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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 27th July 1946.
Bulletins From Britain were are Census in the COMES WEEK, THE FESTIVAL OF SAILS Notable British West Indies Coach to train Costa Ria Footballers (Continued)
London, July 25. BriEarlier censuses in the West tain is sending some of her Indies the populations best football coaches to Latin usually round to be less than American countries, says the estimates, as most of the Eric Wright, Sports Correspusually found to be less than ondent of Reynolds Sunday Islands had lost population News. who notes that not by emigration which had not only are coaches from Britain been fully recorded. Trinidad being sought after in Euroand British Guiana were expean countries, but that some ceptions, as they were centres excellent men are already to which migration flowed.
booked for Latin America.
How far have movements of Writing of the appointment this kind been carried in the in Costa Rica of Robert Gallast 25 years? There is also a loway, ex professional footlack of statistical information baller, sprinter instructor and about agriculture and industry, soccer, hockey and swimming about the number of persons coach, Wright says that Galdependent for their livelihood loway should have an extraoron each the various industries Cowes Week, which is cel in 1815, its members had al from 1914 18 and 1939 45.
dinary, interesting position and about occupational trends ebrated during the first week ready inaugurated in 1826 the The forthcoming Cowes Week with Costa ica National generally. The figures will be of August, is the culminating regattas in the Solent, a tran will be the first to come off Council of Physical Education.
of use in assessing the need point of the regatta season in quil arm of the sea which lies since 1939, and there will be with headquarters at San Jose for teaching skilled trades and England. Cowes is a small between the Isle of Wight and competitions for yachts of with its great football staprofessions to West Indians; town on the northern shores the southern coast of England, more than a dozen different dium. There and elsewhere he knowledge of the population of the Isle of Wight, an island in the course of the 19th international and national clas will handle Costa Rican in of school age and its distribu situated in the English Chan century, Cowes became the ses every day.
ternational team, the club sides tion in various localities will nel facing Southampton. It is world centre for yacht racing, of the country three main be of value in framing educa the residence of the Royal and Cowes Week constituted The above photograph leagues, college boys and jutional programmes.
Yachting Squadron, possibly a fashionable meeting; and so shows a number of sailing niors.
the most famous yacht racing it has continued with the ex yachts waiting for the starter Wright points out that GalThe war. time registration club of the world. Founded ception of the two world wars gun to begin the race. loway will find that a crew of held in Trinidad in 1942 bearded British railway enginyielded the preliminary figure headquarters in Eng Terrorism in Palesti South Atlantic Air eers who came to Costa Rica of 502, 401 for the whole land, are to be posted to Ja ne will newer solve Route to be Discussed in the eighteen nineties are Colony, and it will be interest maica for liaison and welfare Jewish Problem still thought of there with afing to compare this with the work in connection with the London, 24. British Euro fection and gratitude, for it results of the census when they Royal Air Force, says the London, July 24. In the pean and South American air was they, together with a few are made known. As an ex Daily Gleaner. There is the discussion of the challenge to line representatives Costa Rican boys to returning ample of the need for the possibility that a third ap Britain between the terrorism meet in Paris next week in from England after receiving regular taking of censuses, the pointment of the same nature in Palestine, the Glasgow He order to work out the prob their education in this country, preliminary registration figures will be made.
rald today published the follems of the South Atlantic air, who introduced British soccer in 1942 (the final results were lowing statement: The Pa routes. The conference to Costa Rica, where it benever published) showed an Banana Ships lestine dilemma has been called by the International came the favourite game.
increase in the Trinidad pobrought no nearer to its resol Air Transport Association and Galloway has had a trepulation of 89, 618 since 1931, grant of 000, 000 is ution by the latest outrage of will be attended by Sir Wil mendous sports career. As a or more than 21 per cent, in being sought by the Jamaica the Jewish extremists, whose liam Hildred, the Association de mobbed soldier of the first a little over 11 years, comp Banana Producers Association fanatical zeal has provided Director General and former grat war he represented Engared with an increase of 12. from the Imperial Govern the worst possible background Director General of Civil land in the inter war theatre per cent, which occurred bet ment to assist the company in for the discussions now tak Aviation in Britain. The Unit Athletic Championships. As a ween the 1921 and 1931 en carrying out its post war ship ing place in London. The ed Kingdom will be represent. sprinter he was good enough umerations. This is a supris building programme. The blowing up of the British miled at the conference by re to race professionally. As a ing result, especially when it company lost four out its pre litary headquarters in Jerusa presentatives of the British soccer centre forward he playis considered that the regis war fleet of five vessels dur lem has demonstrated in the South American Airways, who ed for Derby Country the tration did not include memb ing hostilities, all the ships grimmest fashion that the operate the route between Club which just a few months ers of Forces or those having been requisitioned by arrests and searches which London and Buenos Aires. ago conquered England of the United States, or Ame the Ministry of Shipping for took palce at the end of June Other airlines taking part will great Football Cup Notts rican citizens working in con war service.
While the lost failed to bring in all the ex. be Air of France. Sila. Forest and Tottenham Hotnection with defence projects. ships were insured, the cost tremists whose violence has so Sweden; Sabena. Belgium; spur until his retirement in of shipbuilding is put at there bedevilled the task that is Klim.
Holland; Fama. 1929. As a coach he was emWest Indian Populations. to four times what it was be complex enough without the Argentina; Iberian. Spain: ployed in Spain. Another war fore the war, and banana pri added burden of terrorism. Panair do Brazil and Cru. the latest found him Provisional census figures ces remain comparatively low. The assumption must be that zeiro do Sul. both Brazilian putting the men of the Natiocabled to Trinidad show that the surviving nal Fire Service through their extremists are companies.
Grenada has a population of Jamaica Tourist Industry convinced that a policy of at Nottingham and 72. 000, or nearly 6, 000 more violence against the manda ganised lawlessness, which swimming every day.
than in 1931, with 5, 755 in The Jamaica Tourist Trade tory power will achieve their does the worst possible dis Always admirers of the St. George s; and St. Vincent Development Board and the ambition of Scottish style of play in socestablishing a service to the cause they esone of 61, 593 an increase of Tourist Trade Convention Jewish National Home and pouse and which must result cer, Mexico asked their pre13, 000 since 1931. The prov Committee have published that they are determined to in the hardening of feeling national war coach, the Scottish interisional fiugres for the Leeward their survey and report on prosecute the campaign with everywhere.
Raeside, The concessions Islands were as follows: An the potentialities of the Ja all the skill and vigour at their to the Jews won by mine and return with, at least three other tigua, 41, 826; Montserrat, maica tourist industry, with disposal.
bomb would make impossible experienced Scotsmen as national assitants and so he 14, 275; the Virgin Islands, recommendations for develop This is a grave challenge a precedent for our seeking 6, 505 and St. Kitts, 46, 206. ment. The report goes fully to Britain responsibilities in concessions from the Arabs, did. writes Wright.
into the conditions and needs Palestine and one that the who would in their turn at In Venezuela a British adWelfare Officers of the industry and analyses Arabs who have nothing to tempt to exploit what they viser is wanted, and the British probable revenue and expen lose and much to gain from would regard as British weak Football Association have Two Jamaican airmen, diture. To build up a revenue these violent demonstrations ness. It can be only by com been approached, Wright says, Flight. Lieutenant Dudley of 2, 000, 000 a year it is of anti British feeling will view promise that a workable so and the request is now being Thompson and Flying Officer and Government expenditure with satisfaction. Yet the res lution of the Palestine problem considered. In Guatemala the Vincent Bunting, at present considered that investment of ponsible Jewry cannot but be will be found. Such a solution British Council advice and welfare officers attached to of iştd 50, 000 pariedadrele dueleca Nacionadismayech Libby det bigma Magehelye Bilgigtacas FeromeriPagetura1 Oventud, Costa Rica. aid has been sought.
was paces to


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