
Saturday 13th July 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page Limon Trading Company Pay the best prices for Dried Ipecac, Root Cocod, Coconuts and Copra, RUBBER center Remember we pay the best prices score WITH THE SISTERS OF BETHANY AT SIQUIRRES The immemorable name of Beth Hayles. Iriez and Enid Franklin any is ever dear and near to us and Florence Crooks. Mesdames Vinelany human efort that is honoured by la Pennant. Edith Walcott Alma that name occupies a unique spot in Howels Ida Rose. Messrs. TeOur breast; in proof of which a trip rence Hine and David Jones and was efected to Siquirres on Tuesday with Mrs. Rose Lindsay, presiding at 11 ultimo to assist in a programme the Organ, enchantment took hold of that can be classified as outstandingly the grand audience; obviously as if wonderful.
the singers were primed with celesAriving at Siquirres, my dear lit tial melody. They sung in Excelsior.
tle guide was on the dot. come Miss Norma oCrniffe contributed a to meet you and to take care of your splendid recitation. In proof of elosuitcase, Sir. were the very sooth quency and grace as well as almost ing words of the dear one who later unparallel memory, Mrs. Vinella Peron discovered to be the personage nant recited the biography of Berof Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of nard Shaw. Mrs. Honston delivered Holland. How magnificient an honour at high water mark The Revealer to have had an escort of royal lineage. of all secrets. Miss Pearl Muir was Pacing gracefully, she led the way an Ace with Rock of Ages. These through Siquirres commrecial three ladies proved in all respects then turning at right angle, rear of 15 uncrowned elocutionary champions the Northern Railway Company work When swetly fell upon the cars the tion of being the senior deacon of shops, we reached the Palisade. The musical notes of Miss Ethel Alleyn DEATH AND BURIAL OF the city Baptist Church and corres.
sixth house from the angle Was my in her solo; Accompanied by Miss MR. JOSEPH HENRY pondingly tangible recognition of his destination and soon found accomo Enid FFranklin at the organ. Mr. Da After a sujourn of more than fif Great Unknown on June 5, 1946. Years of Christian devotion was given dation beneath the coak of comfort vid Jones Was loudly cheered at the ty years in the territories of Costa He has enjoyed the grand priviledge by the Pastor and members in the apand general hospitality. Not the home conclusion of his solo. the ins Rica and during which period he had of having outlived the divine pres propriate arrangement for his burial of Mary Martha and Lazarus, but trumental acompaniment was by Mrs.
sung his songs of redemption and cribed aloited three and the modern and attractive cottage, Rose Lindsay. Mrs. Honston and Miss worshipped at the Mercy Seat under years.
solemn ten and the conducting of the service in the Church and concludthe home of Mr. David and Mrs. Vinel. Winnefred Charles Were human nigh the guidance of the Baptist Creed, The late Mr. Henry Was la Pennant and their adopted daugh tengales who charmed the audience Mr. Joseph Henry passed into the a native ing at the grave, of the parish of St. Andrew of the He is survived by Mrs. Margaret ter, my bonnie guide. Indirectly mak. with their duet. Isle of Springs. Up to the time of Henry, his widow and to who we ing it known that the ATLANTIC his death he had earned the distinc. extend our deep condolence.
VOICE was in town, the princip The royalties efquisitely gowned the noisy keys. Miss Lena Franklla centers were visited before and after entered under the musical strains of adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
the nice luncheon. In doing justice a march played by Miss Malia Brown: Franklin acted as the Duchess of Luto the rich meals nearly lose the at its close Mrs. Lindsay struck Costa Xemberg: the royal demonstration of Lick pot finger.
Rica anthem; the audience lustily Queen Whilhelmina of Holland Was As the later afternoon hour draws chimed in; then follow the address acocmplished by Miss Claris Wynter.
nigh, the heavy rain clouds became of Costa Rica by Miss Gloria Myric. With Mrs Lindsay presiding at the orthreatening, but in the end mothor The Princess of Spain was personified gan, the voice of Miss Charles was nature was exceedingly gracious and by Miss Marva McIntosh; the repre ngain charmingly heard. In summary the happiness of an ideal temperature sentation of Queen Isabela of Spain form was a mater piece address by Was the blessing: wasby Miss Dorothy Bardy. On came Mr. Charles Morgan of Pocoro; very the melodious solo Smile by Mrs. short in height, bot he thrice exceed.
THE ENTERTAINMENT: Viola Williamsá the instrumental part. ed his frame; he drew his cloquence rship by Miss End Franklin. The from a crystal fountain. By an hisThe setting in the St. Mary Church Princess of Scotland by Miss. uleta torical background he assigned an outwas of royal dispay. The hour was Rose. The personification of Mary standing character to each nation More than two and a half years the with us. Mr. Rose Lindsay effectively Queen of Scotts by Miss Etis Reid Queen. Among these were Lord NelInternational Trading Corporation esdelivered the preamble and in turn of Guncimo. The audience cheered son; the speaker wound up saying said. have the honour to in vociferously and clamoured for an en. That a monument stands in Jamaica tablishes itself as the best friend of the troduce Mr. Jos. Thomas of Li. core for the duet rendered by the to the deed of Lord Nelson and surely our chairman. Ah! friends, Misses Charles and Hayles.
the late Mr. Des Landes is wor banana producers and the general agrithat was my fatal hour: sentenced For the Princess of Wales we had thy of a tangible remembrance to his cultural activities of the Atlantic Zone: to the Chair, with arembling knees. Hyacinth Alexander, then came in life career, excessive contraction of the heart the name or Queen Victoria, the God, The very memorable and embracing overtook me, but the pleasing perso Mrs. Angelina Lewis. The inmortal programme had its close with the In spite of adverse circumstances its nality and sweet voice of my intro Juanita Again enlivens the soul as singing of Great Britain penetratducer toned up my shattered nerves. was richly rendered by Mrs. Ida Rose ing. God save our Gracious King policy of fair and upright dealings reThe choiristers, the Misses Pearl and Miss Viola Williams while Miss The audience soul stirringly chanted Muir Winnefred Charles Iria Franklin fingers moves gracefully over the anthem.
main unaltered: International Trading Corp.
mon as SINTONICE The greatest determination of the International Trading Company is the improvement to the banana industry and the continual addition of more and better ocean vessels: TIQ Radio CASINO 1220 KILOCICLOS ONDA LARGA CHANDLER EHRMANN, Manager The International Trading Corporation PUERTO LIMON APARTADO 555 SU SCRIBASE a la VOZ ATLANTICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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