
International Problem of the one ATLANTIC VOICE The importance of oil in world, troleum except United for diesel engines, heating plants fofr machinery are essential to duction in Poland, Czechoslo Asia has vast quantities economy is indicated by propoStates have only minor domestic and to operate automobiles. The operation, and most of the gres vaquia, Germany. France and known oil, particularlyi the sals under discussion at the Lon reserves if any, and even Ame world supply is ample for many o ses found satisfactory for this England is very small. Australia Arabian Iran region. Burma is don Anglo American conference rican needs may soon require cil years, and oil and gasoline can purpose are petroleum products and Brazil are other countries also important and both China particularly the idea of an inter imports because of war drains be made from oil shale and coal Petroleum chemicals are also undergoing rapid industriol de and Japan produce some. Sak.
national commission to deal and future expanded uses. However, the process is not important, but many bf these velopment which now rely al halin island, off the coast of Si.
with present and future prob. Atomic power may some day simple, and nations dependins can be made from coal. most wholly on imported mine beria, was a Jap source of oil lems concerning the develop replace some of the present day upon synthetic quels for their The United States, in the past, ral liquid fuels.
in prewar and early war. years, The ment of old and new reserves power creating fuels, but not in war equipment might find then has worried very little about its principal oil producing The Middle East fields in Araand the allocation of the petro the immediate future. Even selves at the mercy of those with supply of oil. The situation has nations in the Western Hemis bia are particularly rich, leum products to the countries atomic power is used in the natural supplies, as Germany changed, however, as a result of phere are the United States, far American authority stating that needing them. The nations that larger power plants, petroleum and Japan now know. In addi the war, during which America in the lead, together with Vene these fields are incomparably have the greater needs for will be needed for many decades tion to fuels, lubrication greases provided about two thirds of the zuela, México, Colombia and richer than those in this country.
needed oil to power not only Trinidad. Northern Alaska has The really rich areas in oil American fighting equipment oil reserves now under develop as proved by drilling, Robert but that of the other Allies as ment which soon may play an Wilson, president of the Pan IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK RECOMMENDATION well known reserves have bean important part in the American American Petroleum and Trans The Atlantic Voice learns that drawn on heavily. New reserves supply.
port Company, stated recently The go den fruit of joy and gladness hangs on the Committe on Infant Protec. may be located and better recov in an article in Mining and Me life free tion has recommended that cerery methods developed to get a Africa produces very little oil tallurgy, are in the large basins in easy reach of every human creature, but be tain modifications be effeccted to larger percentage of the crude at present, the principal produc alternately lifted and depressed the granting of travel permits to from under the ground, but the tion being in Egypt. An Ame between major continents. the cause of the Costarrican youths and in parti United States must look forward rican oil company has just se Caribbean area, including our Mental blindness of humanity, few indeed are cular to girls seeking migration to possible importation. cured oil concessions in Ethio Gulf Coast, Venezuela, and Coable to partake continually.
to the Republic of Panama. The The importance of oil in worla pia, an indication that its geo lombia; the great area between Let us learn to see life in its right proportion and recommendation reads in part: economy becomes apparent by a logists, from preliminary stud Europe and Asia, which has the Let us live for the real thing with a steadfast pur In case of Young women see survey of the countries using it ies, believe that important re tremendous reserves of Arabia king passport the Migration Offi and the regions where it is mi serves may be found.
and Iran; the intercontinental pose.
ce should communicate with the ned. The industrially developed The Netherlands Indies, partic area of the Netherlands Indies EDITORIAL National Committee on the Pro nations are the greater users, ularly Sumatra, Java and Bor between the continents of Austection of Infant, stating the rea but, with the exception of the neo, are rich sources of oil and tralia and Asia; and finally, the son for the solicitation of Pass. United States, they are only in the future will play an in area around the Arctic ocean, WHAT DOING TO ENCOURAGE TOURIST port and all documents concer. minor producers. Western Eu creasingly important part in the in Northern Russia and around ning; in order that a determina rope, for instance, mines very oil industry. Relatively little ex. Alaska, which may prove a rich BUSINESS FOR LIMON tion in regard to the class of little petroleum, but needs much ploration has been carried out in area but which, because of phyFrom our Desk By the Editor work, the economical conditior Soviet Russia seems to have this vast Netherlands area so the sical difficulties, has not as yet and other requirements may be plenty for its own need, and Ru full possibilities are as yet un been explored.
We do not know the extent of the activities arrived at those desirous to tra mania produces for export. Pro known.
of the Atlantic Progressive Committee; in fact vel in educational pursuit, of whether dead or alive we have no knowledge, but course, are not subjected to the perhaps by our attempt to touch their strings se stringent measures.
It is gathered that the Commia voice may be raised.
tree desires to make sure that It is not in us to be pessimistic, but we are Costarrican young women rather optimistic and desire to see the essential not leaving to engage in any li thing done to encourage tourists to spend some velihood which will prove conEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 days in this city whenever visiting our Republic trary to the high standard of Year XI Limon, 16th. March 1946 Número 505 The dark veil has been somewhat lifted and health and honour.
was met in head on collision by the silver lining is seemingly appearing as we two British Armoured Divisions, have seen sign with the last week arrival of the PROPOSAL AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT who sought to pin him pagainst steamship AMSTELKERK of the Royal Netherland We are told that a proposal We hereby acknowledge recei the Republic and that the Van the mines. Aftersten days feroSteamship Company; our tender buds of hope has been submitted to the Ho. pt of the letter of don Rogelio guardia Popular has been effec cious fighting, Rommel broke oanchor in the port. We visualize what such weekly Government School in the Ja Editorial of the 2nd of the mo colour born in sprang anew when this palatial liner was lain at nourable Minister of Public Edu Mendoza under date of the ting question before His Excepen a gap throgh minefeld cation of the establishment of a 9th instant in reference to our llency in behalf of the people of on the west, cleared out his woun ublic of ded tanks, and brought up new vessels can do as a means of helping our econom maica Town Settlement; an ins. nth in course under the caption Costa Rica.
armour. Rommel had the best of ical situation, providing the right and proper ar titution to be operated on simi. MANY ARE WITHOUT We desire to state, however, that argument (for one thing he rangements are undertaken. The intended ocean lar lines as that functioning at FLAG.
that in view of our early avo had a better gun. and this time travellers from San José and other localities in the Cieneguita We desire to thank the Gene. wed willingness to serve our the British did the wihdrawing.
Interior, quite naturally will corne to Limon either If this school comes into reali ral Secretary of the Sectional people through the medium of In those days RAC field comby air or rail transportation, then passengers in zətion it would greatly releave committee of Vanguardia Popu: La Voz Atlantica. it is regre manders were sometimes crititransit, we believe, would welcome shore past Girls schools in this city.
the congestion in the Boys and lar for having quoted us the text table that the Sectional Commi cised for what was called the of a communication by His Ex ttee did not extend the courte. Death or Glory cavalry chartimes. We can calculate also on the crews of the We are in full agreement that celleney, the President of the sy ere this. On the other hand ge. Since the German 88 milliships taking advantage of what this city would the children of school ages in Republic to the Secretary of we understood that the National metre outranged the British 2have to offer.
that area warrants the project State in the Office of Foreign Association for the Advancement pounder at battle range by 700 To be frank on the subject, Limon should or and as we understand the acqui. Relations bearing on the matter of Costarricans of colour has sin yards, however, it was imperati ganize its own Tourist Representatives and do not rement of a building by rental of adoption of Costarrican citi ce October the 16th, 1945 ve to charge in order to come or purchase would be available. zenship by children of alien palously communicated with the to grips with him. We shall see depend on others. The slogan of self first self last rents born in the territories of Ichief Magistrate in the premises, what happened when a new wea.
and if anything remains, it is again for self is ob pon came on the scene.
viously becoming a rule of life.
was really more an operation of In the fourth great battle of FROM PUNTARENAS In order to better our position we need action; motorised troops than of tanks, the Desert War, the Battle of such alertness to bring general good to all conIt has been our information lice station; there he made his after the Italian evacuation of gypt, not only had the RAC recerned.
that two persons were wounded escape and with fleet feet whi Benghazi tanks led an received pounder guns for their It is our opinion that an Auxiliary Tourist at Puntarrenas as the result of le the police followed in his cha force in a 150 mile dash strai Crusader tanks and the reinfor the dischres of a revolver by se. we gather that the fleeing ght across the desert to intercement of the admirable AmeriCommittee could spread its activities by organiz the police on Saturday, eight prisioner was shot in one leg and cept the flying enemy. Pressing can Shermans with the 75 7ing weekly in land visitors, but for a successful days ago very unfortunately one of the on through a blinding sand storm limetre guns, but also for the issue close harmony and mutual understanding man of colour is said to hal bullets gravely wounded one they caught him at Beda Form artillery men a mass of 25 pourwith the management of our hotels, pensions and stabbed a woman and after com Señora Celina de Melendez who and destroyed him utterly. In ders and pounder anti tank conveyed to the hospital the Second Battle of Libya (No guns had reached the front, then other catering establishments would be strictly mitting his dastardly act, bia was in a house which was after ral. and the equally injured fugitivember, 1941) General Auchin. securely anchored between the necessary In this connection we have had complaints prehended and taken to the po confinement ded by the police and he was ap ve was retaken to the place of leck, seeking to provoke Rom. sea and the Quattara Depression mel to an armoured clash, ad. These factors called for a diffefrom interior visitors with regard to the fluctuaIvanced upon the enemy tanks rent handling of our armoured tion of rates for room accommodations by those of with a cruiser force in a wide forces. So this time instead of fering; claiming that they have occupied rooms at THE TANK IS BORN flanking drive from the south being themselves the Assault a given rate and within a return of a week or so, CONTINUED FROM LAST ISSUE At the same time his Infantry Force, the tanks were given two the same class of accommodations ascend in cost, ned by these guerrilla cavalry the pursuit to Benghazi. We are mel main entrenchmentse fur. the infantry assault. 2) explc The moral ascendancy gai. where, and so has the story of tanks frontally assaulted Rom other tasks. 1) close support of and that the charges are seemingly made accord was a vital part of the strength concerned here only to mark the ther north. Rommel received a tation of the break through.
ing to the opinion formed on the financial position which General Wavell deployed moving pattern of this Desert severe hammering, bat he slip General Alexander opened the of the requisitionists.
when he struck the Italian main fighting.
ped away to El Agheila to come Battle of El Alamein with a giIt should be borne in mind that the well in power, massed in the chain of In the first onset on the Ita. back and fight anothe day gantie artillery barrage Forma formed traveller expects to see Rate Cards and fortified camps south of Sidi lian camps the tanks both led In the Third Battle of Libya ny days previously the RAF had Floor Plans when seeking accommodation and we Barrani. early in December, the assault and accompanied the (June, 1942) it was Rommel who bombed the Axis lines and all 1940.
infantry. Once through the peri attacked He moved two panzer approaches. Now, under the cosuggest that improvement along such lines be unWavell frontier battles and meter of the camps, the tanks divisions swiftly round south of ver of the guns the sappers went dertaken by those catering. This, we believe will his successive strokes against So rushed on to destroy the rear the British minefield and, coming forward and cleared the rise be an asset to those inviting visitors to Limon whe ulum. Capuzzo, Bardia and To land encircle the retreating ene. up inside it, threatened both our Then the infantry advanced, the ther in land and from abroad.
bruk have been described else my Though Wavell campaignunarmoured troops and rear. He (Continued on page 7)
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