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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 8th June 1946 Bulletins From Britain far as or furni. Branch The great victory ce TRADE WITH The new queen AVRO TUDOR 11, NEW BRITISH lebrations in London RUSSIA FAILS charlotte AIR LINER on June 8th.
FINLAND BIG The Queen recently paid a LONDON, June 6th. On WOOD CONTRACT visit to Queen Charlotte Ma.
June 8th Britain will pay a ternity Hospital, which, its old whole hearted tribute to her Anglo Russian trade is at a Marylebone Road days forfighting men and to the sol. complete standstill. All outgotten, is now housed in splen diers of the nation who helped standing balances of deliver did buildings at Ravenscourt to bring about the utter de ies for orders placed by the Park in the west of London.
feat of the Axis powrs. The Soviet during the war have Her Majesty inspected in parpeople of Britain realise that been completed and there is ticular the new nurses home, all is not well with the world no sign of any new contracts.
which anticipates, so. the threate of hunger lies The same building and institutional arapplies to imthe over many lands, but on Ju ports from Russia, Shipments rangements can do so, ne 8th, watching one of the to Britain of Russian timber Ministry of Health code on greatest processions of allied and plywood have ceased al nursing conditions. The Bernnations ever held, the British together; all attempts to nehard Baron memorial staff people will applaud the men gotiate future contracts have home, which is ultimately to and women who fought for failed.
house 135 Queen Charlotte the liberty and freedom of The Russian Wood Agency nurses, is the most modern mankind, writes a London co in London the Soviet official expression of the endeavour rrespondent today.
body responsible for trading to ensure the comfort and Already decorations have with Britain in all types of health of the hospital nurse. It lounappeared on the building li timber and plywood can do includes sitting rooms, ning the route. They are not nothing without reference to ges, and a library as yet unCARNE lavish or expensive, but win Moscow, and so far no indi furnished. One innovation is dow boxes are gay wth flocation is available on what six private rooms for pupils wers, and flags and bunting quantity of timber Russia studying for examination Much of the wartime are hanging from the ex passengers is 850 miles at roofs would be willing to supply to for nurses wishing to write letand balconies, and a festive Britain.
ters or receive visitors, who perience in the manufacture of 230 at 20, 000 feet.
The the Avro Lancaster has con Range with tons of cargo note though they are often hi British manufactures of ma may be of either sex.
ding scars made during the chinery, machine tools and teaching school, with its roomy tributed to the production of 1, 100 miles at 200 at Britain newest and 10, 000. It is estimated that days when London was the electrical equipment, who work class rooms and its wards with Great largest airliner. designed and between 40 and 50 aircraft target for many bombs.
ed in the past on Russian or dummy patients, is in the same nanufactured by Roe will be completed by the end That Britain can hold up ders, have in the meantime building.
and Co. Ltd. in close colla of this year. aircraft which her head in pride at her share filled their books with orders Every nurse has a separate boration in saving the world from Na frmo Empire and other counwith the Technical are suitable for operation on of British zi aggression and that her tries. Some of these manufac bedroom, attractively Overseas any airline in the world. The amazing effort and self sacrifi turers have expressed doubt shed, and every sister a bed Airways. The Avro Tudor 11, Avro Tudor 11 is also to be tran manufactured in Australia and ce should be marked on the whether they would now be sitting room and small dress. passenger or freight is powered by four Canada.
first anniversary of victory by in a position to accept addi ing room. Many of the bed sport, celebration such as those plan tional Russian orders. rooms have french windows Rolls Royce Merlin engines PICTURE SHOWS: The ned for June 8th is as it It is emphisised in industrial leading out on to balconies or with a wing span of 120 feet, a length of 105 feet and a Avro Tudor 11 speeding should be. That is the opinion circles that if a financial agree a terrace roof. There is one Maximum across of Brigadier General Ramón ment is reached British ma bathroom for every four nur height of 24 feet.
Wooford Aerodrome, Rodríguez, head of the Mexi nufacturers will do their utses. sunny sick bay with speed is 325 at. Cheshire, during its initial 60 flight.
can contingent now in London, most to supply Russia with her five windows is provided. The 20, 000 feet, Range with to take part in the parade. urgent requirements.
cafeteria restaurant for the me Scotland Twin Great exhibition for During an interview on June dical and nursing staff is equal Victories London 4th the Mexican soldier spo It seems that the British to the dinning room of a good ke of his admiration for Bri Government offer to Russia class hotel, and beyond it are In Scotland the Association Much interest has been tain: find that even with for a short term export credit ample kitchens for staff and and Rugby football interna aroused by recent discussion rationing and the present for the value of about patients, these kitchens are hardships the people of Bri 30. 000. 000 still stands, and equipped with all kinds of la tionals were played in per of plans for a Great Exhibifec weather At Hampden tion proposed to be held in tain are still showing the splen if negotiations were resumed bour saving devices, and have did spirit that won the war this offer could form the basis a system of ventilation so per England by one goal to nil is named as the most Ikely site Park Glasgow, Scotland beat London in 1951. Hyde Park General Rodríguez said. for discussion.
fect that no smell of cooking before a crowd of 135, 000, for the project From all over the world ala fitting penetrates beyond. The patand at lied anl Brtish soldiers have Murrayfield, Edin commemoration of the first In contrast to the difficul ients food is served from elec arrived for the great occasion, ties experienced in securing trically heated chromium platburgh, 60, 000 spectators saw Great Exhibition of 1851, also defeacted by 27 held in Hyde Park. The proand at a special saluting base Russian timber, an agreemented trolleys wheeled from the England erected in the Mall, Their Ma has just been reached with kitchens. The six acres of points to nil.
posal has met with enthusiastic At Sutton, Surrey, Mr. response form all sections of jesties the King and Qeen, Finland for the shipment to ground in which the hospital Harper won the men sin opinion in Britain, including together with the Princesses Britain of 60. 000 standards of stands grow fruit and vegetElizabeth and Margaret Rose sawn timber. 35. 000. 000 cu ables for staff and patients, gles in the Surrey hard courts well known industrialists, faand other famous personalities, ibc feet of pitprops, and while 170 hens provide two lawn tennis championships, mous scientists, and leaders beating Mr. Kho Sin Kie, the in architecture and the arts.
will watch the great parade 2, 250. 000 cubic feet of ply eggs a week for everyone.
Chinese Davis Cup player, by after the marching columns wood. The proceeds of these The modern Queen CharThe first international exwith all their war equipments shipments, amouning to lotte in which there are bet two sets to one in the final.
atomic age have passed through the ve 5, 000, 000, will be spent by ween, 2, 000 and 3, 000 con Mrs. Hilton, Warwick hibition of the shire county nerable streets of the Empi Finland on captain, machinery and finements a year, beat should provide a tremendous Miss Lincoln in re capital 135 bends and 123 cots open, the stimulus to scient fiandic equipment in Britain.
its full being women final.
complement stimulus to scientific and com 200 beds and 175 cots. Its Mr. Rees. Hindhe mercial development. It will nursing force average five to ad) won the 1, 500 golf tour have the guiding example of every four patients. The main nament at Moor Park with an 1851 before it, and that expatients block has an unuaggregate of 288 for the four hibition provided the source rounds. Three sual number of delivery suites players tied of many of the great advances sluice rooms.
for second place.
and large tiled of the twentieth century.
No ward has more than six fant clinics are in a separate pital and nurses home, repreNOVELTIES AT PRICES TO beds, each bed surrounded building, and the oldest parts senting an outlay of over half with cubicle curtains on noi of the Ravenscourt Park hos a million, is mainly a wartime PLEASE YOU seless rings, and there are pital estate are the isolation construction as yet incomplete, many one bed and two bed block and the Baron research but in scale and provision it Jack Orane, Sucs.
wards. department for laobratories, in which much of bears few marks of wartime Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Natiche axupelvimetryer sistem established the early cerkvan. the rsulpho stringency.
Antenatal, postnatal, and in namides was done. The hoshas now Do Your Shopping at The People House Nacional


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