
Saturday 18th May 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 ATTENTION!
Queen for Pajamas, Shirts, Shoes and a Variety of Things for Children Hollywood Store of SALOMON BEREZON reAn Australian aboriginal girl hem Land In Australia far becomes Queen of Beauty, north.
It was far from that. These ATTENTION!
natives had forsaken most of the way of life of the myall.
They were attached to the Cherbourg Aboriginal Settlea Night GRAND CLEARANCE SALE ment, 180 miles north. west of Brisbane (Queensland) and the scene was the climax to a two. day festival, they held. By Myles Rutherford recently. in support of their local Queen competition.
To the beat of rough hewn Founded about 40 years boomerangs tapped gently to ago, Cherbourg is one of three gether fullblooded Australian aboriginal settlements set up aborigenes went through the by the Queensland GovernAll can be secured at: ryhmic movements of a corro ment to assist both fullblooded boreedance.
and half caste aborigines to Coorsly carved boomerangs become independent of the white man.
soared into the sky where they twirled into the wind, curved Under the general guidance around and, spinning wildly, returned to their darked skin of the Director of Native Afned throwers.
fairs, Mr. Leary, a superintendent, Mr. Semple, SALE WILL BE FOR FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY Eight foots pears flung by aſ and a staff of 12 white teachtwo foot womera DO (throwing ers instruct the natives in culNOT LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY stick) came to earth 130 yards inary, needlework, handicrafts, away and stood quivering in domestic science and manual the ground.
training Recently the settlement for came to the ears of Lena Buck, med by Professor Elkin, med the Cherbourg Social and an almost toothless, full blood Professor of Anthropology, Welfare Association to University prov news with chagrin.
Squatting on the ground, a of Sydney. The Boys of 14 years learn cabi.
ide social amenities and She reminded them all that crown was cut from tin and worrior rolled his firestick benet making, large plots of ve creation for the natives. Foot she was the daughter of the carried on a red pillow with tween the palms of his hands. getables are tended by the ball, cricket Soon smoke began to rise, and natives, 1, 000 Hereford cattle tennis, boxing old queen, Jennie Lind. who gold braid. It was placed upon the warrior lifted a glowing are grazed and athletics are sports on the settlement at died several years ago at 102 the head of Doris Bone, the placed ember and placed it in a bund wich covers an area of 26. 000 which the natives excel and to and now therefore next in line coronation le of dead grass. He blew on acres. Under the finance these activities the As of succession as tribal queen. over her shoulders and he sat guindanco sociation decided to hold a However, when it was ex upon the throne, it steadily until the grass began a matron aborigines staff the to smoke and finally burst into ettiment hospital. Queen competition in the plained that there wasn going She was Queen for the night!
same way as their white neigh to be an insurrection in favour Superficially the whole ceflame.
The natives learn that by bours raise money for charities of a pretender to the throne remony followed an Autralian There were three nomina she became supporter of Molly charity custom. Basically it was This could be a description becoming proficient their lives a st by the Cherbourg aborof a coroboree of one of the become broader and more in tions. Doris Bone, a full blood Weazel, her niece.
native nurse, aged 18, was the For the how, competive igines towards that indepenwild myall tribes of the Arn teresting.
Hospital Queen: Iris Hegarty, and non. competitive displays dence sought by the Departa half. caste native school in all sections of training were ment of Native Affairs, a policy teacher and seamstress, 18, a background for the rough by its political head, Health the Sports Queen, and riding, athletics, spear and and Home Affairs Minister, Molly Weazel, a full. blood boomerang throwing, and cor Foley, Said Mr. Foley, It native domestic, 16, was the roberee displays.
is part of a long range plan to Avenida Central Facing Botica Primavera Dormitory Queen.
The ueen croning ceremony improve the modern culture of 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station The candidates and their was held in an atmosphere of the aborigines.
San José supporters were given permis dignity. The three natives Professor Elkin, author of Conveniently situated Confortable Rooms Ho sion to raise funds in the set. walked majestically through a The Australian Aborigine. and Cold Water Baths Excellent Sanitary Service tlement by selling the products guard of honour of aboriginal in speaking of the early black Homelike environment New furniture and of their own labour. The one boy scouts to the dais for the Australians, said Materially, equipment Varied and wholessome Food who raised the greatest amount winner to be announced. For they were primitive; spiritualRespetability and Courtesy.
would be proclaimed Queen. the three girls dressed in pink, ly and ritually they were not.
The Crowing. ceremony was blue and green evening frocks, As for Lena Buck, even afWashing and ironing equipment for service of guests set down for the final night of high heeled shoes to match ter the crowning, she wts inReasonable Prices Cherbourg first annual show. and white gloves, it was the clined to view the whole proTalk of who would be night of the year.
ceedings with ill. concealed SYDNEY COX Manager Que en naturally filtered suspicion. Reluctant to share through the settlement until it And for Doris Bone it was the spotlight with another she the night of her life. Her sup refused to be photographed porters had raised 255 and with the Queen. But she she was crowned queen. Iris happier when her picture was Hegarty had raised 169 and taken on the throne and she Doris Weasel 113.
was given a packet of cigarThe ceremony was perfor ettes for posing.
robe was Hotel CALIFORNIA Molly Weazer. full was Limon Trading Company Pay the best prices for This is evidence that WAR IS OVER Because there is SALT SALMON. and SALT MACKEREL Dried Ipecac, Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra, RUBBER Now available to make that long wished for Change of Menu.
This is a wonderful combination with fresh FISH.
Get your shop keeper to order Salt Salmon and Mackerel from.
ACUÑA MIRABELLI WHOLESALERS. SAN JOSE Remember we pay the best prices Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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