
Fágina LA VOZ ATLANTICA Sábado, 25 de Mayo de 1946 An evidence of cor We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina of recept which reads: dial collegeship This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes the 10th of the month Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso Be so good as to comply with this request and do not de su recibo que dice: Other than our deep sorrow oblige us to suspend our service, a step which for the cause Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena that brought we would much regret to take de tener que cortar su servicio about the scene, the eye was charmed and the spirti rejoiced COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON to see the evidence of cordiality and admiration as well atas student fraternity of almost to secure special medical the entire Limon College studtention.
ents who gathered at the railway station prior to the depar In the class. rooms and on ture of the forenoon San Jose the field of sports. Harry has passenger train on Monday earbed almost unparalled disthe 20th inst.
tinction and in addition it was his custom to manufacture The youngsters were comedies and funnies to hand to give a cheering sendoff to one of their most poputhe great enjoyment of his chums.
lar college chum, Harry Jackson who very unfortunately has been the victim of a very The Atlantic Voice do hope serious attack of illness; that the very promising young that disturbed his sensitive student will be the recipient of JI nerves and in the care of his divine attention and in turn be older brother, Mr. Frank Jack well again.
son was departing to San Jose PARA NOTICIAS DE ACTUALIDAD on Escuche EL MUNDO MARCHA one Por medio de la EMISORA LA VOZ DE LA VICTOR 625 Kc. 9615 Kc San José, Costa Rica Daulo Quince minutos de noticias del dia compiladas por los servicios internacionales de la Prensa Asociada. Todas las noches desde Quince minutos de noticias del día compiladas por los servicios internaconales de la Prensa Asociada de las 45 a p.
Servicio presentado al público por cortesia de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY WARE DE FABRIC we onment LOS NEUMATICOS DE GRAN KILOMET RAJE llevan la marca DUNLOS one SOLDIERS IN THE BATTLE FIELD the presence of the House of God and he was at the very There are times when invir of Israel when journeying to gate of heaven, and so or place provides a Padan. aram as he slept on his believe, no doubt in some sigvision of splendour to one pillow of stones did in his nificant manner that the whose concentration of tho dream beheld a ladder set up who has returned to this city ught is on grand purpose on the earth and the top of it in the person of the Reverend such purposes of which Christ reached to heaven and he be Mrs. Cordelia Barnes has spoke when He said Seek hold the angels of God ascend made her goal and discovered ye first and foremost the King ing and descending on it. within herself a Kingdom. Sodom of God. We recall Jacob That vision placed Jacob in metime ago we inserted a news item on the Ordination of Mrs.
Barnes, and today, we heartly PUBLIC NOTICE welcome her as a soldier in the battle. field fighting for righThis will serve to inform the general welcome also her two travellteousness. We take pleasure to public that Jacob Clarence who was formerly ing companions, the Reverend the San Jose representative of LA VOZ Mrs. Elvira Stewart who ATLANTIC is no longer connected with learn is the Founder of the that journal and any further attempt to col Bethlehem Church of God in lect bills or to represent the Journal in any Ella Brown, the wife of the the city of Panama and Mrs.
form will be entirely illegal.
Reverend Brown of the Panama Baptist Church.
We take pleasuret to introduce our new representative Mr. Rowley whose sphere of The trio have been conductservice covers San José, Cartago and Turrial ing a series of religious meetba. He can be contacted at La Nacion ings at the residence of the Reverend Mrs. Barnes and we printery in the Capital.
are told that great crowds are constantly attending the servThe Management. ices.
we DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LTD. BIRMINGHAM, INGLATERRA 45X 11 Tome Kola Garrón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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