
Saturday 25th May 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page THE NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Balsa and Cubs second division in contest There was every indication by Livingston Ballistero. This that we would have witnessed change was the evidence of an amazing finish to the base. sound judgment on the part of ball match of last Sunday bet. Manager Cope of the Balsa.
ween the quickly climbing Bal James McCalla of the side earsa team and the Second Divi ned great ovations in taking sion of the famous Cubs, but sensational catches. Cecil Wildue to the encroachment on liams hit a carpet sweeper for the time prescribed for the two bases in the fourth nining; commencement of the football then an overthrow advanced match; in consequence the him to the home plate.
baseball was suspended at a The pitching for Cubs was stage when the Balsa had to entrusted to Victor Brooks its credit five runs for its com who presents a picture of phypleted seven innings while the sical fitness. After the Balsa Cubs had played only six inn scored him for a Single in the ings and earned four runs. Second, in reply with the bat It is stated that after the he drove one of Cecil delivmanagers and captains of both cries over the freigth car along teams met in council, the ge the railroad track and hopped nial Mr. Johnson of the Cubs hone without hinderance.
acceded the honours to the George Gouldbourne gained a boys of the Balsa.
two hagger in the fourth inning. Kelly copied the two base FEW SPECIAL NOTES: stroke in the Sixty.
My. Miller was the Chief Cecil Williams, the hurler umpire and Mr. Calderon, base for the Balsa was not in tip top umpire. The match was played shape and at the arrival of the in a pleasing and friendly manfourth inning he was replaced ner.
We beg to remind the esteemed public that in order to save itself time and trouble, it is to its advantage to present the Waybill already made out, and to have the money to pay the freight ready when manifesting cargo.
Acoording to article 10 of our regulations All freight is payable in advance and this rule is strictly applied, especially where perishable goods are concerned.
For all information with regard to the movement of goods apply to the office of the Station Agent if for local and to the Pier Office for imports and exports.
THE NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY LA FAMA Nos permitimos recordar al estimable público que para economizar tiempo y dificultades, al manifestar la carRECIBIO ORGANDIE DE PUNTOS ga convien llevar la Guía ya hecha y el dinero para cubrir LINDO SURTIDO el flete.
Según el Artículo 10 de nuestro reglamento Todo Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria flete debe pagarse por anticipado y esta regla se aplica Rogelio Tasies estrictamente, sobre todo tratándose de mercaderías perecederas.
Para cualquier información sobre el movimiento de Lic. Francisco Fonseca honoured guest at carga dirijase a la Oficina del Agente de Estación si es padinner ra carga local y a la Oficina del Muelle para importación o exportación.
The Hotel Hispano Ame. Colonels Enrique Esquivel and rica under the management of Horacio Tasies, the CommanMr. Cecil Ernest Lewis Rica; was ders of Police: the Honorauble of the Bank of Costa BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY lifted in importance on the Daniel Zeledon, Deputy to Lic. Raul Zamora, Director of night of Saturday the 18th in the Congress; the Honourable the Limon College; Mr. Chan The evening of Sunday the George July. It proved the life stant when many of the most Hilton Wood and the Honour dler Ehrman, Manager of 12th of May a grand birthday of the party, filling all with out standing Limonenses were able Jesse Orme, both of the International Trading Cor party was given in honour of laugther; this was made so by served with a high Epicurean the United States Consulate: poration: don Raul Velazquez, Master George Fredankies his Dude costume and coMenu. It was a dinner given in the Honourable Raul Alvarez, erative; Dr. Rafael Ruano, who had reached his seventh mic action. Other songs were honour of Lic. Francisco Fon Panama Consul; don Rafael Manager of the Cacao Co op year. It was a gala festival in rendered by Mr. Archer, the Misses seca Chamier, Limon Depu Eduarte, the Port Captain; don Dr. Feliz Reyes, Messrs. Juan which the school children scor Mrs. Thomas, Ortiz, Hernan ty and who is now the Pres. Rogelio Pardo, the City EngiEsquivel, ed in the renditions of recita Wright and Needham.
ident of the National Congress neer; Lic. Carlos Silva; don Asis Esna, Agustin Abrahams, tions and songs. It was a well Among those present in the The list of names given be Jesus Nassar, Police Magistra Yanvario Rivas, Victor Casco, spent evening and to the great role of invitees were Mrs.
McDonald, Miss I, McDonald, low is self. evident of the te; Don Alfonso Sole, Chief of Moises Kader, Alberto Mutis, joy of all.
Edmundo Taylor, Roberto pleasure afforded those gen the Social Protection: Don MaMr. and Mrs. Whitley, Mrs.
tlemen to demonstrate in a Cordero, Dedication Loiza, The chairman riano Zuñiga, Manager of the was Mr. Demmitt, Marvin and Orelda manner greater than words National Bank; don Alvaro Jaime Romero Ching, Edgar Garby. The children in the en Demmitt, Mr. and Mrs.
their hearty and sincere con Goicoechea; Dr. Telemaco Es Young, Charles Hayling, An tertaining line were George Demmitt, Roberto and Rosa, of Mr. and Mrs. Brown and gratulations to Attorney Fon pinach; Don Hernán Salas, tonio Canalias, David Salas, Fredankies, the guest seca, the central figure. Manager of the city Branch of Enrique Mangel, Felix del Bar honour. The Begger man Veronica, Mrs. Welsh and The list: His Excellency, the Limon Trading Company: co, Pedro Mosh, Eduardo Cas was his poem. The Better Silvia, the Misses WilliamAbel Robles, the Governor: Don Gilberto Calvo, Manager tro Abel Santos, Amaro Landi by Miss Elizabeth Swa son, Barrott, Wright, Castillo, Jose Adis, Alberto by and her teacher. Egbert Stephenson, Reid, Moody, Lopez, Mario Rodriguez Mo Powell gave The Battle of Morjorie, Robinson, sis, Walter Goebel, Alberto Hohenlinden Lloyd Slater Williamson and Melba, Barrantes, Humberto Gomez, recited Two roasted Venta de MERCADERIAS chick Wareham, Bogle, WilRafael Vaglio, Jorge Alva Tens. Miss Ermalyn Sterling, liamson, Reese, James, rez, Carlos Mora, Victor MI. accompanied by George Thomas (not the Editor)
en General Aguirre, Victor MI. Zamora, Fredankies won the first prize Riley McIntosh, Law.
Miguel Shadid, Marcelo Bou in presenting Dollies Doctor. rence. Needham, Shan, rrett, Felix Meneses and Ra Which loved best was well Eduardo Granville, Alberto mon Mora.
rend er ed by Eugene Llewelyn and Demmitt Browne Abrahams The official address was James also the Book Keeping were the guitarists. The eveneloquently delivered by Mr. Angels by George Clarke. Roy ing came to a happy ending Alfonso Sole and the response and Stedman Slater, Lionel when the children went to the (Frente Unidad Sanitaria)
excellently effected by the and Daphney James, Egbert banquet table and enjoyed the Honourable Francisco Fonse Johnson, the Misses Euphena, delicious refreshments. The ca, the honouree. Several other Lynnett and Mavis Shan, Miss teacher merits praise for the CIUDAD DE LIMON sppeches were contributed in Clarise Williamson, Miss Vio training of the children in our harmony with the Fete. let McDonald. song entitled community. Dude sung by Mr.
Mrs. Whitley.
was. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica


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