
THIS IS OUR TASK Atlantic Voice new sceenes The People House From Our Desk BY THE EDITOR LIMON, 17th. August 946 Nº 519 We hail profoundly the initiative which Editor: Post Box 199 has brought into realization a Tourist Committee ofr the province of Limon with head. IN ANGLICAN CIRCLES AMONG THE quarters in this city. The personnal associatWe learn that the Reverend. It is said that his consecration BAPTISTS ed with the Discovery are men of abilities and Mrs. James Evans for took place in St. Paul Caintegrity honour and push. these virtues merly of the St. Mark Rec thedral, London on June 24. The dial of time will carry bespeak all success. They are Messrs. Felix tory in this city and who left the very commemorative Day in its movement among other Reyes, president; Alfonso Sole, manager for vacation in England, due of St. John the Baptist. important affairs, tomorrow, Sunday the 18th, another feand secretary. Proprietors, Messrs. Kader; to impaired health they have Death has robbed the Cen eciteous commemoration for George Alvarez; Charles Hayling; Fred definitely decided not to return to this Republic. The Re tral American Anglican Dio the teachers, children and Sheehy; Eduardo Castro Frederick Gar verend Evans had the distinc cese of the greatly Reverend others associated with the don; Jose Ma. Barrientos and Gilberto Cal tion of being honoured as Ru Priest, Percy Bernard Simp Baptist Sunday School; a day vo, Suplentes.
ral Dean of Costa Rica and son. It is reported that he had of thankgiving to God for We learn regretin laboured for fifty years in the having permitted them to ceIt is generally known that rest alone is Panama.
gly of his resignation from Diocese; forty six of those lebrate the 1946 anniversary, not enough for one vacation. change of this section of the Master years have been spent in a and they will in addition put brand new surroundings Vineyard. He had endeared place called Monkey River. in evidence the talent which obtaining new contacts with strangers. the himself not only to anglicans He has given them and by so cultivation of new ideas new thrills; all but to the citizenry in general. No doubt at this writing the doing help to make others these are needed to be added for while rest The Reverend and Mrs. Evans Reverend and Mrs. Alexander happy. On Monday night a will be sincerely missed. Thornton Down are occupy good programme will be presing the mind too is refreshed.
ing the rectory of St. Mary s, ented, anticipatingly. The atThere is an old adage which says. Too In passing we desire to men Belize, Honduras. The Rev. tendance of the greatest nummuch work and no play makes Jack a dull tion that the Reverend Fabian erend Down we gather resign ber of Baptists and Friends boy, but today we say. Too much stay at Jackson, Vicar of All Saints, ed the Vicarage of St. An. are solicited in order to give home and no travel becomes monotonous.
Clifton, Bristol, England has drew s, Bedford, England to cheers to the youngsters and The vacationists to Limon are sure to always been appointed Bishop of answer the call for service in other entertainers.
Trinidad, British West Indies. the Diocese of Belize.
remember its scenic beauty and characterisSergeant Walter tic hospitality of the people. Modern days Katzen. Berger provide three principal means of travelling, Do Your Shopping at Aonoured by Air. Land Sea and any of these will deliver the traveller to this city.
The Military Attaché, Col.
The idea to encourage inland people to onel James Hughes, of the spend week ends, say, arriving Saturday and American Embassy in San departing Monday morning is a well thought DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
Jose, has received from the out plan and also to enduce visitors from War Department in WashNOVELTIES AT PRICES TO other lands is laudable and surely will be ington a Certificate of apprePLEASE YOU productive of much good. Every member of ciation for patriotic services in a position of trust and resour citizenry should co operate. not only!
ponsibility to be presented to see the movement get underway, but once Jack Orane, Sucs. to Sergeant Walter Katzenstarted to see that it is not strangled. In this Berger of Limon.
connection much ground work will be neceThe Certificate states that the award was made for ssary; such as the reconditioning and the Miss Leonora Griffith extension of our roadways; the construction Succumbs to her Illness exemplary performance o assigned duties, from Decemof a botanical garden and the establishing Under the enfluence of im at 30 at her residence in ber 1941 to 23 May, 1945, of a Zoo or Museum; these to be outside the paired health for some time Siquirres.
for setting a record of achievcity limit in order to afford automobile sight and after engaging the best Among her surviving chil ement and inspiring others to seeing trips. Foremost will be the banishing medical treatment; a treat dren is our well known citizen, improve the quality and quanof foul language and bad behaviour from ment which includes hospital Mr. Splatt who as soon as tity of their work, and for ization; Miss Leonora Grif the news of death reached materially contributing to the all public places and along the avenues and fith of Siquirres succumbs to him hastened to Siguirres and successful conclusion of the streets and cleaning up the waifs and strays. her illness on Friday evening see to the burial of his mot war.
It must be borne in mind that if a visitor her. In life she was associatenters one house and the surroundings are PROGRESS ed with the Ancient Order of It was signed by Secretary not congenial to him, there will be no desire Shepherds, Ashton Unity and of War Robert Patterson to return; he will not only stay away; but By the Reverend it is said of her that her gen and Deputy Chief of Staff eral contribution to the who Thomas Handy.
will discourage others prospective travellers. Mrs. Barnes: lesome community life was Therefore, let us put our houses in order that of very high value.
Let there be many winthe cleanlines and purity within will enhance dows to your soul, that all the conducted by Catechist How ed Republic from the time of was held during her many. service was years of sojourn in our belovthe traveller to enter and always yearn to glory of the universe may ells in the St Mary Anglican her arrival from Hanover, in return.
beautify it. Not the narrow Church in the Siquirres town the Island of Jamaica.
span of one poor Creed can Four other sons in Panama ship and at the grave the fracatch the Radiant Ray that SE VENDE ternal rites were performed by in the United States of shines from countless sources: Mr. Chas. Morgan of Pocora. America and a daughter in The numerical and represen Panama are also among her TEAR AWAY UNA FINCA DE CACAO tative aspects of the funeral survivors. To these greatly mentioned to sorrowing loved the Blinds of superstition; let procession is have given evidence to the extend our most sincere Consembrada intermediante con bananos, the light pour through fair que mide 12 hectáreas más o menos, con windows broad as Truth itself. deep admiration and esteem dolence. May the soul of the and high as God: in which the late Miss Griffith departed rest in Peace.
terreno para extensión; también una casa de habitación de tres apartamentos Mr. ERNEST THOUBOURNE TUNE YOUR EAR con todo lo necesario; situada en un lote LAUNCH EXCURSION que mide 100 hectáreas con una consideTo all the worldless music of rable cantidad de árboles frutales; un the stars and to the voice of We are seeing through the seven day stay of the expectbarbecue, un tanque de agua de made nature and your heart shall mind eye the grand compa ed visitors. San Jose is also ra y otros accesorios.
tune to truth and goodness as ny of tourists who will be full of enthusiasm in conjuncthey turn to the sun. thous landing at our docks from tion with the approaching Para mejores informaciones, comuní and plant unseen hands, reach Mr. Ernest Thorbourne sport events and effecting the quese con el dueño, down to help you to their Launch Excursion due to ar necessary training to confront peace crowned heights and all rive in the morning of Thurs the invaders in basket, baseD. THOURBOURNE, the forces of the firmament day the 12th of September. ball, boxing, bicycle racing.
Cuba Creek Lineaocuzent Mshal Mastify you her strengthia Belokimanenosa chayquvanlucadkicade The enetrtaining stages are not afraid to thrust aside half lcided on a season of greet. Lalen eat for the wrinken Pani ones, we Este documento es propiedad de la Bibliote Nacional Miguel Obregón


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