
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 20th July 1946 NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY was sent a OPERATING STORK The children have return ation schemes during the ned to Berlin according to war put upon families to enschedule. Throughout May roll their children in the cu.
and the early days of June rrent programme.
some 20, 000 yougn Germans, Operation Stork evacuated to the country last planned by the British and fall from the British sector organised by the Germans, of. Berlin, came back to the following the general outline Es de mucho interés tanto para los Remitentes como city, accompanied by about used in England in 1939, 5, 000 adults.
when thousands of children para sus clientes, notificar con anticipación a los consignaIn the first days of the Bri were evacuated from Lontarios de los embarques que les van a remitir. Tal aviso les tish occupation of the wes don into the countryside.
tern districts of Berlin, it Wherever possible, the Ger hará recordar presentarse a la llegada del tren en estaciobecame clear that the appro man children were to ximately 60. 000 children the homes of similar religious af nes de bandera o a pedir su mercadería en las estaciones re.
re, would be the first victims filations and to families who of the poor sanitary condi had declared their readines to gulares de agencia el mismo día o el siguiente.
tions, cold, and undernourish take care of them ment likely to prevail during the coming winter. Hence the Judging by reports of the progrfim me, called Operat healtthy and active appeaon Stork to remove as ma rance of the children and ny as were allowed by their their vigorous praise of their families to go to the rich agri temporary parents in the cultural land of northwest country, there can be little Germany. The target was doubt of the success of this 50, 000 children between for operation. Most of the chil Shippers will find it very much to their own and their and four en, with the addi dren increased in weight, tion of 10, 000 adult teachers, Imany as much as twenty pocustomers interests to notify consignees in advance of welfare workers, and mothers unds. The appreciation exshipments to be made in their name. Such advice will reof the younggest groups. Ac. pressed by their parents altually about 20, 000 children so attests, to the success of mind them to be on hand upon the arrival of the train at and between four and five the programme. During thousand adults participated winter of overcrowding and flag stations or to call for the goods the same or the followin the project for evacuation, food shortages in Berlin, ing day if destined to a regular agency station.
which took nearly four weeks with the danger of disease to complete. Thus about one always hovering near, 20, 000 child in three in the British children were able to live in GREEN sector was sent to the rural the comparative security of Manager area of Westfalia, Oldenburg, the country where food was and Ost Friesland, likewise more plentiful, housing more under British control. This adequate, and the chances but no negro physician. No coming condition demands it. denominations and farmers was a high ratio, considering of good health higher than negro sent from here to study What are the Lodges, Unions, doing?
the fact that German evacu in Berlin.
and return as sincere witnesses for God blessings. And yet THE FUTURE FROM DIFFERENT thousands of Dollars are sent Tomorrow Baseball In Connection ASPECTS SEIMS DISASTROUS away by some of the ChrisWith The League Fixtures tian institutions to support Continued from May 18th.
some white population abroad. In line with the series of the baseball enthusiasts the In our first attempt to face and which is practical for a There are many who would baseball matches pertaining contest will no doubt be thrillthe problems that confrontnegro lawyer, to correct the contribute to these helps, if to the Atlantic League Fixtu ing. At this writing, however, the colored population or inconveniences and advantage Children of West Indinas in that is taken by some of the formed and represented cooperation could be res, the Second Divisions of the little children upstairs are by the Cubs and the Pathfinder emptying the water pails in the Atlantic zone with at least Authorities, not intentionally responsible persons. We repeat will be the contesting teams, incessant measures and the Thousands are more, we always but by ignorance of something must be done for tomorrow, Sunday the 21st. game may not be presentde.
emphasized the necessity, of the law. Coulnt a contribution it is an urgent necessity: the Judging by the talks of economy in finance: be made to educate such a Saving for the rainy day: one? We know of such a one taking advantage of some who is studying the Costa Risaving society, for instance, can law, reading always the like The Building Society; also deliberations of Congress and that some one of more exper who is not afraid to confront ience and intelligence would those of the authorities who give their opinion publicly act in contrary to the laws through the Atlantic Voice. and to plead in favor of the As yet no one has accepted needy ones, very soon the the invitattions as a continua will be asked to publsih tion of the subject, we are the copy of a petition that 1220 KILOCICLOS making sugges was sent to Congress to repeal tions with the hope that some the law that prohibits the neONDA LARGA may help. What about a Sav gro from working in the Paing Bank? corporation of cific zone and he is the author leading men of sufficient in of this initiative. We need telligence in every section of some more men of this kind the Atlantic zone could show out of the negro population.
their interest in such a scheme. The Education department Of course it needs money, and is open to all who would like with constant savngs with a to study, but no one has taken will and interest something the advantage of such a privbeneficial could be done. iledge as yet What is wrong?
There is an urgent necessity We have negro obeah men, some more SINTONICE TIQ Radio CASINO some more PUERTO LIMON APARTADO 555 Tome Kola Garrón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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