
Sábado de Junio de 1946 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Pàgina EL LUJO DE ALGUNAS MUJERES CELEBRES Seamon Is los que se quejan de que una toilette de terciopelo en la actualidad las mujeres blanco, 18. 000 y otra de raso gastan excesivamente en el 15. 000. En cuatro años esta Agradecimiento Directing adorno de su persona, bueno misma señora compró 136. 000 Louis Drills Clientes y Amigos Industria de Banano International Trading Corp.
come moves es recordarlse que el lujo fe francos de encajes, sin duda a nuestros menino no es como ellos su para no ser menos que Mada ponen, cuestión de nuestra me de Choiseul, que los lucía By Charlie DAVIS poca, sino achaque de todos por valor de 67. 000 en una los tiempos.
sola toilette.
West Baden Springs, Ind.
La emperatriz Josefina, es Bajo Enrique III, en 1575, Joe Louis, the Brown Bomposa de Napoleon I, gastaba el lujo de las grandes seño ber of the squared circle, encadaaño 50. 000 flancos en ras llegó a ser tan exagerado tered his fourth week of en la guantes, 30. 000 en pomadas que el propio rey quiso repri training here as he prepared y una cifra fantástica en los mirlo. Ordenó para ello que for his title bout with Billy 500 pares de zapatos hechos se publicara una lista de 30 Conn at New York, June 22.
por Coppé.
damas de París que ostenta The work here is more or Maria Antonieta pagó on ran un lujo excesivo, y esas less on the light side. Few, ce mil francos por un reloj y treinta damas fueron encerra if any, sparring partners are 400. 000 por un par de pen das en una prisión. Pero la in the camp to give exhibiLA dientes.
dureza del castigo no sirvió tions with the champ. The exUna parure de la Duba de nada. Las cosas siguieron tent of daily activity on the rry castó 730. 000 francos; como antes.
part of the champ is mainly road work, relaxation and Venue of Trial in the Bustamante plenty of good Hoosier food.
Pixley Trial Occasionally he chops wood, a conditioning device well The charge of manslaughter Absolute in the High Court re known to those who follow again the Honourable lative to a change of venue for top boxing, Bustamante and the Honour trial of the case.
able Pixley of the House However, it is not quite cerJoe and his entourage are of Representatives of Jamaicn. tain if the trial will actually staying at the Waddy Hotel, agradece profundamente su cooperación will be heard in the St. Mary commenced on the 17th instant here in West Baden, and the Circuit Court at Port Maria on due to the place has been done over for espléndida durante los últimos años y uncertainty of Mosday June 17; particularmente para su patronazgo fiel the date of the arrival defenhis comfort Hotel Waddy has de recientes semanas.
The Grovernor of Jamaica asce counsel, Sir Lennox Reil long been known as the midwe gather has officially decided ly, who is said to be west resting spot of the Nation. The baths here are in the Executive Council in ac procceding from Trinidad to Chandler Ehrman known by the big and little cordance with the granting by Jamaica.
of the country.
the Chief Justice of an Order The spot is an ideal site for Joe and his party to rest and The Child Bride Returns to her Mother relax. The real training will THE VISIT OF THE when he to Seamon is Directing Louis Drills Pompton Lakes, and BATAAN BASKETBALL PLAYERS: sparring That cruelty of our much from the very out set that begins to take on partners The thirty eight room Methink heard the Ma not hide the truth that the advanced page husband has she was a child and had not hotel has an adequate dining nager and Captain of the city Selection was an ironcaused her to reseek shelter yet developed the knowledge room and spacious lobby. Bataan Basketball Club say side sothat, when Captain Leoin the home of her mother. of even to clean the rice The kitchen is well stocked ing to their players in prepa pold Morris and his team is the information given 11s much more to cook it and with big hams and many ration for the invasion of mates put up so hard a fight few days ago from the ve prepare other dishes.
things the Champion likes to the General Tomas Guardia they are deserving every lay lips of the child bridge of Since she has gained adleat. The good, fresh Indiana Courtyard on Sunday the 2nd urel.
less than three weeks. ult experience, can the childair is abundant and in case the instant: It is not that her finger ride secure legal separation Boomber should lose the June The defenders of the city laden with rings and she can so as to enable her to marry fight it will not be the fault to the city; we will be in the Stanley Wade; Sydney Ste Boys, we are journeying were. Merss. Kenton; not do a thing and them she an applicant who may be her of the Hoosier State nor its therefore, spot lights the has been returned to her pa heart desire? this is we wart, Rgelio Chacón; Alfonpeople. Natives around this must be Spick. and Smart. so Taylor; Ruben Hazel and rents; no. it was visible question?
village walk over daily and The citizens must be convin Harold Berrick. The umpires pay friendly visits at the campced that Bataan is worthy of were Messrs. Stanley Dixon and Joe is a gracious host.
its name.
and the timekeeping was efPLAN PARA EL SORTEO Yes, dear readers, the uni fected by our Director of the DEL 16 DE JUNIO DE 1946 Road Work Daily forms of the Bataanites ma Boys School, Don Tristan sporting fraternity Brenes La emisión consta de 22. 000 billetes divididos en vigésimos, Louis arises a bit early for and others sit up and took The very attractive Miss numerados del 1001 al 23000, a 20. 00 cada billete newspapermen. about A.
notice; their appearances were Paulina Chafez is the God y 00 cada vigésimo. in fact and hits the road un regal styles and correspon mother for the Bataan Basket VALOR EN PREMIOS: 277. 300. 00 COLONES with a companion or two. The their ball Club.
jogging lasts for an hour of dingly princely were general deportment After the during termination Premio Mayor de of. 100. 000. 00 two and then he returns to the play. a demonstration the match a rich refresment Segundo Premio de.
20. 000. 00 the hotel for a huge breakfast.
of real 10 Premios de 000. 00 cada uno. 10. 000. 00 This is followed by sleep, or sporting discipline. was evidenced at the Ameri The team was the 20 Premios de 500. 00 cada uno defeated by can Bar in front 10. 000. 00 work or perhaps a Park turn at 80 Premios de 200. 00 cada uno 16. 000. 00 some quick wood chopping, our boys with 25 against 17 Vargas 141 Premios de 100. 00 cada uno 14. 100, 00 Manny Seamon, his trainer, points, but in justice, we can10 Aproximaciones, al Premio Mayor (5 ante00 doesn intend to let the loafriores y posteriores) de 500. 00 cada una. 000. 00 ing get too far advanced, ho10 Aproximaciones al Segundo Premio (5 anwever. He is installing gym moev to Pompton Lakes to ed how soon he would finish teriores y posteriores de 150. 00 cada una 500. 00 nasium equipment in the hotel get in some serious punches Billy Conn, Joe smiled and teriores y posteriores de 500. 00 cada una 500. to keep Joe on his toes while with real targets.
said he couldn guarantee 21 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Prihere. Now Joe is a man who any certain round, but as mer Premio, de 200. 00 cada una 200. 00 is apt to relax at the slightest Looks Rugged usual he would do his best 198 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del Priprovocation, so Mr. Seamon and get it over as soon as pos mer Premio, de 100 cada una 19. 800. 00 is constantly on vigil. Present At thirty two, Louis looks sible His ever present smile 1980 Terminaciones. a. la última cifra del Primer, de plans call for the West Baden as rugged as when we first told us that he didn intend 40, 00 cada una.
79. 200. 00 camp to break up around saw him just after he won the to fool around with his opApril 29, when Louis and his title He is eager to fight and ponent.
2472 PREMIOS Este dodumaibo Roiedad de la BibiBeCoNaçiofe Nigp gregon lizeno del gedre dalede Bitligeças agynginisize ofeele y fired, When askde our


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