
Saturday 11th May 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO Raicilla. Ipecacuana. RUBBER FROM THE MAIL BOX The Centro Progressive Cos polceman was armed with retarricense recently organized solver and managed to use and by our Young People who ha shots death the stabber, then ve made the Republic of Pa succumbed a few hours afternama their home of adoption, ward.
we gather that, their Inaugural One man is said to gave been Ball held on Saturday night the kidnapred believing he was 27th of the recently passed the possessor of large sums of The Cacao Former Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao month was a banner success. money.
One of their beautifully desig In a case of rivalry, the adned and catchy worded card mirer of a man wife was stab is now added to our treasury: bed to death in his own apartunable to had participated in ment and the woman seriously person but our spirit was direc wounded by the intruding and ted to the scene at the Sojourenraged husband who as we ga We are Agents for ner Hall Street Panama this was only overpowered by and we think we listened to the bullet of the police who arTHE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT Corp.
the rythm of the SIBONEY or rived to effect the arrest.
Panama we are told is effecof The Govt.
tively preparing her athletes We learn that in recent days for the approaching Olimpic at OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE the crime waves are alarmin Barranquilla, Colombia gly ebbing and flowing in that country wide sweep for eligiRepublic. Among the terrible bles has been effected; the sur AMONG THE BAPTISTS THE VISIT OF TWO were. father in law had vey took in the greatest numThe most sacred anniversa three o clock afternoon GOOD FRIENDS proa quarrel with his son in law ber ob boys of colour and we over some financial transac release wth pride that one Vas ry commenced April 14th to gramme on Easter Day. The The ATLANTIC VOICE 21st. was religiously celebrat efforts of the children proved tion and while the latter is sell, a Costarrican of colour is ad by our friends of the Bap very valuable and at the same cherishes warmly the last said to had been eating he was tops in the the mile and 800 tists. The rain clauds gave way tme manifested the great serv week visit of Mr. and almost instantly murdered by yards dash. What are we doing the use of a six and half inch to be represented at the Olimon Holy Thursday night, but ice of the Church in instilling Mrs. Mortier Barrus of from thereon, mother knife, but not with standing pic?
nature Christ in the soul of the youths: the United States Departament greeted us wtih very congenial those tender ones of whom of Agriculture, Rubber Station the wound, the victim being a weather conditions; this streng Christ said Suffer the little at Turrialba. Since last Authened the desire of the bap children ot come unto Me and tumn we had not contacted BA FOOT BALL MATCH match came. The playground tists and their friends to have forbid them not.
these two very cheerful North was invaded. The cruel visitor attended the divine services The service on Sunday evenAmericans, and surely, our FROM PAGE 11. was seeminly inmuned from which were conducted in the ing in seeing was decidely a blessing heart oglow anew arrest by the police men pre city Church. The congregations, The congregation beheld a vi them in our city.
It was not uncommon to see sent. The crowd yelled for respectively, were rather pleas vid representation of the Cross, two visitors tripping one of justice to take it course; but ing particularly on Good Fri studied with electric illuminaIn passing we desire to menthe Barcelonians and even nothing was done; the crowd day the Young People tion; these lights we paraphra tion that the work at Turrialba with that arrogance the wind wended up commercial to indicate the Cross of to which Mr. and Mrs. Barrus is favour at times was blown to nue; reached the entrance to. Christ should ever be seraphi associated has been greatly lau ded for its excellent manner in them. Following this unwarr the Magstratic Court, but quitel the part of the visitors to had cally cherished in our life:ranted line of march in a shuf. naturaly, that was the kicked up so much dust, only that it was of great significance organization, construction and fle, Altimont was intentional preliminary step; pressure was, because they held the weak to the believer. Representing a research by the Delegates in ly attacked by one of his mar however, effected for the ar end of the string; no one had seraph Mr. Alfonso attendance at the THIRD MERICAN CONFERENCEkers; Altimont did not return rest of the accused at a later hurt them. The well discipli Taylor, threw open the switch the the foul play; on came a me hour; he was released after ned players of this city are aw and there was light; then fol ON AGRCULTURE by lee; a peace loving citizen at wards and as we learn the in re of the disappreciation that lowed the immortal. hymn of Pan American Union.
tempted to calm the wrathful jured man was examined by would fall on them if ever they The lighted Cross and the The Turrialba Institute cavisitor and in the meanwhile the City Medical Officer who attempt such ugly conduct. Our soul touched deliveries of theme to the aid of our small culti another from Turrialba thriw pronounced that the wound players are trained to Take Misses Melba Clayton. Joy avtors with a view of providing his bottle and seriously cut would be cured in eight days, their whipping when it is ine Murdock, Ida Berrick, Ary for them an additional item of Gregory on his forehead; his further development rests wi vitable and when they give the Stewart, Inez Logan, Daphney cultivation in the line of rubeye was providentially saved. th this medical order. It was Lashing it is always tempe Murdock, Hazel McKenzie and ber, but the farmers obviousIn saying, Thel rathe: an unbecoming act on red with humanity.
Lena McKenzie.
ly have allowed the golden The Glad Message releasing sands to slip under their feet.
the triumphant achievement of Christ over death and His glorious Resurrection was given to the pin. dropped conFor Best Fit What?
gregation by Mrs. Eulilee Mur: Go to Clifford Steele dock as Mary, the Mother of Jesus M, ss Iris Williams, The People Tailor Mary the wife of Cleophas Mrs. Leonie Jackson, Mary Magdaline, Miss Vera Gillings, ter, and as sacred as the perJoanna Miss Carmen Tay formance was, Victor touched lor, Salome. Miss Carmen the humourous vein. Alfonso Beekles, a follower. Mr. Vic Taylor spoke for the Apostle tor Gourzong represented Pe John; he acted very piously.
avese not we saw common PARA NOTICIAS DE ACTUALIDAD 11 Escuche EL MUNDO MARCHA HAPPY BIRTHDAY Quince minutos de noticias del día compiladas por los servicios internaconales de la Prensa Asociada de LA VOZ DE LA VICTOR Por medio de la EMISORA 625 kc. 9615 Kc San José, Costa Rica We are not living in the extend cheers and heartfelt days of Eli and Samuel of sa congratulations.
cred memory, but praisewort. Cadet McFarlane plays the hily we are having among us baratone in the Salvation Armothers who, like Hannah of my Brass Band. Leroy is old are giving their sons to the earning his daily bread as a service of God.
junior salesman in the local Today, we express these li commisary, but he continues nes in tribute to Master Leroy to be obedient and listen to McFarlane who will reach by the teachings of his ELI in date and day tomorrow the the person of Major Thos.
12th instant another birth an Lynch.
danimarsatx cand, Juvéer, chybach las 45 a p.
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