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BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN THE PRIME MINISTER STATEMENT ON INDIA BRITAIN DIPLOMATIC LEAD NEW HARLEM CANTINA 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR ATLANTIC VOICE u 30 runs d SI ce or ATLANTIC VOICE Pagina Limón, Saturday 13th. April 1946 of ten and half years Miss Miriam Nelson, a ve ON THE SICK LIST In an equal vein of sorow we well known citizen, the more Dear Initie Dorinda Thomas reporting the trave lines of che ef cur distribution boys on the sick ist see the past ts: Peter the lovins caught a hospital patient. She has weeks at the case hence ter of our very popular talior, undergone a surgical treatment.
Tot only with Egypt but with the Arab world. The offer a fever. After her hospitalization ing the young lady is a patient she is considered out of imof a serious attack of malaria mir ja Peterkin. At this writ. We learn at this moment that tion, in western Europe and in complete self government to In of eight days she was sent home in the local hospital. We are mediate danger. The sick young The Prime Minister state. not a practical one but lorgely Laments or cheers on the de Asia. He is giving notice, in ei dia, within or without the Com a few days ago, but unfortun very confident that with God woman is a sister of the famy ment that it India eleets for in matter of sentiment. Every dependence, in our view she has minion of the British Empire has cline of Britain are a little pre fect, that Russia cannot expect monwealth, is a long step in a ately the evil ſever lingers. grace and the skilful medicas cus chauffeurs, the Nelson Broth mature.
right to do so. marks a chan complete sovereignty in both ds The notion that the to have her own way in reorgan process of peaceful change of It is very regretable that her she will overcome her illness. ers.
revolution without violence.
Ee in timing, not a change of pomestic and foreign affairs. Rut British intend to rest or fall on izing the world.
impaired health has consider.
ley. Since the date of the Cripps sentiment can be as binding as the status quo is dissipated hy The diplomatic lead on Great this the process the United Naably nipped her progressive offer, March 1942, ndia has had formal political ties, so the Pri the swift moves the Government Britain part does not signify tions is organized to promote school career at her tender age BOWLING ANALYSIS Gillmore, overs: wick the right to choose eventually me Minister declaration that is making is the diplomatic field opposition to change. Rather it and Britain bold lead in he ets, 21 runs.
between Dominion status and India need not pass through the News that Foreign Minister Be accepts change and prepares to own troubled sphere will do a Webb, overs: wickets Lynzie, overs o wickets 20 runs.
29 runs complete independence; once in constitutional process of Dom. vin is ready to enter into neun negotiate with it. In Cairo Mr much as anything to strengthen tiations to renew the alliance Bevin proposes to establish a the foundations of the new in bowled Brown. runs dia should attain Dominion stanion status before achieving in tus, she could Ro on to serer all dependence may prove of imen with France, coupled with the new and friendlier relationship ternational order. Gilmore, caught by Dunmission of the three Cabinet connection with the British Com se psychological importance.
can, bowled by Galimore mankealth it she wished. This Two other sentences in the Pri members to discuss independ run was made clear by the Cripps me Minister speech illustrate once for India and the announo Johnson, bowled by AND RESTAURANT provision concerning the propo. how complete a transfer of po ement that Mr. Bevin will head WORLD WHEAT SUPPLIES Brown after scoring. runs Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE Bed treaty which was to define wer is contemplated by Britain the delegation going to Cairo to Lynzie, caught by Dun.
OFFERS: the relations between the new We cannot make the Indians revise the Anglo Egyptian treayear.
can, bowled by Brown The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
self governing India and the u. responsible for governing them ty, indicates that the British one At the beginning of the preAustralia wheat crop is of Johnson was clean bow not going to leave all the initia sent month, the balance remainficially estimated at 144, 000, 000 ed by Dixon for ducks nited Kingdom: the treaty sho selves and at the same time re NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN uld not impose any restriction tain over here the responsibil: tive to Russia or even to the ing for export and carry. over bushels giving a total supply, in Johnson, caught by Bar AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
United States The first two stood at 208. 600. 000 bushels, Alcluding old crop carry over, of on the power of the Indian Uty for the treatment of minoriH. Sampson was the not out nion to decide in the future itsties and the power to intervene meetings of the United Nations lowing for a probable carry over 150, 000, 000 bushels. After dedurt ton, the wicket keeper off Dixon, vom have clearly foreshadowed the of some 50, 000, 000 to 75, 000, 000 ing domestic requirements of relationship to the other mem on their behalf. and We are batsman, but without any addirise of a new and potent force bushels at the end of July, it is 80, 000, 000 to 85, 000, 000 bushels, tion to the score.
ber states of the British Com not going to hang out for any monwealth. Now, according to thing for our own advantage in the post war world. Visible in evident that our exports for the there will be some 60, 000 to 65, for the Prime Minister, India bas which would be a disadvantage the great debates in London and remainder of the crop year will 000, 000 available export BOWLING ANALYSIS the right to choose independent India. In other words, there New York is the beginning of a be roughly 25 to 35 per cent he nearly as much as Argentine of ce immediately, without passing will be no strings to the treaty reign of law, in which great na low of the first six months. ficial surplus. Australian wheat Brown, overs, wickets tions as well as small must at through an intermediate stage ol and Britain contemplates nooThe principal development in exports, all ir. the form of flour, runs Dominion status.
verriding authority or right or least explain and defend their the United States picture since have been going to non Euro Gallimore overs, wickets The distinction between inde intervention to protect either acts before the tribunal of pub last month was President Tru pean destinations and all offers 21 runs pendence and Dominion status the minorities or British inte lie opinion, and this in turn man announcement of his nine to Europe have been withdrawn. Dixon overs wickets conservation Lights up the stony way to that point food it cannot be said too often, is rests.
plan. It is hoped that 15, 500, 000 acres era of change without war that, This was quickly followed by will be planted to wheat this Total 31 runs men have dreamed of since the the institution of control meas year, which, in the event of a dawn of civilization, ures to implement the program normal yield, would provide a It is hoped by this program to crop somewhat above the pre finders opened with Barton On the resumption the Path THE ART FURNITURE FACTORY One effect of the emergence of divert some 20. 000, 000 to 25, 000 war average. As in the case of NOTICE and Nasmyth; the first en the United Nations is to encour 000 bushels of weat into export Argentina, realization of this Factory situated behind that of Don Lucas Alvarado to Gilmore for. runs age the great democracies to re channels. It has also been an goal depend largely upon the Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos do in this city of Limon Nasmyth was stumped by sume the lead they have fum nounced that the use of wheat price offered to the grower.
ing Requirements to e aleria diríase a Gilmore for. 11 runs OFFERS AT THE LOWEST PRICE AND MOST FINEST bled since the fighting ended. and wheat products by the he. It is now reported that recent FURNITURE Stanley Wade was also stump British willingness to discuss reverage producers has been pro weather conditions have been re ed by bowler Gillmore for ROIG UNSURPASSING STYLES. QUALITY GUARANTEED newing old ties with France Col hibited through June 1946. With latively favourable in Europe 12 runs EASY PAYMENT PLAN lows suggestion from Presi an eye to the future, farmers in and North Africa and crop prosCharges Reasonable. Precios Módicos Duncan was stumped by YOU CAN SEE YOUR FURNITURE IN THE MAKING dent Gouin that French and Bri the Spring wheat belt have been: pects are deemed much better BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 Webb after scoring the highest WITH ENTIRE SATISFACTION.
tish views on the future of the asked to increase their spring than was the case a year ago 17 runs.
Ruhr are not so far apart as they seeding goal by one million France expects a 50 per cent inVincent Walker was bowler!
have seemed up to now. Since acres.
crease in her crop over last year, the Comunists have other Official Argentine estimates and Italy production may be by Webb after scoring 13. Solano was caught by the ideas, there is some doubt whe place that country exportable 35 to 40 per cent above the 1945 ther Gouin represented the surplus at approximately 70. crop.
Production in 1946 wiu.
wicket keeper, bowled Gillmore governing coalition in his gest 000, 000 bushels. Actual exports however, be well below the pre Isaac was bowled by ure to Britain, but there is lit. of some 4, 500, 000 bushels from war level due low acreages Webb.
tle doubt that the French maj January February 15, 1946. and fertilizers shortages, and L. Gilmore, bowled by ority supports a policy of orient have been about two thirds import requirements of whent, DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIEs, Etc.
Pleasant Homey Atmosphere Webb, ation toward the West. France smaller than the shipments for flour and feed grains are exNOVELTIES AT PRICES TO McFarlane was bowled by Deliciously Prepared Eats cut off from the West, allied to the corresponding period last pected to remain at a high level. Gillmore, PLEASE YOU The Spot to Bring your family or friend Russia and not to Britain, is a kind of reductio ad absurdum Stewart, bowled by Gill.
Food. Good Liquor Dispensors process more for of realignment rinks. Music to Keep you Amused which goes far but not to the Last Sunday the city cricket Watson, bowled Brown, Brown, bowled by Gill.
LIMON While Drinking or Eating: length of defying history, ges. oval was brightened with its oc caught Gallimore. more, Buchanan bowled by graphy and a long established cupation by the cricketers of the Dixon was the undefeated Club Pathfinder Sport DUNCAN and Gallimore.
batsman with community of ideas.
those of the Victory Sport Club Barker, caught by Dixon Total 70 runs.
But the important aspect of of Madre de Dios, FRONT THE TEATRO MODERNO. LIMON the British move toward close The engagement had drawn bonds with France is as a gesture many enthusiasts and they were ¿CUANDO TENEMO of independence. Russia has not without keen interests in the MÁS DIENTES been so suspicious of a West. performances.
CONTESTACIÓN: ern bloc that she has frowned The visitors took the initiaCOMO LOS CARD OF THANKS ANOS MEDIO TEon any and all alliances between tive at the bat and fell to the NEMOS 52 DIENWe the undersigned. adopt this medium to thank the the Western Powers. To counter bowling of Brown, Galli.
TES:20 AL EXTE RIOR 32 EV ESmany friends and relatives who assisted during the these suspicions and also to pre more and Dixon of the PathPERA DE SU TURNO illness and recent death of our beloved mother.
vent the drift of Europe into two finder for a total of 31 runs.
CONTANDO LAS MUELAS DEL JUICIO zones, the Western states until Hehe was the spread: now have steered clear of pacts EL SITIO MÁS ÁRIDO DE LA TIERRA Hamilton, caught by Ron ES LA REGIÓN DE EGIPTO ENTRE and treaties. Now the trend is dolph Whose death occured on Saturday March, 30th 1946 Nasmyth, Bowled LAS BAJAS CATARATAS DELNILO.
Words are inadequate to express our heart felt shifting. Regardless of Soviet ob Brown runs LA LLUVIA HA SIDO TAN PARA ALI STANKO jections, Mr. Bevin is proceedappreciation. Martin, caught by DunQUE LOS INDÍGENAS NO CREEN QUE de New Jersey PUEDE CAER AGUA DEL CIELO.
ing to carry out his own plans can, bowled Gallimore runs TERMINO AÑOS DE Samuel Morris Clarence Morris to consolidate the British pogl Webb, caught Duncan ESTUDIOS DE LA ESPEZ DE COLORES Pinay Charles Morris and Albert Morris bowled Brown CON COLAS runs CUELA SUPERIOR EN PROPIEDAD de SONS 16 MESES Seera Kerman Lincoln College TALLO DE ESPÁRRAGO, QUE CRECIO TRAVÉS At the station at Cran. British aircraft factories and DE UN LADRILLO ESTÁS ON CORALDI VAN field, the Empire Test Pilots attending lectures by specialists, de la Sra INEZ ROWANA LAS RANAS FUERON GRAHAM CUBA School is attracting the most besides devoting intensified stuPensilvarna LAS PRIMERAS QUE TIENE EL NÚMERO 922 21 81 EN EL CANTARON CANCONES proficient test pilots in the Emdy to flying and experimenting EJERCITO. LA FECHA DE SU AMOROSAS, PORQUE pire and from among Britains with various types of planes.
FUERON U6 POMON MATRIMONIO ES 22. TIENE 21 AÑOS, Allies. Already fifty seven BritQUE TUVIERON The head of the school y 80 DÓLARES EG LA ASIGNACIÓN QUE is RECIBE SU FAMILA DULMONES ish, Americans, Chinese Frerch Group Captain Wilson, FILIPINO To Members of Cacao Cooperation men Dutchmen, Norweigians, who last November in BriUN RARO ASIENTO CONSTRUIDO PARA TODOC and men from all the Dominions tain established ACOMODAR DISTINTAS POSICIONES, QUE Our Prices for the following Products ar the World USAN LOS IFUGAS DE LUZON have been selected by their gov Speed Record of 606 miles per For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele ernments to take the nine month hour in horizontal flying He has CACAO, per quintal The People Tailor 50. 00 Colones course, have been graduated about thirty five pilots in each (Mixta)
and have returned to their mili course; eleven places are reservEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back tary or civilian jobs.
COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones ed for the seven for the of receipt which reads: de los primeros 10 días de cada ines The purpose of the Govern Fleet Air Arm, four for British COCOANUTS, per hundred 30. 00 Colones ment sponsored school is to give civilian test pilots, six for pilots This bill must be paid at our office before advanced training to the most from the Dominions, and seven Le vamos recordar esta clánsala y envitarnos la pena the 10th of the month able test pilots, to cydp them for those from Allied countries.
All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense de tener que cortar su servicio not only to be the best flyers, All of the candidates must pas Be so good as to comply with this request and do not of the Cacao Co operation but to analyse the performance sess outstanding abilities in Nos permitimos llamar so atención a la nota al dorso oblige us to suspend our service, a step which RAUL VELAZQUEZ ste documentides propredad de la Biblioteca Nacional Migueldoregón Lizanlode Sistema Nacional de Bidhtelarbi Merdige Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
wo would much regret to take structure. They spend time at for selection by their governот проти TIRAN DO YOUR SHOPPING AT MONTE CARLO The People House de PATHFINDERS FOUND PATH JACK ORANE, SUCS.
in of a al ti MCDONALD ות CO re ar ti NA ot CE EDITH LYDIA MORRIS br on TO to he EDWARD ine 00 Chlo TX UNIVERSITY FOR TEST PILOTS.


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