
PAGINA 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 20th July 1946 Limon Trading Company Compra a los mejores precios: Raicilla de ipecacuana HULE, Cacao, Cocos y Copra Los Neumáticos más resistentes que es posible lograr.
THE JOE LOUIS BILLY CONN PUGILISTIC ENCOUNTER On Wednesday the 19th Fourth. Continuing his superJune from the early evening iority over the challenger in hours, enthusiasts in pugilistic the Fifth round the Champion fraternity evidently were ab rained lefts and rights upon laze in waiting for the exact the face and body of the boy hour for the staging of the from Pittsburg Joe round bout between Joe Louis, the The sixth round was startHeavyweight Champion of the ed cautiously; then Joe waxWorld and the challenger, ed powerfully and battered Billy Conn. Every radio was his opponent. During the attuned to one or the other changing of punches, Conn is of the broadcasting stations; said to have fallen over the homes with radio wheter they knees the referee who got liked it or not had to tolerate between the two men and with the univited whose only cleaned the gloves of Billy desire was to hear the anoun Conn.
cement and jammed were the The seventh round found public places equiped with this Billy Conn still persuing and most wonderful means of com getting in now and then some ¡NO LO OLVIDE!
munication light punches and in the The hour arrived; Themenwhile tried to box and semi. final between Johnny keep at distance from Joe, but right car; Billy gave a short THE GIFT OF very was effected by the provColan and Strelin, a part the capable champion con left and Joe attacked again erbial Stork on the 8th of the BABY BOY ner of Billy Conn was on nected to Conn face; punch Conn hdad; followed with current month.
points by the former. Perhaps, ed his bleeding nose; a sledge la serie of lefts and rights to package. nicely wrapped Mrs. Clarke in whose care Billy Conn, if a believer in hammer blow across the rear the head of the challenger: and containing a precious gift, the baby boy has been left is omen had from that moment of Conn neck; lefts to the then the heavy right to the after a travel of nine months jubilantly accommodating him seen the hand of fate in his face; lefts and rights to Billy eye; blood began to flow arrived at its destination, the while friend Philip is riding his samp; no doubt he had sens head; punches to the body; and Billy fell perfectly home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip bicycle with his customery ed the ill wind that had blown Jose round.
knock out within the two Clarke of this city. The deli smiling countenance.
and so it proved for after minutes and mineteen seconds provoking the champion in Eighth Round: The an duration of thround. It was three of the earlier rounds, no nouncer told us that both men the two consecutive rights to sooner the fourth was reached left their corners much slower the head of Con which termethink we hear Joe Luis say than in the preceeding rounds. minated his carcer as a pugilist ing to himself No more Joe instantaneously conect as he admitted when the dizmonkey business. you have led a quick left to Conn Iziness was over.
proveked me enough. Then came the changing scene and we visualize the fleety feet of PROGRESS IN RECONVERSION Billy Conn, the Pittsburg By George MARTIN boaster taking away from the bombs of the Detroit Bomber.
The latest employment statis. domestic responsabilities will The tird man in the tics give a clear indication of retire from work took on during ring the rapid progress in the reconthe war.
was Eddie Joseph who also The activity of Britain in refereed the first Conn Louis version of British industry. At fight in 1941. Billy Conn enthe end of March, the manufac dustry is reflected in the outtered the ring accompanied turing industries gave employ put of pig iron and steel. Proment by his manager Honny Ray for civilian and export duction of pig iron has shown a since January and the Seconds. Immediately work to only 44 less people steady increase followed the champion with than before the outbreak of war. and was in every month higher covered head, Increase in employment accompanied was than in the corresponding month of the by his manager, Marchall Mi particularly pronounced in the previous year and in les and the Seconds Both metal and chemical industries. 1938. The same applies to steel fighters were the recipients of In view of the urgency for the production though owing to the thundering applauses from the restoration of Britain exports Easter holiday output in April seventy thousand Fans. it is especially gratifying that was slightly lower than ini First round: Both fighters as early as March more people March.
were said to have exercised were engaged in the production At the Annual General Meetprecautionary measures; the of export goods than in 1939. ing of Vickers Ltd. some indicachampion broke the spell by It is confidently expected that tion were given on the progress landing the first blow with his by the end of this year. eigh of commercial work which is to right; this racked Billy head; teen months after the conclusion replace the armament produc he retaliated and changes of of hostilities in Europe, the tion, vastly expanded during the punches continued till the whole process of reconversion war, of this large combine. Up and demobilisation will be com. to the end of March, orders had The fighters broke evenly pleted. By then the total num. been booked for merchant ships in the second round. In the ber of employed will be about amounting to about 18, 000, 000 Third round Billy Conn earn 800, 000 greater than before the for commercial aircraft amounted the points. The champion war although a large number of ing to 6, 000, 000, for engineer.
gainod the points in the elderly people and women with ing products totalling 6, 000, 000, and, in addition, a contract of 20. 000. 000 was en NEUMATICOS PARA CAMIONES AUTOBUSES Do Your Shopping at tered into for prefabricated houses. Replacement and modernisation of plant has begun. MARCA DE MAONICAIn his broadcast in the United States, Mr. Morison again em. DUNLOP RUBBER CO. LTD. BIRMINGHAM, INGLATERRA 46X 26 phasized Britain willingness to ターンに DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
do her utmost to stave off star. and flour will have been sent ley, representing the whole of NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO vation in Europe and India. By to help Europe by the end of the saving effected through the PLEASE YOU the end of next month, Britain September. Nothing is left of reduction of the beer output, wheat stocks will be 10 less the reserve stocks accumulated and 80, 000 tons of potatoes are than the onrmal pre war stocks during the war. In order to being sent to the British zone Jack Orane, Sucs.
of 1, 135, 000 tons, which were avond a breakdown of food dis in Germany.
than 1, 200, 000 tons of wheat tribution, 70, 000 tons of bar1 REFORZADOS PARA SERVICIO PESADO gang sounds. DUNLOP The People House Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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