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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 11th. May 1946 Bulletins From Britain The Labour Cabinet at No. 10 Downing Street London Empire Round Up Crusade Against Bread Waste more are wardens. fountain SILVER BROOCHERS Newspapers, cinemas, the wireless, and other agencies for FOR GAMBIA CHIEFS publicity and advertising have joined the current campaign message from Bathurst, for bread saving in Britain.
capital of THE GAMBIA, says 250 newspapers are carrying that the award of Silver Brooch paid advertisements making Badges to Gambian chief, disstraight appeals to the public continued in 1940, is to be to avoid waste and giving doresumed.
mestic hints on economical di?
The awards, limited to 30 Front row, left to right: shes.
holders will be made to Chiefs Rt. Hon. Viscount Addison, Secretary of State for Dominions. See the Ministery of Food advertisement on page and cthers living in the ProtecLord Jowitt, Lord Chancellor.
43. For several months cinetorale, who have occupied a Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, responsible public position for Rt. Hon. Arthur Greenwood, Lord Privy Seal.
mas have been featuring food 25 years. There are now flashes, appeals, and advice to 21 Rt. Hon. Bevin, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
holders of the Brooch and nine Rt. Hon. Atlee, Prime Minister.
housewives, while BBC is carpresentations will be Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison, Lord President of the Council.
rying special talks on food, made in the near future. Each Rt. Hon. Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The campaign is being taken women directly to fortysix recipient of the Silver Brooch Rt. Hon. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty.
Rt, Hon. Chuter Ede, Secretary of State for the Home Department.
associations such will also be given a Certificate as the Wo.
signed by the Governor in reRt. Hon. Ellen Wilkinson, Minister of Education.
men Cooperative Guild and cognition of the awards.
Left to right, back row.
the TUC Women Advisory Rt. Hon. Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health.
Committee, Printedmatter and Rt. Hon. Isaacs, Minister of Labour and National Service.
otherdisplays are meeting the PRISON EXPERIMENT Viscount Stansgate, Secretary of State for Air.
public from allsides: beginning IN JAMAICA Rt. Hon. Hall, Secretary of State for the Colonies.
April 15th, 10, 000 sites will Rt. Hon. Lord Pethwick Lawrence, Secretary of State for India, and Burma.
bearlarge posters, while over One of the world most unRt. Hon. Lawson, Secretary of State for War.
a quarter of a million smaller usual prisons is coming into Rt. Hon. Westwood, Secretary of State for Scotland.
posters will be available for being in JAMAICA, British Rt. Hon. Emanuel Shirwell, Minister of Fuel and Power.
women organisations, food West Indies. The Richmond Rt. Hon. Tom Williams, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.
advice centres, buses, and trolFarm Prison, as it is called, is leys. 000, 000 sitickets being financed under the Cold Government wishes to dispose, dance at the classes. This is Native lecturer. He is a Mr.
being printed for pasting on onial Development and Wel.
fare Act. The Colony Direc by the Indian Government. It school in the Gold Coast which in the Bantu langugae. Mr. hundred and forty towns from are todo be purchased in bulk thought to be the only night Jo dan who will be lecturer on garbage cans. Twenty mo.
bile exhibitions will tour one tor of Prisons, Mr. Shillinis estimated that the total has two ford, says that the farm, which amount will be 600, 000 tons, pupils.
Chiefs among the Jordan is 39 years of age, May to August, and our hunB. an and the author occupies 435 acres, will have ranging from needles and dreddisplays will show metho of several books in the Bantu no walls and no waste.
pens to aeroplanes ds of avoiding bread language.
Provision is being made for up and heavy machinery for road RAIN GENERATOR Leaflets will discuss each of the to 200 specially selected non making. The sale price is not follong three subjects: how habitual criminals (most of yet fixed, but the American to avoid bread waste, how use them AMERICANS IN first offenders. to be book value is stated to be over fully automatic irrigation stalebread, and the causes of trained as small settlers. The 100, 000, 000.
system which operates when AUSTRALIA the present wheat shortage.
training will include soil conthe ground requires moisture, During May and June the Post servation, animal husbandry, Representatives of the two has been invented and used Office franking device will car Benefits under the Re estapig, poultry, rabbit and bee Governments will be meeting for the past ten months by an blishment and few months to Australian engineer. The ry the slogan, Don Waste keeping, and the building of in the next Employment Bread; Others Nedd It.
Act will be extended to Amehuts and sheds and the making reach agreement as to price paratus which applies stored of utility furniture.
and method of payment, which water, rican servicemen settling in provides the correct The baking and catering tra Mr. Shillingford says. In cannot be separated from amount of Australia. These include moisture contet emdes have recently, held confeployment facilities stead of walls, we hope to claims under Lend. Lease and for any crop. The machine has through the Commonwealth rences on the general question build character and instead of the reciprocal aid given to the no electricity employor motors, of food economy, and are coment warders there are leaders Americans by India, involved gadgets, yet it gauges service, including the operating whole heartedly in who work with the prisoners when the earth requires water payment of transitional the compaign. It spite of the rather as foremen. There are, The arrangements will give for best results and turns it on.
employment allowance, trainfinancial complications invol and will be, many difficulties the Indian Government comp Installation costs are well withing in occupations where open ved, the baking trade has reto be overcome but all ings exist and re establisment commended that the standard lete control of the outflow of in the range of the average cerned are working well as a American surplus goods into small farmer.
loans for undertakings offering two pound loa be reduced to good prospects.
team and optimism is justified the Indian market.
one and three quarters pounas to the eventual success of ds, a change now under consithis experiment, which has as AFRICAN CHIEFS ARE THANKS FROM deration. They also suggested The Commonwealth will its primary object the removal NEW ZEALAND scheme for mutual aid be.
discuss with the United States of at least a proportion of de SCHOOL RIVALS tween bakers by which those the possibility of amending owning rusking and crumbing cent young men (who, for one the current reason or another, have comThe New Zealand GovernA message from Accra, in Commonwealthmachinery would handle surStates housing agreement mitted an offence) from the the GOLD COAST, says that ment is donatitng 3, 000 to plus loaves of those not poses contamination which is inevit. a 51 years old Chief, Ankobe the Queen Victoria Cottage see what housing concessions sing such equipment.
able in large overcrowded alene Odei Mensah, is a pupil Hospital, East Grinstead, Sus can be granted to former prisons. and the training of at ta local night school and sex, in recognition of the work servicemen. Conditions of eliIn addition to raising the them to become useful memb has risen to Standard now done for New Zealand airmen gibility will be the same as wheat extraction rate from 80 ers of an agricultural commun another Chief in the district, who suffered burns requiring those for Australian veterans. to 85 100, it was decided that Gyasehene Kwasi Afriyia, who plastic surgery.
The Department of Immigation from March 24th, no bread is 41. has also joined the will advise and assist im was to be served in restaurants AMERICAN STORES school and a friendly rivalry BANTU PROFESSOR migrants among the American as part of a meal (other than between the two Chiefs has forces. Additionally, it will in breakfast) unless the bread All American military prop started. Their presence is havform them of their legal oblig. was an integral part of a dish, erty and stores now in India, ing an excellent effect on the The University of Cape ations and duties setlers.
or was requested by a custoof which the United States other pupils and in the atten Town has appointed its first mer.
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