
Saturday 18th May 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page Caribbean Packing Co.
SOCIAL PAST TIMES The Coloured Friendly Youth (the proprietor. He in turn delClub took the lead in the Eas ivered a very appropriate adter Seasson social past. times dress, in part, thanking the by given a dance in the rall of guets forhetir presence and the Universal Negro Improv all that has been contributed ement Association on the nght to make his efforts highly CACAO of the 20 the ultimo.
pleasurable. Mr. Jos. ThoThe Riversiders were the mas effected the presentation The Cacao Former Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao merrymakers and the boys of the prizes to the lucky pair surely delivered the goods to of dancers.
the grand satisfaction of the youngsters; they were obviously in high glee. It was a There is in the making anvivid display of physical fit other quadrille session. The inWe are Agents for ness; no weakling could have vitation states that Mr. Llewmeasured up to the swings: elyn, the music master for qua those swings that were at times drille and his ticklers will call effected at distances of three things to order at the o clock of The Govt.
to four feet and eleastically hour, Saturdey night, June rebounded to the male oper 15th in Lberty Hall.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE On Easter night there was staged in the same hal by Mr. The invitees are assured, Hyman Walters a much cooler anticipatingly, the right happy ON THE CRICKET OVAL Bun. to Brown 2; Patterson bowled Brown exercise featuring the square welcome of Mr. Hyman and On Sunday April the 28th, Jackson, caught Ricketts, bowl. 7; Wallace, caught Gallidances; the pleasure which Miss Rachael Gordon.
the Pathfinder Cricket Club ed Lewis. 0; Dixon, more, bowled Dixon and does not demand the fastly Having royally welcome again notched up high gears. bowled Lewis, 18; Mc Thompson not out; 0; extras tripping feet and the twisting and entertained the quadrilli earned 116 runs and bowted Farlane, caught Lewis. 5; total runs. 88.
wast lines. To the modernsttes on the previous entertain down the Star Line of Rio Hon bowled Gillmore. 4; Stew that formula is pronounced as ment and with Mr. Llwelyn in do for a score of 88. art, bowled Lewis 6; Geo.
Bowling Average. old fahioned, but the qua preparation for the GO the The match commenced a Brown bowled Gillmore 3: drille kept our fore fathers spree will bring together town little after the mid day hour. Gallimore, caught wicket Lynzie; overs: 40 runsamused and today, there are and country.
The visitng team won the toss, keeper, bowled Lynzie, 6; wickets.
many grown ups who cling and took the field; the pitch Alstin, not out. and Gillmore; overs; 42 runs; to that exercise.
The Motive Power Baseball was slow; it was observed that Hommend, stumped wicket5 wickets.
On the occasion under review Club struck the key of success the fielders on both sides were keeper, bowled ynzie; R. Wallace; overs; 10 runs; Mr. Walters had arranged accompanied with praise in not quite on the alert. Stanford extras 10 runs total. 116. wickets.
quite a novelty; this took place conjunction with its dance giv Barton earned top score; forty Rio Hondo Inning: Ric Lewis; overs; 14 runs. at the mid. night hour; that is, en in the Hall of the Universal runs for the Pathfinders; how ketts, bowled Dixon. 8; wickets.
a surprise award was announc Negro Improvement Associa ever, he got two lucky chances. Seafeus, Brown 3; Gill Stewart; over; runs. ed no release was given as to tion on last Saturday. Reynolds of Rio Hondo more, G. Brown 1; witckets.
how the decison would had ar Very admirable was the de also thrice escaped dismissal: Johnson, G. Brown Brown; 12 overs; 36 runs; rive at. Mr. Percy quadrillecorative view as well as the he came off with 34 runs for Lynzie. bowled Dixon 12; wickets.
bond struck: up a Danza and general attire of the dancers his side, Reynolds, bowled CS. Dison; 11 8 overs; 42 while the merry dancers were who include many prominent Brown, 34; Sterling, runs and wickets.
having their full, unknowingly, citizens.
THE EXERCISE: Dixon 5; Lewis, caught Umpires Egbert Jones Mr. Sam Price and Miss. Bea The Riversiders kept the fire Pathfinders Inning: Naysmth, bowled Dixon 3: Rand Wareham.
trice Edwards were seen dic ablaze and there were brood Barton, caught Seafeus, ectly under the light on which ing hearts when Show me the bowled Gillmore 40; WE OBSERVED out; runs: the amusement hinged and in way to go home brought the Naysmth, Guatemala once the seat of kitchen. Intrudingly, We want tum they were declared the end.
Stanley Wade, bowled Government during the regime ed to examine the treasure winners of the two beautiful add our congratulations Lewis 10; Walker, bowl of the vice royalty of New vault, but friend Sidney stern prices awarded by Mr. Hyman, to all concerned.
ed Gilimore. 14 runs; Spain over the five Centrally objected; saying No.
American Republic, according Mr. Editor, eyes off.
to a press release has recently Dear reader, between the proposed a tax of one percent light and I, never was told the on the earnings of bachelors in half, therefore, having abservthat country, and, seemingly, ed we desire to say that Hotel a native of this locality bear California is truly the home ing the age of forty three years, for Limonenses, particularly no doubt fearing that such a those of colour: the stranger law might be adopted in these arriving from over. seas will parts and in order to be out find comfort and hospitality Hemos tenido serias molestias para la exportación of its fence he has selected for there. Cleanliness is the passde nuestros bananos, sin embargo estamos en magnífi.
his bride a child in the neigh word; comfort its binding cas condiciones para garantizarle a los productores de a bourhood of eleven and twel word and meals its sta. homebanano que daremos cortes permanentes cada 10 días: ve years of age.
word. It was no wonder that Although, a bit humourous we contacted there some of in passing along this informa our first line citizens. No names PRECIOS: tion, yet in the deepest recess to be mentioned please.
COUNT BUNCH. 60 (U. of our heart is a buring symp While the enjoying the REDS. 50 colones athy for the childbride. The sweetly cooked home menu, cause that origniated the marPLANTAINS 10. 00 colones the radio music enhances the riage is not our province, but pleasure of the guest.
we have seen the unevenly TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CACAO COOPERAIn company with our San marriage couple; a child in all TIVA AS WELL AS TO THE OTHER its simplicity. Again we express Jose representative, Mr.
CULTIVATORS: was taken the sympathy of a father; the Rowley, dinner charitable heart of humanity there a week ago, and believe We have had serious difficulties in regard to the in the premises.
me dear reader, have still with me the delicious taste of exportation of our banana, however, we are in magniThanks to Mrs. Edna Fox, the food served. There is a ficient condition to guarantee the producers of banana the very attractive proprietress temptation to tell you the methat we will give permanent cutting each ten days: and Mi. Sydney Cox, the ge nu but not having secured perPrice above given: nial Manager of the Hotel Ca mission from the good cook, lifornia in San Jose; for having we dare not mention.
RAUL VELAZQUEZ granted us an inspection priv. Hats off for Mrs. Edna Fox Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca General Managersal de Bibliotecas påbegerio throughout cehrerica. rooms; for having secured us the comdining hall lasratorio run AVISO!
AVISO! los Miembros y Particulares:


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