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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 17th. August 1946 Bulletins From Britain on were one Britain Tremend Great Moment in Timekeeper for the Oil engines on Not a Sofa But a ous Export Drive. History world British Railways Springboard In December 1945 British The story of this genera The United Kingdom will London, August 13. As The 750, 000, 000 credit industry was given an export tion, with its two terrible soon undertake one of the a result of the successful ex to Britain signed by President target of 75 per cent above world wars, proved that at most difficult rehousing tasks periments undertaken by the Truman Monday, July the pre war level. At that last the stage has been reach removal of the huge and Great Western Railway Com 15th, is, as the Chanchellor time its overseas shipmentsed in our human advance delicate instruments of the pany last year with oil burn of the Exchequer told the equivalent to 58 per when this problem of interna Royal Observatory from ing lockomotives a passenger House of Commons, not a of the 1938 volume. tional organization and secur Greenwich, by London locomotive Garth Hall has sofa but a springboard. The Since then exports from the ity must be solved, or mank Thamesside, sixty miles to the been converted and will go value of the loan, he went United Kingdom have shown ind and its civilization may fifteenth century Herstmon into service shortly on express on to say, is that it gives us a steady, rising curve, a curve perish. It would be suicidal ceaux Castle in Sussex, recent passenger trains between Pad a breathing space and that it so strong that by the end of to evade the task before us. ly bought by the Admiralty. dington and Bristol.
gives us a new reserve strength May, when the month ex the task to make this warld Smoke, electrical interference to accomplish our tasks. Mr.
ports totalled more than safe for our children, and for and the brightness of Lon Already ten heavy freight Dalton pointed out that eighty. five million pounds, the principles we hold dearer don night sky are reasons locomotives of this type are although we shall have to the 1938 average had been than life itself. We stand at a for the removal which was being used in South Wales do without many imports, we passed by 15 per cent. great moment in history. anticipated twenty two years drawing loads up to a thous can now confirm the plans we ago when magnetic observa and tons.
have already made for a This May figure constitutes tions were transferred to Surmuch. needed expansion of a record in two other ways.
rey following railway electri The oil burning locomotive supplies from abroad.
Had It represents a twofold in The loose union of free fication.
is said to be as efficeint as the loan not been approved crease in British exports since dom within the Common The Royal Observatory was the coal. burning type and by Congress, he continued, the target was first set, five wealth has proved stronger founded in 1675 by Charles savings are effected in servi we should have had to face months ebfore. It has also than the strongest bonds of II for the advancement of cing and in manpower by the a serious increase in the ausbrought Britain half. way to Empire. Germany counted on navigational and nautical as elimination of coal loading terity we have endured so that target.
the dissolution of the Com. tronomy. The original build and the removal of ashes long.
monwealth, and planned acing which still stands despite The amount of fuel carried, Four factors have been Icordingly. But in the two damage from German bombs about thousand eight The plans referred to by mainly responsible for this greatest wars in history the dropped nearby was designed hundred gallons, suffices for the Chanceller of the Exchehighly encouraging achiev closely. knit German Empire by Sir Christopher Wren. One about 250 miles, and with 14 quer are probably concerned ement. They are: improved itself went under, while this of the earliest objects was to carriages a maximum speed mostly with the purchase of material and manpower re free Commonwealth group of assist in the determination of of about 80 miles per hour capital equipment. But the imsources the latter due to ours, spreading over the con the exact time. Sir Isaac New can be obtained, a perfor provement in living conditions swift progress in demobilisa tinents and oceans, still goes ton had shown how move mance almost identical with a in Britain, and, more importion of the Armed Forces; muddling on its loose, free ments of the moon could be coal. burning locomotive of tant, the fact that the prospect continued expansion in the ways, having already left beh measured and the idea was to the same class. The work of of still greater auterity now shipping space needed to car ind a trail of glory such as produce an almanac showing the fireman is much lightened appears to be ended, will be ry cargoes overseas; and the no Empire in the world can the position of the moon as the oil fed by gravity and a great stimulus to the people increased productive capacity boast of.
among the stars, from which the fireman work consists of who have hda more than six of civilian industry.
a navigator anywhere in the controlling this, the intake of years of it.
Jan Christiaan Smuts Compared with April, exworld could determine Green air and the maintenance of Most important and fundaports during May rose by wich time and thus his own the oil at the correct temper mental of all it the great im 15. millions. This figure longitude. The difficulties ature for proper combustion eptus the loan will give to should be modified slightly, greater than expected of the valve controls. It takes world trade. Mr. Dalton statsince number of working days prices is taken into account but eventually the Nautical three days to teach a fireman led that Britain would now in May was above the aver and prices, at a roughesi Almanac was first published the new technique. The driv undertake new discussions with age. If, however, the export mate, are now 200 per cent in 1767 and has appeared an er task is little altered ex the holders of sterling balan curve is plotted on the basis of pre war. this is a renually ever since, being joined cept that there must be closer ces, and emphasised the fact of a 26 working day month, marable performance, the ef in recent years by the Air cooperation between him and that now the whole programfects of which are alceady Almanac.
the Mayfiugre, which the fireman who has to adjustme of conferences on internaIn May becomes 82 millions, still being felt overseas.
At Greenwich during the the oil and accessory intakes tional trade can at last get eighteenth century maintains the upward rise set alone Britain sent abroad Bradley to correspond with the loco under way.
by the first four months of 5, 622 private cars and com discovered aberration, Maske motive speed. The Great 1946 with 55, 265, 267 and mercial vehicles.
lyne determined the weight of Western Railway plans to 75 millions.
One other noteworthy item the earth and Halley discov convert a further twenty five is classed in the vehicles groupered the orbit of the comet engines of the Castle Line for Suscríbase a Until May the biggest sinis railway rolling. stock. In which bears his name. In the use main lines gle contributor Britain express La Voz Atlántica to May these exports reached nineteenth century the work trains.
post war export trade was 42, 000 tons, or four times the of the Observatory was greatthe machinery industry. In 1938 average of 11, 000 tons. ly extended with new and lar contacts on mean solar clocks dian of Greenwich was acceptthat month the value of its shipments stood at 10. mil Other industries which made ger instruments and later by the most accurate pendu ed as prime meridian for the to the photographic aids. The first lum clocks in the world. But whole world. Removal of the lions more than millions major contributions above the preceding month. British export drive during Greenwich time signal began though accurate to one hun actual Observatory will not But the machinery industry has the month are iron and steel in 1833 when the time ball dredth second per day these alter the position of the merinow been overtaken by the with millions (an increase on the tower was installed clocks are being replaced by dian from which the world 1938. which, dropping at one new quartz crystal clocks one twenty. four time zones are vehicles group, always a close of millions on times and the chemical industry. enabled ships on the Thames hundred second, with the figure of.
accurate. reckoned. But it will enable 10. millions. This compares with exports of millions to set their chronometers. In Even if not adjusted the quartz the work of this most interwith a 1938 average of against millonis in April succeeding decades similar time clocks would have only one national of British institutions millions.
balls were installed in central second error in two and a to be carried on with even and millions the average London and leading seaports half years.
Even when the change in 1938 figure.
greater accuracy for the beneand dropped by electrical im Throughout the blitz these fit of all mankind. Though its pulses from Greenwich.
In signals regularly function of providing GreenGROCERY and CANTINA 1865 the service of the hourly from Greenwich. Besides the wich with mean time is its telegraphic time signals was obvious service to saliors and most well. known activity, started to provide railways airmen all over the world Britain Royal Observatory with Greenwich time, but the Greenwich performed many. which is a branch of the (Corner 5th. Avenu and 5th. Street) LIMON latter not made legal special wartime tasks, e. Admiralty sees to the retime throughout Britain till from Day onwards at Field pair and timing of naval chroIt is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks why 1880.
Marshal Montgomery request nometers, prepaers charts our friends of BATAAN THIS CITY The whole world now re hourly time signals were tran showing the deviation of the COASTAL AND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen ceives Greenwich time signals smitted on special frequencies magnetic compass from true through the which to ensure accurate synchroni north, and carries our regular our establishment as their meeting center.
began transmitting direct from zation of Allied artillery bar meteorological and astronomiTHE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR Greenwich in 1924 and rages.
cal observations of which the Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are.
through the Rugby Radio GROSERY COUNTER.
The special importance of daily photographing of suns.
which has provided an even Greenwich in the measure pots is a valuable contribu DCCT Este documento es pappiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionamgaerobregda Cemrat Cisterna Giede BANDSE mentio cofuitutaimentaandta Rengitude to the problem now Corbetts BBC receives the received internatior ron were now on as went out BATAAN was 1027


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