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Page ATLANTIC VOICE Limon, Saturday 16th March 1946 MISSION TO MDA BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN HUGE CIRCULATION WEST INDIAN CONFERENCE The two The urgency with British Government achievement of full self govern veral Provincial elections have Only by common action over at St. Thomas luciude raising ment in India is underlined by now been held, and the results in the whole area will the needs of the nutritional level of the rethe unprecedented action of send the remaining Provinces will be the individual colonies in these gion; re absorbing into civilian ing three Cabinet Ministers to known shortly. The next move OF BRITISH NEWSmatters be fully met and the life persons engaged in war et India later this month. Never be is discussion about the forma PAPERS fore has so larse a delegation of tion of the constitution making economic and social research in ployment; planning of public On Thursday, February 21st, the area be made available to works for improving ngriculture, ruch high ranking officials been body. The Cabinet Mission will BIG BRITISH PAPERS in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands of all.
education, housing and public sent there. This step dramatises act in association with the Vice The largest daily newspaper the United States, the second The enlarged Commission also health; health protection and the British determination to set roy in these negotiations.
circulation in the word, accord West Indian Conference opened hopes to continue its encourage quarantine; industrinl developin motion the machinery to be The Cripps proposals had out ing to an Associated Presidis under the auspices of the Carib ment of the peoples of the re ment: the possible expansion of used by the Indians in drafting lined a method for setting up the patch from London, is claimed, bean Commission.
gion to participate in the work the Caribbean Research Council their new constitution and decid constitution making body, but and on very solid grounds, by Caribbean Commission of the Commission, with the ob These were the topics develine for themselves whether they it was meant only as a sugges Lord Beaverbrook Daily Ex formerly called the Anglo Ame jeet of developing their free po oped at the Barbados Conferprefer complete political inde tion and could be altered if Inpress with a net average for Feb rican Caribbean Commission, is litical institutions. One definite ence in 1944, which referred its pendence to remaining in the dian leaders agreed upon some British capital has three other ising attempts at ruary of 3, 442, 000 copies The one of the most serious and prom measure taken to foster local recomanendations bach to the British Commonwealth.
international participation was the arrange Governments of the territories Previous British missions have posed was that immediately the other method. The method pro daily newspapers selling in the co operation in colonial problems. ment made last June by Britain concerned concerned. in the two neighborhood of million played historic roles in the evo results of the Provincial elections copies more or less the Dailyast month marks an important representatives of Puerto Rico has been taken. The 10 Beration The change of name announced and the United States to include intervening years, some action lution of self government in In were known, all the members Mirror well over that number, event in its development: na and local British West dia. In 1917 Mr. Montagu, Indian of the United States and the then Secretary of State for India, incial Legislature should, as an Daily Mail apparently, a couple of the Lower Houses of the Prov the Daily Herald next, and themely, the acceptance by the gov Colonies as Commissioners. Ac United Kingdom has been of paid a visit to that country which electoral college, proceed to elect of hundred thousand copies bernments of France and the Ne cording to this agrecment each considerable benefit. For instresulted in the constitutional ad the constitution making body a low.
therlands of the invitation of parent government was to be alonce, Britain had, up to Decemvance known as the Montagusystem of proportional represen Britain and the United States to lowed four Commissioners; two ber 31st, 1944 aproved 8, 410, 000 Chelmsford Reforms of 1919. In tation. This new body should be become equal partners with them of the four British Commission. 33, 640, 000) under the 1940 Col1928 Parliament sent out the StaTo match these towering fig.
in number about one tenth of the ures this country has only the in the Commission, thus broaden ers were to come from the Brit onial Development and Welfare tutory Commission under Sir John Simon to investigate the The Indian States ruled by the an average week day circulation Commission now includes number of the electoral college. Daily News of this town with ing the area of co operation. The ish West Indian colonies and Act for Development and wel measures were to be unofficial Commis fare the in the British working of the Montagu Chelms Princes would be invited to ap of approximately two and a guar Tour countries with territories insioners. Now for the first time, West Indies. Money for this fund ford Reforms, but there was no point representatives in similar ter million copies. But the Sun. the Caribbean: the United Kine the Dutch and French Govern comes from the British taxpayer.
one of cabinet rank on the com proportion to their total popula day circulation of The It must be emphasied that the News, dom (the Leeward and Wind ments will also appoint four mission Commissioners each.
functions of both the Caribbean tion.
with 4, 500, 000 copies, apparently ward Islands, Trinidad, the BaIn 1942 Sir Stafford Cripps, a Another important measure of Commission and West Indien The Ministers and the Viceroy passes or at least ties the biggest hamas British Guiana, Jamaica, member of the British War Ca will again lay this plan before Sunday circulation in Great Bri Barbados and British Honduras. colonial participation is the car. Conference are purely advisory.
binet, was sent to offer India the Indian leaders as a basis oftain, which is that of the News the United States (Puerto Rico ibbean Commission sponsor The delegates at St. Thomas will complele self government under a constitution of India own dev discusion. The presence of the of the World. second London and the Virgin Islands. France ship of the regular West Indian report to their governments the Conferences, to which each Brit recommendations arrived at by Ministers will simplify decision, paper, The People, publishes Martinique. Guadeloupe, and ising, as soon after the war as the Indian political parties could but they will have to consult more than three million copies French Guiana. and the Nether ish and United States territory the Conference, to be acted uphas sent two delegates, and the on only if agreed by the Governlands (Dutch Guiana, Curacao agree on such a constitution. This the Cabinet in London on the on Sunday.
and its associated islands. French and Dutra territories a ments. It is an experiment in mission tragically failed because most important issues, The first great problem to be BRITONS AVID READERS The enlarged Commission will total of eight. One of each pair colonial regionalism which prothe various Indian parties rejec of the British and United States mises, over a period of years, continue to hold to the purpose delegates is unofficial, thus sec to bring improvements in proted the proposals for a diversity faced in the discussion will be the insistence of the Moslem Lea What these single items indi for which the United States uring wider, unhampued repre ductivity and standards of living of reasons gue on cate is more than borne out by and Britain founded it in 1942. Pakistan. a separate Despite the sentation to a region in need of both.
the rejection, Cripps offer in its main outlines Moslem state formed from those the total figures for newspaper to encourage common action in The Conference now sitting is circulation.
parts of northern India where The British people social and economic matters am reviewing the recommendations still represents British policy, al(THE TANK IS BORN)
the area of the first West Indian Confer(From page 7)
though changes may be made, Moslems are in a majority. On are far ahead of us as a news ong the colonies in especially in the manner of form the other hand, the Congress Par paper reading public. The total Many of their problems are difence held two years ago in Bar few hours the Great Trek was ing the constitution. making ty, which is predominantly Hin number of morning and evening ficult to solve because of the bados, and considering futher resumed. After forty days and body. The object of the present du, demands a united India. Bri papers sold, according to the lat communities, which hinders the action to be taken on policorre rights of journeying, Rommel ca est trade statistics, is 41, 000. 000 establishment of full scale so commendations recently made me to El Agheila, where twice Cabinet Mission is to give addi tain policy has in the past imtional authority to the negotia plied the hope for a single unit copies in Great Britain and 46, cial institutions such as centres by the British and Arterican re before the tide of desert war tions whoch the Viceroy is to but if reasonable agreement can with a British population only agricultural colleges, and co ordi Commission.
000. 000 copies in this country, for medical research and health, presentatives of the Cariobean had turned. The Eighth Army be reached on another basis, one third of our own.
made ready for another Alamein carry on with elected Indian renated inter island transports Britain would consider it. AlthThe problems to be dealt with But though armoured battles fopresentatives, One reason, perhaps, is the llowed, the German commander Government Last September the Viceroy, Pugh the British size of British newspapers, small Lord Wavell, returned to India hopes for the widest measure of er than ours at all times, and cut kept the main body of his troops disengaged and in retreat. On from London and announced spe agreement, they have not made down by war rationing to a frac leading newspaper circulations cific steps to be taken, in conagreement among the Indian po tion of normal, in many inst in London must have been not 1935 the Daily Herald has a page Armoured Division and the New trade directory for the year New Year Day, 1943, the 7th junction with Indian leaders and itical parties the first condition ances to four pages.
after the Central and Provincial of any advance toward full seli hungry for war news can be are today. public very different from what they advertisement in which it claims Zealanders (8th Armoured Brielections, to promote Indian selfgovernment imagined buying as many dif the largest certified net sale in gade. left tlanking the position government. These included: 1) The composition of the Mis ferent newspapers as it can althe world. with a distribution at Wadi Chebir, advanced boldly LABOR PAPER SOARS Preparatory discussions with the sion is itself indicative of the ford on the chance of picking up of more than 2, 040, 000 copies and directly across the sand toelected representatives of Bri significance attached to their ob something crowded out from a But much more impressive than wards Tripoli. Its armoured cars In second or third place aft these figures is a chart register entered the town three weeks tish India and with the Indian jective: Lord Pethick Lawren person regular paper.
er the Daily Express among Lon ing the annual growth. The rise later.
States, in order to secure there, Secretary of State for India, But the war is not the chief don papers is the Daily Herald to the indicated two million cir(To be Continued)
widest measure of agreement as Sir Stafford Cripps, President of explanation. Giant daily circula with an estimated two million culation plus had been achieved to the method of framing a cons the Board of Trade, and Mr. tions are an old story in the circulation. It is the official or in just five years, from a circu.
LA IBERIA titution: 2) the setting up of a Alexander, First Lord of the British press for half a century, gan of the British trade unions lation of 300. 000 in the year 1930. DE constitution making body; and Admiralty. Sending the President ever since Lord Northcliffe de and its growth in the last fifteen This must probably be a record 3) the bringing into being, in the of the Board of Trade at this cribut with the Daily Mail in 1896. years or SALOMON CHIN so is certainly a rom in the history of newspapers.
meantime, of an Executive Coun cical time, a key figure in the On the eve of the last war the ance of business. In a newspaper ESTRADA cil having the support of the British domestic policy, shows main Indian parties.
the importance acorded the MisThe Central elections and se sion by the British Government.
GOING AT BARGAIN CARD OF THANKS An Admirable And Comfortable Family Notice RESIDENCE William Daysley adopts this medium to expreso his THANKS in the fulness of his soul which could not have been other wise in face of the almost unpa rallel affectionate and sympathetic demonstration by the entire public of Limon from the announced illness until the death of his dearly beloved wife.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
VERY GOOD LOCATION Our Prices for the following Products are CONSISTS OF: BEDROOMS. DINING HALL MRS. ADASSA DAYSLEY SITTING HALL ALL ROUND PORCH March 5, 1946 CACAO, per quintal 50. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred. 30. 00 Colones KITCHEN AND OTHER OUTSIDE CONVENIENCES.
SITUATE; IN THE JAMAICA TOWN SETTLEMENT All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ The personal enquiries. Cards. Telegrams. Let fers. Floral offerings and other tokens and the con course of persons who accompanied her last remains the special medical attention given at the San José Hospital and the friends who rallied at her bedside and those who helped to make possible the transfer of her corpse to Limon; all these charities shall be a living memory. God grant me grace.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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