
PAGINA LA VOZ ATLANTICA Sábado 20 Julio de 1946 Harlem Tailor Shop Situated 400 Yards South of TEATRO AMERICA San José LADIES AND GENTS SUITS ALBERT MINTO Prop.
PARA NOTICIAS ansia 11 Escuche EL MUNDO MARCHA Por medio de la EMISORA LA VOZ DE LA VICTOR 625 Kc. 9615 Kc San José, Costa Rica as New Harlem Cantina CAMPO PA GADO 28 Miles, Costa Rica of banana from 60 cents to July 16, 1946. 00 per bunch, but we hold that due notice should be The Editor, given; that is to say a speciAtlantic Voice, fied time before refusing to Port Limon, Costa Rica. supply the fruit at the present price of 60 cents; say about Dear Sir: September 1st. should be the time limit in order that all Quince minutos de noticias del dia compiPlease permit the necessary concerned would have suffiladas por los servicios internacionales de la space in your very highly es cient opportunity to effect the Prensa Asociada. Todas las noches desde teemed WEEKLY to reply necessary adjustment.
to the publication in your last Quince minutos de noticias del día compiSaturday issue re AN We hope that the Cahuita ladas por los servicios internaconales de la APPEAL TO ALL BANA Farmers will see the justificaPrensa Asociada de NA FARMERS.
tion of our suggestion and do las 45 a p.
In the name of the Banana not act so drastic on the matcultivators of 28 Miles y des ter.
Servicio presentado al público por cortesia de la ire to state that we are in acVery truly yours, cordance with the Cahuita UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Farmer recommendation Samuel Wolfe far as the increase of sale price For the 28 Miles Farmers.
Fifty Years Of Christian Ministry The Reverend Father Francisco Acosta was born on The name of the Reverend way. He is loved not only as May 17, 1885 in San Jose; Father Francisco Acosta is a a Father in God, but in the was ordained Priest May 23, household NICETY in this real sense of a father to whom 1891; entered the Religious AND RESTAURANT city as well as in Guapiles, his children, so numerously Life as Priest in 1896; thus A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE Talamanca, Turrialba and Si call upon him for help and reached his fifty years of MiOFFERS: quirres, places where he has sympathy. With outstretched nisty. Although he has passed The Cradle Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
been the torch bearer supply hands Father Acosta is always his eighty first birth anniverslight along the Christian path ready to greet the humblest orary his great spirit continues NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
the greatest of his fellow its brightness and his footGrand and Crawford iverse of truth and righteous creatures anywhere he is con steps are graciously moving tacted.
ness they surely left with the along life way.
AMONG THE BAPTISTS words on their lips That it was good to had been in On Saturday the 29th of are sincerely Distinguished Visitor to this City attendance.
the passed month was celeb advanced that God will strengrated the golden jubilee of then him for many more Among the passengers who large and representative man In the name of our citiz his association to religious con years. To view his countenanarrived by aerial transporta ner. However great those sa enry, the Atlantic Voice wel gregation (Vincentian Fath ce is assured inspiration, tion in this city Saturday June crifices might had been in at comes most heartily the Rev ers. 22 was the Reverend tending the service, we make erend Morgan and desMorgan, Minister of the Bocas bold to say that the recom ire for him a safe return to del Toro Circuit of the Bap pense far excels and if his his section of our Blessed Mastist Denomination.
hearers are citizens of the un bter vineyard.
During his stay in Limon he was the guest of the Reverend Wm. Forde, the Pastor HECHOS CIFRAS of the Baptist Church and line Solamente en calzado y to La Confederación Británi PURCHASING PRICES: Missions. Other than the pas la Gran Bretaña ha entre ca de Naciones ha cedido, a la warmth of his host and bap gado a la can. lana por un va tists, the distinguished visitor tidades por valor de 000. 000 lor, de 10, 000, 000 de libras es CACAO, per quintal (fermented to days. 44. 00 was the recipient of joyous de libras esterlinas.
42. 00 all greetings from WET CACAO, husked the day before sale citizens La Gran Bretaña ha en El Reino Unido ha entrewhom he had contacted. viado a Italia 10, 000 toneladas gado a la de sus Shipped to 28 Miles, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, only: pacas His presence, we entertain de sulfato de cobre para sulfa existencias de algodón, no doubt, was a means of fertar las vides de la campiña sici por valor de 250. 000 libras es.
COCOANUT PITH, per quintal.
65. 00 tilizing many soul garden liana, lo que ha permitido sal terlinas y curtidos valorados en and in which fruit seeds were var su cosecha de vinos.
500, 000 libras esterlinas.
COCOANUT, per hundred.
30. 00 planted in the occupancy of La Intendencia militar bri El Gobierno británico ha provisto de vestuario civil a.
the pulpit and his inspiring tánica ha cedido a Grecia y YuRAUL VELAZQUEZ message on Sunday night the goeslavia 13, 000 cabezas de ga. 000. 000 de ex combatientes en 23rd. Although his coming nado mular y 6, 000 del asnal a el primer año de desmovilizaGeneral Manager: was somewhat unhearald, yet fin de remediar la escasez de ción.
baptists and their friends at transporte para los senderos!
tended the service in a very montañosos en ambos países.
25 de junio, 1946.
Our prayers Cacao Cooperativa Tome Kola Garrón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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