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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 18th May 1946 Bulletins From Britain CAS BLANCA on were THE DISPUTE LOS ADELAN.
MALA NICAS bean region (The former Atlantic Bar)
The long standing dispute be LONDRES, 14. La victoA JOINT statement by the HERE WE OFFER: tween Britain and Guatemalaria en la guerra sobre un sis United Kingdom and United in regard to British Honduras tema político basado en la su States Governments on the re The Best of Liquors The Nicest Short has taken a fresh, and it is to premacia racial, necesariamen commendations made by the be hoped a decisive turn with. te ha afectado la actitud de las West Indies Conference held Orders Real Good Services Comthe offer of the British Govern principales potencias colonia in March, 1944, under the aus ment to bring the whole ques les, es decir Gran Bretaña, pices of the Anglo American fortable and Cozy Private Rooms!
tion before the International Francia y Holanda, en cuanto Caribbean Commission, has Court of Justice and to accept a sus posesiones en ultramar se been issued by the Colonial Of its decision in the matter. The refiere. dice el Times de fce. It is a formally worded do THERE IS ALWAYS WELCOME Court is now being constituted, Londres en un articulo de fon cument covering proposals for FOR ALL!
and the next step will be for do. Del mismo modo ha afec agricultural and industrial exBritain formally to will be for tado la actitud de los pueblos pansion, employment and stan PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET readiness to accept the Court coloniales hacia sus gobernan dards or living, and inter island jurisdiction. In the meantime, tes uropeos. La relación al trade and transportation; and CLARENCE PATTERSON (Chicklets)
we have invited the Guatema terada està simbolizada en la it reflects the agreed views of Proprietor la Government to do the sa palabra fideicomiso, y sus res two Governments on policies me. Confident in the justice of ponsabilidades consecuentes, that should be followed in im our case, we are quite willing definidas en la carta de las Na plementing the economic ob it is proposed to develop the di ments, will seek to expand the to submit the facts to world jud ciones Unidas, pero los cam jects of the Conference, versification of production that irade of their possessions in the gment and to accept the ruling bios, tanto en teoría como en which joint discussions already exist in most areas, area with the mainland, with of an intenational tribunal. We la práctica del gobierno colo held in Wshington in July, both for local consumption and other parts of the area, and have taken the initiative in the nial, no han esperado al esta 1945.
for export. Government encou with countries outside the area, matter, and it remains, to be blecimiento de un Consejo de ragement to producers should and it is agreed that they sho.
seen whether Guatemala is pre Fidecomiso. En la constitución As a basic principle, the include research, education, te uld encourage other interested pared to follow our example. francesa recien sometida a un two Gobernments recognise chnical guidance, improvement Governments to pursue a simiThe dispute goes back to the plebiscito, Francia, en conjun that Government assistance is of seed, plant and animal stock, lar policy. The metropolitan to con sus territorios en ultra necessary to promote food pro and the provision of agricultu and independent Governments foundation of the Guatemalan State in 1821, when the new mar y estados asociados, de duction, industrial activity and ral credit.
should explore the possibilities dia formar una unión libre trade. The cost of such assisof further reciprocal trade acountry asserted that the British settlers in Belize were enmente consentida. cuyo con tance may be borne by either It is considered that encoura grements on a most favouredcroaching on territory which sejo representativo funcionará the local or metropolitan Go gement should be given to the nation basis.
como una segunda cámara con vernments of both. It is recom diversification and they considered Guatemalan expansion sultiva; la palabra imperio mended that assistance should of selected types of manufac The two Governments view no es admitida. Los holandeses be provided both directly thro turing, induustries in the coun with disfavour the continuance Those sttelers, however, had se proponen a transformar su ugh financial aids and indirec tries and territories of the Ca or adoption of discriminatory been developing the country imperio en una sociedad tri tly through Government servi ribbean area part of a ge trade measures and the intromainly for its timber pe bajo la corona. Los britá ces. The co ordination of plan neral programme of economic duction of additional preferences long before that date: British settlement has been connicos han reconocido las nue ning activity can be handled improvement. Emphasis is pla tial tariff arrangements within vas condiciones mediante la re by the Anglo American Carib ced on the ging of postive as the Caribbean. The also contiuous there now, as the records visión de las constituciones co bean Comission and its auxi sistance to selected industries sider that a regional Caribof the country show, for near. Ioniales. El grado del cambio liary bodies, particulary the rather than the erection of im bean customs union is imly 250 years. Although the Bri difiere de colonia a colonia, pe Caribbean Research Council.
port barries.
practicable; tish Government admits but it is poined ro el principio del traspaso gra The functions of the Commiout that this is not intented to claim whatever to any part of British Honduras territory, it dual del poder de los funcio sion willrei reimain avisory and The initiation of public wor prejudice consideration of a narios europeos a representan there is no intention conclued a convention with to be corre customs union embracing the Guatemala in 1895 whereby do en todas partes. La guerra the individual territorial plan dustrial diversification policies rea. It is deemed unnecessary tes electos está siendo aplica shall in any way way suplant lated with agricultural and in British dependencies in the athe frontier delineated, todavia se encontraba en su a ning agencies.
and subsequently agreed to endorsed by the Governments: and undesirable to estabilish pogeo cuando se instituyeron contribute towards the cost of los proyectos de desarrollo y tance fo the West Indies sugar arising from over population in cial responsability for the deRecognising the vital impor and further study of problems regional bodies with any spejoint communications between bienestar como metas estatui industry and closely related in certain parts of the Caribbean velopment of inter Caribbean the two countries. This article. das de la política colonial bri: dustries. the two Governments is recommendel. The two Go trade.
however, was neevr implementànica, y esto claramente en accept responsability for kee vernments ted and Guatemala now claims propose to maincierra un nuevo impulso al proping under continuos review the tain and develop existing proThe opinionis expressed that that the convention is null and void, but Britoin greso material y nuevas condi policies to be pursued in rela grammmes, designed to raise ethe interesed Governments shopoints out that she was not responsible for costumbres tradicionales deben dations for agricultural expan crease school facilities.
ciones de vida. En lugar de las tion to the industry. Recommencational standards and to in uld be prepared, after obtaining appropiate technical advice the failure. This case amply decrearse agencias impulsan sion aim at more adequate and to give financial aid to the esta monstrates that Britian is not el progreso social y político. Es better balanced nutrition of the Within the operation framework of blishment and of out, as is freely alleged in so urgente que se den pasos in people without increased cost their general international tra transportation facilities me quarters, to grab territory, mediatos para remediar las di to the consumer. To this end, de policies the two but fully prepared to abide byferencias de pensamiento entre Govern what beyond immediate requirements thus providing a stiworld opinion.
los funcionarios británicos y los mulus to regional trade, travel coloniales educados y ambicio las comunidades mas primitiand production.
sos. La administración britá vas, pero mucho más depennica ha producido en la ma de de la dirección espiritual en yoria de las colonias una cla el último recurso. La confian(Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street LIMON se cuyos miembros tienden aza del hombre occidental en la considerar el gobierno indirec batalla contra las fuerzas de la La IBERIA It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks to por medio de autoridades naturaleza viene de la fé que why our friends of BATAAN. THIS CITY tradicionales como obstructivo lo convence del valor de su per COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen a esa rápida transición de la so sonalidad individual, y ni los. DE our establishment as thair meeting center: ciedad de las tribus al mundo combios políticos ni los adeTHE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR moderno, en el que están fija lantos técnicos pueden prevaleCROCERY COUNTER: das sus esperanzas. Mucho se colonias, sino que ésta cuali SALOMON CHIN Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are puede hacer por medio de una cer en las colonias, sino esta THE BEST investigación completa en su cualidad puede ser trasmitida ESTRADA Corbetts: marco social del impacto de la y compartida.
cixdilizacjánzano sidentahal duabelas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
resourno that it ks programmes, was someGrocery and Cantina Bataan Biblioteca Nad


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