
FROM NUREMBERG ROUNDNG UP CAMPAIGN to PAGINA SEIS ATLANTIC VOICE Limon, Saturday 6th. April 1946 the Republic of Panama ir defences, respectively, but the ORGANIZATION OF COSTARRICAN COLONY Mutual Help.
Soviet fiscal is said to have ob.
The Centro Progresista Costa(From Page 5) in agreement with the condi jected to the exposure by the IN PANAMA rricense intends to vie with rations is that of Hitler ende tions referred to, Joachin Rib. German war criminals, claiming The Costa Rican Colony, ccm nama, in connection with the juri other Central American groups avours to had arrived at an un bentrop said that Stalin and that there is no evidence to prising mostly of natives of Port dical recognition of the Center, in football, Baseball, Cricket, and derstanding with Great Britain, himself conversed and arrived their statements Limon has organized into Cen and informing him of the organ any other sports.
intended to establish the peace at an understanding as to what Ribbentrop is said to have main ter; namely El Centro Frogre ization of such a Center Don Ro As a first step the Directive of Europe and to which Hitler step each country would take in tained emphatically that such a sista Costarreense. provision gelio has shown interest, and body has planned its Inaugural was disposed to visit London in case of any crisis emerge with pact was efected and that Rus al Directive boty has been erns has pledged his full sopport to Dance, to be held at the Sojour order to descuss this proposal Poland which would lead to sia and Germany did convene tituted, con. of popular the group.
ner Hall, on April 20th, with Mr. Baldwin, the then Pri war and the line of demarkation that in case of a war to divide, Limonenses, viz; Mr Lloyd Prot The aims of the Center are More anon me Minister.
was signed along the rivers, Vis Poland, the Baltic States and ds, ex professor of the Tomas Enhancing the good welD. JOSEPH Von Ribbentrop stated that tula and Bug. The territories si Findland; these territories being Guardia School, Limon presi fare of Costa Ricans residing in Publicity the Furhrer good intentions tuated to the west would be as considered as the loss to both no dunt; Miss Maria Charles, charwere frustrated by British Lea signed to Germany and the tuntries in the mar of 1914 1918.
ming sales lady of the Zig Zaz ders who maintained the doctri rritories to the east of these ri In conclusion we quote Rib store, Vice President: Mr. Sidne of European Equillibrium, vers would go to Russia. bentrop remarks. That it re ney Melbourne Francis, Treasur We raise the highest praise for themselves where good conduct and with special mention According to reports the mat. mains perfectly clear that is the Mr. Walter Sawyers, Finan our profoundly respected Colo and honour dwells.
Lord Winston Churchill ter of a secret pact between Ru attitude of Poland provoked a cial Secretary: Mr. Alvin Da nel Enrique Esquivel and Colo We hope there will be no let The prisoner at the Tribunal ssia and Germany was mentio war, Russia would adopt a frien Luta Miss Lynette Pritchards, nel Horacio Tasies, the Police ting up on this disciplinary mea is reported saying that when he ned by Goering and Hess in the taly attitude to us.
General Secretaries Mr. Delbert Commanders in this city in ha sure in order that the youths visited Stalin in Russia in Crooks, Mr. Alfonso Myrie, Mr. ving opened the rounding up may realize that laws are estab. March 1939, his primary idea Septimus Sealey, ustees: Mr. campaign of minors found on lished for their obeyance. was to have effected arrangeLeonard Dobson, Director of the streets after the eight oSeemingly, the general ve ment along the same line of pace Sports; Dolores Juseph, Publici clock evening hour, and also for grancy regulations will have to He mentioned also that on Aug.
the breaking up of the playing be enforced as a consequence of the 22and of that year, on the This city looks forward to the Rica; this speaks for itself of the daring attempts which are On Feb. 16th, a deputation, haunts, especially during the in process in wrenching ott invitation of Stalin he visited arrival of the Blue Bird and the willingness of Costa Rica to consisting of Messca. Lloyd Frit hours that our schools are func locks from the doors of places Russia and the negotiations we the Deborah. these two vessels open its door to her neighbours; chards, Alan Noel Alvin Da tioning. The conduct of these where treasures are suspected Costa, Dolores Joseph interview youngsters tends to drive all pco as was the act committed on these convened to create new base are due to bring a large number the demonstration of true derio door of the Universal Barber of relations between the two of Colonites and Panamaites; cracy by a charitable nation and ed Sr. don Rogelio Castro, Con pleo of respectability and cul Shop This place of business is countries; to establish the sphe leaving the Cristobal port on the sympathetic government.
sul General of Costa Rica in Pa ture to find new abodes for situated on commercial avenue res of action, respectively; and 24th instant, with calls at Bccas These excursionists are dite to and yet the thief was not seen. wwwwwwwww www. del Tor, and Almirante. arrive at our port on or about The tourists will have, accord Saturday the 27th The usuai ing to arrangement, a stay of 15 courtesies are in store for them.
days in the Republic of Costa COLONITES AND PANAMAITES ARE DUE TO ARRIVE MR. EGBERT POLSON THE DEATH OF LIMONENSE ON FOREIGN SOD PERSONALIA On a foreign mound, there lies and concluded their good deed presented us to the very welthe final remains of one of in the burial of the body on the comed guest.
our well known Limonenses, 12th.
We are pleased to mention in Miss Elfreda Pearson who suc Many Costarricans are said to this issue, the name of Miss Mrs. Gertrude Foote has recumbed to her illness on March have been in attendance and Kathleen Dean of Colon who turned from her highly enjoythe 10th in the city of Panama. gave their last respect to their had been a last week visitor able vacation which she spent in We are told that her life long former country woman. to our city. This very attractive the neighbouring Replublic of friends, the Misses Lona and We are indeed sorry that her Colonite expresses her fondness Panama. During the period of Isilda Taylor had given every life did not hold out and en for our Republic in general and her abscence she was generally motherly care to Miss Pearson abled her to return to her na in particular the tranquility of missed in our communal lite.
during the period of her illneas tive land, but God knows best. Limon.
Her return is warmly greeted.
Our thanks are due to Mrs. Friend Arturo is now ripened Sealey de Winter for having with happiness.
VARIETY CONCERT BY WHITE ROCK SASTRERIA Tomorrow, Sunday the 7th instant there comes another birth anniversary of our very good friend. Mr. Egbert Polson, the genial Manager of the Pan American Agencies established San José.
It is our fond hope that the treasure doors of life will be ever opened to Don Egbert and his very attractive wife.
and, that their hinges of life be strengthened.
NEW HARLEM CANTINA AND RESTAURANT A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE OFFERS: The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons, Mrs. Leorline Sankey, the ea on the youngsters scaled the aC.
teemed wife of our genial friend musement summit with special Clarence resides on a knoll mention to Masters Cyrilo Sin S and seemingly the lays of the clair with his guitar and songs.
birds among the foliage or the In the drama The Unfinished T rippling of the brooklets have Wedding the star of the casts given her some inspiration to of characters was Roland Gro EXCELSIOR usher under her care a number ves he was just curious. Others of boys in addition to her two being the Misses Flora Scott TAILOR sons and knitted them into a Ida Berrick, Catharine Delpratt, baseball Club, designated Mavis McFarlane, Mercedes Ver L White Rock. Everytime we ley, Iona Brown, Morine Char think of that name there comes les, Masters Hubert Ruddock, a feeling of thirst for a liquid Rene Smith, Raymond and NoCommerce Avenue, Next to the British which bears the same or a sini land Scott, George McLenon, lar name, but the White Rock Leroy and Louis Sankey, Arnold Vice Consulate and Airplane Booking Office Baseball Club does not take the Jaime and Paco Anderson, Sher son in view of the sugat increacups which inebriate, but in man Scott, Arland and Beau WE ARE DISAPPOINTED. se of twenty five cents a month.
stead they give the cup that mont Groves, Juniors Earle and (From Page 5) We were not only disappointed cheers as was in evidence in the Splatt, Cecil Blake, Egbert out effecting the new monthly but felt peeved in having such Hall of the St. Mark Parish on Brown and Felix Verley. rate of one colon. until the remarks hurled at us, specially the night of Monday of the Mrs. Sankey: their leader me collections for the month of from sources where we had held week in course.
rits every good commendation. March, and to our dis and still hold dear and near in Keeping in tune with their The spirit of the Young People appointment we were treated, our breast.
announcement, the Hall did ring was kept at high tension in some instances with some ve Our pen is always ready to with melodies.
throughout the entertainment. ry un complimentary compari. condemn any visible act of proThey took the start with Harfiteering, but there is no evidenold Berrick as chairman who ce of getting rich at the expenafter his preamble introduced of any person when an article TOT Millicent Francois to dewhich cost thirty cents and is liver the opening address. The being sold for twenty five cents nominee responded in ample Address all your Engineer. Para todos sus trabajos do each; in other words five cents form. Then followed a program ing Requirements to Lagenderla dirijare a a copy less then its cost.
me which was embedded with In exchange of the customer mirth and funnies. Among the refusual to continue their finan participants were the budding ROIG cial belp we believe their efmagician, Mr. Frank Jackson; he forts should be redoubled since kept the audience under his Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos the news We furnish weekly is BOX 923. TELEPONOS 6319, 3201. or 25 spell and earned prolonged apcertainly worth, at least, twenty plause for his feats. Following five cents to each reader.
LIMON THE ART FURNITURE FACTORY Factory situated behind that of Don Lucas Alvarado In this city of Limon OFFERS AT THE LOWEST PRICE AND MOST FINEST FURNITURE Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back or receipt whleh reads: de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
Yerior This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month Le rugamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio Be so rood as to comply with this request and do not Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al derso oblige us to suspend our service, step which de su recibo que dice: We would much regret to tako UNSURPASSING STYLES. QUALITY GUARANTEED EASY PAYMENT PLAN YOU CAN SEE YOUR FURNITURE IN THE MAKING WITH ENTIRE SATISFACTION.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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