
NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY LA NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY DOROTHY JOHNSON Page ATLANTIC VOICE Limon, Saturday 30th. March 1946 FROM THE IN REMEMBRANCE MAIL BOX Last Tuesday, March the 26th we experienced the second sad anniversary since the grave was enriched and we were THE The Free Press Journal. Na bereit of our darling wife and Mother ional Organ of Bombay, India MRS. ANA WEEKES nas commented very reservingly on the interest recently demons Thou art among the chosen servants of Jesus, our Redeemer tratti by Russis in the Destiny Thou art sleeping in a glorious and sound repose We beg to remind the esteemed public that in order to We know you will be awakened to life eternal of India. The newspaper state For such is the promise to His servants who serve on Earth.
save itself time and trouble, it is to its advantage to present the hat the anxiety shown by Ru ST. CLARE WEEKES Waybill already made out and to have the money to pay the sin in respect to india may be Widower real, but it would be much be MRS. SILVIA LAIRD CLAUDE AND MILLICENT freight ready when manifesting cargo.
iter and more convicing fu Children According to article 10 of our regulations All freight is sia will demonstrate some in payable in advance and this rule is strictly applied, especially terest in the liberation of India where perishable goods are concerned.
For all information with regard to the movement of goods The Government of Spain In Fond and Loving Memory apply to the office of the Station Agent if for local and to the said to have delivered receuty ISABELA CHAMBERS a Note to Great Britain and the Pier Office for imports and exports.
United States of American 19 LIVES IN OUR HEARTS: which it called the attention of In cherished remembrance of our beloved and ever carres.
these two Governments regar sing Mother who now awaits the general Resurrection: ding the anti Spain campaign Earth fleeting joys she counted as nothing For higher, and nobler Joys she sought which is being carried on And now we with pious hearts la constant memory day by day France Oh, grant that we Most Gracious Jesus Much silence is mentioned to wu follow in the steps she has trod.
be in keeping with the tenure Jerome. Jonathan and Louise of the Note by the Government of Spain. It is released, however, that the despatch has not heer Nos permitimos recordar al estimable público que para dictated in any violent term and OUR THANKS economizar tiempo y dificultades, al manifestar la carga conaccuses French Communists for The icy hands of death has taken our dear and loving the campaign of terro aga viene llevar la Guía ya hecha y el dinero para cubrir el flete.
Mother inst Spain which has avg.
Según el Artículo 10 de nuestra reglamento Todo flete mented incidents along the MRS. ADORA BROWN debe pagarse por anticipado y esta regla se aplica estrictafrontier with the proposal to MARCH 12, 1916 mente, sobre todo tratándose de mercaderías perecederas.
provoke armed conflict between In our moments of deep grief we had the condolence of Para cualquier información sobre el movimiento de carga the two countries.
many dear friends and sympathizers by the medium of Cards The Government of Spain, uc Letters. Telegrams Floral Wreaths and the grand and dirigida a la Oficina del Agente de Estación si es para carga large accompaniment at funeral. For these highly apprecording to report claims that du local y a la Oficina del Muelle fara importación o exportación.
ciative demonstrations, we extend our wholehearted THANKS ring the regime of General Chas LAMBERT GRAHAM De Gaulle military forces and LERIEL BROWN DE GRAHAM police were vigilant along the Puerto Viejo.
frontier but since the resigna tion of General Chas. De GautSAN LUIS TRIMS BALSA TEAM WITH SCORE OF 13 11 RUNS lle the situations is intensified with special tribute to Mr. rit which has given us the ad our sporting fraternity, and we Time Goes Memory Lingers Julian Weston, the moving spidom of this baseball team to highly welcome these young baLuis, it was obvious that the April 2, 1948 april 2, 1916 seballers who have come to us wind would have blown in a dit There are depths of love which we never can forget Such in the name of the Internation.
In fond memory of our beloved mother lerent direction.
as that we possess for our darling Mother and Grandmother Balsa Company. Seemingly in EMILY RILEY Beckford of the International the autumn of tomorrow mello 3alsa Company won the honours Who departed this life. March 20th 1944. precious one from us is gone.
wed will be their fruits.
of the match with a college hit (AUNT DOR)
The voice we love is still: The St. Luis gained a victory that earned him a home run. HA Her love has always been precious Happy angels came and took her.
over this team on Sunday after attempted to send the ball to And is still precious in fond memory From this world of toil and pain.
noon the 17th instant, but it was alute the Company Plant but Oh, Blessed Redeemer grant us enduring strength Sweet is the memory that will never fade.
To ever bear the irreparable loss of our dear.
no easy flight; the fight Though others forget thee never will we.
was the freight cars along the track DAUGHTERS. SONS AND GRANDCHILDREN Peace be thy perfect rest.
stiff and the boys of the Balsa prevented.
Widower, sons, daughters and grandchildren.
Company boxed with both arms At the close of the match the had they a comparative pitchine scores read: San Luis 13 and Bal strength as Garron of the St tu 11; being two points below In Fond and Cherished Memory the ledders The exercise was There is ever fresh on the tablet of my memory the endwall attended and provided an arment of my deceased loving friend afternoon of mirth. Several boMISS IVY BROOKS ttles of Coca Kola to the refres.
hing desire of the players and, MARCH 22, 1915 others were graciously served When the day of toil is done When the race of life is won Father grant thy wearied once Rest forever. more BLANDINA BLAKE Our community is greatly be Her Friend in Life nefited with the presence of soLimon 29, 1946 me of our well known former Limonenses who were abroad We have recently ordered the very latest type of equipment for and their return, although on brief vacations; means much to SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY AT CAIRO our communal life.
On Sunday, March the 17 th py birthday to you, and was im the extracting of edible and in dustrial oil from coconuts.
We pleasureably head the list at the 30 afternoon hour, Miss mediately surrounded with che with the name of Misses Hilda Dahlia Jackson had a great sur erful relatives and friends. Her This will be of great benefit to the coconut producers as extrac Hawthorn and Lena Hendricks prise by a party which was hela sister, Miss Birdie Jackson pre.
an ex nurse of the local hospital in honour of her 19 th birthday. sided at the organ and the Mis and Mrs.
ting the oil in Limón where the plant will be located will enable Ruth Delpratt de The gala affair was celebrated ses Linett James and Doralia Di Brack, the mother of Mrs. Ju. in the residence of Mr. John Jxon were the leadresses of the dith Hart Smith. The sponsors were Mr. glee songs. Very charmingly ren us to pay the growers at leastten colones per hundred higher and Mrs. Pierpont Walker, her dered was the solo of Mr. HoMr. Oscar McRae of the Li. brother in law and her sister mer Hall. The Misses Brumblev than prevailing prices.
mon Trading Company and his Without any previous knowled. Pemberton and Carr rendered esteemed wife are enjoying the ge the honouree entered the ho a Trio and carned an encore.
ir well earned vacation in San me as customary and was ama Mr. John Smith effectively It may also interest the growers to know that shortly we will Jose May their days be mere zed with the singing of the hap presided as Master of Ceremo and bright.
nies. The mother of the honou commence to purchase cacao. We are completing arrangements ree gave her a very touching ad dress; this was followed by thoSe of the Misses Hanson and of transport to market in our own vessels thereby effecting The Atlantic Voice extends a Friday the 29th. He delivers his James; Messrs. Walker, right hearty welcome to the Re his messages of the Bleseed Mas Hanson and Hall. Joining the verend Father Gomez of the Boter in the English language for tuneful some saving of freight to the growers interest.
cas del Toro Parish. This Ame the benefit of the English spo friend, Master Stanford Grant; a features was her little rican Priest arrived by serial ken Catholica. All are assured a wee tot of four summers.
transporation on Wednesday od hearty welcome to the services the week in course and he fortnight ago the Siquirres INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORP. LTDA.
The very memorable event the guest of the Reverend Fat Roman Catholic Parish celebra terminated with the song. FA: hers John and Rojas.
led the Feast of Saint The Priest comes to this city and in addition held festivities The Atlantic Voice wishes to conduct Missionary services for four days as a means of ran. Miss Jackson many more and which were started yesterday, Parish dering financial assistance to the prosperous years.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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