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Page 12 ya ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 1st June 1946 Bulletins From Britain ween women at SPORTS IN GREAT World Needs Econo African Doctors in training Work of Nigeria School of Medicine BRITAIN mic and Social not Military Secury Sport in Britain in 1946 is having a wonderful revival. It Major Powers Must Call Truce will be firmly established on a to their Political Quarrels and pre war footing by the month Concentrate on task. of Develof June when a tremendous in oping and Fairly Distributing flux of visitors is assured for Throughout the World its major attractions like: Infinite Resources The great races at Epsom for the Derby (June 5) and Atlantic Voice publishes the Oaks (June timely editorial of Daily Rezurn of the four. day Ro Herald. London.
yal Ascot meeting (June 18 to 21. London, May 30. Making an urgent appeal for worldLawn Tennis Championships wide cooperation, the Daily at Wimbledon (June 24 to Herald today published the July 6) and the Wightman following editorial on internaCup lawn tennis match beet tional affairs: There is speculBritish and American ation in many lands about a also at Wimbledon third world war. This is no idle (June 14 15. talk. Every honest man must First Test Match at Lord admit that a clash is inevitable cricket ground between En unless wisdom and tolerance gland and India (June 22 24 prevail in the turbulent council problems which faces the four that of the United Kingdom ices and understand the proOne of the most difficult. hich has an area four times ledge of the public utility serv25. of the Great Powers. So far British Colonies in West Afri and a population of 23 mil blems of housing, sanitation, Greyhound Racing Derby the portents are entirely phy ca is the battle against disease. ions. The training takes five mosquito control and epideat the Whtie City, London (Ju chological. There is a deep Apart from the treatment of years and the medical student mic diseases. The School is in ne 29. and Fight for the Bri suspicion in Russia of the Bri diseases there are the attendant nust previously have passed its development stage and has tish Heavyweighe Champion tish and American motives.
tasks of removing the causes ship between Bruce Wood an 18 months course in chem still far to go, but qualified cock (Doncaster) and Fred There is deep suspicion in Briclimatic conditions, mal nu stry physies and biology at men are turned out annually die Mills (Royal Air Force. in tain and America of the Rus giene all help to make the Much of the students practical in the Government hospitals trition and ignorance of hy he Higher School in Yaba. who are doing valuable work London (June sian motives. But a few years work more difficult.
only at the present rate As it is training is gained in the Out throughout the country. Some will THRILLING DERBY not possible to staff the hosp patients and Casualty Depart of the graduates, having comp suffice to bring those suspiPROSPECT itals and dispensaries with ments of the Hospital, where leted their term of Government cions to the explosion point, European personnel, Africans he perfoms minor operations service are and an explosion, will make a now in private Flat. Racing, under Jockey wilderness of this earth What numbers. to assist and even edge is obtained in the various are being trained in increasing himself. More detailed knowl practice.
Club Rules, began on April 1, is so terrible and so serious is Students of the School of and meetings have been fixed that this next war is not de tually to take over the medical clinics such as the Fracture Cli Medicine on their rounds welfare of the territory.
for nearly every week. day creed by the common people 1930 a School of Medicine was Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic. call to see child patients in the In nic, Venereal Disease Clinic, the African Hospital, Lagos, until the season ends in Nov of any country. Nor do ember. The first two of the believe that any created in Nigeria, a colony He must also have a know play pen, country five Classic races, the 000 ledaers are deliberately plottNew Director of BBC and the 1, 000 Guineas, took ing aggression. The fact is that cion are once again thwarting While we argue about politics, place at Newmarket on May the nations ardently desire to and distorting the better in great areas of the globe Coming to Costa Rica and respectively.
lash space together. Mothers stincts of markind. Mr. Molo facing famine and starvation. On Monday, June 3rd, the do not breed sons with the tov has just made a statement While we quarrel about milit new Director and RepresentClassic prospects havê ne.
ver been brighter. The five object of mourning their death which shows the Soviet Gov. ary security, no positive steps ative of the British Broadcastbest colts are all sons of Lord in early manhood. Women do ernment to be intensely suspi at all are being taken to achie ing Corporatoin in Mexico, Derby wonderful sire, Hy not marry with an eye to wid cious of the Western Democra ve worldwide economic secur Central America and the Carowhood. Men do not toil to cies. He seas America and Bri ity. which, attained, ribbean Islands, Mr. John perion, the world leading make homes because they ſtain as two nations determined would render obsolete all Leech will arrive in San Jose stallion, for whom his owner has declined tempting offers, want to see those homes bom to dominate Soviet Russia, juckeying for bases and sphe for a stay of several days.
bed and blasted. The instnict and to manipulate the United res of influence which is going Mr. Leech makes his headexceeding 100, 000, from quarters in Mexico City, from ayndicates of American breed of all people in all countries is Nations Organisation to their on today.
the instinct for peace, and af. own imperialistic purposes.
where he set out at the end of ter two world wars it might Living here in Britain we The Allies fought the war May to visit all the countries Thees five Hyperion con have been assumed that the know how utterly unfounded against Germany and Hitler to under his jurisdiction, which he tenders Lord Derby ensure freedom from fear and took over in the month of FeGulf Stream, Lord Astor yearning for peace would take are these fears of Molotoy. We know we could answer with want. So far they have ensured bruary of this year from Mr.
Aldis Lamp, the Aga Khan full charge of the thoughts and spirit and effect the charges he neither. Want is widespread Thomas Gale, who returned Khaled, Mrs. Macdonald Bu deeds of men that they brings against us. But it is scar and fear is worldwide. What is to London on a new assignchanan Edward Tudor, and would be anxious above all to cely likely at this stage that the needed is a new approach by ment with the BBC.
Mr. Lilley Radiotherapy accommodate one another, to most devastating reply from the Great Powers to the probThe new Director was eduBoth Lord Derby, make lavish allowances for one Britain or America would cau lems of peace. The United Na cated at Leys School and over 80 years of age, and the another prejudices and fears, se Molotov to retract his alle tions Organisation does later at Christ College, CamAga Khan have already won the Derby three times, but the to study each other points of sations. Indeed such a reply consist only of the Security bridge. Mr. Leech acquaintance with Latin Ame Council. There is the Economic back to 1931, when he dates coveted prize has always elud view rather than lapse again gulf already immense between ed Lord Astor, who has been into jealousy and doubt. But the Soviet Government and and Social Council, which is stationed in Chile as an official striving for it more than 30 jealousy and doubt and suspi the Western Democracies. So capable if fully and unselfishly of a British concern established years. In one unlucky seven let us forego our debating utilised, of removing the very in that country.
When year spell, colts carrying points and let us instead seek broke out in 1939. Mr. Leech causes of war. One sure way of 1945.
Lord Astor colours were crack two year old ground for the cooperation returned to England and enterof eradicating jealousy and second in the race on five oc Nirgal.
positive and constructive ed the Royal Navy. He particasions. Incidentally, the Der The Ascot Gold Cup (June which must be secured if the suspicion and thus avoiding a cipated in many engagements by, is one of the few races 20. the winner of which ranks drift towards war is to be ar third world war is in our opi in the Mediterranean, the our champion jockey, Gordon as the world finest stayer, will rested. The search need not nion that the major powers North Atlantic and also took Richards, has never won.
be prolonged. Straight in front call a truce to their political part in the Allied landings on strong challenge to Bri also have a real international of our eyes there is a field of of Normandy quarrels and concentrate tesin Derby candidates will flavour for the first time for activity in which the three June 6th 1944.
France, many years as French owners powers might cooperate and the task of developing and ATLANTIC VOICE takes Boussac, the leading French if pleasure in welcoming Mr.
having entered his pions.
to be saved from misery. the earth its infinite resources. Leech to Costa Rica, we are once ers.
are: now was war the coast on on come from Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y luventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismSovietWorld War

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