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A tlantic Voic the incessant THIS IS OUR TASK From Our Desk By The Editor YEAR XI LIMON, 24th. August 1946 Nº 520 The ATLANTIC VOICE takes distincJOS. THOMAS Editor: Post Box 199 tive pride to assign these, its most important columns and considers that they are eminThe International Mr. THOMAS EMANUEL WRAY IS ently graced with the insertion of the report Trading Corporation. NO LONGER IN THE FLESH.
pertaining to the celebration of the first AnExtending its niversary of Radio Casino, its most esteem Goodwill. That heart that once throb The late Mr. Wray was born ed colaborator. This transmission device bed in love. in charty in more than fifty years ago in 555 kcs. Long Wave is the only broadcasting from a source which we sympathy and had cared for the district of Cedar Valley medium of the Atlantic Zone; serving every have good reason to believe others, like the sudden dischar in the parish of St. Thomas, phase of our commercial, social and econo is reliable we are told that ge of a racket from the clear Jamaica, British Wes Indies.
International Trading blue sky; its contraction was He had spent the rosy days mic life.
Corpor the tried and ceased just at a few minutes of his manhood in effective Hemmed by splendour in the Municipal true friend of a great numb passed the midnight hours preparation for his avocation.
Bath house the celebration was clicked off er of the banana cultivators of Saturday, e. ght days ago. In the high responsible duties Sunday the 18th. instant and with a grand and the general agr. cultural That organ of respiration was as a locomotive engineer and activities of this zone is exten in the body of Mr. Thomas with long standing in the serbackground of notable personalities.
ding its goodwill to the Paci Emanuel Wray. In his bed vices of the Northern RailThe professional and business careers fic Coasts of this Republic at that dead hour of night, his way Company from the days of Attorney Fernando del Barco, Messrs. with a view of buying fruit loved ones had called him, of the United Fruit Company.
from Hernán and Francisco Garron have already such private banana but they called in vain; that His proficiency in his services planters who are not bound voice that had done the bod. had won him unerasable disilluminated the pages of those particular enby any contract. The informading of others and had rende tinct on and had placed him deavours, but there came to these gentlemen tion states that weekly ship red its possessor that charm in the rank of 1 in that very a realization that there is unborn power in ments will be about e ght tho of thousands with eloquency skillful line and we believe themselves, and, so perceiving had thrown usand stems.
of speech had wafted to a pla that due to his death a vent themselves upon that thought, had instantly ce where it could not be reca has been made. a vacancy It is indeed a philantropi lled; his lips were cold righted themselves, stood in erect position, and that will not be easily filled for cal attitude on the part ofcould not reciprocate; commanded theirimbs and worked marve noth such is not attainable by leaps Messrs. Bergmann and Chan ing was left but that sad em and bounds.
llously and with a self reliant which has gi der Ehrman to launch their biem of man mortality. The funeral procession, not ven birth to Radio Casino on August 18th, barque further into the deep It was not long after Mr. with standing the 1945.
with adesire to assist the gre Wray lamentable Triss. ng showers gave tangible proof not that the news took wings and of the outstanding esteem and The wonderful transmission as it stands atest number possible; with any selfish mind but we the family residence became wide regards in which Mr.
today hsa excited widespread admiration, do feel that if the Internatio a densed human hive; drea. Wray was held during his soand we desire to refer to Radio Casino as a nal Trading Corporation has mers were capable to guide journ in this Republic. Many Shrine of Youth for it is continually dra been the continual recipients any traveller wandering down eyes were moistened at the wing out the hidden talents in many youth of its well support life spectacle as the bear was taful citizens who are assisting splendid in its there might not have The sad report of his death ken from the funeral coach opreation. Among these are Mssrs. Rafael need for the scattering of the had fallen almost incredibly for burial in the 1 Cemethe on many ears; no that death tery. The mourners and symAngel Alvarado, José Tasies, Ricardo Mon financial transaction rich Pacific reg. on; leaving us condiions, but the tender ad pathizers carilla, Luis Grant, Luis Grau as mana with a greater need.
represented miration and esteem for him from every rung of our great ger, and Enrique Taylor.
No one should try to bite had promoted a wish in the human ladder. The service We congratulate and honour the foun the hand that fed him. Truth hearts of his host of friends was conducted by the eRverders in the higher sense of this erected cul Three years ago our, Banana to give him a cheer; to had Denomination.
swims like water. to have had the opportunity end Wm. Forde of our Baptist tural monument with its aspiring influenIndustry in its tomb offered him a prayer He is missed by several ce than for its high appreciative amusing and and its resurection was effec means of putting spiritual dear and loving ones; these entertaining features. At the outset one ted by the International Trad bread and holy water into his include Mrs. Emily Cope, Mrs.
would not easily reckon the amount of good ing Corporation.
scrip; these to serve as nour Edih Walcott of Siquirres which this science is conferring upon the hu We are not in a position ishment to his precious soul and scores of friends. To the man race; its operation have let in the to affirm that the Management before it had marched into greatly bereft ones we tender is giving angelic treatment to the valley of death, but God our sincre condolence.
light of joy into many dark and gloomy its dealers; in fact, this age knows best and his way May the soul of the deparhearts; has dispelled the gloom in many of bustle and hustle for the the best.
ted find perpetual rest.
sick chamber and has plucked from the pi survival of the fittest no one llows of pain their thorns.
should expect to be fed with ty of proof that the Interna. judgment and remember the The festivities asociated with the annia nipple, particularly in keen tional Trading Company has great moral from the narraticompetitive business, and to greatly assisted our economi ve of the man who killed his versary celebration were the most outstand raise a hue and cry because cal life, and if their own nest hen that golden eggs with a ing and merriest we have seen in many a the breeze shifts its fragran is feathered it is quite reaso greed of immediately filling MOON. The Participants gave proof of ce is rather imcompatible with nable.
his basket. Digest this other those persons with hearts possessed with soil the tenets of goodwill expec It is our fond hope that old saying. It serves best for the cultivation of enjoyment. harmony ted among men. There is plen lour people will use sound no cat little and eat long.
and friendshin.
The pleasure was re inforced by the Johnny Steele Orchestra. a combination of musicians who delivered the numbers with a capital KICK Blow is the seting: Mr. Johnny Steele, director, 1st. alto sahone and clarinet.
Pay the best prices for rinidad Jimenez, tenor saxophone and et.
ab Jackson, 3rd. alto saxophone and merited dark lane.
been to were upon was as a is a Limon Trading Company Dried Ipecac, Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra, RUBBER rt Brown, first trumpet, Fernando 2nd, trumpet.
Alvarado, trambone.
Elliott, bass.
White, guitar Stanley Beeks, Egbert Mullin, bungoes and Edlano, crooner or songster.
ave charmingly won their. spurs Remember we pay the best prices Nacional de Bibliotecas de Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica
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