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Saturday 24th, August 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page Limon Trading Company INTERNACIONAL TRADING CORPORATION Compra a los mejores precios: Raicilla de ipecacuana HULE, Cacao, Cocos y Copra.
are Hace más de dos años y medio la INTERNACIONAL TRADING CORPORATION fué establecida mo el mejor amigo de los productores de banano y actividades agríolas en general de la Zona Atlántica.
Sin embargo las circunstancias ob¡NO LO OLVIDE!
servadas y su deseo de buen y honrado tratamiento permacene inalteraIN SPORTING Bouquet of Roses given to our VEIN ble.
Firemen of the Brigade Our good friend and very useful citizen, Mr. WashingIn El Diario de Costa Ri gade is due specially to the Las más grandes determinaciones ton Lucas is in charge of the ca. its publication of Au technical knowledge of Capde la INTERNACIONAL TRADcyeling features in conjunc gust 15th there appeared in tain Noe Alvarado who has the oficial language a very enthused the high enthusiasm ING CORPORATION es en provetion with the approaching Pa commendable news item which in the minds of the firemen nama riders who are due to in its true sense is a bouquet and to which they have given cho de It Industria Bananera y la adiarrive on Mr. Ernest Thorof roses given to our firementheir deep studies in all branbourne launch excursion.
of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. ches of the system.
ción contínua de más y mejores These. Eyelists ar to com The article is written by the Oustanding praise is also pete with riders from San Jopen of one of the Editors of extended to the National Sebarcos.
sé in this city. The date that news organ who was a curity Bank for having conis fixed for Sunday, the 15th. visitor to this city on Sunday structed and 80 adequately CHADLER EHRMANN, of September, commencing at the 11th and was an eyewit fitted out the biulding in which the eight o clock morning ness to the firemen in one of the personnel and equipment Gerente hour. The arrangement will their regular practices: sham are comfortably accommodatbe opened with a mile event mingly fighting the conflagra ed. There is also embedded INTERNACIONAL TRADING in which all Limon cyclists tion of a burning building. in the report the splendid will be participants; of cour In substance the commen services of Captain Alvarado CORPORATION se as an eye openen to the tator states that he was mar assistants, Lieut. Heliodoro exercises. Then will follow vellously impressed by the Andres, Sergeat José Arathe competition between the general disciplinary measures ya, Corporals Hernan Aubert, RETURNED TO THEIR IMPORTANT Panama invaders and the of the personnel as well as and Jose Maria Brenes. The RESPONSABILITIES San José defenders including with their demonstration of keen sightedness of the writer There personalities, almost unparallel efficiency: of that article is further shown On the occassion of his saa five mile event.
resulting in a spectacle of by his remarks pointed to the whom we meet, at times, du fe return, we heartily welcoOur citizens are quite awa great admiration as well asi Moscot of the Fire Brigadering the rounds of the day me him and live in that hope re of the fact that in such grand animation for the pub the six or seven year old Ro however busy those activities that his visit to that great exercises certain encourage lic, thus affording maximum nal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al may be, the seeker for a North American Republic ments are needed for the par security for Limonenses and fonso Sole, two of the precious word of cheer or some useful will be productive of greater ticipants and in order to pro taking also in account the suf collaborating links to the Fire knowledge is assured his ga benefit to the economic life vide such in the form of pri ferings and perils to which Brigade.
thering, even it be by the of Limon.
zes the leader Mr. Lucas, the firemen are exposed in wayside. The sunbean on the will measures of financial such services.
We sincerely thank El countenances of such persons Our heart is enshrined also of financial Attention has also been cal Diario de Costa Rica for the are sure to dart upon one with the same high degree of support from the general pu led to the fact that the effi bouquet given to our men of own. Upon that horizon we welcome to Mr. and Mrs.
blic and we do hope that ciency of the men of the Bri the Fire Brigade.
are placing deservingly, the Riggs of the Northern Ra whole hearted support be exname of Mr. Julian Weston, ilway Company on the occatended him in what ever man NOTES OF condolence to Dona Marta de Superintendent of the Inter sion of their return from a va ner he makes his appeal. Let Villalobos who has been the national Balsa Company who cation abroad. We are us all remember that the en CONDOLENCE recipient of another severe has returned to his very res that their return means adjoyment will not be limited blow by the death of her dar. ponsible position aftr heving ded endearment to the North to any particular section of The ATLANTIC VOICI: ling mother, Dona Emelia de ſeffected a business visit to the American Colony as well as this community expresses its sincerest con Pacheco, afortnight ago. Do. TUnited States of America.
lour general Community, na Marta Christian fortitude we entertain no doubt will tide her over the turbid waters of SE VENDE life.
BICICLETA AMERICANA UNA FINCA DE CACAO The surviving relatives and friends of the late KenABSOLUTAMENTE NUEVA, neth Morgan extended sembrada intermediante con bananos, my this medium our profound que mide 12 hectáreas más o menos, con condolence in their hour of terreno para extensión; también una cacon apenas tres meses de uso, morurning for their loved one: sa de habitación de tres apartamentos a young Limonense who was on todo lo necesario; situada en un lote admirable cultured respecque mide 100 hectáreas con una considetable and brim full of human rable cantidad de árboles frutales; un fellowship, but the cruel hands of destinity had grasped mer barbecue, un tanque de agua de madecilessly that young and pro ra y otros accesorios.
Para informes en la Administración de mising flower; struck him Para mejores informaciones, comuníwith insanity which finally LA VOZ ATLANTICA steered him into the Lunatic quese con el dueño, Asylum in San Jose; there his spirit took flight. We pray THOURBOURNE, that our good friend Kenneth Cuba Creek Línea Zent Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nadh Bongan égón patha asemawarisal od Briptedd del Ministerio de some measurea sure are Se vende muy barata Costa Rica
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