
NULF is in the REAR ATLANTIC VOICE SEM, Our Desk un The own.
force ed sin.
As mentioned in the Spanish hospital is quoted to have said: fortunate wives and servants leader of our issue of Saturday That the 12 to visiting hour and certain class of workmen the 13th instant in reference to has been established principally from visiting their sick in that By the Editor our article of the previous week as a means to check the flow of institution.
treating on the new visiting the multitude of visitor to the Conditions in San José as far We learn that the very regretable ocassion Year Xt Limón, 27th. April 1946 Número 509 hours of 12 to d elock in the hospital in visibility of Spree as hospital visiting hour is canme on the scene which causes recently Great Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 fternoon, Dr. Osear Pache, walking through the words of cerned is entirely different than hain to have broken oft relationship with Althe Superintendent of the Insal the sick, accompanied ly large in this zone. The mild climate nia as a result of the hostile attitude of that number of children: state of enhances cleanliness; moderates affairs which disturbs He Balkan State. as tate which when gripped at the temperature that the body ON MATTERS OF AGRICULTURE yith the iron clod hordes of Germany and Italy much the rest needed by the would absorb from artificial The newly organized rural, a solution to the knotty problem patients, and that the visite ar. heat. perspiration being lesser dimand in whose behalf the British Government had committee, as we dlean, finds there is set for Monday May the riving from the lines, who are baths can be taken farther affected untold sacrifices in the loss of the lives its hands tied by a certain de 6th, a special session of the Ad few, are always granted special apart; therefore, the one who her sons and property and was later augmentgree in conjunction with the reministrative Committee of the visiting privileges.
leaves the kitchen can immedia by others of the United Nations to have freed, commendation of loans to a maj National Bank and to which It is quite true that the con tely change clothing; then with homong others, the Albanian Government and ority of deservng small farmers meeting is invited the Limon Ru duct of many visitors have been constant and cheap transporta Teho dople from fascist nazi domination.
of this zone, due to the fact, the ral Committee, our Congress rather unbecoming, but we de tion the hospital is reached in Regulation calls for titled pro men, Lic. Francisco Fonseca Cha lieve the hospital has the power ample time: whereas the taxi It occurs to one mind that a ferocious wolf perty ownership before loans mier, Dr. Oscar Pacheco and Lic to adopt other neasures co fare in this city is 00 and at Veron the rear forging to the front the little pops.
can be granted by that we ga Daniel Zeledon rrect the misconduct the times the service is a preWe recall that Germany had told Austria in ther the loan is given under the We hope the way will be wards. Our people are respectful mium. On a rainy mid dey, after hermo 14 to had effect demand on Serbia as being reguarantee of ownership of land made clear in order that our and law abiding and will be sub leaving the kitchen stove the ex.
helaron onsible for the murder of the then heir to the and not the products under cuit small cultivators will be the re missive when ordered to: posure would be dangerous to ustro Hungarian throne, the Arch Duke Ferdinivation or crop to be reaped. cipients of the financial assistWe cling to our plea that the the poor walker, covering at and. The murderers were said to have been BosMany of the cultivators are ance which they stand in great present visiting hour will con some points more than a mile.
settled on Maritime land and as need of.
tinue to illconvenience the less nians, but it was suspected, and probably with Distruth that the plot had been hatched in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia which was the principal Slov THEIR TWENTY THIRD MARRIAGE BETHANITES CELEBRATED COMMEMORAState of the near East. The demand for the surA RATHER INCONSISTENT ACTION render of the Serbian Sovereignity and IndependANNIVERSARY TIVE PALM SUNDAY We are now experiencing what the local train on the same day; ence to Austria was made by the Government of Austria, but it was the voice of Germany since on is termed as a rather inconsist then there is no such service on It is a distinguished honour refrain from quoting in this con The fraternity among us Then the people shouted: Hosanna to the Son of David: ent action on the part of some Sunday, therefore, the packages the 5th of July 1914 Germany had told Austria one which unquestionably adds nection those lovely lines of known as the Modern Order of Bethany observed religiously blessed is He that cometh in the of our agents by returning to would be sent by Monday mail that whatever Austria decision might turn out to importance to these columns by Cowper: the presentation of the photobe, that Government could count with certainty graphs of His Most Excellent Souls that carry on a blest ex the commemorative anniversay name of the Lord Hosanna in us, in tact, occasional weekly for such stations with only local supplies of the Atlantic Voice, stops, such as Pacuarito, ete.
change of Palm Sunday which was to the highest.
that Germany would stand behind her as an ally Majesty George VI by the grace of joys they meet in their heay view on the 14th instant.
In the name of reason we canIn this connection, and with the statement that the and friend; thus began World War or the 1914 of God of Great Britain, Ireland enly range, celebration was held under the man has written the beautiful issue reached is destination at not see any true spirit on the a late date.
part of any one receiving such 1919 August November conflict.
and the British Dominions be. And with a fearless confidence, auspices of the Bethany Lodge lines: We believe that a little human supplies on Monday and with yond the Seas and Her Majesty make known No. in the hall of the Loyal Ride on ride on in majesty thought should stir such agents out presenting the paper to the The 1939 1945 gigantic struggle had also its Queen Elizabeth, on the ocea. The sorrow sympathy esteem its Phoenix Lodge. The gratifying Hark all the tribes hosanna cry to the fact that the mailing sys subscribers; railroad the packalmost insignificant start with the nazi aggression anniversary of their royal mar Dally desire increasing light and Oliveth No. was in evidence.
sion of the twenty thira (23)
accompaniment of the Rose ot Thine humble beast pursues the tem is entirely ut of the control age to our office with the saying road on Poland. Leading statesmen of the Universe had of the personnel of the news or Arrived too late How can riage; a date which turned on The entertaining features had With palms and scattered garPAR seemingly taken for amusement the egotistical an the calendar of the year yes. From such communion in their its start with the able prelude gan; we have no command to di the news not yet read be too ments strew.
Pnouncement of Hitler from the German Third terday, April the 26th, 1946.
rect rapid delivery: it should be late?
pleasant course of Mr. Henry Parker the local Ride on ride on in majesty borne also in mind that if the Frankly, we view this attitude pasar Heich, but as stated above the nazi war of It is obvious that the month Feel less the journey rough. Distriet Grand Master of the In lowly pomp ride on to die Hotels nerves or Hitler method of stealthy war of con of April carries in its store two ness, and its length Order and who in turn intro o Christ, Thy triumphs now be newspaper is printed in San Jo. as very uncharitable and an DE anniversaries in Meet their opposers with united duced as Chairman, Mr. Jos. sé on a Saturday; it is evident open war fare against the inter.
gin aquest by demoralization and intrigue had its first remarkable that it could not be on time for est of the concern.
minor beginning in the annexation of Austria; 21, 1926 of Her Royal Highness And one in heart. in interest summed up as follows: view also of the birth on April strength.
Thomas. His opening address is er captive death and conquerGene then the Sudeten crisis of September 1938, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra and design Whenever think of on in majesty classified as the second dress rehearsal. then Mary, heiress to the throne of Gird up each other to the racerating Palm Sunday it is appro: Thy last and fiercest strife is THE HONOURABLES BUSTAMANTE AND DE and on folowed the Czech territory in March 1939. Great Britain divine.
priate for us to take a retronigh As our humble tribute to their The Atlantic Voice wishes spective thought to Bethany: a The Father on His sapphire PIXLEY CITED FOR MANSLAUGHTER Our democracios are to man well these inci. Majesties on the 23rd annivers. Their Majesties many more town in Judea; one with a great throne dents and bear always in mind that history re ary of their wearing we canot happy marriage anniversaries. sacred history as it is recorded Expects His own annointed Son We are very sorry indeed, that life of the new Jamaica House peats itself. The cold bloody fact is; that we in the that Christ in His early career very eloquent address was de at such a nearly period in the of Representatives, the devil has Western Hemisphere must watch our steps with had visited Bethany and bad livered by Miss Lillian Buckner.
placed his subtle trap and has the fastly advancing strange doctrines; systems been the guest of Mary, Martha Prelate of the Bethfield Lodge Mr. Parker propounded the tane in the Honourables Busta.
No. Recitations by the Tots object lesson to which the Mod. mante und Pixley: these two that are direct opposite to our civilization and will, Geographical knowledge per. George, Raymond, Marva Mor ern Order of Bethany is associa Leaders having been charged ba in process of time operate against our freedom In the characteristic spirit of ing that of the angelic host of mits us to say that the town of vis, Lorel, Claudith, respectively ted. Very interstingly read was fore the Kingston Magistrate nd liberties. The introduction of any formula Christian observance of the com the thought of the blesseri resu Bethany was about miles from Solos were tastefully sung by the scripture lesson by Mrs. court as being responsible for hich tends to sop the vitality of our Industries junction with the supreme sac. with the eight o clock morning before the Passover that Jesus Vice Chairman of the Lodge, Rose of Oliveth Lodge No. 7, place at the Asylum in February memorative anniversary in connection was held in connectica Jerusalem and it was six days Mrs. Quilla Johnson de Harris, Young and in the name of the the serious riot which had taken Shad to stir consuasion with Labour and Capital is ritice by Jesus Christ, the only Mass of Easter Day. This was bad again visited Bethany, and Mrs. Alberta Kelly de Scott. Mr. Chas. Walker touchingly de. or this year probably cause hou not to the best interest of the masses.
It is a naked truth that where there is no vi Cathedral Parish brought out programme and was Begotten Son of God, the city given in the nature of musical after the teast; the time was Secretary; the Misses Lilian livered an address which fell ing been found they are accused sion the people perish. It behoves us in our Con the impressive scenes by ripe for Him to enter Jerusalem Buckner, Davis. Miss Frank) with charm on the ears of his for manslaughter and are cited the with a broadcast over Station leaving Bethany He led the way and Ruby Lewis. In charming audience. The chanting of an for trial approaching Home Cit.
tinent to see through our own eyes; let us approcessions held on Thursday Casino. Other than the sacred to the Mount of Olives overlook degree Mrs. Rhoda Hunter con immortal song concluded a well euit Tribunal. They are said to proach our government and Capitalists for the afternoon and on the morning virtue of the renditions, there ing the city. Jesus called two of tributed a recitation.
spent evening.
be on bail pending trial.
things we need in our characteristic mutual under representations which breathed lents of the participants, includ. lage a distance off and said to and afternoon of Good Friday came in evidence the valuable His disciples: pointed to a vilstanding manner; the manner according to that the pure serene of th veracious ing Don Alfonso Sole, the musie them: Go to that village over Apoken by the mauths of the sages: history of Him who entered the al genius who conducted the there; as you enter you will find THE NORTHERN RAILWAY Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall bore His cross to Calvary and Manuel Rojas who presided at ridden it; untie him and bring Garden of Gethsemane. Who choiristers, the Reverend Father a colt tied; no man has ever be opened; ask and it shall be given.
who was crucified on that first the organ and in addition blend him here. If any one ask youCOMPANY We stood almost to the man and with grim Good Friday ed the chanting with his tune Why do you untie him, you shall determination and effective colaboration destroy There were in evidence the un. ful tone of voice; he comes also say because the Lord has need Hadithe common enemy, but our thought is chilled mistakable portrayals of all that for a great deal of praise in asWe beg to remind the esteemed public that in order to of him. The colt was brought with fear that if a contrary wind blows the scene he has undergone for our trans sisting Don Alfonso during the and the disciples spread a cloak save itself time and trouble, it is to its advantage to present the would be changed.
gression rehearsals.
on its back and Jesus sat upon Waybill already made out and to have the money to pay the Frankie Hunter held his claim the colt; the hill was descended Our thought is expressed in the vien of real In the services of the sacred to his marvellous tenor. The har towards the city; as He went the freight ready when manifesting cargo.
democracy and without malice to any.
commemoration the believers in monious baritone According to article 10 of our regulations All freight is contributors disciples spread their garments payable in advance and this rule is strictly applied, especially our Blessed Master were trans being Messrs. Alfredo Abdel.
formed in a clearer atmosphere nour, Edgar Castilo, Julio Saapany of people who marched where perishable goods are concerned.
than ours; the scenery associat vedra, Arturo Alluen, Juan with Jesus began to rejoice and For all information with regard to the movement of goods NAZI LEADERS MAINTAIN THAT RUSSIA ed helped the mind to conceive Hunt Raul Maldonado, Romón praised God with a loud voice apply to the office of the Station Agent if for local and to the that which the eyes beheid. Morales, Edwin Salazar and En for all the mighty works they Pier Office for imports and exports.
HAD AGREED The numerical attendance rique Zúñiga. The soprano vo had seen.
clipped those of many past years ces were Mrs. Christina Bernard By a press release we gather and was indelibly attuned with Mrs. Victoria Jones, the Misses The crowd that had come to The German defense is said to solemnity and not without reli Elsie Hayling, Jessie and Miriam Jerusalem to the feast heardthat in spite of the protests of the have brought forward also a secgious splendour.
Castillo and Claris Wendorf. Jesus was approaching; they fiscals of Russia at International and document signed on the 28 The Military Band contributed Tribunal at Nuremberg, the de. of November 1939, after the div. wonderfully with its penetrating Odendahl measured up in the ser branches in their His Lordship, Monseñor Juar. went out to meet Him with palin hands and ſense of Rudolf Hess foreer the ision of Poland that the nazis solemn museial notes; all was on mon of the Sages; thus faith others cut branches from trees issue that the Tribunal asepts acknowledgd the rights of Run the background of effectivenessing the moisture to the sin pare and spread them over the stony COMPANY the protocol or secret poet which ssia exercise to occupy the in line with the second holiest of ched soul.
was signed by Germany and Ru States of the Baltic when it be All anniversaries sia in 1939 and in which is in came convenient The jubilant features in sharNos permitimos recordar al estimable público que para Eribed the agreement to divide THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT FOOTBALL economizar tiempo y dificultades, al manifestar la carga conse small Republies in the East Burope between the Empires NOTICE LEAGUE FIXTURES viene llevar la Guia ya hecha y el dinero para cubrir el flete.
NOTICE Germany and Russia Según el Artículo 10 de nuestro reglamento Todo flete We are releasing below the, Heliodoro Andres. Mr. Rafael de new Board of Management for la Peña and Mr. Arturo Coward debe pagarse por anticipado y esta regla se aplica estrictaording to the report Ger Lilian White Wilson and my Husband George Wilson have the 1946 47 Foot Ball League We take this opportunity to mente, sobre todo tratándose de mercaderías perecederas.
many is utilizing all its strength separated our marriage relations andhe has not been responextend our hearty good wishes Para cualquier información sobre el movimiento de carga to engage the attention of the sible for me for the past twenty years or more, therefore, it my intention to be married.
for the highest cordial and mu dirijase a la Oficina del Agente de Estación si es para carga Tribunal that is judging the Ger President. Lic Mario Colcher tual understanding among the local y a la Oficina del Muelle para importación o exportación.
Gminals, insisting Secretary, Mr. Frank Rivers men who compose the Board relntionship Lillian White Wilson Treasurer, Mr. José Olmedo and that their labours will be Vocals: Mr. Fernán Amador, crowned with abundant success Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacionalide Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica seasoned upon the road and the great com LA NORTHERN RAILWAY Fixtures: Moscow

    DemocracyFootballGermanyHitlerItalyNazismWorld War

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