
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 17th. August 1946 ANNIVERSARIES Limon Trading Company Pay the best prices for There is a little time recor. rung of the ladder on theirder in front our desk which SUGAR Wedding Anniverreveals to us many noteworthy sary. Although sugar is seaspast events. Among these we oning, we wish that they will note that on Thursday the climb to the Wooden. In8th, 1946 the first marriage dian Rubber. Willow until anniversary of the marriage at least the Golden or Fifof our good friends, Mr. Lam tieth year is reached.
bert Graham and Mrs. Leriel Brown de Graham came on Not rejoicing, but continue the scene. They are residing in sorrow, we recall that on at Puerto Viejo; too long athe Almanac a red mark apswimming distance to get peared on the 2nd instant to near enough to give them our remind us of another sad anexpression of congratulations, niversary since the death of therefore, we use this medium Miss Felipa Adelphia Ogilvie to pay our respect and at the who in her life career had same tmie wishing them many served suffering humanity esmore anniversaries.
pecially at the Cusapin Mission. She was a good friend Submitting ourselves equab of Limon and memory of her ly to the shrine of apprecia will lingers always.
tion and esteem, we mention also that our collaborators, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Clarke of In similar mourning numthe Commissary at Cultiva ber we record the name of tion. Monte Verde Brach came Norton Bourette who passed in for their 1946 Wedding away four years ago; though Anniversary on August 10; somewhat lengthy: such time a commemorative date which has not washed into forgetascended them to the sixth fulness memory for him.
Dried Ipecac, Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra, RUBBER Remember we pay the best prices CIUDADES DE ESTADOS UNIDOS For Sale! For Sale! Good Bargain It was MIAMI, en la costa Este del da en la Bahía de Biscayne, en puntos de ultramar. La Universi1 SUN DRYING COCOA PLANT Estado de Florida, es uno de los la boca del río Miami. La po dad de Miami es una de las inscentros norteamericanos más población de esta ciudad auments tituciones más reconocidas para WITH TWENTY TRAYS; pulares para los turistas. Es cé de 29, 751 habitantes en 1920, a los estudios superiores. La fotolebre por su clima agradable du 110, 637 en 1930. Tiene excelen grafía muestra parte de la ciuIN VERY GOOD CONDITION rantes todas las épocas del añotes aeropuertos y es un centro dad de Miami y las aguas de la así como sus bellas playas y sus de transporte aérea para aviones Bahía de Biscayne, hoteles lujosos. Miami está situa del Caribe, Sud América y otros Apply: AQUART Some Outstanding Visitors ing the thousands of scatterRío Hondo The city of Limon was re. tended by the Honourable ed subjects of Great Britain in these parts, gally graced a fortnight ago Robert Johnston, His Briwith the visit of two outstand tannic Majesty Vice Consul ing Britishers in the high per in Limon. The trio cordially sonalities of the Honourable took in several interesting a marbel pleasure Fredrick Coultas, scenes.
to have seen in our city last The revision of certhe rights of STRIKE to the workers of Companies His Excellency, the British We believe there are many week end, the distinguished tain phase of the known as public service and Minister to Costa Rica and subjects of the Great Com wife of the Honourable Raul Labour Codes Commander, Lindsay Whet mon Wealth of Nations who Alvarez, the Consul of Panain which is included transporstone, retired) who is would like to gain acquain ma in this city. Dona Alvarez tation.
the Assistant Naval Attache tance with His Excellency, the resides temporarily in the CaThrough the medium of The report adds that the with residence in Mexico, Minister and it is hoped that pital for the care of her child El Trabajo we learn that Deputies of the National Rep acredited before that gov. a convenient day will come who is pursing a higher eduthe working class of Costa ubican Party with the excep ernment and those of Guate when an official visit could be cational course. Her presence Rica has obtained a triumph tion of three of these Con mala, Honduras, El Salvador, arranged. There is much in in our city was fragrantly as a consequence of a revision gressmen have helped the Nicaragua, Costa Rica and common to be known regard. welcomed.
of certain aspect in the arti fight of the Van Guardia Pl Panama, cles of the Labour Code which pular Parliamentary frac Arriving in our city these PLAN PARA EL SORTEO is said to have re established tion.
two British officials were atDel 18 de Agosto de 1946.
La emisión consta de 22. 000 billetes divididos en vigésimos, numerados del 1001 al 23000, a 20. 00 cada billete y 00 cada vigésimo, VALOR EN PREMIOS: 277. 300. 00 COLONES Premio Mayor de 100. 000. 00 555 Kcs. ONDA LARGA Segundo Premio de 20. 000. 00 10 Premios de 000. 00 cada uno.
10. 000. 00 La única Emisora Comercial de la Zona Atlánti20 Premios de 500. 00 cada uno 10. 000. 00 80 Premios de 200. 00 cada uno.
16. 000. 00 ca al servicio de los comerciantes del País.
141 Premios de 100. 00 cada uno.
14. 100. 00 10 Aproximaciones, al Premio Mayor (5 ante00 riores y posteriores) de 500. 00 cada una. 000. 00 Para informes, tarifas, etc. dirijase a su Adminis10 Aproximaciones al Segundo Premio (5 anteriores y posteriores de 150. 00 cada una 500. 00 trador y Agente de Anuncios teriores y posteriores de 500. 00 cada una 500. 21 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Primer Premio, de 200. 00 cada una. 200. 00 LUIS GRAU 198 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del PriEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerijerituyemie, coderid 100 cada una 19. 800. 00 1980 Terminaciones a la última cifra del Primer, de TIQ Radio CASINO

    Working Class

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