
PAGINA 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 8th June 1946 THE INAUGURATION OF THE ATLANTIC BASEBALL LEAGUE Limon Trading Company Compra a los mejores precios: Coming on the early ap FIRST DIVISIONS: proach of Summer when na Athletic of Manila ture begins to aglow with Cubs and Motive Power: fcrvency there will be usher SECOND DIVISIONS: ed in tomorrow, Sunday the Balsa Bananera Cubs 9th at the hour of 9, 45 in the Bataan Pathfinder mornig, the Atlantic Baseball Motive Power and San Luis.
It is calculated that the League Championship for 11. 00 forenoon hour all will 1946. This exercise is dedi be set at the stadium; then cated to the very important the Band will play the Nacommercial establishment tional Anthem which will be known as The Limon Trad followed by the inaugural ad ing Company dress of the League PresiRaicilla de ipe cacuana HULE, Cacao, Cocos y Copra dent.
the oBrowne y Abrahams an. The order of the procesThe initial matches for the sion is from the railway sta contest will bring together tion to the playground. The the Atletic of Manila versus ¡NO LO OLVIDE!
participants will include the Motive Power; the second Mliiatry Band personnel divisions of Bananera and the Officers of the League Cubs will battle at 12, 30, United States Naval Secret Weapon geon General Ross McIntire and the players. The compeLet us prepare to extend Deadlier than Atom Bomb: contributed to its development titors in the championship a rousing greeting to but that the project was not race are. pening exercises: WASHINGTON, May 23. ed to give any more informa an all Navy affair. He said it The United States navy hastion, was developed by a combiperfected a supersecret wea Remember. he caution nation of interests.
pon far more terrible than hed newsmen, there are dif The Navy bill debate also Venta de MERCADERIAS the atomic bomb and has it ferent kinds of devastation produced a demand by two ready for instant use, Rep.
Ask when he thought an Republican representatives for en General Albert Thomas, Texas Demo official disclosure on the we a congressional investigation crat told the house today. apon might me made, he re of the War Shipping AdmiThomas, a member of the plied: May be never. nistration.
appropriations naval sub He added that Navy SurThe Gleaner.
committee bluried out this startling information during Mrs. Flora de Parson Splendidly Improving a hot floor battle between big It gives us unbounded de Sydney Parsons of the Inter Navy advocates and an eco(Frente Unidad Sanitaria)
nomy bloc that is trying to sight to report that Dona Flo national Trading Corporation ra de Parsons slash 1, 700, 000, 000 who unfortu and the sister of our endeadollar from the Navy 1947 budget.
nately underwent optical ved Dona Rosa de Barrios CIUDAD DE LIMON The texan, who is backing peration to her eyes by the the Seventh Day Adventi emminent Dr. Mena is splendi teaching staff.
the economy bloc, leaped up dly improving from the surgi The ATLANTIC VOICI to challenge the contention Ical treatment desires for her that a cut in naval appropriaincrease Saturday Night June the Fifteenth: Doña Flora is the loving frm improvement to tions would imperil the naperfect There is a big night in the monstrated Mr. of tional security.
wife of our good citizen Mry recovery making; yes; all quadri flat dnace fame: Here is you We have something far lle enthusiastics will pack the chance ot guess the full namore deadly than the atomic Universal me of Mr. C.
local hall of the bomb today not tomoNegro Improvement Associa The key note of success rrow, he said. And further tion in answer to the invita in any undertaken is to give tion of Mr. Hyman Walters full satisfaction each time; more, ti in usable shape.
and Miss Racifael Gordon? that is the motto have ma did not elaborate on his reThomas stopped short; and T One Two. Three intained. says Mr. Walters.
mark E Bar. says Mr. Levvelyn We are told that special When newsmen pressed Tailor the clarionet Ace Man prize study is in process, an him for more details, he said E you shorten pan de Bar ticipatingly to the novelty he was afraid he already was just making the pas of the dance.
talked too much. He declinL terall to reel mi pardner. reed ali further information, except that the secret weapon AMONG THE BAPTISTS in the Nad Tomorrow, Sunday the 9th In addition the Young Peo was developed Commerce Avenue, Next to the British instant at the 11. 00 o clock ple entertaining programme vy bureau of medicine and Vice Consulate forenoon hour as well as the will be given at three in the surgery.
That stirred speculation evening hour, the divine afternoon. We these about everything from bacservice in the city Baptist lear little ones warfare Church will be interwoven Please do bot STRANGE VIEW death ray.
with the years celebration of them.
Children Day Represnetative Harry Shep Last Saturday evening ef few moments of gazing we pard, California Democrat, fecting our distribution aro behold the star actually fell chairman of the appropria und this city, observed on the moon in our describable tins sub committee, suppor the rising of the beautiful new way as a fallen stone on one ted Thomas statement a moon of late Spring. She had head; the scene was changed bout the existence of a new risen in splendour, but it was to completely darkened Avenida Central Facing Botica Primavera weapon.
not only she that attracted moon. The number of gazers the view; in addition was increased, including our este100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station ENVIABLE FerSan José a very brilliant star, obvio emed Postmaster, Don POSITION usly in a direct mida way po min Blanco and other emploConveniently situated Confortable Rooms Ho sition above the moon; of yes of the Post Ofice.
and Cold Water Baths Excellent Sanitary Service This nation is in posses course, that is as far as our As we watched, gradually Homelike environment New furniture and sion of scientific factors eyes could see.
the darkness in form of a equipment Varied and wholessome Food which places it in an enviable After an hour time we veil began to be lifted from the Respetability and Courtesy.
position, he told reporters had circled the city and re lower part of the moon and Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests The scientific factors at turned in front of the Post her brilliancy reappeared by outcome Reasonable Prices hand would result in devasti Office ;again we lifted our degrees; the final tation equal to, if not greater eyes to bless them with this of the star rests with Nature SYDNEY COX Manager than the atomic bomb. very strange and impressive God, the creator and ruler of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Naciqndi Migub orreoosikap pa ritma Nasional de Fielite ses poolfino de Fulled tumed antari within a the planets and all things. But Sheppard refus work SASTRERIA Excelsior Owe our cheers disappoint teriological to a we Hotel CALIFORNIA


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