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ATLANTIC Page 12 VOICE Saturday 3rd. August 1946 Bulletins From Britain HMS VANGUARD THE ARMAN at 503 FOUR 085 CADIZ THE KENTISH KNOCN DUNGENESS PORTLAND THE GABBARD THE TEXEL 233 1653 and so MENES WMLAND type with an us our name Another New Science On The To CHURCHILL!
Insecticide Farm No one who was present will ever forget Bidault Details have now been rel new portable instrument first visit to England as Mineased of a new insecticide, the. Abnormality Indicaister of Foreign Affairs not known as gammexane, which tor devised by British long after the liberation of is in certain respects superior scientists shows at a glance Paris. He was entertained even to DDT, described in whether dairy cows have udLONESTORE dinner by the British Gov.
MSN of April last (Nº. der trouble. It operates elec3596 ernment.
4, 1945. trically, relying on the fact When he rose to drink the The story started more than that abnormal milk contains SY JAMES health of Mr. Churchill, he a hundred years ago when more sedium chloride than astonished everyone by statMichael Faraday discovered normal, has higher BARFLEUR ing that this was the second benzene hexachloride, a sub electrical conductivity.
QUEBEC time that he was proposing a stance with the chemical for There are two models, one toast to Britain war Prime mula C6 H6 C16, or 666 for carried in a neat haversack Minister.
for use in the cowshed, and a He paused. Then, speaking In 1934 British research more elaborate with great emotion, he went chemists and biologists com greater sensivity for the labon: The first time was in menced a systematic investi oratory. The former uses orvery different circumstances. gation of thousands of diffe dinary cycle. lamp batteries was one of a band of Frenchrent substances in the hope of for operation, nad the latter men who were in a German finding insecticides as effect runs off the mains.
concentration camp in Meckive as pyrethrins and rotenone, The dairy model consists of lenburg. The war was going the active principles of pyr a control unit, containing batas badly as it could for the ethrum and derris respectively. teries, from which run ft.
Allies, and we felt very deIn 1942 it was found that of lightweight cable to pressed We had succeeded, benzene hexachloride was electrode handle. This handle however, in setting up a sehighly effective against the incorporates the milking cup cret wireless set.
Then one turnip flea beetle, then the and carries an indicating meter night we heard the defiant subject of detailed investiga calibrated in chloride percenand confident tones of Mr.
tion. Field trials confirmed tages.
Churchill sending out over the laboratory result and in the When making tests only air the British challenge to spring and summer of 1943 the electrode handle need be Nazi invincibility.
this substance was used to removed from the haversack. It gave us such hope and replace derris in flea beetle small quantity of milk is encouragement that we decidpowder. Hundreds of tons of drawn into the milking cup.
ed that we must drink his powder were sold and proved plunger at the base of the health. We had nothing in as effective as derris.
electrode handle is then pulled which to drink it, but one of Certain inconsistencies in down, letting the milk into managed to steal the action of 666 led to a the body of the instrument. guard beer. The great honmost interesting discovery. switch at the rear is pressed, our of proposing the toast fell Ordinary methods of prepar and the chloride content of to me, and we drank it in ing benzene hexachloride give the sample is shown immediat VANGUARD. very of this mighty German lager.
a product which is a mixture ely on the dial. The sample Britain latest and most pow floating fortress symbolises of four different forms of the is then ejected by the self erful battleship, is now fully the spirit and pride of Britons compound. These differ only cleaning plunger.
commisioned, and it is offi the world over, because, if it Banana in the arrangement of the Each cow can be tested in cially reported that the great is true that the island nation chlorine atoms about the car about a minute and it is vessel will be the home of safety in the days of Nelson Doubled bon. hydrogen skeleton of claimed that abnormality due Their Majesties the King and depended on the wooden the benzene molecule. The to past cases of mastitis which Queen and the two Princesses walls which protected her The release of three more four isomers, as they are cal have cleared up, and may not on their trip to South Africa, against the designs of her en refrigerator ships fo rthe West led, are known as the alpha, be revealed by the most care scheduled for February next emies, it is equally true that Indies run will result in weekbeta, gamma, and delta forms. ful bacteriological examina year.
the solid steel of her greatly arrivals of bananas from Investigation of the separate tion, can be detected, Investi Our raeders will note from Navy and the hearts of oak of now on. fortnightly service isomers showed that the in gaotrs state that for every the photopraph on this page the crews manning the ships has been maintained since secticidal properties were case of obvious mastitis there that there have been many protected her during the two January by the three vessels practically confined to the are at least ter which cannot Vanguards in the British Na greatest wars the world has already in service.
gamma isomer, or gammexane, be detected except by the in vy since the days of the Spa ever known.
Supplies of bananas will be which forms about 10 per dicator or laboratory tests.
Armada (1588. The doubled, but no change will cent of crude 666. Pure gambe made in the present sysmexane is therefore roughly by merely sieving crude 666 46 Air Lines to Cover Britain tem of regional distribution to ten times as active as crude in the same room. So persischildren under 18.
tent was the action that breed Plans for new air services the whole programme is ful Prospects for dessert and Gommexane is highly toxic ing could not be resumed un in Great Britain and Northern filled by next year.
cooking apples are good on to most insects and to certain til the room was redecorated. Ireland have now In addition, there will be six the whole according to a other pests. Towards some of Trials in North Africa suggest nounced. Counting home serv seasonal routes to be oper Ministry of Agriculture notice these it is several times as that effective locust control ices already in existence, there ated during the holidays. All issued yesterday. Strawberries deadly as DDT. Like DDT it can be undertaken with this will be 46 separate services in these services will be run by will be late but good on the is not a knockdown poison, substance. One ounce of gam the United Kingdom when British European Airways whole.
The prospects but acts slowly over a period mexane, or half a pound of Corporation, which has yet to cherries are very good, and of hours. Its toxicity towards 666, per acre will destroy like other insecticides, it is be set up by Act of Parlia for green peas good.
animals is however so low mosquito larvae.
toxic to honey bees.
ment. It will then take Other food news: that it can safely be used on The stability of gammexane Conservation of grain sup the routes of Railway Air Australia expects to increase a large scale. There appears to ensures prolonged action. plies is of particular impor Services.
her exports of butter to Bribe little or no danger to hu Being insoluble in water it is tance at the present time. The From London there will be tain during 1947, Mr.
man beings in its use, but not leached away by rain. It low toxicity of gammexane a new service to Manchester Scully, Australian Minister of with all new insecticides it is is therefore suitable for use as makes it very probable that and Belfast next month; to Agriculture, said in Canberra necessary to watch carefully a soil insecticide and its high grain weevil, which destroys Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth, yesterday.
for any effect on the skin.
toxicity towards wireworm, thousands of tons of stored Land End and Scilly Isles Rochester Castle reachAmong the pests killed by which causes immense destruc grain every year, can be des and also to Cardiff and Swan ed Southampton yesterday gammexane may be mention tion to crops annually, makes troyed without harming the sea in September; to Birming with 106. 000 boxes of citrus ed the following: locust, cock it likely that this pest too may grain itself. Even when gam ham, Manchester, Liverpool, fruits from South Africa, 860 roach, body louse, bed bug, be controlled.
mexane is mixed with the grain Carlisle, Prestwick and Glas quarters of beef, 1, 184 blossom weevil, grain weevil, Gammexane will also be in quantities considerably gow, also to. Yeadon (for cases of pork and 438 crates ants, house. flies and mos particularly useful against greater than that required to Leeds and Bradford. New of cheese. Haslemere quitoes.
Locusts are so sus apple blossom weevil but destroy the weevils, bread castle. on. Tyne, Edinburgh. brought 28, 000 chips (14 lb. ceptible that an experimental great care will be necessary in made from the grain is appar Errol, Inverness and Aberdeen of Channel Islands tomatoes, swarm was accidi tally killed the spraying proof Hestespraying proofdaf fullribiyetesociale, Mikelty Raimlessiste(MSN) e Bibliotecas de MinistOd ber Juventud, Costa Rica. mostly destined for Glasgow.
Imports mish been anfor over car


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