
PAGINA 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 17th. August 1946 La Casa de Los Muebles Los CENTIMOS de hoy SERAN los colones del MANANA, si usted sabe AHORRAR 50 varas al Oeste de la Panadería de los señores Musmanni COMIENCE HOY. DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el LE OFRECE TODO LO QUE USTED NECESITE PARA SU VIVIENDA.
TODO MUY BARATO Banco de Costa Rica as we or a manner to cause or measures. Sucural en Limón)
HITTING BELOW THE BELT Realiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria We would like to use a self ped. The actions of those discovered adjective in order thieves, to our mind, outstrips LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO to correspondingly denounce those of the villian or assassin the theives who hit below the who laurks and stabs the inbelt of the Northern Railway nocent in the dark.
WITH THE METHODISTS end of the Earth, if need be. Company at a time of its un It is alleged that the traggic trio was flavourly redenr parallel difficulties in the in accident which caused the At the eleven o clock fore ed and historically expound. Ied by the Misses Leonora Let: stance of the wreck at Free death instantaneously of the noon and the seven o clock ed address of the Reverend ttman, Leleath Markland and hold on the morning of Sun firemen, Mr. David Morris and later that of Don Ernesto Roevening hour serivces as well Forde. The American Mission Angela Steele. They earned day, July the 21st, 1946.
gleeful cheers. Miss Markland In this connection we as the afternoon Young Peo ary in his discourse, in part was again heard in a duet ac given the information that an hands by sabotage gang with are jas is the result of cruel human ple Programme conducted in mentioned touching experienthe city Methodist Church on ces which came on the thres companied by Miss Linda army of robbers invaded the the head ganster operating Munroe.
Sunday the 4th instant; these hold of his Christian Pilgriplace and effected a blitkrieg from Siquirres. This, being in line with the year mage; saying further that such The celebration marked the almost everything which learn was gathered through Missionary Anniversary; all has and will not deter their eighth Missionary Anniversary were saved from the disaster; an investigation conducted at were spiritual triumphs. determination to spread the since the Reverend and Mrs. leaving only those which were Frehold by one of the most not possible to be carried cleverist men of the InvestigaThe Reverend and Mrs. Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Holmes came to the Circuit. Holmes had the distinguishaway. It is said that the watch tion Bureau; he is on his ed association of the Reve Mr. Lasford Gardener and Miss Loretta to check the invaders; that catch. Further report is said to men on duty were powerless march and will soon get his Rodamar, bombers cannons machine have been effected by a wotwo North American Davis set new rhythm Missionaries who are sojournguns and orders to kill would man who claims that in comhave been the only means to Ipany with another woman ing temporarily in San Jose The Caabinet Making shop They dished out the music.
prior to their entry into Pa of Mr. Lsaford Gardener is In novelty form the guests carrying out their criminal and nila prevent the marauders from while walking along the MaCultivation railroad nama Missionary Field. almost in front the residence were entertained by the troupe The Reverend Bertram Ro of Miss Loretta Davis who is as called by Mr. Gouldbourne opinion that the Investigation nes that were placed to the wicked designs. We are of they oportunely removed stodamar occupied the pulpit at characteristically a song mag the Showman. It was a three Bureau should enforce a rigid rails in both services and his wife del net and we believe that in one part intercepted by dance ivered an impressive message of her heppy mood she had programme; that is four or hout that entire region and first approaching engine house to house search throug death and destruction to the at the afternoon programme. walked in the work shop of five numbers were classically On Monday night the Pu Mr. Gardener, called him by rendered then the merry dan undoubtedly some of the rob train.
bers if not all, will be trapblic Meeting afforded rich his pet name, Sweetie let cers tripped their fertilizer for the soul vine us talk about music and songs; then reseated to the tables yard. The platform was im put down your tools. As an and enjoy the good things posingly graced with the at Eve weilds the sceptre for which were abundantly served.
tendance of the Reverend good or evil, they both read. The scene was in semblance Venta de MERCADERIAS Wm. Forde, Reverend Roda ily agreed to gather the croon of Wonderland with the armar: Major Thos. Lynch ers and flow gently sweet tistes pacing princessly the en General and Mr. Leslie Angus, the rhythm. With this conclusion floor while singing and at inCircuit Steward.
the fun began; things were tervals rested charmingly at The Reverend Hol placed in the command of some of the tables. We had mes, the Circuit Minister Mr. Ferdinand Gouldbourne the distinction to had been at presided. The previous yearly and the Hall of the Universal table with Mr. and Mrs. John report was read and comment Negro Improvement Associa Babb, sadly was not given ed on accordingly.
tion was converted into a the tender touch by any of (Frente Unidad Sanitaria)
Mr. Leslie Angus raised the Vaude House on the night of the singing beauties, of course, curtain for the addresses on the 27th ultimo.
it was alright to deny friend Christian Mission and surely The cream of the socialites Mr. Babb because his own heightens his eloquence in the were in attendance; regally attractive betterhalf was there, CIUDAD DE LIMON ten minutes address to a pin accommodated at four seater but being a once. upon. adrop congregation. Major tables of which there were time married man, had pinLynch followed, beginning about fifteen.
ned hope that a rest would with in his usual humours vein, Lebert Brown under his new have been made by Miss LinNOTICE then gradually rose to the te music stage name Harry Ja nett Brown who sung so pennets of the occasion. The con mes and accompanied by etratingly. wish knew.
To our friends of San Jose.
gregation was lifted to the Messrs. Stanley Beeks, the Had she pat me on the head summitt of inspiration and any drummer, Sydney Elliott, am certain that friend SydThe ATLANTIC VOICE can be obtainexisting thirst was undoubtedly Bass, Rupert White, guitar, ney would not be peeved.
quenched by the well season and Higgie with the Bungo: There was a male guest at one of the tables No name please. He had an excessive THE EDITOR pulse beat when Miss Loretta Davis with romantic glances Chasing Rainbow Mr. Edgar Williams gave, and in the song and dance, sung S Canta Canta. Mr. Ron Calamazoo. Last by not the Oh, dear readers, my own dolph Naysmth, the baron least was the rich ness of the T heart was moved, but old age rendered in deep Excelsior minor, midnight, Arroz con Pollo. gently said Behave. The Waiting for the train to come no fun, the dish was richly E other cast of characters who in Mrs. Cecilia Strawn, a prepared by the well EpicurTailor were also Tops included songstress of fame, chimed, ecan artist, Miss Ethel MaxE Miss Telma Bougle in Baba can begin to tell you. In a well.
lu. Miss Linda Thomas in bonelss manner Messrs. Frank L Gypsy. Miss Linett Green Brown Simms and Ernest On the whole it was a Noin Dream when you are feel White rode the waves in a velty of high standard, stranE ing Blue. Mr. Frankie Hun Jive; they had to respond to gely beautiful and sprucely ter held his fame in Night an encore and so did Eustace enjoyed. We heartly congraCommerce Avenue, Next to the British and Day. Mr. Alfonso Tay Gouldborne and Mrs. Cecilia tulate the promoters and all Vina Conenlata Miguel Alegón tras Bertemanciging Biglieteces piratende cul heuveriblafation of concerned and express tietos formand the thanks for the invitation exBrowne y Abrahams SASTRERIA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacid our


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