
Saturday 17th. August 1946.
ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 Pre war Export Volume Passed PARA NOTICIAS DE ACTUALIDAD Escuche EL MUNDO MARCHA sources a Por medio de la EMISORA LA VOZ DE LA VICTOR 625 Kc. 9615 Kc San José, Costa Rica one sets By George Martin Britain aircraft industry is leading in the manufacture Britain exports for May of gas turbines. British jets passed the 1938 level in vo will be produced under licence lume by no less than 15 and in Sweden, China and France, this less than twelve months and negotiations are under after the end of the war. Dur way with an American coming the last six months the pany for production in Calivolume of exports has more fornia.
than doubled; in November and December, 1945, it stood Agreements have been cononly at 50 of the 1938 cluded between the Govmonthly volume. Exports in ernment and the British May amounted to Dutch and French Govern 85, 200, 000, an increase of. 15, 800, 000 on April, aboat ments regarding the purchase of natural rubber from Far half of which was due to the Eastern during the longer month. Compared with second half of this year. The March the increase was. 18, 000, 000 or 27. The May price to be paid is Is. 2d.
figures includes supplies for o. an increase of 2d. on Quince minutos de noticias del dia compithe previous price conceded relief and rehabilitation in liladas in view of the present high por los servicios internacionales de la berated areas of about 4, 500, 000 costs of production. The BriPrensa Asociada. Todas las noches desde tish Government will buy at For the first time, vehicles the same price in the British las 45 a p.
Far Eastern territories. As anreplaced machinery as the nounced by the Board of largest group of exports. Vehicles accounted for Trade, this price increase will 10, 900, 000 or 13 of total not be passed on to British manufacturers.
cortesia de la exports in May. Motor vehiServicio presentado al público por cles, locomotives and railway UNITED FRUIT COMPANY rolling stock are being shipIn ped in far greater numbers recent speech, the Minister of Fuel and Power, than before the war. Machinery accounted for.
Mr. Shinwell, again emphasis must be cheapened through PERSONALIA 10, 300, 000; the tonnage exed the necessity for utmost closest integration; nationaliMrs. Elizabeth Clarke of Dr. Sergio Vindas forported rose sharply in May co operation between Govern sation, therefore is inolvidable.
and exceeded the 1938 aver ment, industry, managements in the vast reservoir of priva this city and Estrada had a merly our highly distinguished age by 23. In machine tools and workpeople if the great tely owned industry, there is fortnight ago the loving reu Chief Health Officer was a the pre war figure was nearly task of the organisation of room for considerable co oper nion of her daughter, Mrs. very welcomed visitor to Lidoubled, a mong industrialists Zeta Irving, formerly a mem mon last Monday and Tuesand in electrical peace is to succec. The basic ation machinery the increase was elements of Britain industry, themselves, and between them ber of our community, but is day. Having had to effect a. third. The number of fuel, power and transport the Government.
now among the distinguished trip from Costa Rica Banana wireless exported esidents of Silver City, Cris Company hospital at Port was 51, 000 as against only 7, 000 IN ANSWER TO THE APPEAL OF tobal, Canal Zone. During her Quepos to San Jose, the gea month before the war.
stay the general atmosphere nial medico told us that CONTINUED FROM THE of relatives and friends In textiles, exports of rayon was his yearning to see the parents show refreshened.
marked expansion, ISSUE OF THE 3rd.
In. as. much as of his esteemed wife; his perthose of cotton, wool and liMrs. Irving visit entailed a sonal friends and well wishers nen goods are still handicapcontinued from issue with our thoughts and actions. volume of business which was as well as to see Limon was ped by labour shortage. Neof the 3rd instant: Such are the conditions that transacted in this city and the the propellant force that steervertheless, it is interesting confronts us as a Race and Capital, we observed pleased him for the visit. We were that shipments of linen piece but our inmost thoughts and People out of the question as ingly that she charmingly gave glad indeed to shake hands goods to the United States desires are fed with their own about us by whom we we move forgetful of the world her contribution to a part of and to pat lovingly this emirose by onehalf to almost 50 are Limon social past times. She nent physician and surgeon.
food; be it foul or clean. forgotten to build ourselevs returned to her Cristobal re. He was a great beacon light of the total, which was still the Divinity that shapes our one. quarter below the 1938 end; is in ourselves; if it is nt the base and lay it good for tion a week ago.
as a People we must need lay sidence by ocean transporta during his ternure of office in level. Export of spirits were this city.
our very selves we are ma only on a firm foundation can for the first time higher than nicled only by ourselves; out before the war.
a structure abide secure to thoughts and actions are the climb the hill to which you The great rise in exports jailers of fate; their imprison point; dear fellow sufferer we enabled Britain to increase her being based; they are also the purchases from abroad. Im angels of freedom; they liber it is not leaping; it is not must need start from the base; ports in May, amounting to ate being noble; not what we climbing and then we 115, 900, 000, were the hig, wishes and prays for do we have to make it slowly hest since the end of the war; get; but that what we justly we tire midway and never increases in imports of rubber. earns and wishes and cotton, and wool were parti prayers are only gratified and and see the heap of money make the top. Look around cularly marked.
answered when they harmonize The Safe and fast way to Travel our People has lost in such vain attempts, To improve our condition as a People we must need make it possible to imTHE MARIA DE LEON BUYING prove ourselves; this is our Local and International HOUSE: first step to progress; we cannot fight if we are not prepRoutes Situated between Mr. Philip Booth ared if at all we mean to win; Bakery and Panadería Costarricense: we are tire of fattening fools by the way with our life blood.
Commercial Street, Limon: Ask for information at What about doctors; withWE BUY CACAO.
in? what about lawyers withAND SOME OTHER out adequate grounds for its egal and native footing or a Bi motored Lockheeds Experienced ATLANTIC ZONE PRODUCTS: race without a legal representative backed up by a strong Pilots native government.
As soon as the articles are off the scales, fully examine aurselves and the money is in your hands: by so doing we will know just where we are.
Try TACA once. you ll ENRIQUE. LEON Tad de la Bibliothfel Naciony Miguel Obregón Rancial Sistemi: Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cultura juventud, Costa Rica.
uplift, TACA Airways System even ere our out a field for them to play TACA Limon Agency Let us our for ci ATACA


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