
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 18th May 1946 GROWERS of the ATLANTIC ZONE SASTRERIA T E E Excelsior Tailor T E E ATTENTION We have recently ordered the very latest type of equipment for the extracting of edible and industrial Commerce Avenue, Next to the British Vice Consulate oil from coconuts.
sexes and This will be of great benefit to the coconut producers THE FUTURE FROM DIFFERENT ASPECTS SEEMS DISASTROUS: as extracting the oil in Limon where the plant will be by located will enable us to pay the growers at least ten What will be the future of of life. More, already we noticolones per hundred higher than prevailing prices.
the raising generation born of ce he disrespect to Christianity West Indians in the Atlantic the laws the Government, It may also interest the growers to know that shortly zone of Costa Rica judging In some sections, there are reafron the actual conditions? The sons for the latter. There is no we will commence to purchase cacao. We are completfuture, from different aspects criticism meant by this article, seems very disastrous. Some of but rather an invitation to the ing arrangements of transport to market in our own the reason of this decision are readers with more experience the follownig.
to expres or suggest efforts to vessels thereby effecting some saving of freight to the counteract existing conditions.
FIRST ECONOMICALLY We What about utilizing the Gover growers interest.
notice very little providence ment Saving Bank where a perfor the future by the laboring centage of their savings could International Trading Corp. Ltda.
element in the way of moneta be deposited. ry savings, but rather a waste There have existed and still in unnecessary gaity with both exist a fear of failure of the there is a market for all Agria contetment to Banks but it es not so with a cultural products why not apply NEWS FROM THE CENTRO PROGREearn enough only for these viGoberment Bank.
the adage Nothing try nothing ces.
SISTA, COSTA RICA AGRICULTURE: The Gober done let us take advantage if GAMBLING: Because of the ment is offering help to those the Atlantic Voice its coopeby Delores Joseph: lack of Christian principles who are willing to serve them ration that we are sure of and the noticeable negligence of the selves by cultivating, now that appreciate. To be continued.
The Inaugural Dance of the announcing the date for the worship of God by the mejoTHE SIGNS OF THE TIME CENTRO PROGRESISTA expected Mass Meeting. This rity of our young people espeContinued from last issue: COSTARRICENSE proposed meeting is intended to take cially, gambling is the order of for April 20th, at the Sajourn place at the Sojourners Society the day and where that vice By Montero rooted to the celestal soil, ſer Hall, was postponed and Hall on May 17th.
dominates there is no expresbeneath the very tree of life as held on April 27th, at the sion of gratitude to God for His It was after putting through by my side the living waters CLUB ARCOS. The attendanbounties, rather an exhibition of some work which had on flowed while angels robed in ce was not mammoth, due co contentment for their winnings hand then remembered the majestic sweetness playing recent Governmental Decree, by this vice.
the book; this was about 11. 30 harps of living gold; here for caused through the recent cri(almost mid. night) sleepy as the first my heart missed a me wave in Panama, yet a large Though the is just EDUCATIONALLY: It ap were, took it up, but when beat and my eyes grew larger group of Colonies journeyed in its making. the ranks pears that there is not enough opened its page of gold it and saw the whole heaven in to the Pacific Side to join with swelling, three additions, viz.
value or appreciation placed or was indeed to me the dawing a single glance: there lost in their countrymen and country. Sr. Flores, Marchena and the efforts existing actually both of something new: every nerve celestial wonder till at last my women in having a good time. Umama, from the Central by the Goberment and the di in me took fice so took the roaming eyes rested upon the It was a jolly come together. Provinces, are valuable links fferent Chistian denominiations ladier step by step upward crucified Son of God, my Lord Contrary to persistent ru to the chain. Mr. Flores is to fit them as well for the pre until made the very gate of and Master Jesus Christ. mours relative to police raids, occupying the position as Secsent as the future emergencieel heave; entered and stood as every protection was guar. retary for the Federation of anteed by the Management of Workers in Panama.
the Club Arcos, thus helping to make the fun successfully enjoyable.
are Limon Trading Company Compra a los mejores precios: Raicilla de ipe cacuana HULE, Cacao, Cocos y Copra Praise must be given to the The Boza (Jr. under the following who contributed to management of Mr. Herminio make ths first venture a posIbanez, lent color to the affair, sibility, Mr. Joseps Collins, who to the satisfaction of the entire gave the stamp of the Center, colony.
Mr. Alvin Dacosta and Mr.
Sidney Francis, envelopes, Mr.
Mrs. Inez Westney de Joh Dolores Joseph, invitations, nson and Mr. Flores, both Costa Ricans occupied the microphone during the twenty minutes reses in expounding the ideology of the The Centro Progresista Cosand their platitudes, both in tarricense intends to keep in the mother tongue were great constant contact wth the haply applauded. Mr. Dolores penings at home, and will use Joseph spoke briefly in En the medium of the Voice of ¡NO LO OLVIDE!
glish explaning the aims and the Atlantic as a weekly conEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel. Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bbliotebiedaistoanduat y thnusamericaime tribution.


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