed established ballet school in Ger.
glass and silverware have been chists in the French zone by the On the contrary, we in Great once again in realizing freedom British firm of engineers many when Nazi officials closed given to the Dutch people in the Austrian authorities, and yes Britain have never heen so dead with order, or else, in despair, have begun work on a great rond their school and they had to devastated areas. The greater terday announgement by the ly sure of the necessity of con the whole of Continental Europe, and railway bridge system across leave the country, part of the Queen country pa. Minister of the Interior, Helmer, cerning ourselves actively, con sick of anarchy and disillusion the River Tigris at Baghdad. The Though Pasuka has written lace at Het Loo is being used as that Hapsburgs found on Aussistently and permanently with ed of democracy, will turn to the work has priority over all other the stories and arranged the a convalescent home for war trian soil will be arrested. Europe. Splendid Isolation is Totalitarian way of life developments in Iraq by desire choreography for these first bal victims.
Moscow Pravda has come as dead as a doornail.
Such a situation will mean of the Iraq Government. The lets he does not intend to limit There is no sentry in front of out openly against the Hapsburg The situation in Europe is quite plainly and simply, the same company also have in hand all the creative work to himselt.
110 New Park Lane. The lower restoration on the ground that very close indeed to us in Eng economic and political domina a contract for the 68 mile ex. My idea he says, is to try floor consists of a narrow suite the Hapsburgs would create land. Central and Southern Eu. tion of Europe by one great tension of the State railway sys and convince my people that with a living room which offers danger for the Balkans and for rope lie in ruins. Western con Asiatic power. That in its twn tem from Kirkuk, the oil centre through negro art we can not seats for only six persons. The Russia.
tinental Europe is broken, dis must mean not onl; the end of in east Iraq, to Irbil on the Kir only offer the public something upper floor has a balcony but The British drive to de Nazi pirited, disunited, bankrupt and Great Britain as a world power, kuk Mosul road.
new in entertainment but more it is not a balcony from which fy Carinthia has had results this unarmed. For the first time in but a direct threat to the securimportant still help ourselves.
a ruler can address her people week. The Austrian police have modern history, for the tirst ity of the North American peoWe want others to join us.
It is like thousands of other bal arrested 35 war criminals and time, indeed, for more than a ples.
writers, musicians, dancers and conies in large Dutch cities; a former Nazis, who have all been thousand years, there is no kind The position can and must be times, that this necessity is not choreographers. There is a very balcony from which many a delivered to the People Court of equilibrium in Europe. It is safeguarded. It can only be sufe well appreciated on the Ameri great deal of negro talent going housewife airs her blankets or at Graz. One can now expect only a temporary and precarious guarded by the economic, moral can Continent. This is probably to seed in Britain and we hope a servant shakes her mop or that Nazi elements still at lin balance which is being main and political restoration of the because the European nation that this first small effort ot dustcloth.
erty will seek flight into the tained by the presence in Lu historic nation states of Western states, proud and self conscicus, ours will show the way to The only feautre that distin American zone, which appears rope of the Armies of the West ope nt Mediterraneun lit are small and sometime quarrel others.
gushes this home from its neigh still to be a refuge.
ern Allies toral. No regime imposed by mi some. will only say two things This is a great and worthy bors is the royal standard which When speak of equilibrium litary or economic prossure will about that.
ambition. It means abundant flutters from the attic windov. lace during the winter in order in Europe, do not mean a hal serve the cause of reahabilita First: We have to deal with hard work, much pulling togeUntil December 1, the Queen to save light and coal. The pa ance of military power. mean a tion. The peoples must freely the world as it is not as we ther and sinking Petty differhome, like all others in the Neth lace is deserted. The sentry balance of political and economic choose their governments, and would like it. The web of his ences. The British public have therlands, was without any coal hoxes stand empty. All windows power, of cultural and moral the governments so chosen must tory is woven without a void; always been generous to those fire and during the winter are blocked with shutters And force. Without such a balance of be strongly and quickly suport. we cannot alter the consequen who have courage. So here months Queen Wilhelmina will the flagpole without the royal equilibrium there can no ed and assisted. That as we in ces of history.
good luck to the Ballets Negres receive the same coal rations as standard bears witness that the freedom from fear or freedom of England see it, is a necessity not (To be continued. in their first venture.
the people. No receptions will Queen is living among her peo action for any nation in Western only for Great Britain, but for be held in the Noordeinde pa ple.
or Southern Europe. Without the whole Western Worli.
such an equilibrium there We in England feel, be GOING AT BARGAIN can someAn Admirable And Comfortable Family Notice THE WORLD TERMICIDE RESIDENCE To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Here is the formula to destroy the wood ants and other VERY GOOD LOCATION insects in your organ. pieno and furniture Our Prices for the following Products ar CONSISTS OF. BEDROOMS. DINING HALL For further particulars with regard topriee and of application; SEE SITTING HALL. ALL ROUND PORCH CACAO, per quintal 50. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred. 30. 00 Colones MR. JOHN ROGERS KITCHEN AND OTHER OUTSIDE CONVENIENCES.
The Vogue Talloring Establishment in front the SITUATE; IN THE JAMAICA TOWN SETTLEMENT All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY OFFICE: LIMON LIMON APPLY: CANTINA AND BAR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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