
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 25th May 1946 SINTONICE TIQ Radio CASINO COMPRO VENDO PROPIEDADES Vendo en Coronado, precioso Chalet mitad con creto y mitad madera, establos, garage, árboles frutales, frente carretera pavimentada. cinco millas de Limón, hermosa finca de 170 hectáreas, con cacao, potreros y bastante montaña virgen, tiene casa y muy buenas aguas, buena para lecheria.
Finquita, buena para recreo. 18 hectáreas, cocales, pequeña casita, frente al mar y Río Moin.
ALBERTO BARRANTES CARRANZA Corredor Jurado y Comisionista.
Puerto Limón 1220 KILOCICLOS ONDA LARGA PUERTO LIMON APARTADO 555 sure SASTRERIA Hotel CALIFORNIA Excelsior british Salzburg beatibul thoroughfare. The ancient Castle contains in St Mar Plans are afoot to turn Edin garet Chapel, Scotland olburgh, Scotland beautiful cadest building; and the Palace pital, into a British Salzburg. of Holyrood house contains It is proposed to hold there in parts of the Royal of Palace of the summer or early autumn King James IV of Scotland, laThe whole town is talking about the festivals of 1947 an international fester James of England and foJoyous Welcome and tival of drama and music, in under of the ill fated Stuart dy Everyone on in one form or the day, the first and second of Au Revoir which will be presented the nasty. The city is the seat of other has in for the House June, inclusively, in the Varbest the world has to offer.
an ancient University, founded in 1582.
of worship and any movement gas Park of this city.
In the name of Limonenses destined for that purpose, meAll persons of goodwill; There will be presentations by Preliminary work has alreaand in that of the Atlantic rits above all others the most those who are cognizant of a British orchestras, conductors, dy begun on the organization Voice, majestically is the welwhole hearted support. Our righteous cause, we are drama and ballet companies, of the Festival. Committes are christenings marriages our will let no other attrcations come we extend to the Honour able Jesse Orme, the new Vice and foreign orchestras, thea working on programmes and deal funeral services; all find wel rob their presence and full pos Consulte the United States of trical companies and world fa finance, and others to come in the Church; and then sible support from the apwith publicity, travel, accommous solists will be America Consulate. He is among we owe a sacred duty to at proaching festivities. Let us all those invited to take part. It modation and kindredmatters accompanied by his esteemed tend there for our daily spir help to build a new and beautwife. We desire to assure these is planned that the festival are being formed.
itual food.
iful House where God will shall last for there or four distinguished personages that In furthering the effort to dwell; we desire clean and weeks.
the highly cherished characteIt is elt COMERCIANTE build the new Cathedral in our lovely dwellings for ourselves that ristic hospitalities and sincere Edinburg city, a committee of distin and surely our Heavenly FatShould be ideal for the purpose, goodwill to the strangers who guished gentlemen is at the her should be given a dwell DETALLISTA for it has great beauty, ancient come to us will be un ceasingly head and in their fund raising ing place of the most magshowered upon them and in culture and a romatice history, campaign a two function is nificent nature.
the important Consulate of the and has much to offer the vi Licores. Abarrotes. Cristalelisted for Saturday and Sungreat North American Demositor from overseas in addition ría. Materiales de Ferretería y Eléctricos. Todo se encuentra cracy we shall continue to look to the Festival itself. Built on forward to the favour of the a group of hills, it is generally en este Establecimiento Honourable Jesse Orme and agreed to have in its famous for the exercise of those measPrinces Street the world most JOSE ACHIONGNG S ures to further strengthen the mighty democratic bond in T common with all freedom loving peoples and their GovernE Avenida Central ments. We present Mr.
Facing Botica Primavera and Tailor Mrs. Jesse Orme as two valua100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station E ble personages to Limon. The Consul ray of human sunL Conveniently situated Confortable Rooms Ho beam darts upon the visitor to and Cold Water Baths Excellent Sanitary Service his office. E Homelike environment New furniture and equipment Varied and wholessome Food Commerce Avenue, Next to the British Respetability and Courtesy.
Vice Consulate Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests We approach this opportunReasonable Prices ity to say Au Revoir to the Honourable Hilton Wood who SYDNEY COX. Manager PERSONALIA is about to leave us after hav ing so warmly endeared himThe Pension America in this tion and love with their mother self to our citizenry. He has COMPLAINT FROM OLD HARBOUR city has had its lights bright her, sister and good friends. gained a cozy spot in all ap The groans of the people of to sleep together on a rough ened since the arrival of a week preciative and true hearts, Puerto Viejo have reached our arch. way with an aproximate ago of the daughter of the Deep is our sympathy in Whatever might be the mis office in connection with cer space of six by eight feet.
Proprietress, Mrs. Jose Rami behalf of our good citizen, sion of the caller to the Con tain illconvience which they We opine that the interest rez and her husband don Jose. Mrs. Daisy Ham de Blackman sulate during his tenure of are experiencing with the of both sides must be considwho is sick at the family resi office, he greets with a smile launch services from that coas ered equitably; that is if the These two deeply welcomed dence. We sincerely add to the the visitor and grant his listen tal town to this city.
trip necessitates the Cahuita friends of the Puntarenas All many prayers for her speedy ing enrs, then his wise instrucnight sleep, the launch operaAmerica. Cables are truly for recovery.
tions follow. We shall miss Mr. It is stated that passengers tors reserved that rights, but mer Limonenses. Don Jose was Wood and in the meantime are taken on board these laun due notice should be extended with the local office of the Friend David Pinnock, we express our fond wishes that ches at Puerto Viejo, destined to the passengers before emCable Company for a very can say joyfully is splendidly all happiness and success will for this city and without any barking on the vessels and lenghthy period and the Pen recuperating from his very carpet his future career in the knowledge they are stopped proper sleeping accommodasion America was his home. delicate sickness. He has ex diplomatic cause of his nation at Cahuita and there to sleep tions is their vested franchise.
pressed in no uncertain tone and assuring him that he will until next morning when the They are duly entitled to betHis very excellent and cour his well seafed praise for his leave behind indelibly enscrib voyage is resumed. Further ter consideration than the mateous mannerism remains a San Jose medical and surgical ed on the tablet of our memo grievance is given that on terial cargo.
treasure in all worthy hearts. doctors and the medical staff ry fond recollection of his April the 30th one of these We hope that those concernWe daresay the visit of his lov in general who attended to magnificent courteous and am unexpected stop over was af ed will remedy this unpleasant ing wife, baby and self is a him during the period of his icable ways.
fected and 21 passengers in treatment to that section of means of rekindling the affec hospitalization.
cluding men and women had the travelling public.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
San José


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