
In the Basket of the week: tlantic Voic icE CA TAX 18SE S814 GA are be to in two Cacao Cooperativa Where once were walled divisions Built up of form and creed Now blossom fragrant flowers YEAR XI Limon, 3th June 1946 NO 514 Of loving thought and deed JOS. THOMAS Editor: Post Box 199 We trust in God free spiritThe ever broadening ray Of truth that shines to guide us CRICKET OBSERVATION Along our forward way.
The National Educational crack footballers from EngThe West Indian Cricket Fisic Committee of San Jo land; their names are given Board of Control with head.
quarters in the island of Ja ted to the British Legation ssional team se is said to have communic as Jackie Milis of the profeof MidlesborTHE RED CROSS AMBULANCE maica is said to have received there with a view of securing ough and Thomas McPhillip, an invitation from the Indian the famous FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR: Cricket Board of Control, set in London an expert football star player for trainer to come to this Re Scottish Club ting out the terms of a pro Glasgow posed West Indian Combina. public and instruct the na Rangers. These men are to We wander of our general citizenry is tion to visit India during the tional players in the exercise play under the colours of carefully taking stock of the great service latter months of the year in prior to their participation the Asturias Club of Mexico, in the Olimpic slated for Ba that is being performed from day to day by course.
The London Mr. Nunes is the pre Franquilla, Colombia early in the Limon Red Cross Ambulance? No one papers West Indian December of this year. stated to emblazoned residing in the universe of observation and sident of the Board and we learn that he The British Legation, it is with sounding acclamation appreciation should be too occupied so as has directed his secretary, Mr. assured will endeavour to se with the appearance on the not to note such important matters.
Donald Lacy to communicate cure the right man for this athletic horizon of a great Barbados British Guiana important task.
coloured star. He is said to Thanks to the Social Security Depart. and Trinidad in particular con In the meantime me have be son of a prince of Nigeria.
the ambition that the Natio Africa and bears the name ment of the Bank; the institution which has cerning the request of India.
Prior to the invitation from nal Committee will turn at of Prince Adedovin.
made it possible that the ambulance is now The and get youth according to the news sheltered in the very beautiful and imposing India arrangements were un tention to Limon der way for a team of cric from us, at least three has set up a new building. the swell convenient headquart keters from Trinidad to visit four of our best players and high jump in the British Uni ers of Captain Noe Alvarado and his fir Jamaica and to effect a tour present them for work outs versity Championship, recenemen of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. nament in the Isles of Springs, in the presence of the British thly celebrated in London ;It has been stated, however, trainer if the plans materia his jump being metre and The Red Cross Ambulance service has that if the trip be a realiza lize. Nothing, in our opinion, 85 centimeters and if calcubeen marvellously improved since it is hous Mr. Victor Stollmayer will not on in the Selection.
tion the Trinidadian captain, should deny Limon inclusi lated at 39, 3708 inches would be nearly feet high. Prince ed and with the installation of the telephone accompany his team.
Adedovn has triumphde also system in the building a clock wise operation México has led the way long jump.
is evidence; due principally to the remark Other Happenings in in the importation of able cooperation that is being extended by that Island: the Social Protection office which is truly By u Gleaner of recent date the Seat of Mercy for the sick and diswe glean that all was not well tress. The residential direction given to one on the occasion of the return of Don Alfonso Sole clerks and in a jiffy of some 1200 Jamaicans who the instructions are transmitted to the am were valuable members of the bulance department; then at the earliest Royal Air Force.
PURCHASING PRICES: release from any previous service, Captain been seriously The date of May 23 has described as Noe Alvarado is on the spot; ready to pers the Day of Excitement when CACAO, per quintal (fermented to days. 44. 00 onally help the sick.
the airmen arrived in the NorWET CACAO, husked the day before sale 42. 00 wegian ship Bergensfjod It is pleasing to mention that addition and that the men were landShipped to 28 Miles, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, only: al telephone facility is in the making with ed under rifles and guns.
the proposed installation of a public service COCOANUT PITH, per quintal.
65. 00 The report stated that all at the entrance of the city park; in other was well with the servicemen words at the present parking place of the COCOANUT, per hundred.
30. 00 on the trip from England unautomobiles for public conveyance. This til Trinidad was reached where new means of communication will also make some Royal Naval personnel RAUL VELAZQUEZ it convenient to summon a jitney to come to embarked These men are said General Manager: any part of the city or the North American to have boasted how they whipped the Jamaicans of the Colony. This is one of the many measures Royal Air Force in England that we have urged in our various lectures. aid when this was resented by the Jamaicans the boasters said men in the fight that the ship to had been arranged, but due While treating on the ambulance serv they were ready to do it again was covered with guns Sud to the contrary wind which ice we desire again to call the attention of with the boys in the ship. denly shots were fired from had blown on the boyage the our highly esteemed Municipal Fathers to Quite naturally red blood the Sten guns which infurigat landing done at Port keep upper most on their agenda the item of coursed through the veins of ed the boys In the francas a Royal and the servicemen con the Jamaica servicemen and Norwegian seaman and a En ducted to Gibraltar Cam.
street construction in the Jamaica Town Set words led to blows. The fight glish Flight Lieutenant were This incident is mentioned to tlement in order to extend the ambulance according to the report dev shot. caused imbittered comments.
operation to the benefit of those residents. eloped seriously and the En The landing of the returThese returnees had volunSurley, with the approaching official change glish officer comanding the nees were expected at the tarily left their island home of name to Barrio Roosevelt complete im troops instructed all first class Kingston wharf and in conand loved ones; entered the provement of that Settlement is inevitable. passengers to remain in their junction with that expectation fight on the side of democe cabins; he in turn advised the a grand civic welcome is said cracy, they fought for freedom; justice and civilization We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina and are said to have been of recept which reads: much grieved in the manner This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes of their landing. The throb of the 10th of the month joy which was in their hearts Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso in sailing from England for the Be so good as to comply with this request and do not de su recibo que dice: land of their brith and the oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena reciprocal joy of those we would much regret to take de tener que cortar su servicio home to had royally welcomed them was chilled when the COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON landing was effected at the coal wharf of Port Royal.
was at Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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