
PAGINA 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 27th August 1946.
TLAN SORTEO EXTRAORDINARIO PARA EL DE SETIEMBRE 1946 Los CENTIMOS de hoy SERAN los colones del MANANA, si usted sabe AHORRAR Banco de Costa Rica we For Sale! For Sale! United States met recently in rachied our way to the to the former exercising his ma. Good Bargain on a La emisión consta de 22, 000 bille. es vididos en vigésimos a 40. 00 el billete y 00 cada vigésmio Valor en Premios: 554, 400. 00 Colones COMIENCE HOY. DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el Primer Premio de 203. 000. 00 Segundo Premio de 50. 000. 00 Tercer Premio de.
10. 000. 00 Cuarto Premio de 000. C3 22 Premios de 000. 00 cada uno 14. 005. 03 22 Premios de 500. 00 cada uno 11. 000. 00 (Sucural en Limón)
106 Premios de 200. 00 cada uno 21. 200. 00 109 Premios de 100. 00 cada uno 10. 900. 00 10 Aproximaciones al Primer Prem o (5 anRealiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria teriores y poster ores) de 400. 00 u. 000. 00 10 Aproximacions al Segundo Prem o (5 anLA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO teriores posteriores de 200, 00 u. 000. 00 21 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Primer Premio de 300. 00 cada una. 6, 300. 00 CARIBEAN 198 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del GUESTS OF HOTEL CALIFORNIA Primer Premio, de 200. 00 cada una. 39. 600. 00 EXPERIMENT ENTERTAINED BY PROFESSORS 1980 Terminacione a la última cifra del Primer Premio de 80. 00 cada una.
158. 400. 00 highly interesting experLOGAN AND JACKSON iment in international a! fairs 2489 Premios Valor 554. 490. 00 was carried an imror ant step Fortunately included among scene was changed for further when representatives the visitors to San Jose, a saw professors Wally Jackson of France, the Netherlands, part of our trying to know and Frankie Jackson were licin and pa med and.
to the tel California on the evening gical talent one of wh ch was text of an agreement to de of Thursday the 15th. Mo performed on a little boy; he fine the scope and purposes, ther Day Anniversary. drank a glass of Coco Kola and outline the organization, Intended only to intrude and when the professor atof the four nation Caribbean on the goodness of fr end Mr. tempted to extract the liquid Commission and its two auz Sydney Cox the Manager and he partially succeeded for the SUN DRYING COCOA PLANT iliary bodies, the Caribbean, with a view of feasing the boy acted in a manner to reResearch Council and the the Weat Indian Conference, yes on the rosy cheek and present the sentiment. No WITH TWENTY TRAYS: The present dimpled jaws of the proprie Mr. professor no more monCommission sumIN VERY GOOD CONDITION represents an expansion of the tress, Mrs. Fox, however, on key business; then he hels and took original Anglo American approach a volley of applau moned his Caribbean Commission which se greeted us and at that mo flight.
was established in 1942. This went of surprise two dist nct Apply: AQUART body managed to function well things flashed in our thought; The performances enough by exchange of meznamely; tlrat Mr. For the es whole of a conviv al naRio Hondo sages between London, Wash teemed husband of the owner ture and on the other hand ington and Barbados, had arrived from the neigi showed the proficiency of the the headquarters of the bouring Republica of Pana two professors in magics.
British Co Chairman and ma and was in for a reception It proved a novelty to those an occasional meeting of the or that fr end Sydney had in attendance; they reciprocaGeorge Readley Eleven Downs Commissioners But when the been kidnapped into marria liy gave their appreciation French and Netherlands Gov ge, but on entering Capt. Huggins XI replied ernments joined the CommisBy Watson the land cheers in the premises.
New York. About 2500 with their opening pair of on at the end of last year, it cricket fans at the Randall Walcott of Barbados and became obvious that a Joint!
GROCERY and CANTINA Island Stadium The Small Trinidad. After scor Secretariat would have to be George Headley XI defending 17 runs Small was caught established. Such a step was BATAAN their island cricket glory out and followed by Clar. recommended by the Second (Corner 5th. Avenu and 5ta. Street) LIMON against that of the Leeward of Barbados who was bowled Session of the West Indian and Winward Islands by a for 28 runs followed by Conference which was held It is the high quality of our quors and other drinks why score of 190 runs for wic Yearwood of St. Kitts who under the auspices of the our friends of BATAAN THIS CITY kets against 153 for 3, last contributed 14 runs for his Commiasion in St. Thomas in wicket.
Sunday, July 28.
COASTAL AND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen the Virgin Islands of the UnCapt. Headley who won the may say here that it is a ited States, last Spring. See our establishment as their meeting center.
toss elected to take the wic treat of a life time to see the Notes Vol. 1, No. 7, THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR ket and quickly ran up the brand of cricketing as was disGROSERY COUNTER score of 190 runs with top played by Messrs Walcott The Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are.
honors going to Mr. Hol: Worrell. nad Holt. It was reWashington Jr. who defended the pre tige siettable that the game was meeting came to the decision THE BEST Corbetts of his sire with a masterly called on account of darkness that this Secretariat should be display of his ability at the at 30 with Messrs duly established, that it shovid wicket running up 102 runs. Walcott and Warrell score be located in Trinidad, Not out with the slightest re at 55 and 34 respectively, not and that the first Secretary is a purely advisory body that the Commission has alcognition of this XI opponents out byes made it 153 runs General should be Mr. Law which occupies itself with so ready served a useful purpose Following a brief luncheon for wickets.
rence Cramer, a formercial and economic matters of in providing coordination, Governor of the United States common interest to the terri stimulation and advice in the Virgin Islands who has had tories of the four nations con handling distinct much experience in various cerned. Its existence is based matters in which the varius acministrative posts. The agre on the fact that the Caribbean territories are involved. There eraent. which has been in does to a considerable extent is every reason to expect that Avenida Central Facing Botica Primavera itialled but is not yet in full represent a single area, and the enlarged body will be 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station operation. provides also for that the problems of one sec found to be very valuable. At San José a Deputy Secretary. Generation are likely to be problems any rate, the Commission is who will be a French or Neth of all of it. While those dir providing and will increasingly Conveniently situated Confortable Rooms Ho erlands and one British. An ectly concerned with the Com provide a laboratory in which ard Cold Water Baths Excellent Sanitary Service important decision of the mission consider that the whole conception of le Homelike environment. New furniture and Commission is that the re its real test is coming with the gional commisions can be equipment Varied and wholessome Food mainder of the staff of the establishment of the interna tested.
Respetability and Courtesy.
Secretariat shall be recruited tional secretariat, it is clear Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests as far as possible within the Reasonable Prices Caribbean area.
The Caribbean Commiss on.
Anúncies e e SYDNEY COX Manager like the original Anglo Ame.
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