
100 LA FAMA were even new fleet was years others upon the Saturday 8th June 1946 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 CA FEAT OF EMPIRE FLYING. BOATS morning in bright moonlight 20, 000, 000 miles in the air with no flarepath and carring Tennis. Tennis. Tennis forty passengers; shortly afThe Short Empire flying thers of the three class terwards the Japanese landed boats of the British Overseas boats, which were enlarged on the Island, cutting the Keds para señora, hombres, niños recibió Airways Corporation have versions of the Empire boat route to Australia. After the just completed twenty million for operation across the At break in this route flying miles in the air. In 1934, Im lantic. They, too, were taken boats operating to the Eastperial Airways placed an or over by the RAF. Both Cabot wards of the fracture der with Short Brothers (Ro and Carbou, with crews most used for carrying supplies unFrente La Unidad Sanitaria chester and Bedford. Limit ly recruited from der reinforcements to the ed, for two flying. boats to were lost during the Norwe Dutch East Indies and for the de ROGELIO TASIES replace the obsolescent boats gian campaign. Cambria and evacuation of the thousands which had been wor bet Coorong were used in the eva of refuges, mostly women and AS AN INDIAN SEES IT ween Brindisi and Alexan cuation of Crete in 1941, children. Circe and Corina dria. The original intention when, flying unamerd and were lost during these Peace Will Come Only When Man operwas to test the design under for the most part unescorted, ations, together with CentuaCeases to Exploit practical service conditions these aircraft brought 460 rus and Calypso, which were before proceeding with a lar passengers from the gesieged flying with the ge order. In 1935, however, island.
West of the break the Em by KUMAR GOSHAL scientific knowledge to produwith the development of the pire boats were used to mainPitsburg Courier ce the atom bombor Empire Air Scheme, a large When the Japanese entertain vital connections and the more terrible weapons. What became an imme ed the war in 1941, the so called Horseshoe The Atomic Bomb has pro about the peoples of the world route diate necessity. With Air Min flying. boats undertook si from Calcutta across voked a good deal of discus are industrially backward and India istry consent, Imperial Air milar work in the Far East; and via Egypt to Durban, sion, ranging all the way from who nevertheless, wish a place ways ordered 28 flying boats where they were flown main South Africa. This route con Most sensible has been the at Their case was simply presentthe sensible to the fantastic. in the sun for themselves?
off the drawing board, thus ly by crews of Qantas Empire nected with another across backing its faith in British Airways, the Australian as Africa to Lagos, Ngeria and titude of the scientists included by Marshal Tito of Yugosdesign to the amount of sociate of O, In De the United Kingdom, thus ing those involved in develop Javia a statement that has re 1, 750, 000, the estimated cember, 1941, Cassiopela was avoiding the battle areas of ing it. These scientists are al ceived scant public attention.
cost of the fleet.
lost during the operation at the Mediterranean. One par most unanimously of the opi. Tito said that patritic. freedThis faith justified, Sabang, Dutch East Indies, ticularly interesting achieve nion that the knowledge of om. loving peoples can never and by the end of 1936 four and in January, 1942, Corio ment was the series of trans the process of releasing atomic be intimidated by the threat of of the new flying. boats were was attacked of Koipang, Ti atlantic flights by the modi energy should be shared with the atom bomb. And history in commission. In succeding mor, by a formation of Japa fied boats Clair and Clyde, in others, since the basic princi is in Tito side Conquerors and came off the nese fighters. Its commander, the summer of 1940, when ples are fairly well known and oppressors have gone forth in production line until had Captain Koch, took strenuous the battle of Britain was rag the highly industrialied count the past with ever newer and taken delivery of 39 aircraft, evasive action, but in spite of ing. Not noly have the Emries are bound to discover the more violent weapons to suball of them approvimately si his efforts the aircraft was pire boats had a profound in process by themselves in the jugate other peoples, but they milar ni design, but incorpor forced down into the sea. So fluence developnot too distant future. At the have never succeeded in perating in some cases Bristol me survivors, including Cap ment of British Civil Aviation other extreme are those who manently crushing the spirit of Pegasus engines of higher tain Koch, swam ashore. but they were also the basis believe that the United States, the subjugated peoples.
power than those installed in On the evening of February of the design of the Great Britain and Canada Short the original 23 machines. 3rd, 1942, Captain IF FURTHER PROOF were Sunderland military flying should hang on to the secret Before the war the boats car Crowther brought the last boat, which gave such remark and, by using it as a threat needed to back up Tito, one ried the main burden of the Empire flying boat into Sing able war service.
bend others to their will, pol has only to remember that mail and passanger services apore. He took off early next ice the world and prevent an prim tively armed and on the chief Empire routes other war.
totally unarmed peoples in Syvia India to Australia, and to LINKING COSTA RICA AND PANAMA LOGIC AND COMMON ria, Irag and India have stood South Africa. In December IN THE SOUTH BY RAILROAD are, of course, on the up against the might of the 1937, Centaurus made a comside of the scientists. It is fan British and French imperialists, bined survey and goodwill We learn that a project has Maravia is to be extended to tastic to imagine that a peace and, to witness, the Indonesflight from England to New been launched to link the this city. Our highly distin ful world can be created by ians today are fighting the BriZealand via Australia, thus southern part of this Repub guished Don Alfonso Sole has threatening the violator with tish, Dutch and Japanese foraccomplishing the first cross lic to Panama by the con elaborated on this project the atom bomb. Beyond doubt Ices, often with nothing more ing of the Tasman Sea by a struction of a railroad to con during a recent conversation other countries will soon dev modern than spears and bows commercial flying. boat. And nect with that of Panama. with one of the Editors of elop the atom bomb. As past and arrows. It is to be noted in the same year Caledonia The Costa Rica Banana Com La Tribuna. He mentioned history of warfare has shown that peace is being violated and Cambria, which had been pany in its ever increasing in part that the highway from anti. atom bomb weapons today, not by armed conflict modified for Atlantic work, progressive programme and Maravia to Limon will cover will most certainly be develop among the major powers but began experimental flights to deep seated interest in the a comparatively short distan ed in the course of time. In by the desire of the imperialist Montreal and New York via agricultural development ofce; to be posted in this out fact, even more terrible weap powers to continue colonial Foynes (Eire) and Botwood. Costa Rica has already com line; Maravia to La Carino, ons than the present day atom exploitation. The colonial peomenced the work and at the the farm of the Costa Rica bomb are said to be in sight. ples have heard of the atom Transatlantci Operation same time the Company is Banana Company, the abaca Moreover, the history of war bomb, too, but that has In 1939 a transatlantic mail said to intensifying its banana region is within the distance fare has also shown that the silenced their demand for service was begun by Cabot cultivation in the Pacific re of eight or more miles; then, threat to use a new and more freedom.
and Caribou, which were re gions.
to Trebol and in continuation destructive weapon No, the atom bomb will be fuelled while in flight. Fifty We say Thanks to Mr. the old tramway route could least maintain a truce, but can as powerless to preserve peace thousand miles of flying were Hamer, the genial Manager be followed to Santa Rosa. never preserve peace.
as were the mighty weapons of completed by these two boats and his associates.
This outstanding enthusiasm Of course, only the major the past. Peace will descend until, at the outbreak of the on the part of Don Alfonso powers of today have the on earth only when man cease war, they were required for There is also a proposal to has not taken us by surprise technical resources and the to explit man.
service with the RAF. fur link Limon with the interior of for he has from time to time ther development in 1939 the country. The Turrialba. effecting sincere and wise prothe delivery by Short Bro road that reaches as far as. posals in line of improvement for this zone.
His vice presidency in a recently passed cil bears testimony of his for50 varas al Oeste de la Panadería de los (Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON sightedness. Today, in comseñores Musmanni mon with his associates of the It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks Social Protection Committee, LE OFRECE TODO LO QUE USTED why our friends of BATAAN THIS CITY Mr. Sole is forging rough meCOASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen tal into smooth and polished NECESITE PARA SU VIVIENDA.
our establishment as their meeting center: material to effect general imTHE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR TODO MUY BARATO provement to the building of CROCERY COUNTER: the United Medical and SaniExperience taught them that our foodstuffs are tary Department; THE BEST tion to afford the establishing ANUNCIESE EN LA Corbett Ssied of a Maturnity Ward and e documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Naith emiguen ebegini Lazary del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Jugrud, necessary.
prid. ORZ ATLANTICA even sense not can at La Casa de Los Muebles Grocery and Cantina Bataan regime of the Municipal Coun a renova


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