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PAGINA LA INFORMACION Domingo, 28 de Marzo de 1915.
AVISOS OCASION ad dis palabras fracción do OXOSSO on on CINCO CENTIMOS por Luseroton. No so me Lorra Ros por tonos de JOODUDED TO Lutros. INDD DE ESTA PLCHA US gondiciones 200 25 céntimos por inserción ENGLISH SECTION LA INFORMACION (Exclusive and Special cable service)
suntos: cobrará como mínimo POR TE PALABRAR CUATRO INSERCIONES ate me HOA GO Jon Gonvenios exitonia, VERM CE necesitan 000 colones. Se ofrece 1a.
Shipoteca do casa hun situada en esta capital, construida contodos los requistos moderno. Dirigirse al Apartado 89.
First details of the great fire which early this morning broke out in Limón and which devastated a large area of valuable property GALLIPOTLA STACOSEARA ASTER catre el PE to do so to some advenStory of battle of Neuve Chapelle 5915 28 RSD TENGO PARA ALQUILAR varias casas do 10, QUEEN ELISABETH FIFTEEN INCH GUNS 13. 16 35 colones, Plozas con sorviofo interior y labo 8, 10 y 15 colonos.
LEAD IN ATTACKING DARDANELLES FORTS. FERANDEZ, 75 varas al sur del Colegio de Seltorias. 6845 28 mta Sab BLACK CE DESEA comprar mi cocia eléctrica de SEA segunda mano en perfecto estado. Drigirse al apartado 484. 5810 27 a 30 INERO PERDIDO on in tarde del jueves 25 por cantidad de 250 colonos en billetes Gratinoara persona te los dovuelva a la tienda do Podro Sauna.
fi. BOKALI PUUTA GEAN NECESITAN 200 plus de cable the una Since early this morning, ru living purposes. The rooms on Mr. Kilpatrick Drag store, the SEA.
MARMORA pintado, grandes la camarote Dirtane mors were current in this city the ground floor were rented Book Store of Maria de ILILLAT BURU Ofertas y precios Casilla 76.
SILBASR, ISME YORUBHU SEA 6812 27 a ma that a ladge fire had broken out both as living and business nes, Canalias Printing shop MARMORA in Limon. It was hard to obtain quarters. Among his tennants house the property of Mr. WuLQUILO BARATA FI ORK HANTE numerosa di contato Norte de la Iglesia ample details as the government he had a Spaniard who kept a gene Lamica and also the storado o Marcode 20 pisos. com todo telegraph line was interrupted, hotel at the corner.
ge building of Messrs. Felipe GALERS TON bugtas.
E665 a 15 ISMAEL HERRERA we are informed, by the same The fire after destdoying the Alvarado and Co.
DET ER BERATUS cause. On the other hand, the corner building quickly destroy The large proportions which TO COM AH TURKEY INNY OTERIA. Persona sumomente pobre, von United Fruit Company tele ed the next house, belonging to the fire took, in such a short or o por ajona, por TALLELES ASIA and contier Foto di trage atender a cap phone line, which was the only Mr. Lucas Alvarado, The flames space of time, was due to the languato contendendo Limon, has been exceedingly troyed the corner of square No. time none at all could be had, des nieros de loteriaellos el 2094 y otros, formando un total de 23. 00. Se gratis bark om persona que para bussy all day. Notwithstanding 31.
owing to the small quantity runoficina.
this rush over the line thanks mind ofinn.
Tho 5805 28 25 to this service we were able the police and private citizens pipes broke out just at the time the city.
SE ALQUILA la oasa enguinora frente a to obtain details of that great were to avail, and failed chie when the tide was low and the Bago mternacionate son qtte ocupó disaster.
don Agustin Sold. Informes on la casa fly owing to the scarcity of refore the sea water could not continua The fire broke out his morn. water.
be utilized.
5800 25 a 28 TEODOSIA DE MADRIZ. ing about four thirty in the It was not long before the The United Fruit Company OCASION. Vendo dos casas nuevas y un third story of the large house flames crossed the street to gladly permitted a connection Toto contigo. condiciones de pago, Intormes: Padrino Cato Molido property of Mr. Benjamin Piza, square No. 30 and burned down to be made with its private La Extrella 5799 25 a ab which was located in the city the store belonging to the chi water pipes and although all DE COMPRA un bad grando anuoricano. Se block No.
nese merchant Juan José León, efforts were made to take this Se non pracson rhona Sie, dirigidano. This building was located which has been established for connection as quicly as possiLA INFORMACION.
5804 25 a 28 mx opposite the building known unded the name of the given quite a number of years. The ble it was not until seven om three story building in which that those, fighting the fire we one misturar enda elde Pandora Fotelina. Doctor Valverde. Mr. Piza had was the next one to be destroy: tage Miguel 780827a 7ab nothing to do with his three ed and next the Blue House According to information CE ALQUILAN los altos del Hotel Francis story pdoperty which forr years was the one doomed to the sa which we have been able to ga. Anez del Imporal y el la tal que ocupa has been rented to a man me fate and it was not long be ther, most if not all the comla.
Pedro Vivas, who rented the fore the fire destroyed the store mercial establishments were inrooms in the upper stories for known as the Dollar Princess. sured in different companies.
PAGOS MENSUALES vendemos dos an tomovilo, is baratos que en los Es.
tados Unidos. Si usted tiene interés de ganar dinero en la proximin aviación y una buona garantía paso al Cometa.
5814 27 SO TE NECESITA una radostra con buanas re Inrencias para ensolar en el campo y en muy bueri alluna tros niños de primero nes, comida y ropa Impla y segundo grado. Sa pagina tado No. 430 5792, 24 a 30 inz QUEEN ELIZABETH ir ACTION patento en la Lecheria do tamafio regular, cachos al tiro, con una porilla on olcacho izquierdo, forro confuso com Among the warships in the allies fleet its capacity for destruction. She carries nelles forts. map showing the locaprada a J036 Manuel Chaves de Santo Domingo de Heredia. 5794 24 me a ab in the Dardanelles is the great nowEn eight fifteen inch guns, is rated at twention of these forts gives an ide of the glish super rednought Queen Elizabeth, Lyone knots and is of 27, 500 tons. displa difficulty confronting the allies in Forerecently completed. This warship is con cement. Her yung can easily outshooting a way through.
VENTA do materialos, puertas, ventanas, te LONDON, 18. Reuter dispatch. The Germans are begining to show with leavy losses. During three days the sidered the most terrible one afloat in anything that is carried in the Dardafa y motora sada se vende en in casa from Copenhagen states that the 16 signs of great exhaustion, and many on enemy was held back by our severe som que Hacionadala demollonda frento al Par dende publishes dispatches received from the attacking line held up their hands harement and the strong reinfortements RAFAEL GONZALEZ SOTO. trusworthy sources clearing that while when we advanced. Our infantry storm from many units that had been routi 5785 23 a 25 ma the crew of the German cruiser Karlsed a strong position near Houlin Du nuously arriving sinse the toth, attempt ruhe were having tea a great explosion pietre and about 50 soldiers with bombsed to beat is lack, but all their attempts AVISO. Se alquila en la villa del Cantón ocurred which split the ship in two. One usled on toward the trench and took failed. These German reinforrements do San Rafael de Horolla una casa gran half immediately sante, carrying the per 80 prisoners. In the afternoon the Gerwere thrown into the fight as soon as de: cómoda para uma farallia umarosa sons on that part of the ship down with man resistance weakened and in some they arrived. The losses of the Germanis Pope Coronto para proclo. domos in it. The other litt floated for some time, ases entire companies surrendered. Of during these engagements is estimated at comercio.
infrascrtio 5259 31 mafab. ROSARIO SANCHEZ permitting from 150 to 200 of the crew these many wore completely exhausted about 19, 700 men, including 700 prisoo escape in the boats. They were after wing to the beastly state in which their ners.
OFICINA DENTAL. Por ausentarse su dueward picked up try, the accompanying trenches aro half filled with water EASES Udo del país, so vendo una non dontal steamer which has already renelied Ger Many companies have lost all their of German officer, who is towa y con al: many. The suvivors have been sworn to ficers, and whole battalions Inve been prisoner dedhares that there were three unos aparatos eléctricos INFORMACION wiped out. As in most cases these Ger German Princess including copold 5769 26 mx LONDON The correspondent of the man prisoners have been mang lays of Hohenzollern, serving in an AEROGRAMS Evening News at Copenhagen states: without food. Their surrender does not Neuve Chapelle, and lie believes that SE DESTA comprar uma blolclota de se The Kniser and General von Falken reflect upon their bravery or strip them they have all perished LONDON, 25. Router dispatch. En ofl.
cina del Laberinto Informaran.
Sub hayn have arrived at army liendquarters of the glory of having fouglit gallantly British patrol discovered a dummy from Tenedos states that mine sweeper SHE LOOKS LIKE MUTT. BUT AMERICA near Lille in the western thenter, witly under strain which must have been ter soldier before the German trenched The Dardanellos, ut since the equinox alone in EN EL BARRIO de Amon so alenta una the object of useisting at the council of rible, and they surrendered after they standing fast in the mud, and one of BEST DOG WORTH 100. 000. COST 10.
eta pequonia enteramente amueblada war to be held. Already the Knisor, fed been fighting an enemy featly sit the men knocked it over with the result storma soldom last more than a week in this. of con cocina electrica General von Falleenhayn, and the Ba perior in members, and with vastly sun that it explozied a minc, killing all the tombardment is expected at ang mo 1720 17 me ta. PAPAEL ALVARADO varien Crown Prince have held a con perior artillery.
men in this patrol.
ference. The King of Saxony and the The great of the Bettah artillment, perhaps to day. The last erigny TUBO DE DIEZ PULGADAS do diametro pa Duke of Wurtemburg are on their way una instalación hidraulica sa come to be present at this council of war The effect of our tombardment my tery on the enemy is proved ly the statent between the ships and the fort De judged from the fact that, on March tement of a Prussian Officer who is now was a weale. According to relato taformas en estas onenas.
pra, en cantidades do 10 a 50 motros.
WASHIGTON. Secretary Danicis ro, when we approached the German a prisoner. He said: You do not hight, information recived from refugee today anthorized Commander Blakely ni trenches from Neuve Chapulle, some you under us nothing can live under from the Dardanelles, the Turks have CAL DE CONCHA DE PATARRA sa vende the cruiser Des Moines to Progreso, to of the survivors crawled out upon the ile fire from your guns. The efficienes suffered chorious foscos in the attack por correo toronto an Desamparados. ers atarmed at the disorders in the vici dazed. The village was converted into salment against the Britisli sunners tress magazines were reduced and be o competencia a domicilio.
Dietose afford asylum to refugees and foreign ground, Biolding up their hands utterly of our artillery has cuusela gowing to March 18th; the granter part of for INDALECIO PALLAS Turkish nity, who have asked for reinge on the a heap of shambles, with the streets pil uv which is often expressed by the pritet military value, owing to the mines American cruiser.
STENDO tina casa de madera en San Pedro Soner.
breaking ndriit. British destroyers on del Mojón, situada fronte a la Escuela, Despite our successes, in certain loGeneral Carranza, at a conference with punto intojornblo para vivir. Informara American naval and diplomatic officers calities the Germans continue to hold CINEVA. Dispatches to the Tri Wednesday penetrated into the Straits nu drofoon misma casa at Veracruz, las promised full protec out and resist our attaks with the time from Viena estate that negotia for a considerable distance, 5800 me a ab ELIAS MUNOZ.
NEW YORK, 25. Dispatches from tion.
most determination. The net result of tion Letween Berlin, Vienna, and Prin the operations in this quarter is that the ce von Butow, huve avruptly terminated. Paris state that while General Joffre NE VENDE on condiciones favorables la PARIS Havas dispatch from ground which we originally gained las Emperor Francis Joseple has become was observing the effect of experiments puidera Bomba Paso do Vao, Nish states that all Germans stopping been maintained while we inye advanc iritated with von Bulow constant it with a new and very high explosive.
son y taquilla. informar a at resorts on the Rivera in Italy have ed at certain quarters, talcing large num gestiona llist anolicr base for so un something went wrong with the explo3235 40 OR 10 seen privately notified by the authorities bers of prisoners. The German dend are verstanding with italy e cogit, busive which prematurely exploded and a RASAS baratas oontra tombloros: una frento leave Italy immediately.
piled high and thick on our frout, the Emperor has proved obdurate and General who was standing very near al. sala, LONDON. The press bureau publises At the sector south of Nouve Cha has declared that if Italy wants Trent was killed instantly, white General tres dormitorios, corredor, coonin, add the following statement by Colonel pelle, more thon 2, 000 berlies have been and Trieste while he lives, she will have Jofire was wounded in the right arm.
padlon badoo xurado do aquas onstatai Swinton: cotinted, and east of the village 500 more to fight for them. Negotiations my po BRELIN. via Sayville. The HaAl Norte del Pelayo, sala, dos dormitorios, corredor, co On March 17, the action around Neu have lieen seen. These numbers do not silly be reopened later with the object over Courier declares that the losses the Dardanellesch clua, baboy excusado, 20 colonos. ve Chapelle assumed the form of inces include the killed in Neuve Chapelle of wining time, but for the present von of the allies in 6004 10 mas o sant efforts of the enemy to regain lost where many Germans have seen buried Bulow plans have failel.
March 28th, were, 200 killed including on board the inflexible they have TECTURA EXPRESION MUSICAL. Clases to enable us to progress further. On the the line occupied at Enineite, which wa ground, but the only result obtained was in the masonery for the bodies belind BERLIN. via Sayville. The Unit also lost 54 cannon. Except uniportant concista oon acompaniamiento de vis morning of March 13, the German con captured by means of a surprise attack, ed States government is greatly irritated engagements at the Heights of Meuse, In de VMATFORD VIC 3702 14 a 31 inz CARLOS GUTIERREZ ter attacks were renewed along the with trifling losses. The position capthrover the strict ccrsorship observed by Southeast of Verdun, bombardment at whole frnt. All around the village and cd is about half a mile long representa the British on calles between the Unit Battmans Weilerkopf was still continued DI VENDE en condictones may favorables also torth of it. These counter attacks ting a pain of 300 yards from our ed States and Sweden, it is expected there were only artillery duels at the She cast her owner 10. Now slie happened to catch sight of terrier una. CBD nova, contre tomblores alta resulted in great losses to the enemy, ginal, tenches. On the night of March that the Washington government will Western front yesterday. In the leastern men an la do Consorcio entre Av. 21. y la Infor including large numbers of prisoners 12, the Germans attempted to relake shortly make an energitic protest at the arena the Russian attacks East an South worth Sto. coo, Matford Vic is her name, which was then out of the puppy stave, taken.
their old position, but we remused the British Foreign Office against this.
east of Augustowo near Jeviorezek and and she the suporme prize winner and lic said: That is a fine dog that MONTEALEGRE BONILLA.
N1105 of Trem lave les Te America classic dog exlibit, the West you have there, Why don you exhibit Av. O. No.
5454 tb. Desce minster Kennel club show in New York it here? The owner was skeptical, reCENIVA, 25 Dispatches from city, George Quintard wire hair marking tot he would not have a chace NE ALQUILA en los altos de la casa per mario The Ta FR Fiat Ta Vienna state that the Austrian Governed fox terrier lad her first glimpse of against the champions that were entered, tenoció a dona Maria Alvarado, 100 vament declares the fosses at Przemysl life from the obscurity of an English Int at last he was prevailed upon 10 ras al Sur dol Banco do Costa Rica, una were six genels and about 2, 500 Di Barnyard, from which she was taken af Benel Vic. Absolute consternation seized pieza ampla otras tres mas pegadas calle, y muy cómodo, con frente a la fieers to ufficials alio 70. 000 soldiers. ter the payment of a paltry 10. It is him when the dog went through the conservlelo Interior. Es muy propia para great number of the cannon were an interesting story when this all bit classes a winner and he realized that ma orcima o bufete y al mismo tiempo puerendered useless and all the ammunition outcast is crowned in the quicon of dogs he had a champion. He laughed at his don servir de habitación los otros departa mentos Entonderso con liguel Guardia destroyed. It is calculated that the cape in this country. Some two years ago asons who had refused the dog and rem 5847 m2 a ab we will allow 170, 000 Russians to fancier of cocker spaniels living near fused an oifer of 500 for the fox SAN JOSE LIMON ourate elsewhere Birmingham went to purchase some terrier. Fiventully a higher bid was made ACOS PARA SAL vendo en Puntarenas LA PARIS, 25 (Officin. In the Cham dry. He was not versed in the terrier 1, 000, and that bouglit Mutford Vic, MASCOTA pugne yesterday there was a lively ar, breeds, but took a fancy to this little George Quintard agent then set out 3853 m2 30 CARAS Ca.
PRODUCTOR IMPORTADOR DE HARINAS fillery engagement in the noighborhood puppy, which was running around the to purchase the terrier, and it is said DE FOIL 120, where we repulsed three at Harnyard of an English Burner, and that the cost to the famour was about CARA DE QUIROS avian doctors Bu oluses de tack in Argude The German attack thought that it would make an interest 2, 500, On her first appearance in this Abril. Un oro a colonos mensuales Tiene el gusto de ofrecer al público su afamada harins LA LIBERTAD elabora at Fontaine Madame at Perges we reing playmate for li kratdichildren. He country Vic plured ihe honors in the y otra solamente para na pobres a 600pulsed also three counter stacles. Proin asked what the former would take for fox terrier classes at the Boston show 1000 al mes. 71, Cuesta de Nunez.
da en su Molino de Limón y la conocida marca CELESTE. De esta marca acabo de the rest of the front there is nothing the log and was atswered Ut St a year nya and was beaten at the New 5610 mx a ab recibir 000 bultos los cuales vendo en la Afunna de Limón a OCHO DOLLARS y al mis. 1o Tot wond parchase it. He took it tome and Yock show liy Vickery Foot Prestit WASHINGTON, asti. It Im Dom was lattice at hy each of his two Sons, The only other lerent whicly le dicen TTENDO ALQUILO la casa de alto al Desmo procio en esta, agregándole los gastos.
announced that the Sime Department. Woul le tried to give it to they telling recorded against the dog was at the del dot Colégio do Señoritas 563 a 13 uz through the United States Minister at 1m thut it was not the king of a dog Toy Dog show, when Maltese Terrier VAROAS También vendo papel para panaderos y Bicarbonato de Soda.
og hak calle Germany attento appeal to their children. The grand was placed above Vis the best dos 4579. 18 oct.
tion to the artack of German aeroplane father was discouragot, tant le decided in the show. The judge, Lowever, allVENDO CAMBIO por otra una volunta on the Beginn Relief Commission Shin to hold the door and one day look itmitted timt the placing war vorent Puede verso en el Taller de Tuan MarPennd. but no answorlas been made to a slow in which he was exhibiting somewhat by his view that a fox terrier inez en el Turrujal 8730 15 m2 80 tel Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica amicis. terrier fancier was not in reality toy dog.
United Stated protest to Germany against bombardement of relief ship lo más moderna comblr gifsen LA secrecy, EUGENIO LAMICO razo.
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