
Saturday 11th May 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 TEC 54 CASABLANCA OLIO DASTAR Northern Railway Company to The Citizens of Limon an (The former Atlantic Bar)
HERE WE OFFER: In view of certain charges that have recently been widely circulated against this Company since the Military Control The Best of Liquors The Nicest Short on the Railway was raised it seems desirable to make the following statement: Orders Real Good Services. Com1. By section C) of Article 369 of the Labour law, strikes are declared illegal in transport companies.
fortable and Cozy Private Rooms! The same law states that employers paying wages THERE IS ALWAYS WELCOME not less than the minimum fixed by law cannot be forced to FOR ALL!
raise these, if they are working at a loss. This Company is working at a loss and does pay PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET wages higher than the minimum fixed by law. It has not bought any railway in Salvador or anywhere else out of CLARENCE PATTERSON (Chicklets) profits.
Proprietor In spite of this a strike was organised on the railway last December and it was recognised by all (even the organisers) to be illegal.
THE BARCELONA. TURRIALBA The penalty for an illegal strike or being absent FOOTBALL MATCH from duty for two consecutive days without leave is the cancellation of the contract of the culprit. Get your marker at all cost were discharged to the left; to Accordingly, when the strike broke out all contracts and if any Limonenses come the right, behind and in front.
were automatically cancelled and while Military Law lastin the way, use a botle. ap In a sharp attack Macaron parently such was the sealed drew the trigger of his gun and ed the Company had no employees of its own.
travelling order of the foot gained the second shot for the When the Military Law was raised the Company ballers from Turrialba in the home side; thus the first half re employed everybody except a very few obviously disloyal battle against the reinforced time was terminated. Specu ringleaders, re validating their contracts though not requirBarcelona on Sunday the 28th lations tooke the air as to wheed to do so by law.
ther Barcelona would be ablc The play was witness ed by to hold the leading positions The Company has dismissed nobody as a result of overwhelming number of due to the visible developed the strike, it has merely refused to re employ certain notoour sporting citizenry. They aggressiveness of Turrialba? rious trouble makers.
gave evidence of a gay Spring Time quickly proved. Therefore there have been no reprisals and there Festival. The bevy of damsels, The reumption. The homs will not be, but discipline will be maintained in the interest in above the knee shorts. ters led the attack: a sensatioof public safety and those who do not obey the rules or who caused the moistening of the nal shuffle came in view and lips, but the grey persist in making trouble will be dealt with in accordance locks re Edwin Jackson used his famous belled against such a folly: dribbling tactic and the warned with the law as established by the Labour Law.
then the lachrymal glands gave thegoal. The pigskin GREEN way when the ears became bur placed at center. Turrialba efManager dened with the ill reputed ex fected some admirable passes; San José, May 8th. 1946.
pressions of some of the young but the defence was not casily spectators of colour. On with broken. Back again across the Death and Funeral the match: meadow the players dashed; of Retired Railway Grocery and Cantina Bataan The pace was cautiously set on came the fouurth goal for Foreman at theoutset the markings were Barcelona by a rapid kick from (Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street LIMON done mildly: the scene was a six metredistance at right It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks changed when Barcelona took wing by Edwin Jackson. Here why our friends of BATAAN THIS CITY the attack to the portal of the beginneth the severance of COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen visitors. Edwin acson effected whatever goodd feelings there with apology to the Jamaica our establishment as their meeting center: ted a pass to left wing and the was in keeping for the Turrial Gleaner: The death ocurred THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR portal of the visitors. Edwin ba boys; they commenced to on Thursday, March 28 of Mr.
CROCERY COUNTER: Jackson effected a pass to left how yellow streak and to sub Mortimer Joseph McAnuff, reExperience taught them that our foodstuffs are wing and the lefty Arturo vert the discipline of the grand tired foreman of the Jamaica Hall entered the shor. The exer game.
Government Railway wonkTHE BEST ciee swelled intensely cannons SEE PAGE 9shop.
Corbetts. The sad event took place in Mandeville, coincidentally on the staff of the Jamaica Govern nality at home and at work.
New Harlem Cantina his birth day where Mr. Mc ment Raliway. He had an un His two sons, RuAnuf was recuperating from a over 25 years up to the time pert McAnuff, a former linoheart ailment, from which he broken record of service for type operator at the Gleaner, AND RESTAURANT sufferced during the last few of retirement in August of last and AC2 Uuton McAnuff Ma A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE months.
former clerk in the Traffic Ma OFFERS: Genuinely liked by his asso nager office of the Jamaica The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
Mr. McAnuff a widely ciates for his ready wit, hu Government Railway are both travelled man, having resided mour, sympathetic understan with the in England.
NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN for man years Costa Rica dind and resourcefulness; he The funeral moved from the AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
and Panamá. Mr. McAnuff re contributed much to the dyna late residence 2G Slipe Pen turned to Jamaica and joined mic force fulness of his perso Road to coke Church the fol lowing day where the funeral We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back service was conducted by the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina Reverend Mr. Edwards. Inter of recept which reads: dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes ment took place at Maypen ce This bill must be paid at our office before metery. Many floral tokens the 10th of the month Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena marked his last resting place Be so good as to comply with this request and do not de tener que cortar su servicio and the number of relatives oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso and friends in attendance bore we would much regret to take de su recibo que dice: eloquent testimony to the high esteem in which Mr. McAnuff COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON was held.
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