
Hollywood Store naat was a sincere Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 8th June 1946 The Date of the Rally of the Port Limon less nights had embittered Branch of the Jamaica Burial Scheme my crown as Commander Society is Changed to July the Eighth (8th. Chief of the British and North American forces form Flash! Flasi! From Chi jin Africa; that was Marshal Africah then to Italy and to na in the Far East has come Rommel task. the fox of England; there prepared and the request to change the the desert) but the British launched the great invasion THE HOUSE OF PREFERENCE: proposed date of June the Eight Army routed him out of the nazi Europe, chimed 17th, for that of Monday eve oi his den then to Sicily and in the representative for Ge We have recently received a new assortning July the 8th. in conjunc into Italy proper; finally neral Dwight Eisenhower. ment of the most durable and finest tionwith the rally of the Port day places us in the Our Scout is on the job Limon Branch of the Jamai Third German Reich. men and will advise clothing materials and other needful out furhter on ca Burial Scheme Society. tioned the spokesman for Ge whatever is floating in fittings for men women and children: the Due to the distance from the neral Bernard Montgomery. atmosphere surrounding the Among these are: starting point of the re Uneasy lies the head rally of the Port Limon persentative of Gral. Chaing that wears the crown and su Branch Nº 134 of the JamaiCrepe. Cotton Goods. Cloaks Kai Shek, he cannot arriverely my study days and sleep ca Burial Scheme Society.
in this city before July the Army Khaky Peter Pan (Plain Sth.
FROM THE MAIL BOX In the meantine must It has been found in the consumated badly grave for and flowered. Sharkskin. Linen keep you posted with things Mail Box that Edward the nation; affecting the lives as they are shaping; Here Mazerall, a Canadian of thir of hundreds of thousands of White Drill. Garbadine. Men is the news: ty years of age and who has persons. No one would have prebeen described as traitor Silx. Soxs. Umbrella etc.
Mazerall was an enginer of dicted that with a non Rus to his country was given a the Canadian National Council sian colony in this city that term of four years imprison of Scientific Investigation. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST the representative in the ment growing out of his trial Ottawa he The Mail Box has revealed OUR MOTTO: To treat each customer me of Primier Josef Stalin of Russia would have gained found guilty for revealing a that a boxing bout held in San with a smiling countenance: such a quantity o supporters Union. This man is the third city, a pugilist of coluor and military secret to the Soviet Salvador Al Campbell of this anticipatingly. so says the SALOMON BEREN ZON: of the eleven Canadians charg who was associated with San leader for His Majesty, King ed as traitors and who have Jose fighting circle, was match George VI.
Proprietor: been sentenced. However, it with the well known Kid Cois said that he has not been ronel of that sister Republic. Lord Winston Churgiven the maximum penalty According to the release the chill who directed the battles of seven years, because the contest had created very poPERSONALIA with might and main to set trial judge the Honourable pular enthusiasm and feeling Deep and is our cial a manner to the travehumanity free how could you John McRuer expressed his ascender that a thrilling figh congratulations to Mr. Chan llers between this port and jail to vote in my name?
opinion that there were others would have been presented, uler Had not it been for Ehrman the very the coastal towns of Cahui my more guilty than the prisoner but to the great disappoint courteous and energetic ma ta, Old Harbour influence which converted the and elseat the bar.
ment of the Fans, in the firs the greatest nation into oneness International where.
The mother and wife of round Al Campbell did not Trading Corporation and who where would civilization and the accused manifested visibly antagonize by which the pu has been recently appointed te that Mr.
In passing we desire to sta freedom be said the voice the weight of their grief when blic which was numerous pro Consul Honorary of the Re indelible remembrance in the Ernst has left from the tomb of President the prisioner stood at atten tested prolongly and believed Roosevelt.
public of Honduras.
breast of the well thinker tion to listen to the pronoun it was a fake; they invaded France had fallen, Great We are cognizant that our when given meritorious con cement of the judge; summed the ring the galleries and eveBritain was alone but citizen sideration to the great assismy distinguished fellow up as follows: rywhere; destroyed every faith was strong and from You have coverted is well capable and able to tance he has given during the your thing in the pupular theatre fill the important consular ap blazing war days by placing England went to North self into the agent of a fore Transfer of the contest was irica and there organized a ign power; that which is treaffected to the and equipment Magna Bropomment and he will surely his theatre strong Free French force. son to the country when op thers Gimnasium they being be warmly accepted into the to the disposal of the distinexplained the leader for Ge portunity affords. You cannot the promoters of the fight, fraternity of the other Diplo guished Mr. Bruce, the neral Chas. De Gaulle.
understand nor to had consi is mentioned that had not the matic Representatives as well Press Officer of the San José Eight years of war aga dered the danger to your coun police arrived at an oportune as by the Government of British Legation; cccasions inst the Japanese peril which presented was try. That if the conspiracy had moment the building would Costa Rica.
tunities which 110 easy fray; it was a proof been effected as far as your had been set an fire.
enlightened of bravery and courage that last consequence; it would be Quite recently we had the and educated us on Great BriChipa kept up the fighe. happiness to have met in this tain war efforts and which THUESDAY THE ELEVENTH OF JUNE city, Mr. James Ernst of were not without perils.
for Chiang Kai Shek. good friend, one of the est fabrics for the manufactu Cartago. The well esteemed Mr James Ernst was San José dry goods mer e of queenly gowns on the visitor was formerly the pro not at the firing line, but in The way to had taken the hants has pinched a secret rnets for somewhere on the prietor of the Theatre Mo his own way he had marveactual war to the Western to us that he has recently Atlantic Zone. Then said. derno in this city and also llously contributed to the cau Hemesphere was set on the filled an outstanding order Why have not you mention the launch Moderno which be of his nation as well as to defeat of the United Forces for an assortment of the fined to the public where these he had operated in so benefi humanity in general things will be usdo.
This is evidence that WAR IS OVER Excuse me Mr. merchant; the very Because there is unreprehensive dead are in readiness for we SALT SALMON have told them all that the (The former Atlantic Bar. and Sisters of Bethany of the St.
Mary Church at Siquirres HERE WE OFFER: SALT MACKEREL will be staging a Historical The Best of Liquors The Nicest Short Concert on Tuesday night Orders Real Good Services Now available to make that long wished for Comthe 11th. which just around Change of Menu.
the corner. When the curtain fortable and Cozy Private Rooms!
This is a wonderful combination with fresh FISH.
is lifted we imagine the glit THERE IS ALWAYS WELCOME Get your shop keeper to order Salt Salmon and tering beauties who will greet FOR ALL!
Mackerel from.
the view of the grand audien ce. The dreams of Wanderl PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET ACUÑA MIRABELLI and will be a realization and WHOLESALERS SAN JOSE one needs no further yearning CLARENCE PATTERSON (Chicklets) Proprietor.
for such a spot.
Hager of the opporsays the voice CASABLANCA Tome Kola Garrón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguer Ouregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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