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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 13th July 1946 Bulletins From Britain ac.
PUBLIC ADDRESS Bicycle Centenary MR. HARDIN Over, 1, 000 people from all over LONDON VICTORY PROCESSION Destiny of this Earth with the Britain gathered near Thornhill in specification Created to burn or Dumfries shire, Scotland, on Sunday, abide. ou know religion answer May 19th. to honour the memory of. Now learn the Bible was the Kirkpatrick Macmillan, inventor of the public address given by Mr. Har bicycle a century ago.
That recent din, Representative of the Watchtower sunny afternoon, in the presence of Society. The setting was in the local many of Macmillan relatives, in Kingdon Hall of the Port Limon Com cluding great great grand nephews, pany of Jehovah Witnesses on Sun.
memorial tablet was unveiled on the day evening the 23rd ultimo.
wall of the smithy where Macmilan The distinguished visitor was lived and worked.
companied by his very pleasant wife two North American we desire 10 Over 100 years ago, the blacksmith describe as wearing the personalities saw a local wood turner astride his of their Mission. They are two whom dandy horse, a frame and wheels prowe have never seen before, but the pelled by pushing one feet along briel moments in their presence reathe ground. Macmillan then set about dily furnishes charming and memor.
constructing a pedal bicycle, on which, able impression and the essense of in June, 1842, he made an initial run their speesh enriches and delights us of Seventy miles into Glasgow. His as if we had their acquaintance for speed of eight miles an hour brought many years. startled populace to view his conThe address covered an irour and trivance, and in the confusion, his Was scriptural food placed within casy bicycle struck a little girl with the Part of the Armoured Column which took part in the Victory Procession on June 8th.
Yeach of the simpliest mind. Mr. Har result that he was fined 56. The madin in this discourse kepe within the gistrate. however, impressed by the Cromwell Tanks followed by Churchills and Sherman Tanks and others amoured vehicles rolling down the Mall past the saluting base.
paraphrased narrative Feed my lambs, invention, paid the fine himself and but do not place the food out their ordered a demonstration of the veTeach. The speaker commenced his hicle in the court yard.
Military service PROCEDURES TO AID CIVILIAN address by treating on the Creation On May 30th Mr. Isaacs, Minister FLYING OVER EUROPE of Adam; the command that was Macmillan, known in his time as of Labour and National Service, angiven to him by God; his disobe The Devil on Wheels. failed to comWASHINGTON, Junio. Procedures CROSS ROAD: nounced to the House of Commons the to aid civilian flying over Europe and dience by which he suffered death mercialise his invention. He live until Government trânsitional policy for the Mediterrancan arca and the coming to earth of our Bies 1878, and died a poor man, without through the The sound at the center of an atom sed Saviour to redeem sinful man, As having realised any financial rewarded military service for the next two and International Exchange of Weather In bomb erplosion is to be broadcast to one half years. At the same time a formation were worked out in Paris the world for the first time this July.
he iontinued his lecture we sipped for his ingenious device.
White Paper on the subject reported at the European Mediterranean Route in the most pleasing air of his looks.
details of the arrangements for the Service Conference of the Provisional the target battleship Penn. live microphone will be located on gesture and grace; in fact, he was at At the ceremony in May. Sir Hahome with his subject. We followed rold Bowden, president of the Na call up men to the forces in 1947 and International Civil Aviation Organizasylvania close in to the bullseye ship 1948.
tion hed from April 23 to May 15. for the first atom bomb blast of the penetratingly the many scriptures heltional Committee on Cycling, estimated The White Paper states the in Weather Bureau representatives joint Army Navy operations quoted in proof of his message: say that there are at least 70, 000, 000 bi.
reaching a decision about the size of attending the oCnference were crossroads experiment at Bikin Atoll ing that the earth abideth forever cycles in use the world over, and about 60, 000 persons employed in the the military forces, it was necessary and the end of the World does not Little. Assistant Chief for Technical in the Pacific, Shortwave transmitmean the literal burning up and des industry in Britain. Unhonoured in his to take account of the need for main Services, and Norman Hagen, Me.
ters at thes cone will relay the deto.
truction of the terrestrial globe we own time, Sir Harold said, Macmillan taining adequate forces, for continuteorological Attache to the Emnation to listeners in the United States ing the release of men already in the bassy in London.
now inhabit; the new carth means nevertheless started on its way a vehicand abroad.
the Virtually all countries of Europe, as righteous visible organization le which has been a source of plea forces, and for meeting the manpower requirements of industry. The total well as Turkey and Egypt, sent rewhich Jesus Christ will establish after sure and unsefulness to millions in Because the Pennsylvania may be manpower available is insufficient to the battle of Armageddon.
every part of the blobe.
presentatives to the Conference where disintegrated before the blast sound meet all these demands in full, arrangements were made for briefing can be picked up, another microphone his Majesty Government have soughtſ of pilots on making weather obser Mr. Hardin shid in part That by comprising part of the 77 ship target the flood God had brought and end Polish Resettlement to achieve the best possible balance vations in flight, and on the prompt array. Additional pickups will be made Corps between them. They have also hat!
transmission to the world that then existed, but to ground personnel of will be placed on in mind the ultimate aim of arriving destroyer in the various airlines of observed storm Noah and the members of his family Only 800 of the Polish forces on ships not included in the target at a stable level for the forces.
were preserved by means of the ark serving during the war under British Or signs of weather deterioration.
With certain exception, conscription Emerging from the ark and renewed command have clected to return to The Conference also confirmed rewill be confined to men reaching the commendation of the North Atlantic worship of Jehovah God in the earth. Poland since March 20th, when Mr.
Radio broadcastert are arranging age of eighteen. Those called in 194 the Lord clearly expressed his plea Beyin announced that agreement had Route Service Conference held in for extensive radio cover de of the will serve for two years, while thote Dublin, Ireland, last February, regard. Bikini tests.
sure, saying Neither will again been reached between the two govern called after January, 1948, will serv Smite any more everything living, ments concerning the demobilisation of ing the establishment of weather ships for periods diminishing to eighted in the Eastern Atlantic. Information have done. While the earth remai these forces. At that time Cr. Bevin SRVEY: neth, seedtime and harvest and cold provided by these weather ships is of gave every encouragement to the sol. months if no unforeseen circumstin.
ces arise.
and heat, and summer and winter and diers to return home, and the Polish interest to airlines Operating in Europe Three typical Americans represent and the Mediterranean.
day and night shall not cease. and already returned from other couning the United States Middle West, As at present service may be deferLittle and other PICAO conferen er that the inspired scripture is true tries. In any case, the forces were red for men in the vital industries will be held later to work out simlar which produces most of the grains One generation par sme consideration given to soldiers for domestic and foreing comumpof coalmining, agriculture, building procedures to aid in routing flying tion, were scheduled to arrive in Lon.
seth away, and another generation Government promised these men the and the railway services. In addition, over the Caribbean Near East, South cometh: but the earth abideth for to be disbanded as soon as possible deferment may be granted to apprendon by plane Thurday to begin a layWest apelfic and along other interna man survey of European agricultural ever.
It has now become obvious that the tices so that they may receive thortional world airlines.
preponderance of the Polish almy ough training provided the districts problems.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardinare under British command are not choosmanpower boards agree, recent arrival from the nited States ing to be repatriated, believing that students will remain deferred until they ning of the University demobilisation of the housewife, wheat farmed And of America and are with the San Jose they will not receive sympathetic treat have finished their courses, and will groups called in 1947.
a groeer, acompanied by an official Company of the Witnesses.
ment if they return home.
then be called up or retained in evi.
Mr. Isancs reported that, allowing of a large Midwestern radio station, THE ATLANTIC VOICE takes this lian life, as the national interest may for volunteers, deferments, and the are making the trip. They will broadopportunity to welcome them to our Those remaining in arms have conssick, about 190, 000 men Would be require.
cast their observations to American very democratic Republic and desirestitud a serious problem to the British.
radio audiences, after making first for thom a comfortable and enjoy. The latter did not wish to maintain By 1948 it is expected that all conscribed in 1947 and the same nummen now in the forces will be releas ber in 1948. The White Paper estimat hand studies of the agricultural situaable sujourn: assuring them that they a Polish Army in exile, nor to comwill find our Government and people pel soldiers who had gallantly served ed; they will be out before the begin ed the strenght of the three forcestion in England. Poland, France and by the end of this year at 200, 000. Greece. They will also discuss mutual the most hospitalable in all their the Allies during the way to take up though there may be revisions cither problems with their counterparts in travels residence in Poland against their will Imprenta LA NACION way.
those countries.
a arca.
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