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hour, PAGINA OCHO ATLANTIC VOICE Limon, Saturday 6th. April 1946 AMONG THE BAPTIST According to a press release BRITISH FOOD TO WHALE MEAT FOR APPROACHING we are informed that the Rever end Ivan Veitch of Colon has EUROPE THE DINNER TABLE RALLY resigned the pastorate of the Cristobal Baptist Church and At the end of the war, Britain finds herself rather worse The world deficiency in meat There is in the preparative perhaps at this writing he has off in many respects than during means that many people will be stage a rally featuring the oft arrived in the island of Jamaica hostilities. Everyone constantly THAT: THAT: eating unfamiliar types this win standing Rulers and Military from where he had left to fill hears that the present monoto RADAR IS USED BY THE MILLION POUND PENI ter. Horse meat will be consi Chiefs of the United Nation, the vacancy which was created nous diet is not likely to be im BLIND. Sensational news item CILLIN FACTORY IS NEAR dered a delicacy in thousand of those men, in the days of the in the death of the Reverend proved soon, that rationing comes from Britain worldfam ING COMPLETION. The mil mid European shouseholds.
gigantic struggle and who have James Blake.
must be continued for months ous Institute for the Blind, St. lion pound penicillin factory beUNRRA is acquiring a protein done so much to bring about the The Baptist Church in this city and maybe years.
Dunstan in London, which is ing built at Speke, North Eng food for which will be a most peace of the universe. The en will celebrate the regular Good Yet, in spite of rations at home regarded as a model organiza land is approaching completion. welcome addition to Putrope tertainment will be held under Friday services on the 19th instand the fact that she must im tion of its kind. The Chairman, It will be the largest in the meagre fare. whale meat. the auspices of the Port Limon ant and on Sunday the 21st in port a great part of the food she Sir Ian Fraser, announced recent world for the production of the Up to now, Britain has not Branch of the Jamaica Burint addition to the regular divine consumes, Britain has, for the ty that scientists were already drug. The factory will be in use been able to contrilfute much Scheme Society worship a special pageant will past two years furnished quan working on the construction of early in the New Year and win meat to stricken Europe. On a ra The stage will be set some be portrayed; this as we learn The uues of food to liberated coun Radar aparatus for the special give employment to about threation of 20 (about 23 worth) time in the month of June of is undergoing rehearsals.
tries. With sugar and syrup. use of the blind; it is under hundred people. second large per person per week the aver the year in course. From what narrative is stated to be of a canned meat, tish, oils and fats stood that this aparatus will act factory for the same purpose is age Briton can spare little. But we glean this will be the biggest remarkable setting The general closely rationed, she sent. as a substitute for sight to an being erected in County Dur if experiments with whala meat homerun of the year League public is assured the well reham, also in the north of Eng. are successful, additional sup. Other than the catchy address, served happy welcome at all the 141. 000 short tons of these items extent hitherto unattained.
to SHAEF alone between Day land plies should be possibi.
anticipatingly, by the twelve of services as well as at the drama and October 1st, 1945. Three Late in October, the first whal the rally, the programme will touching high water marks in hundred and twenty one thou. THAT: THAT: ing factory ship built in Britain be augmented by a well bal conjunction with Him whose ansand tons of wheat and flour THERE IS DELIVERY BY THE MILK SCHEME IS TO in six years, left Newcastle for anced instrumental contribution. Iniversary of the Supreme Sacriwent in the same period. These AIR. Manchester firm of lift BE PERMANENT IN BRITAIN. a half year voyage into the tice is in observance.
Antartic. Bent on a 6, 000 nile figures do not include provisions and shutter manufacturers in An important step has been tashipped directly to France, Bel tend to operate their servicing ken by the United Kingdom Mi trip, the Southern Venturer, fol.
gium, the Netherlands and other scheme on an entirely new basis. nistry of Health. It has announ lowed by a fleet of whale cathIN CHERISHED MEMORY areas freed from enemy control they have ordered a new Ausced that its wartime milk anders took its crew to the whaling Death separated from this mortal sphere on April the 2nd.
Biscuits, cheese, dried milk, dried ter aircraft to be employed for vitamin schemes are to become grounds of South Georgia, rear 1944: Just two years ago, a dear and constant friend eggs and dried fruit, tea and cho transporting supplies and tech a permanent peacetime featurc. the Falkland Islands.
The Southern Ventura is the colate have also been supplied. nicians by air to their custom This is one of the most importMR. ZACIUS LITTLE Altogether the tonnage of lo ers. It is expected that this first ant decisions ever taken by a most modern whaling ship afloGod will for all my wants provide od delivered from the United aircraft will be the forerunner Government in regard to the at. Her factory can handle one Although very sad is that memory for him Kingdom to liberated Europe in of a fleet of servise aircraft to health of its mothers and chil large 150 ton whale per He was very useful here on earth in many ways the period noted was nearly, operate between their factories dren, for it means that the vita melting down the blubber into And in the realm of the Blest he is drawn to duty. 000. 000 short tons. This is as it and customers throughout Eu mins so essential to expectant oil for margarine in eight huge DORCAS DEHANEY each individual in Britain had rope. The pilot of the first air and nursing mothers, and chil boilers. The srip tanks can sto every month from May. 1944 raft is an ex bomber pilot who dren under tive, will be guar re 19. 500 tons of whale oil. The through September, 1945, sent a before World War II was a mem anteed and the nation will be dehydration plant can deal with nefit accordingly.
twenty five tons of raw whaleparcel of food to Europe weighber of the firm staff.
meat every hour. Another plant IN FOND AND UNFADING MEMORY ing four and a quarter pounds the Masai tribe. The Africans he to help them with their food.
extracts the oil from the liyerOn April the 6th. 1918; therd slept in death a most promisnol.
ard over the radio of Kenya The Masai are famous hunters an oil more valuable in vitamins ing human flower; a flower which had evidence of giving its fragrance to the good of humanity, but alas; there is no plan to send food and at once and warriors and have contrib than halibut or cod liver oll for longer in the flesh our dear Goddaughter; AFRICAN TRIBESMEN sent this message: The Ma uted generously to the Colony medicinal use. Even the bones sai elders of the Narok District, various war funds.
are ultilized they are crushed MISS ELSIE REID SEND FOOD TO in sending a thousand shillings In addition to many gifts in to make phosphate Re:tilizers.
He who spared not His own beloved Son to the Fund, express their desi Rind, Kenya has now collected the meat of one day catch is But delivered Him for us the universe of mankind BRITAIN re to show the English. who ha more than 000 in cash with equal to that providad by from How shall we not with Him also give freely for His service The latest gift tu swell Ken ve always been our friends that which to buy food fo: Britain 000 to 500 head of cattle. The The dearest One we possess.
ya Food for Britain drive we are glad the war is over and and the first shipment has left capacity of the ship is about GOD PARENTS. 50 from the chiefs and olders of that we admire them and wish Mombasa. 200 blue whales in one season.
Wireless installation enables constant communication with the whale catchers, and there For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele is also apparatus for direct coThe People Tailor mmunication with Srirein. The equipment is so complete even te the extent oh a hospital and dispenser that the vessel is a. Joy is stimulated in the heart Our boys have expressed enA todos los familiares de las víctimas del San Pablo se ble to remain at sea for very after one has sent out messeng tire satisfaction with regard to les avisa que deben presentarse a la mayor brevedad en la ofilong periods without putting in ers and in their return, brought the high standard of their entercina del licenciado Guillermo Goebel Yglesias, frente al Banco to port. constant supply of good report. Such is the findings tainment by the guest team.
fresh water is provided by a on the St. Luis Siquirres base In the same vein of praise we Nacional de Seguros, de tres a cinco de la tarde todos los días, plant with a capacity of 750 tons. ball contest which was played are reporting the accomplishpara que se sirvan suministrar ciertos datos que necesitamos a a day.
on the playground of the latterment of the Motive Power base.
fin de poner en trámite sus respectivas reclamaciones convenion Sunday the 31st ultirao. ball team; which, on even date das con esta oficina.
It has been mentioned that invaded the Manila diamond STORY TO the exercise was well attended and Limón, 23 de Marzo de 1946 attacked vigorously the Garron, the pitcher of the San Atlético of that district, REMEMBER Luis was worth his mettle and GUILLERMO GOEBEL YGLESIAS aided by a battery of alert fields It is stated that the Manila VISCOUNT WAVELL is not men dismissed the Siquirres boys fought with bull dog tenaforgetting the soldier in the pro batsmen for a total of runs: city to repel the invaders, but blems and prenecupations of the then they clipped victory with the enemy was rather stubborn Viceroy. And he wants to make score of runs.
and silenced all the batteries of sure that we dont forget the We congratulate Manager, Ro the home fortress. When swords soldiers. or their wives. ei dolph Johnson and his St. Luis wera sheatehd, we learn the ther, now that peace is here. boys while wishing our friends Motive Power had earned of Siquirres better luck in the runs against for Manila.
So he is recalling a story of future.
the old Duke of York, second Son of George III and Commander in Chief of the British ArTo the surviving families of the victims of the torpedoed my at the beninning of the last NOTICE NOTICE SAN PABLO you are hereby summoned to present yourscentury, who was known the Soldier Friend.
elves to Attorney Guillermo Goebel Yglesias at his office in To the shareholders of the Liquidated Corporation of Once he found his footman TWENTY EIGHT MILES (28 Mlles) Costa Rica; you are front of the National Insurance Bank (next door to Dentist turning a poor woman away hereby notifide to attend an extraordinary Shareholders Meet.
Pacheco) between the hours of three to five in the afternoon.
from the door. Only an old sol Ing of the above named Society which will be held at the usual Certain datas are needed in order to present the claims respectmeeting place at Madre de Dios on the 7th of April 1946. This dier wife. explained the footsession will be convened for the purpose of electing a man to ively, to harmonize with this office.
control and to sign all Documents in behalf of the Shareholders And, pray. dercanded the of this Liquidated Corporation. We will need all the members GUILLERMO GOEBEL YGLESIAS Duke, what else is Her Reyal of the Society. Meeting is to start at 10. 30 am Highness the Duchess of York?
Attorney and Notary FARQUHARSON An old story ut tie moral, WOLFE as Lord Wavell wants us to reaSigned Liquidator lize, is very much for today, AVISO THEY RETURNED WITH GOOD REPORTS Eain, NOTICE NOTICE es man.
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