
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 11th. May 1946 Pajamas, Shirts, Shoes and a Variety of Things for Children run.
Hollywood Store of SALOMON BEREZON ne.
On the afternoon of Sunday, the heels of the renners, We April the 21st, a most char saw, also Byron McKenzie dro ming homeage was paid to Dr. ve one of Francis deliveries GRAND CLEARANCE SALE Telemaco Espinach, our Chief for a homer; that was in the seHealth and Sanitary Medico cond inning; but this was not by the players of the Cubs and a single feat, for following on Motive Power Baseball Sports for the Motive Power, the old Olubs. The tribute was augu reliable Geo. Babb hit one of mented by the att endance of Ernest Bailey curves; to he ex the Military Band as well as treme point of a distant house; by an overwhelming number there the ball rested undecided of spectators.
ly for a moment, then suddenAll can be secured at: The scene on the diamand ly decided to go clear over the at the early carly start had its roof. Babb in a easy canter gai very pleasing alpect while the ned his home Stanley strict police vigilance was in (donkey) as we observed is seprocess, but the persistent un riously lacking in the full teruly crowd wearied the police chnique of the game to have men to such an extent that taken up the responsibility as that were compelled to give an umpire; a state of affair way. the view of all better which stir much wrath the res element of the sporting Fansponsability as an umpire; a of SALE WILL BE FOR FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY was from then on, blocked. affair which stir much wrath on To had obtained anything as some of his rulings.
DO NOT LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY a detailed report on the perfor The Motive Power whipped mances of the players would the Cubs, played only eight inhave required a hovering pla nings for the total of eight runs NOTES FROM PERSONALIA: while the Cubs were dismisSIQUIRRES We regret to mention that per Murray has passed the cised for six runs in the complevery good citizen Mr. gar around in honour of the We saw, however, a multi ted nine innings. After the ter On the 22nd night of April George Saunders is confined gift, a boy.
plicity of errors: players of farmination of the match the gethis township of Siquirres was to the local hospital of the reaching knowledge in the nial Dr. Telémaco Espinach enlivened by the members of Costa Rica Banana Company:exercise did many childish provded a splendid refresshing the St. Mary Guild; they the Company to which he is a things such as pulling off treat forthe musicians, players presented a very instructive Mr.
very responsible meploye over Fred Shechy, a very bunts at times when a hit and others. The residence of and enjoyable entertainment a lengthened period of years. responsible employe in the lo was the necessary thing; cat Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph JohnThe choiristers rendered many Mr. Saunders is associated cal office of the Steamship chers pegging wildly; the ball son was utilized for the social en hancing songs. Among the with the Seventh Day Adven Department of the United thrown bewilderingly greasing past time.
soloists Mrs. Brooks, tist Denomination and is pro Fruit Company has returned Mrs. Knight, the Misses Eminently recognized by all sec to his desk after having terWoolery, Gordon and Mr. tion of our citizenry.
This is evidence that WAR IS OVER We dominated his wel merited vaJones. Duets by the Misses hope he will soon recover from cation. We are right glad to Because there is Charles and Hayles also by the his illness and be able to resu see again Mr. Fred at his desk.
SALT SALMON Misses Franklin and Charles. me his religious, social and During his absence, Mr. very rich recitation was con other duties.
Prestinary of the San José of and tributed by Miss Broady.
fice was with us. His presence SALT MACKEREL Much congratulations is rightwas jolly welcomed. One enfully due to Mrs. Vendella joys a source of courtesy in Now available to make that long wished for Pennant for her brillia adMiss Peterkin, the daughter dealing with Mr. Prestinary Change of Menu.
dress given on the life of of our city popular tailor, Mr. who keeps in tune with Booker Washington. The Jas. Peterkn has been suf characteristic excellence of the This is a wonderful combination with fresh FISH.
drama in two acts, entitled; ficiently recovered from her personnel of the well known Get your shop keeper to order Salt Salmon and Not a man in the House was grave illness and obtained her Costa Rica Banana or United Mackerel from.
enshriningly delivered.
discharge from the local hosp Fruit Company, ACUÑA MIRABELLI tal. She is recuperating at her WHOLESALERS SAN JOSE Mr. Franklin perform father residence.
ed the responsible duties chairman. He won the appreDr. Miguel Dejuk under THE TEMPORARY MILITARY cation of his audience. Very whose medcal and surgical The STRIKE of last De Temporary Military Control, satisfactory were the several The proverbial Stork has treatment our good friend, cember was an il wind that We now learn that a new Exe hours the angli paid a visit to the newly esta. Miss Lucille Moore is placed did no good to anyone; had cutive Decree is issued, stacans.
blished maturnity accommoda in the Hospital San Juan de only interrupted the cogwheel ting is part that there being cea In the same Church the tion of Nurse, Mrs. Esmerine Dios, from Dr. Dejuk own of a smoothly workng machi sed the cause which had moYoung People Easter pro Wynter, situated on 3rd av voice we had the pleasant in ne: thwarted many a promi tivated the temporary Militagramme was presented on Sunenue in front of the Catholic formation that all will soon be sing project which, no doubt, ry Control of the Northern Rai day the 28th. Mr. Howells Church yard. Mother and babe well with Miss Moore: a bit of would now be in bloom; in fact Iway Company and the Railwas the chairman. The little are well and father Mr. Jas comforting news to our friend it sets back our economic sta road of Costa Rica is now lifones were effectively prepared Mr. Sigismund Collins of the tus to unredeemable grounds. ted, by Mz. Rowe and Mrs. Knight.
famous Jack Flag Stop ResAn Executive Decree of De We sincerely hope such a Flavouring was added by the striking that everyone left with taurant.
cember the 26, 1945 said to cause will never agan arise and choir in the singing of several the thought. That it had been the means of a so our people will think thrice and anthems and songs. It was good to have been there.
lution between the strikers and act once as goes the old allthe Northern Railway Compa wise saying.
Mr. Elsia Cox de Heath and ny: placed the latter under Do Your Shopping at two children of the city of Colon have been very well greeted during their several weeks of vacation in this city and the TO ALL CONCERNED coastal town of Cahuita, forDRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
merly the residence of Mrs. Lilliam White Wilson and my husband George Wilson Heath. She is the wife of Mr. has separated our marriage relation and he has not been NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO Pablito Heath who had lived responsible for me for for the past twenty years or more, PLEASE YOU among us many years ago and therefore, it is my intention to be married.
had enjoyed wide popularity.
The visitors returned to their LILLIAM WHITE WILSON Jack Orane, Sucs.
home of adoption on last Wed nesdays plane.
the as spent with was The People House Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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